A resonant photoemission study of La 4f-states in the LaMn2Si2 intermetallic compound
The electronic structure of the ternary LaMn2Si2 intermetallic compound is investigated by means of valence band resonant photoemission spectroscopy at the La 4d–4f, 3d–4f, 3p–5d and Mn 2p–3d thresholds. To investigate the La 4f-states we tuned the photon energy towards the 3d–4f, 4d–4f absorption thresholds, which leads to the resonant enhancement of the photoemission intensity from the 4f-shell. The electronic structure calculations within density functional theory are found to be in good agreement with the experimental spectra and similarly demonstrate the presence of La 4f- and Mn 3d-states in these compounds.