Photochemical studies of the alkylammonium molybdates. Part 4. Electron spin resonance study of an irradiated single crystal of hexakis-(isopropylammonium) dihydrogen octamolybdate dihydrate
A single-crystal e.s.r. study of the formation of Mo5+ on irradiation of the title compound [NH3Pr1]6[H2Mo8O28]·-2H2O has been carried out at room temperature using 100-kHz modulation. The main line arising from the naturally abundant 96Mo(I= 0) is split into three hyperfine lines (1 : 2 : 1) owing to superhyperfine interaction with two equivalent hydrogen atoms. The hyperfine lines due to 95Mo and 97Mo could not be analysed because of lack of resolution of weaker resonances. The principal components of the g and 1H superhyperfine tensors are g1 1.955, g2 1.941, g3 1.897, |A1| 10.14 × 10–4 cm–1, |A2| 9.28 × 10–4 cm–1, and |A3| 8.69 × 10–4 cm–1. From the correlation with X-ray crystal-structure data, it is proposed that the formation of MovO4(OH)2 in a MoO6 octahedral site is a highly probable mechanism for the u.v.-induced colouration.