Aaron D.
Amy Z.
a and
Stefan A.L.
aMax Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
bInstitute for Nano- and Microfluidics, TU Darmstadt, Peter-Grünberg-Str. 10, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
cInstitute for Photovoltaics, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany. E-mail:
First published on 10th April 2024
Spontaneous charge separation in drops sliding over a hydrophobized insulator surface is a well-known phenomenon and lots of efforts have been made to utilize this effect for energy harvesting. For maximizing the efficiency of such devices, a comprehensive understanding of the dewetted surface charge would be required to quantitatively predict the electric current signals, in particular for drop sequences. Here, we use a method based on mirror charge detection to locally measure the surface charge density after drops move over a hydrophobic surface. For this purpose, we position a metal electrode beneath the hydrophobic substrate to measure the capacitive current induced by the moving drop. Furthermore, we investigate drop-induced charging on different dielectric surfaces together with the surface neutralization processes. The surface neutralizes over a characteristic time, which is influenced by the substrate and the surrounding environment. We present an analytical model that describes the slide electrification using measurable parameters such as the surface charge density and its neutralization time. Understanding the model parameters and refining them will enable a targeted optimization of the efficiency in solid–liquid charge separation.
Charge separation is a phenomenon observed at different solid–liquid interfaces.23,25–30 One fundamental aspect of solid–liquid contact is the electric double layer (EDL), which forms through the adsorption of ions from the liquid, protonation or deprotonation of surface groups, or the preferential dissolution of ions.31 When a sliding water drop leaves some of this charge on the dewetted surface after the drop, we call this effect slide electrification. During this process, the drop acquires an equal and opposite charge.14,15,32,33 Although some surfaces can acquire positive charges,34 most hydrophobic surfaces charge negatively while the sliding drops acquire positive charges. A possible mechanism of charge separation is that a certain fraction (α) of the surface charge within the EDL remains on the surface as the receding contact line moves.14,16 However, a direct measurement of the charge separation at the receding contact line has not been reported, so far.
The methods presented until now have quantified the drop charge and assumed that the opposite charge is left on the surface behind the drop. However, the quantification of the retained charge by the surface and surface charge neutralization are still missing. Here, we use a method inspired by TENGs to directly measure the solid–liquid charge separation as the contact line moves over the surface. Moreover, by comparing the surface charge left by grounded drops with the surface charge density in EDL, we can estimate how much of the surface charge from the EDL is left behind on the solid surface and how fast the charge is neutralized. Both of these quantities—the charge left on the surface and the surface discharge time—affect the measured capacitive current and thereby the harvested energy. Hence, understanding these processes and their dependencies on the specific materials and the environment can help to optimize energy harvesting.
To ensure that the sample surface was neutral at the beginning of each experiment, we neutralized any previous surface charge using an ionizing air blower (Simco-Ion Aerostat PC Ionizing air blower) for 5 minutes before starting the experiment. The experiments were done at a temperature of 22 ± 1° and humidity of 30–50% and the tilted plate and the electrodes were all enclosed in a Faraday cage. A peristaltic pump (Gilson Minipuls 3, Wisconsin, USA) was used to pump DI water (Sartorius Arium Pro VF, 18.2 MΩ resistivity, Germany) into a grounded metallic syringe (diameter 2 mm, drop volume V = 45 μL). The drops fell from a height of (0.5 ± 0.2) cm and slid for (1 ± 0.2) cm to a first grounding electrode that defined the beginning of the sliding distance. To start the data acquisition, we used a laser trigger system positioned 20 ± 5 mm before the probe electrode. From this point, the capacitive current from the subsurface probe electrode beneath the substrate was recorded. Here, we used a sub femtoampere current amplifier (rise time: 0.8 ms, FEMTO DDPCA-300, Berlin, Germany) to record the current signal via a National Instrument data acquisition board (NI USB-6366 x-Series). Examples of such measurements are shown in the videos provided with ESI.†
We conducted two types of experiments: (i) to directly measure the surface charge left on hydrophobized glass, we placed Au-coated metal wire of thickness 0.4 mm parallel to the sliding drop path to continuously discharge the sliding drop. We also tried tungsten wire of thickness 0.025 mm as the grounding electrode and did not observe any difference. From the capacitive current to the sub-surface electrode we calculated the deposited surface charge (Fig. 1). (ii) To investigate the neutralization process of the surface charge, we varied the time between drops (Δt) in a sequence of grounded sliding drops and measured the effect on the surface charge density (Fig. 5).
