Aspects of mass spectra of organic compounds. Part VIII. Calculation of ionization potentials of disubstituted benzenes and their importance in Hammett correlations in mass spectrometry
Molecular ionization potentials are well-defined quantities and provide the most reliable energy term in attempts to correlate mass spectrometric fragmentation reactions with Hammett-type σ-constants. Ionization potentials are important in these correlations and sometimes appear to become the most important term. Some of the factors affecting the relationship between ionization potentials and σ-constants are examined. Equations are derived which allow the calculation of the ionization potentials of disubstituted benzene compounds and provide also a means of examining the relationship between them and σ-constants. For molecular ionization potentials it appears that yet another set of Hammett constants is necessary, but that these are not necessarily effective overall in mass spectrometric fragmentation reactions.