Volume 62, 1966

Phase transformation, oxidation and hydration of praseodymium sesquioxide


The CA transformation of Pr2O3 has been examined. The transformation is sluggish and takes place at and above 750°C. C-Pr2O3 is oxidized at a lower temperature than the A-form and oxidation proceeds in two stages in both cases. A hydrate Pr2O3 H2O, formed by the interaction of C-Pr2O3 and water at relatively high temperature, is described and its behaviour compared with that of Pr(OH)3. The C-form undergoes hydration at 40°C while the A-form does not. All the observations have been explained in terms of the defect structure of C-Pr2O3.

Article information

Article type

Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966,62, 1632-1637

Phase transformation, oxidation and hydration of praseodymium sesquioxide

R. L. N. Sastry, P. N. Mehrotra and C. N. R. Rao, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966, 62, 1632 DOI: 10.1039/TF9666201632

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