Issue 0, 1971

The radiolysis of ethanol–ethylene systems. Part I. Telomerisation reactions at low pressures


The products of the radiolysis of ethylene-saturated ethanol solutions are hydrogen, acetaldehyde, butan-2-ol, hexan-2-ol, 3-methylheptan-3-ol, and octan-2-ol. The yields increase with increasing ethylene concentration, decrease with increasing dose rate, and increase sharply with temperature. The results are consistent with a short chain mechanism initiated by the α-hydroxyalkyl radical. Values for apparent activation energies for the formation of the secondary alcohols have been obtained.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. B, 1971, 809-813

The radiolysis of ethanol–ethylene systems. Part I. Telomerisation reactions at low pressures

R. A. Basson and L. van Wyk, J. Chem. Soc. B, 1971, 809 DOI: 10.1039/J29710000809

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