Jonathan S.
Nathan D.
Ellie B.
Tyler S. S.
Christopher J.
c and
aCentre for Additive Manufacturing, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus, Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK. E-mail:
bCPCIF Key Laboratory of Advanced Battery Systems and Safety, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
cSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK
First published on 27th June 2024
Colloidal low-dimensional photo-sensitive nanomaterials have attracted significant interest for optoelectronic device applications where inkjet printing offers a high accuracy and low waste route for their deposition on silicon-based, as well as flexible, devices. However, to achieve photodetection and displays with absorption and emission tuneable across the range from the ultraviolet (UV) to the near infrared (NIR), the availability of printable optically active materials needs to be addressed. In this work we develop printable ink formulations of graphene quantum dots (GQDs), NaYF4:(20%Yb and/or 2%Er doped) upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs), and PbS quantum dots (QDs) and demonstrate their use in devices such as graphene-based photodetectors and fluorescent displays. The ink formulations, printing strategies and post-deposition techniques were developed and optimised to enable the deposition of photo-sensitive nanomaterial layers in a controllable manner onto flexible polymeric, glass and silicon substrates. The nanomaterials retained their properties post deposition, as we exemplify by photosensitisation of single layer graphene (SLG) photodetector devices, with spectral responsivity tuneable from the UV for GQD/SLG to the NIR for UCNP/SLG and PbS/SLG devices, with photoresponsivity up to R ∼ 103 A W−1. Fluorescent displays were also demonstrated consisting of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals and UCNPs inkjet printed onto flexible transparent substrates, for selective sensing of UV and NIR light. This work successfully expands the material library of printable optically active materials and demonstrates their potential for printed optoelectronics, including flexible devices.
Here we develop printable ink formulations of GQDs, NaYF4:(20%Yb and/or 2%Er doped) UCNPs, and PbS QDs inks and demonstrate their use for devices such as graphene-based photodetectors and fluorescent displays. By developing and optimising ink formulations, printing strategies and post-deposition techniques, photo-sensitive nanomaterial layers were deposited in a controllable manner onto glass, silicon and flexible polymeric substrates, and were also integrated into printed heterostructures. We exemplify the potential of our nanomaterial ink formulations by using them as surface functionalisation layers in single layers graphene (SLG) photodetectors, where photoresponsivity up to R ∼ 103 A W−1 can be achieved and spectral range is tuneable from the UV for GQD/SLG to the NIR for UCNP/SLG and PbS/SLG devices. We also explore deposition of multiple inks into one structure, illustrating that devices such as fluorescent displays can be produced, as we report here with CsPbBr3 perovskite NCs and UCNP inkjet printed onto flexible transparent substrates. This work expands the material library of printable optically active nanomaterials and showcases their prospective use for printed optoelectronics, including flexible devices.
Ink formulations need to satisfy the rheological requirements for inkjet deposition,20 while ensuring compositional and colloidal stability of the nanoparticles. For water based inks, GQDs (size of < 10 nm) and PbS QDs capped with dihydrolipoic-acid polyethylene-glycol-amine (DHLA-PEG400-NH2) ligands (average diameter d = 3.0 ± 1.0 nm)21 were used (Fig. 1b and SI1, Fig. S1, ESI†). To formulate the inks, QDs were added to a mixture of water, butanol and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) (8.6:
1.1 v/v) to form a solution with final QD concentration of 1 mg mL−1. The solvents were selected for ink formulation based on their distinct boiling points and surface tensions (80 °C, 100 °C, 120 °C and 22 mN m−1, 72 mN m−1, 24 mN m−1 for IPA, water, and butanol, respectively) in order to inhibit the coffee ring effect.22 The inks had an inverse Ohnesorge number of Z = 31.5 for PbS QDs and Z = 19 for GQDs, which allowed consistent drop formation without any satellite droplets or instability over time. The drop formation and contact angle analysis were performed (SI1, Fig. S2, ESI†). As expected, the contact angle for water-based inks was ∼40°, while organic solvent-based inks had low contact angles of < 5° on Si/SiO2 substrates. The printing was performed on a Dimatix inkjet printer in air with a substrate temperature of Tsubstrate = 60 °C to facilitate solvent evaporation during printing. After printing, films were annealed in air at 100 °C for 30 minutes to remove any residual solvents.