To clarify the role of the static drop charge, we repeated the experiments with a grounded drop on a neutral surface (Fig. 2b). Here, we only observed a negative current peak. The absence of a positive peak is a clear proof that the working mechanism of capacitive TENGs is linked to the drop charge caused by the slide electrification. Nevertheless, as the drop moved over and away from the electrode, we observed a negative peak at 125 ms (Fig. 2b). We attribute this current to the negative charge left by the drop at the receding contact line. We only observed this negative current during the passage of the receding contact line over the electrode, clearly demonstrating that the charge separation occurs at the receding contact line. To study this surface charge transfer in more detail, the following discussion will address grounded drops, where we can neglect the influence of static drop charges.
σout = ασEDL. | (1) |
To quantify the surface charge density, σout, left by the grounded sliding drop on a neutral glass surface, we integrated the capacitive current (Ic) induced by the sliding drop. By normalizing the charge by the electrode area (2 × 10−5 m2), we obtained a surface charge density of σout = −28 ± 2: μC m−2. We compared this value to the expected equilibrium charge density in the EDL with σout using the Grahame equation,31 which relates the zeta potential and the charge density
![]() | (2) |
Here, εL and ε0 represent the dielectric constant of the liquid and vacuum, respectively. For this comparison, we used the zeta potential ζ = −36 mV at pH ≈ 5.5, as reported by Vogel et al.36 Using this ζ-potential and a typical Debye length of λD = 300–500 nm of distilled water in eqn (2), we estimated the surface charge density to be around −140 to −90 μC m−2. The comparison shows that all such measurements yielded 20–50% of the total charge density from EDL is left behind on the PFOTS coated substrate. Hence, understanding this fraction, α, and increasing it could help to increase the drop/surface charge, hence the induced current.
We also measured the surface charge density of several other hydrophobized glass surfaces. Fig. 3 illustrates the surface charge densities of trichloro(propyl)silane (TCPS), (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES), polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), and fluorocarbon (trichloro(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl)silane (PFOTS)) (details in previous work34). We observed a positive (σout = 5 ± 1: μC m−2) surface charge density for TCPS-APTES, potentially attributed to the presence of amino groups on the surface. Previous studies have indicated that the presence of APTES increases the surface charge density to a positive value, e.g. for nanoparticles coated with APTES,37 or for PDMS coated with APTES.38 The measured negative surface charge density for PFOTS and PDMS (σout = −7 ± 1: μC m−2) can be attributed to the presence of fluorine and hydrocarbon groups on the surface. These measurements confirm the correlation between the surface chemistry and slide electrification.
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 (a) Change in surface charge density, Δσ (red dots) of PFOTS on float glass with increasing drop number and increasing drop interval. The drop interval was changed during the experiment by reducing the rotational rate in the peristaltic pump. (b) Measurement in float glass substrate. Steady-state Δσ with increasing time between subsequent drops Δt. The first drop, with σin = 0, is represented by a blue point. Measured data is fitted using eqn (5). |
The change in surface charge density as a drop slides at location x can be written as
Δσn = [σin,n(x) − σout,n(x)] | (3) |
The dynamics in Δσ with drop number and drop interval, as observed in Fig. 4a and 5a, can be explained when considering the surface charge caused by previous drops, denoted as σin. Because of the finite time between successive drops, the surface loses some of the surface charges via discharge processes like conduction through the substrate39–42 or atmospheric ions caused by cosmic rays.43 With an exponential surface discharge time, τ, the incoming surface charge density can be estimated with
![]() | (4) |
After a sufficiently large number of drops, the system reaches a steady-state, where σout and σin are stationary and where we can omit the drop number, n. Combining eqn (3) and (4), we obtain the change in surface charge density
![]() | (5) |
This equation describes the experimentally observed initial and steady-state Δσ values, provided that we determine the surface discharge time, τ.
A way to measure the surface discharge time is to measure Δσ with increasing time between drops, Δt, as shown in Fig. 4a and b. As we increased the time between drops, the surface had more time to neutralize and the magnitude Δσ increased, finally saturating at around −30 μC m−2, close to the value of the first drop. When the time between drops was too short (Δt < τ), the steady-state Δσ was around −10 μC m−2. For Δt ≪ τ, Δσ was close to zero. This was also observed in steady-state Δσ in Fig. 5b. Given enough time between drops (Δt ≫ τ), then Δσ was equal to −σout. Here, we estimated the surface discharge time τ = 2.4 ± 0.2 s for PFOTS coated glass substrate by fitting the data in Fig. 4b (black dots) with the eqn (5). We estimated the bulk decay current using τ in equation σ·A/τ to be 0.2 nA, which is lower than the sensitivity of the setup.
