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Fullerene rotation dictated by benzene–fullerene interactions

Yaofeng Wang b and Fupin Liu *ab
aJiangsu Key Laboratory of New Power Batteries, School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China. E-mail:
bLeibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden), Helmholtzstr. 20, 01069, Dresden, Germany

Received 2nd April 2024 , Accepted 4th May 2024

First published on 8th May 2024


The movement of metal ions inside the fullerene cage signifies the unique structural character of metallofullerenes; however, concrete details on this movement are extremely difficult to observe. In this work, we elucidated the structure of Dy2ScN@C80 using variable temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction. Dynamic disorders with the Dy2ScN and C80 rotations driven by temperature were precisely presented in detail. The position of the solvent molecule benzene in the crystal lattice proved to have a powerful impact on hindering fullerene rotation. These results present a deep understanding of the unique structural character of metallofullerenes, facilitating their high-accuracy structure–property relationship investigation.

The fullerene cage provides a robust confining arena for metal clusters that are otherwise unstable, allowing for the investigation of their peculiar structures/interactions and interesting properties. Versatile metal clusters have been discovered to be hosted by fullerene cages, and these fullerenes show application potential in biomedicine and materials science.1–4 Elucidating the structures of these metallofullerenes with single-crystal X-ray diffraction proved powerful in understanding these novel molecules.5–14 Determining the structure with high accuracy is fundamentally important to understand their properties such as bonding interactions between the entities of metallofullerenes and the crystal field around the metal ions.15–23 The ubiquitous disorders (more than 95%) in metallofullerene crystals originate from the round shape of fullerene cages, which tend to rotate in the crystal lattice, and the shallow potential energy surface supplied by the fullerene cage to hold the encapsulated metal ions.24–26 Co-crystallization with metal octaethylporphyrin or decapyrrylcorannulene significantly constrained the rotation of fullerene cages.27,28 However, the rotation of metal clusters in the fullerene cages persists as its intrinsic character.24–26,29,30 Trimetallic nitride clusterfullerenes have attracted broad interest since their discovery.6,31 A diversified combination of the metal ions from transition and rare-earth metals produces molecules with fascinating single-molecule magnetism represented by DyM2N@C80 and Dy2MN@C80 (M = Sc,32–36 Y,37,38 La,38 ErSc,39 Lu,40 or V[thin space (1/6-em)]41).42 The combination of cluster rotation with mixed metals presents a great challenge in their structural elucidation by single crystal X-ray diffraction because the overlapping between different metal ions precludes their accurate assignment.33,38,39,43 Recently, we observed the snapshots of M3N rotation inside the C80 cage with spinning top character for heavy metal ions (Ho and Lu),26 while strong rotation for light metal ions (Sc).24 Interestingly, the C80 cage rotation in these crystals was blocked up to 280 K. On the other hand, it is notable that Sc3N@C70 shows fullerene cage rotation starting from 160 K.25 Since the symmetry of C70 (C2v) is lower than that of C80 (Ih), it is expected that C80 has a lower energy barrier for rotation, thus requiring a lower temperature to drive its rotation in the same environment. The driving force for fullerene cage rotation in the crystal lattice is fascinating and still unclear. Herein, we precisely determined the structure of Dy2ScN@C80 using variable temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction. The C80 cage and Dy2ScN cluster rotations driven by temperature were precisely recorded with great details. Surprising effects of solvent benzene–fullerene interactions on the fullerene rotations were disclosed, revealing the subtle driving force for fullerene cage rotation in the crystal lattice.

Single crystals were obtained by co-crystallization of Dy2ScN@C80 in benzene with nickel octaethylporphyrin (NiOEP) in benzene through solvent diffusion/evaporation. X-ray diffraction data collection was carried out at the BESSY storage ring (BL14.2, Berlin-Adlershof, Germany).44 The XDSAPP2.0 suite was employed for data processing.45,46 The structures were solved using direct methods and refined using SHELXL-2018.47 Hydrogen atoms were added geometrically and refined with a riding model. The crystal data are presented in Table S1 in the ESI. The asymmetric unit contains one intact NiOEP, one intact fullerene, one intact benzene, and two halves of benzene. The fullerene cage (fully ordered Ih(7)-C80 at 100 K, (symmetry notation Ih(7) will be omitted hereafter)) sits onto the NiOEP as shown in Fig. 1. The packing characteristics show the typical packing character of fullerene–NiOEP co-crystals, in which one fullerene molecule is supported by one NiOEP, as shown in the DySc2N@C80-NiOEP co-crystals.32