Continuous printed films of PbS QDs were achieved on Kapton, polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), glass and Si/SiO2 substrates after the deposition of the number of printed layers nL = 4 (Fig. 1f). Note that a single printed droplet has a spot size of ∼30 μm on Si/SiO2 (Fig. S2, ESI†). Importantly, the optical properties of the PbS QDs were preserved following ink formulation and the inkjet deposition process, with PbS QD films displaying an optical emission peak centred at λ ∼ 990 nm (SI1, Fig. S1b, ESI†).
For GQDs, de-wetting was observed on Kapton, PEN and Si/SiO2 substrates; printed films formed many isolated islands with a diameter ∼15 μm (Fig. S2, ESI†). The difference in wetting between the two inks is due to the PEG ligands on the PbS QDs resulting in reduced viscosity and increased surface tension of the ink. More favourable wetting was observed for the GQD ink on glass, where a single printed droplet has a diameter of ∼40 μm and continuous films were achieved after the deposition of nL = 5 printed layers. However, non-optimal wetting still caused non-uniformity in printed films. This was accompanied by quenching of PL emission, due to aggregation of GQDs. To ensure colloidal stability and dispersion of the GQDs in the ink, and to improve substrate wetting, a small amount (0.86 mg mL−1) of the polymers PEG or polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was added to form the GQD-PEG and GQD-PVP inks, respectively. The inks had Z = 47 for GQD-PEG and Z = 21 for GQD-PVP, which allowed consistent jetting to be achieved. The GQD-PVP ink displayed the best wetting and film uniformity; a single printed droplet left a spot size of ∼30 μm on Si/SiO2 and Kapton substrates, and continuous GQD films were printed on Si/SiO2, glass, Kapton and PEN substrates after the deposition of nL = 5 printed layers (Fig. 1d and 2a). Some non-uniformity of the intensity of optical emission was revealed by PL mapping (SI1, Fig. S3, ESI†), likely due to the high surface tension and low viscosity of the ink, which causes a capillary force that pulls the ink towards the start of the printing swathe (left) during drying.23 Both printed films, GQD-PEG and GQD-PVP, displayed visible fluorescence and PL peak centred at λ = 485 nm under UV excitation (λex = 365 nm) (Fig. 2a and b). For GQD films stored at ambient conditions, a PL peak was also recorded at λ = 610 nm which is attributed to QD oxidation. The emission and absorption spectra of the GQD-PEG and GQD-PVP do not show any evidence of QD oxidation (Fig. 2b and SI1, Fig. S3c, ESI†). Hence, the addition of these polymers into the ink formulation not only improves the uniformity and optical properties of the printed films, but also prevents the QDs oxidation, enhancing their environmental stability.
Nanomaterials dispersed in non-polar solvents were formulated following the modified protocol, which we developed for perovskite NCs.10 We used CsPbBr3 NCs (size ∼11 ± 1 nm)10 (Fig. 1e), NaYF4:20%Yb, 2%Er UCNPs, (Fig. 1g), and NaYF4:2%Er UCNPs synthesized by a thermal coprecipitation method (diameter d = 18.8 ± 1.7 nm) (Fig. 1c and SI1, Fig. S4, ESI†).24 UCNP inks were formulated in a mixture of hexane, cyclohexanone, and terpineol (1:
1 v/v) with a final UCNP concentration of 20 mg mL−1 and inverse Ohnesorge number of Z = 7. This is lower than the Z = 17 observed in the perovskite ink, which is due to the increased nanoparticle size and higher concentration of the UCNPs leading to a greater ink viscosity. A single droplet of UCNPs on Si/SiO2 substrate has a diameter of ∼35 μm, comparable to the drop of perovskite ink (∼40 μm). Higher nanoparticle loading in the UCNP ink enabled deposition of continuous thin films with a single printed layer, as well as films produced with nL ≥10. Both UCNPs inks showed a sharp absorption peak at 980 nm and the printed films displayed fluorescence under λex = 980 nm illumination with two PL peaks centered at 540 nm and 654 nm (SI1, Fig. S4b, ESI†), confirming that the optical properties of the UCNP are retained in inkjet printed films. The printed NaYF4:20%Yb 2%Er UCNP films displayed green fluorescence and printed NaYF4:2%Er UCNP films displayed orange fluorescence due to the different ratios of PL peak intensities. Raman spectroscopy mapping indicated that the uniformity of the UCNPs distribution in the printed film is increased with increasing number of printed layers from nL = 1 to 10 (SI1, Fig. S5, ESI†), however, small areas of UCNP aggregates are observed, which can be attributed to the coffee ring effect.