Measuring Δσ on PFOTS-coated 1 mm thick quartz slides revealed a different behavior, as depicted in Fig. 5a and b. In this case, the surface charge density for the first drop was similar to that of the float glass. However, with increasing drop number and even at larger drop interval time, Δt, the value for Δσ remained close to zero (Fig. 4a and b). This result indicates that the surface becomes fully charged and is unable to discharge significantly in the time scale between drops. In fact, compared to float glass (soda lime glass), quartz has a factor 100 higher bulk resistivity.44
This observation clearly shows that under normal atmospheric conditions the substrate conductivity is the dominating factor for the surface discharge time (τ). Here, the surface discharge time could be understood as a capacitor discharge time, determined by the substrate's capacitance C and resistance R. To verify this argument, we measured the resistivity and capacitance of both float glass and quartz substrates. We applied an external voltage of 200 V to a stationary drop for 10 s and measured the capacitive current from beneath the substrate (details in ESI,† S3). The measurements on float glass revealed a resistance of R ≈ 2.5 × 1012 Ohm. Using a capacitance C ≈ 1.2 × 10−12 F (calculated as C = ε0εrA/d), we estimated the discharge time to be 3 s, which closely aligns with the value obtained from the fit in Fig. 4b.
Interestingly, performing the same estimation in quartz using R ≈ 1014 Ω and C ≈ 0.7 × 10−12 F reveals a discharge time of hundreds of seconds. The difference in resistance can explain the variations observed in Δσ between float and quartz in Fig. 4 and 5. This observation also emphasizes the significant role of the substrate in the surface discharging process. Using a low-resistivity substrate with short discharge times could be a promising approach to optimize the charge separation process in series of drops and could thus increase energy harvesting efficiency.
To further understand the influence of atmospheric ions in the discharge process, we repeated the above experiment with an ionizing air blower (IAB) turned on during the experiment. The IAB was positioned at a 45° angle to minimize the effect of air motion on the sliding drops. We measured a concentration of more than 300000 ions per cm3 atmospheric ions directly at the substrate using an Ionometer (IM806v3, 66687 Wadern, Germany).
In Fig. 4b and 5b, the red dots show the measurements with the IAB. In the case of glass, using the IAB has little effect on the discharge process, supporting the conclusion that the direct discharge through the glass substrate is dominant. However, in the case of quartz, where the discharge through the substrate is suppressed, we now observed a considerable increase of Δσ with increasing Δt. Here, the discharge through atmospheric ions seems to play an important role. To determine the discharge time on the quartz substrate in the presence of the IAB, we fitted the data (red dots) with an exponential curve (Fig. 5b) and estimated the discharge time to be approximately 50 s.
These experiments clearly demonstrate the respective role of atmospheric ions and the substrate conductivity in the surface discharging process. Under normal atmospheric conditions (air ion density of 100–200 ions per cm3), the influence of the substrate is much greater than that of the air ions. It also highlights that quartz can effectively hold the charge for an extended period. Interestingly, this does not seem to be the case for float glass. The discharge time in float glass is only a few seconds, and atmospheric ions play a minimal role.
The induced current due to slide electrification can be modeled using four coupled equations describing a sliding of charged plates in a capacitor as follows:
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
Here, σ is the charge density left on the surface, A is the area which changes while the drop is sliding over the bottom electrode, d is the dielectric substrate thickness, l is the horizontal distance between the sliding drop and the probe electrode (corresponding to the horizontal drop position), V is the voltage in the capacitor, and t is the drop sliding time which we calculated using the velocity (t = l/v).
First the starting physical parameters such as dielectric constant (εr ≈ 3.8 for quartz and 6 for glass), permeability (ε0), substrate thickness (d = 1 mm), and the width of the plate (w = 0.5 cm) were initialized in the simulation. Assuming a constant velocity of the drop, we calculated the time it takes for the drop to traverse the length of the probe electrode. Subsequently, we numerically solved eqn (6) and (7) for the sliding drop to calculate the change in A, V, and C over time and stored in an array. Using this array, we computed the resulting capacitive current and plotted it against time. The model is also able to simulate the induced current in surfaces like TCPS-APTES on glass, which have positive surface charge density, as shown in Fig. S4 in the ESI.†
We compared the simulated electrode current with the measurements, as illustrated in Fig. 6. For the simulation, we used a charge density of σout = −28 μC m−2 and a velocity of 0.15 m s−1, close to the experimentally observed values. Although the simulation uses a simplified rectangular drop shape, there is a good quantitative agreement between the model and the measurements. The slight deviation between the model and the measurements between 150 and 200 ms could be attributed to the simplified ellipsoidal drop shape and changing drop velocity due to the presence of the grounding wire.
P. B., S. A. L. W. proposed the work, P. B., A. D. R., A. Z. S. and S. A. L. W. proposed the measurement methods, P. B. prepared the substrates, conducted the experiments, and analyzed the data, A. D. R. derived the theoretical framework, S. A. L. W. and P. B. developed the model, P. B. carried out the simulations, P. B. and S. A. L. W. prepared the manuscript with input from all authors, H.-J. B. and S. A. L. W. supervised the work.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |