The thermal decomposition of potassium permanganate and related substances. Part I. Chemical aspects
The thermal decomposition of KMnO4 in the temperature range 25–900° in air and nitrogen has been studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction, and chemical analysis. The idealised decomposition equation (250°, air) was found to be 10 KMnO4→ 2·65 K2MnO4+(2·35 K2O,7·35 MnO2·05)+ 6 O2.
Decomposition in air at higher temperatures (up to 540°) or in nitrogen gave the same amount of K2MnO4 but larger amounts of O2 owing to changes in composition of the ‘K4Mn7O16’ phase (in brackets). This poorly crystalline material rapidly absorbs water vapour from the atmosphere to form a poorly crystalline hydrate ‘K4Mn7O16,nH2O’(n ca. 5); the hydrate dehydrates on heating above 100°. ‘K4Mn7O16’ and its hydrate have different (but unknown) crystal structures. The hydration and dehydration reactions are rapid and reversible.
Decomposition of K2MnO4 above 540° in air and nitrogen has been studied by the same techniques. The decomposition equation (620°, nitrogen) was found to be 10 K2MnO4→ 5·7 K3MnO4+ 0·5(2·9 K2O,8·6 MnO2·1)+ 3·40 O2
This reaction was shown to be reversible in air. K2MnO4 reacts with atmospheric CO2 to form unidentified phases at ca. 400° but these give the same decomposition products at higher temperatures as were obtained in a CO2-free atmosphere. K3MnO4 was shown, by high-temperature X-ray diffraction, to undergo a number of phase changes on heating to 900°; there is considerable hysteresis on cooling. K3MnO4 is stable in both dry air and nitrogen in the temperature range 25–900° but reacts rapidly with water vapour.
There is good agreement between our experimental results and most of those of earlier workers; there are, however, considerable differences in interpretation. Similar but less detailed studies were made for the isomorphous Rb compounds.