η7-Cycloheptatrienylmolybdenum complexes. Part 1. Formation and oxidation of mixed-valence dimolybdenum complexes
Tricarbonyl(η7-cycloheptatrienyl)molybdenum tetrafluoroborate reacts with halogenotrimethyl silanes to give initially the complexes [MoX(η7-C7H7)(CO)2](X = Cl, Br, or I). These complexes undergo further reaction to yield the dimolybdenum species [Mo2X3(η7-C7H7)2]. The tri-iodo-complex has also been obtained by treating [Mo(η6-C6H5Me)(η7-C7H7)][BF4] with SiMe3I. Electrochemical studies suggest the existence of cationic complexes [Mo2X3(η7-C7H7)2]+, and this has been chemically accomplished with the mild oxidising agents p-NO2C6H4N2BF4, PhN2PF6, and I2. Moreover, [Mo(η7-C7H7)(CO)3][BF4] reacts with iodine to give [MO2-(µ-I)3(η7-C7H7)2][I3].