Near ultra-violet absorption spectrum of crystalline benzoxazole in polarized light
The absorption anisotropy of crystalline benzoxazole in the region 35 000-40 000 cm–1 is investigated from room temperature down to 40 K. Results of the vibrational analysis are compared to those previously obtained in the vapour. Two new excited state frequencies 850 cm–1 and 196 cm–1, possibly of A″ symmetry, and two lattice modes, 48 and 83 cm–1 are evidenced. For the origin of the transition a Davydov splitting of 50 cm–1 is invoked. Changes in frequency and absorption intensity with temperature are discussed. Optical and spectroscopic data lead to the inference that the benzoxazole crystal belongs to the C52h(P21/c) space group, with four molecules per unit cell.