image file: d4qi00831f-f1.tif
Fig. 1 The structure of Dy2ScN@C80·NiOEP·2C6H6 with omitted benzene molecules (a) and the structure of Dy2ScN with coordinated fullerene cage fragments (b) observed at 100 K. The site occupancies with atom labels and bond lengths as well as the distance between metal ions and the coordinated hexagons/pentagons (in Å) are shown in the figure. Colour code: grey for C, white for H, blue for N, red for Ni, pink for Sc, and green for Dy. The thermal ellipsoids are set at 30% probability.

The encapsulated Dy2ScN cluster presents a slight disorder in the structure obtained at 100 K as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. S1 in the ESI. Three sites were refined with a site occupancy ratio of 0.67[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0.29[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0.04 for Dy2Sc. The significant size differences of Dy and Sc in the round C80 cage push the N out of the C80 centroid (vide infra); a similar disorder of N with three positions accordingly should be present along with the disordered Dy2Sc cluster. However, because of the rather short distances between the possible positions and the large differences of the site occupancies, it is difficult to refine all these positions accurately. Two N sites were refined with a site occupancy ratio of 0.81[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0.19. The structure of Dy2ScN is evaluated with the main position Dy2ScN, which shows M–N bond lengths of 1.95(2), 2.07(2), and 2.079(5) Å, and bond angles of ∠Dy1N1ADy2 = 120.8(5)°, ∠Dy1N1ASc1 = 122.9(6)°, and ∠Dy2N1ASc1 = 116.3(3)°, indicating a planar Dy2ScN cluster. The N was pushed out of the centroid of C80 by the asymmetrical Dy2Sc cluster by 0.19(1) Å. The Dy ion far away from NiOEP is located under a hexagon/pentagon with a Dy–hexagon distance of 2.0095(6) Å (Dy–C bond lengths range from 2.345(4) to 2.599(4) Å), while the other Dy ion is located under a hexagon with a Dy–hexagon distance of 1.9670(5) Å (Dy–C bond lengths range from 2.433(4) to 2.464(4) Å). The Sc ion is located under a hexagon/pentagon with a Sc–hexagon distance of 1.851(8) Å (Sc–C bond lengths range from 2.238(7) to 2.492(7) Å). For comparison, the Dy–hexagon distance of DySc2N@C80 is 2.0241(8) Å, while the Dy–N and Sc–N bond lengths are 2.096(6), 1.965(6), and 1.978(6) Å,32 showing noticeable compression of Dy2ScN by the C80 cage.

Variable temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction was used to observe the detailed metal movement in the fullerene cage. In striking contrast to the previous reports on analogous M3N@C80 (M3 = Ho2Lu, Lu3, Sc3) without fullerene cage rotation until 280 K,24,26 the fullerene cage here presents rotation at 180 and 260 K as shown in Fig. 2, with 50% of them rotating to a new orientation, which shows the same interaction with the co-crystallized NiOEP. Both orientations are related by a mirror symmetry passing through NiOEP, as shown in Fig. S2 in the ESI. The surprisingly different dynamic behaviours of C80 cages in a similar crystal lattice originate from the effects of benzene–fullerene interactions (π–π and C–H⋯π), as shown in Fig. 3, and Fig. S3 and Fig. S4 in the ESI. The contribution of C–H⋯π is small compared to the π–π interactions,48 while the positions of two benzene molecules interacting with the fullerene through π–π interactions show a surprisingly powerful effect on the fullerene rotation, i.e., the fullerene starts rotation from 180 K when the two benzene molecules sit parallel, while the fullerene rotation is blocked until 280 K when the two benzene molecules sit with a magic angle of 125.1(8)° determined at 100 K.

image file: d4qi00831f-f2.tif
Fig. 2 The structures of Dy2ScN@C80·NiOEP·2C6H6 viewed perpendicular to the NiOEP plane, observed at variable temperatures of (a) 100, (b) 180 and (c) 260 K. The structures with omitted benzene for clarity are shown in the upper panel, while the structures of the Dy2ScN cluster are highlighted in the middle panel, and the lower panel shows the Dy2ScN structure with a metal volume equal to the site occupancy, and the three main metal positions are labelled (I labels the position far away from NiOEP; II and III label the positions near the NiOEP, with the equivalent Dy occupancies noted in the figure) with their electron density gauged with equivalent Dy occupancies. Colour code: grey for C, white for H, blue for N, red for Ni, pink for Sc, and green for Dy. The thermal ellipsoids are set at 30% probability except for C80. C80 is highlighted with red/cyan to show the orientations.