To demonstrate the potential of our nanoparticle inks for device application, we explore their performance in two types of devices: photodetectors and fluorescent displays. For photon detection, the nanoparticle inks were printed onto a SLG device, discussed below, and act as a photosensitive layer. In this type of detector, the spectral range is defined by the absorption profile of the nanoparticles, and the photoresponsivity is affected by the transfer efficiency of photoexcited charges from the nanoparticles into graphene. Other parameters, such as nanoparticle PL lifetime, surface doping and carrier mobility of graphene also contribute to device performance.25,26
Graphene field effect transistors (GFET) fabricated using CVD grown SLG placed on Si/SiO2 substrate (SiO2 layer thickness 285 nm)27 were used as platforms for ink deposition. Pristine GFET devices demonstrated p-type conductivity with Dirac point (minimum conductivity) at Vg ≈ +50 V (Fig. 2c, inset, black line) corresponding to p ≈ 4 × 1012 cm−2 and mobility μ ≈ 2000 cm2 V−1 s−1, as is typical for this type of device.27 Following the deposition of nanoparticle inks, the position of the Dirac point shifted toward negative gate voltages suggesting a strong n-type surface doping effect. For example, the Dirac point of a SLG device shifted from Vg = +55 V to Vg = −5 V (n = 3.6 × 1011 cm−2) after deposition of GQD ink (Fig. 2c, inset, blue line). The electron mobility increased from μe = 2100 cm2 V−1 s−1 to μe = 3500 cm2 V−1 s−1, while hole mobility decreased from μh = 3500 cm2 V−1 s−1 to μh = 2300 cm2 V−1 s−1. We note that the difference in carrier mobility is likely due to the presence of both positive and negative impurities in SLG, which has different scattering rates for electrons and holes.
Deposition of GQD-PEG and GQD-PVP also resulted in surface doping and affected carrier mobility in graphene (Fig. 2c, inset, green line and SI2 Fig. S6, ESI†). We note that these changes are accompanied by an increase in hysteresis of σsd(Vg), which is affected by the sweep rate (SI2, Fig. S7, ESI†), and was previously observed in perovskite/graphene detectors and attributed to the slow charge accumulation in the layer of deposited nanocrystals acting as a top gate.25,26 To explore the charge dynamics of these devices, AC electrical measurements were performed (SI2, Fig. S7, ESI†), revealing constant capacitance of C = 16 pF for all frequencies in the range 10 Hz–100 kHz measured for pristine SLG GFET. Following deposition of GQD and GQD-PEG, the capacitance increased to C > 100 pF at low frequencies (f < 50 Hz), but remained similar, C ≈ 20 pF, at high frequencies (f > 10 kHz). This result confirms that charge accumulation in the top QD or nanocrystal layer can be observed only at low frequencies due to slow charge transfer between the SLG and nanoparticles.25σsd(Vg) dependence of GQD/SLG devices was also studied under constant illumination with λex = 405 nm (Fig. 2c) which caused a further n-type shift in the position of the Dirac point by ∼−10 V. This photo-response is attributed to the transfer of photoexcited electrons from the GQDs into graphene, as was observed previously in perovskite/SLG devices.10,25 The largest photo-response was recorded close to the Dirac point, at Vg = −4 V during forward Vg sweeps.
