Issue 0, 1970

Reactions of low-valent metal complexes with fluorocarbons. Part X. Reactions of tetrakis(methyldiphenylphosphine)platinum


Tetrakis(methyldiphenylphosphine)platinum reacts with bromotrifluoroethylene to give (Ph2PMe)2Pt(C2F3Br)(I) and, unexpectedly, trans-(Ph2PMe)2Pt(Ph)Br (II). The fluoro-olefin complex (I) readily rearranges to the perfluorovinyl compound trans-(Ph2PMe)2Pt(CF:CF2)Br (III). The rearrangement is accelerated by silver salts, and treatment of (I) or (Ph3P)2Pt(C2F3Br) with silver acetate affords respectively trans-L2Pt(CF:CF2)OAc (L = Ph2PMe or Ph3P). Treatment of (I) with carbon monoxide leads to isomerisation with formation of (Ph2PMe)(PhPMeC6H4)Pt(CF:CF2)(H) Br (IV). Reaction between (Ph2PMe)4Pt and C3F7l gives trans-(Ph2PMe)Pt(C3F7)l and (Ph2PMe)2Pt(C6H5)2l2. The corresponding reaction with CF3l affords trans-(Ph2PMe)2Pt(CF3)l. The acid chloride n-C3F7COCl reacts with (Ph2PMe)4Pt to give trans-(Ph2PMe)2Pt(COC3F7)Cl.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. A, 1970, 947-951

Reactions of low-valent metal complexes with fluorocarbons. Part X. Reactions of tetrakis(methyldiphenylphosphine)platinum

A. J. Mukhedkar, M. Green and F. G. A. Stone, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1970, 947 DOI: 10.1039/J19700000947

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