Issue 0, 1970

Fluoride crystal structures. Part XIV. Antimony trifluoride: a redetermination


Crystals of antimony trifluoride are orthorhombic, space group C2cm, a= 4·95, b= 7·46, c= 7·26 Å, as previously reported. The structure was refined by three-dimensional least-squares methods, to R 0·072 for 370 reflections. Each antimony atom has three close fluorine neighbours with mean Sb–F distances 1·92 Å. These SbF3 units are then linked through three fluorine bridges (Sb⋯F 2·61 Å) to form a three-dimensional network, with a much distorted octahedral co-ordination around the antimony atom.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. A, 1970, 2751-2753

Fluoride crystal structures. Part XIV. Antimony trifluoride: a redetermination

A. J. Edwards, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1970, 2751 DOI: 10.1039/J19700002751

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