image file: d4qi00831f-f3.tif
Fig. 3 The structures of Dy2ScN@C80·NiOEP·2C6H6 in the C2/c space group (a, c and e) and Lu3N@C80·NiOEP·2C6H6 in the P[1 with combining macron] space group (b, d, f, data from ref. 26) viewed perpendicular to the NiOEP plane. The ball-stick model is shown in the upper panel, while the space-filling structures are shown in the middle/lower panels. Colour code: red/cyan for the fullerene cage, pink for NiOEP, purple for benzene interacting with the fullerene cage through π–π interactions, and cyan for benzene interacting with the fullerene cage through C–H⋯π interactions.

The Dy2ScN cluster shows heavy disorder at 180 and 260 K, which hampers the assignment of Dy and Sc; thus, we applied heavier Dy with free occupancies to refine the positions of Dy/Sc.38 The positions of metal ions at 180 and 260 K show a tendency of “spinning top” rotation as observed for M3N@C80 (M3 = Ho2Lu, Lu3).26 The possibility of two metal ions near the NiOEP (labelled as II and III in Fig. 2) rotating to the far away position (labelled as I) is impossible to clarify in the case of M3N@C80 (M3 = Ho2Lu, Lu3) because of similar electron densities at the three positions (I, II, and III). Dy2ScN@C80 is ideal to clarify such a possibility with substantially different Dy and Sc electron densities (1Sc ≈ 0.25Dy in the refinement considering the effects of scattering power). The electron density imbalance of 0.50[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0.75 (normalized with Dy) between II and III at 100 K is averaged off to 0.60[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0.59 at 180 K, while the imbalance between I and II/III shows a tendency of averaging off with increasing temperature as shown in Fig. 2. Contrary to the disordered N at 100 K, the N is fully ordered at 180 and 260 K and is located at the centroid of C80. Because the N is pushed out of the centroid of C80 by the inequivalent Dy/Sc ions (vide supra), it does not occupy the crystallographically ordered N position. The flattened ellipsoids of N at 180 and 260 K hint at the rotation of N around the C80 centroid (see Fig. S5 in the ESI for details). Thus, the assumption that the main position represents the real structure in single crystal X-ray diffraction involving disorder should be applied with caution. It is worth noting that the structures obtained at 180 and 260 K result in misrepresented Dy2SCN structures as shown in Table S2 in the ESI. The Dy–N bond lengths of 2.07(2) and 2.079(5) Å determined at 100 K change to 2.052(5) and 1.949(6) Å at 180 K and to 2.019(9) and 1.935(11) Å at 260 K, showing remarkable discrepancies.

For most M3N@C80 co-crystallized with NiOEP, two metal atoms of M3N prefer to sit above the N–Ni–N bonds.24,26,49–51 The recently reported M2@C80-CF3 (M = Tb, Nd) co-crystallized with NiOEP also shows such tendency.5,52 The Dy2ScN cluster shown in Fig. S6 in the ESI reveals that the encapsulated Dy2ScN sits above the N–Ni–N bonds at 100 K, while exhibiting rotation at 180 and 260 K, showing the subtle interaction between metal ions and the NiOEP molecule.

In conclusion, the structure of Dy2ScN@C80 was determined by variable temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction. The temperature-driven dynamics of Dy2ScN@C80 in the lattice was precisely recorded in great detail. The angle between the two benzenes interacting with the fullerene cage through π–π interaction shows a surprising ability to control the fullerene cage rotation. These results present a deep understanding of the metallofullerene structures, facilitating their high-accuracy structure–property relationship investigation.

Author contributions

Y. W. synthesized fullerenes, Y. W. and F. L. prepared the crystals and conducted the single crystal X-ray diffraction measurement and analysis. F. L. wrote the manuscript with a contribution from Y. W.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest to declare.


This research was financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (LI 3055/3-1) and the Jiangsu Specially Appointed Professorship. The authors appreciate the great support of and fruitful discussion with Dr Alexey A. Popov. Diffraction data have been collected on BL14.2 at the BESSY II electron storage ring operated by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. The authors appreciate the help of Dr Manfred Weiss and his team during the experiments at BESSY II.


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