Issue 0, 1973

Rotational isomerism and barriers to internal rotation in hydroxyacetonitrile from microwave spectroscopy


The microwave spectra of HOCH2CN and DOCH2CN show that the molecule exists as the gauche rotamer in the gas phase. A large number of intense lines converging to a band head near 16 800 MHz for DOCH2CN and 110 700 MHz for HOCH2CN are attributed to the v= 1 â†� 0 transitions of the hydroxyl torsion. The rotational constants indicate that αe, the angle between the HOC and OCC planes at the potential minima is approximately 123° from the trans position. Potential functions which reproduce the observed v= 1 â†� 0 torsional frequencies have been obtained for 106° < αe < 116° and show there is a barrier of 270 ± 50 cm–1 at the cis position and one of 570 ± 200 cm–1 at the trans position. The rotational constants calculated from a molecular model and the potential functions indicate that αe is probably closer to 116° than 106°.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 1973,69, 569-578

Rotational isomerism and barriers to internal rotation in hydroxyacetonitrile from microwave spectroscopy

G. Cazzoli, D. G. Lister and A. M. Mirri, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 1973, 69, 569 DOI: 10.1039/F29736900569

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