Similar results were observed for SLG devices decorated with PbS QDs and UCNP, however, the magnitude of their effect on the electrical properties of the SLG is different, which is likely due to the different sizes of the nanoparticles and capping ligands used. It is known that for insulating nanoparticle films, the surface doping arises due to charge transfer from the nanoparticles in the immediate vicinity to the SLG, hence, the nanoparticle size and the packing density can affect the magnitude of the observed effect.28 Indeed, for SLG devices decorated with PbS QDs (QD diameter ∼3 nm; nL = 5), a large n-type shift of the Dirac point was observed from Vg = +30 V to Vg = −40 V (corresponding to charge transfer Δn = 5 × 1012 cm−2). A smaller positive shift of the minimum of the σsd(Vg) by Vg ∼ 10 V (Δn = 7 × 1011 cm−2) was observed for the NaYF4:20%Yb 2%Er UCNP decorated device (NP diameter 19 nm; nL = 2). These concentrations are in qualitative agreement with the surface density of the used QDs calculated assuming a hexagonal close packed (hcp) lattice (filling factor 0.74): 4.2 × 1012 cm−2 for PbS QDs (size with capping ligands ∼5.5 nm) and 2.9 × 1011 cm−2 for UCNP (size with capping ligands ∼21 nm).
These surface decorated FETs are photosensitive. The GQD decorated devices are photosensitive in the UV range, with responsivity R up to 5.3 × 102 A W−1 recorded with λex = 405 nm (Fig. 3a) and response time of τON = 50 s and τOFF = 800 s (SI2, Fig. S8a, ESI†). The long response times are ascribed to the slow QD-SLG charge transfer and resulting photo-gating effect,25 which is also associated with very large (≫1 A W−1) responsivity due to long (>1 s) life time of the photoexcited charges. Among the three studied GQD formulations, the highest photo-response R = 5.3 × 102 A W−1 was measured for the GQD-PEG/SLG, compared to R = 1.7 × 102 A W−1 for the GQD/SLG (Fig. 3a), which can be attributed to the beneficial effects of PEG preventing the oxidation of the QDs. It should be noted that the length of the polymer used can affect the charge transfer process by creating a dielectric barrier. Since we used short chain PEG (Mw = 1000 Da), this has not affected the charge transfer, unlike longer chain PVP (Mw = 40000 Da), where lower maximum responsivity R ∼ 28 A W−1 was observed.
Photoresponsivity across the visible and NIR range was recorded for PbS/SLG from 405 nm to 808 nm (Fig. 3b), with no recorded photoresponse at λex = 1060 nm. These devices reached a photoresponsivity of R ≤ 1.8 × 102 A W−1 and demonstrated recoverable ON/OFF response with τON = 40 s and τOFF ∼300 s (SI2, Fig. S8b, ESI†). All decorated SLG photodetectors had similar power dependence R ∼ P−0.7, which was previously reported for this type of devices prepared using conventional drop-casting or spin-coating methods.28–30 As expected from the absorption profile with a narrow absorption band at 980 nm (FWHM = 15 nm), the UCNPs/SLG device is photosensitive only in this wavelength range (Fig. 3c). Under illumination with λex = 970 nm, the device has R ∼ 3 A W−1 and response times of τON = τOFF = 20 s (SI2, Fig. S8c, ESI†). Interestingly, in these devices, R is independent of illumination power (Fig. 3c, inset). This is an uncommon observation for decorated SLG photodetectors, which might indicate the presence of a photovoltaic effect,31 and merits further detailed studies.
As such, we successfully used our formulated nanoparticle inks to deposit the photosensitive layers onto SLG devices producing photodetectors sensitive across the wavelength range from the UV to the NIR. The difference in photoresponsivity values observed in these devices is affected by a variety of factors, such as nanoparticle size, capping molecules, and dielectric properties of the medium in which nanoparticles are embedded. We envisage that R can be further enhanced by optimising these parameters, to increase the packing density in the layer in immediate proximity to the SLG and pre-select capping material with a lower dielectric constant and shorter chain length.
To demonstrate the versatility of the formulated nanomaterial inks and benefits of geometric design freedom of the inkjet deposition method, we designed and printed a fluorescent UV and NIR sensor, in the shape of a laser-warning sign pattern onto a flexible and transparent PEN substrate, using the NaYbF4:2%Er3+ UCNP, with orange fluorescence, and the CsPbBr3 perovskite NC, with green fluorescence, inks (Fig. 4). We note that for the selected pair of materials, no energy transfer is expected: CsPbBr3 with λ = 514 nm, λabs < 510 nm and NaYbF4:2%Er3+ UCNP with λ = 654 nm, absorption band centred at λabs = 970 nm. Under λex = 365 nm and λex = 980 nm, the sensor exhibited bright green and orange fluorescence, respectively, with well-defined patterns corresponding to the photoluminescence of the perovskite NCs and UCNPs (Fig. 4). Alternative pairs of materials can be selected to enable resonant energy transfer, which could be beneficial for applications, such as energy harvesting, biosensing etc. This work illustrates the opportunities that can be enabled by combining geometric design freedom with novel functional inks developed in this work.
These results demonstrate that inkjet deposition of optically active nanoparticles can provide a route for precise deposition and low-waste sustainable manufacturing, bringing the material advancements achieved in colloidal synthesis to industry relevant processes such as inkjet deposition. Increased availability of functional materials for additive manufacturing could offer exciting opportunities for the development of next generation optoelectronic devices, fluorescence sensing and optical encoding among many others.
The results reported here demonstrate the benefits that can be achieved with inkjet printing of functional materials. Inkjet printing offers high degree of geometric design freedom combined with high precision of drop deposition (∼10 μm), which is not achievable by other solution processing technologies, such as drop-casting and spin coating. The drop-on-demand deposition provides low material waste and multi-material capabilities for fast (20 kHz) and scalable manufacturing of required pattern designs. In addition, compatibility of inkjet deposition with substrates used in traditional silicon-based technologies, offers unique opportunities for functionalisation of devices. For example, multiple SLG devices, typically produced on a single chip, can be selectively and accurately decorated with nanoparticles, for customisable photodetection, as demonstrated in our work.
Graphene quantum dot, GQD, solution (1 mg mL−1 in water, product number 900560) and graphene ink (2.4 wt% solid content in 85:
15 mixture of cyclohexanone/terpineol, product number 793663) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich.
Inks for PbS QDs capped with PEG were made by mixing 1 mg mL−1 of PbS QDs (1 mL) with butanol (0.032 mL) and IPA (0.11 mL). The solution was then sonicated for 30 minutes at room temperature and stored under N2. The ink had a density of 1.01 g cm−3, a viscosity of 0.97 mPa S and a surface tension of 54.5 mN m−1 at room temperature.
UCNP inks were formulated for inkjet printing by dispersing 20 mg mL−1 of UCNPs in 1 mL mixture of hexane, cyclohexanone, and terpineol (1:
1 v/v) and sonicating for 30 minutes at room temperature. The inks were stable and stored in ambient conditions.
Perovskite nanoparticle inks were formulated by dispersing 5 mg mL−1 CsPbBr3 NCs in a mixture of hexane, cyclohexanone, and terpineol (1:
1 v/v) and sonicating for 30 minutes at room temperature, and stored at room temperature under N2 atmosphere.10
Printing of PbS QDs was performed with 20 μm drop spacing, Tsubstrate = 60 °C. Printed PbS films were annealed at Tanneal = 100 °C for 30 minutes in air. For printing of UCNP inks, 20 μm drop spacing and Tsubstrate = 60 °C were used. Cleaning cycles were performed with purge for 0.1 s every layer. For post deposition, the UCNPs films were annealed at 250 °C for 1 hour. Perovskite inks were printed under N2 atmosphere with 20 μm drop spacing and Tsubstrate = 60 °C. Cleaning cycles were performed with purge for 0.1 s every layer and films were dried on the print bed for 30 minutes after printing.10
Transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy: The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were performed on the JEOL 2100F operating at 200 kV equipped with a Gatan K3-IS direct detection camera. And 3 microliters dispersion of sample was drop-casting onto ultrathin carbon support (Agar Scientific ultrathin carbon on lacey amorphous carbon on 400 mesh Cu).
Optical absorbance measurements were conducted with a Cary 3500 UV-Vis spectrophotometer. GQD absorption measurements were obtained by loading 0.01 mg mL−1 solution of GQD inks into quartz cuvettes (Hellma Analytics) and thin film absorption measurements were made by drop-casting onto quartz substrates. UCNP absorption measurements were obtained for 20 mg mL−1 UCNPs inks in Kartell PS 1.5 mL cuvettes.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |