Issue 27, 2023

A low-hysteresis, self-adhesive and conductive PAA/PEDOT:PSS hydrogel enabled body-conformable electronics


Biomedical hydrogels always suffer from curvilinearity, deformability, and wetness associated with bio-tissues, which are therefore limited by low stability and longevity in practical applications. To overcome these issues, we have proposed a robust PAA/PEDOT conductive hydrogel and investigated its performance by using a low-crosslink-density polyacrylic acid (PAA) hydrogel with 82 wt% water. Meanwhile, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly (styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) has been used as both a major junction point and a conducting network contractor. Benefiting from the introduction of PEDOT:PSS, the resultant composite hydrogel exhibits strong adhesion (37.2 kPa), well-matched modulus with skin tissue (∼10 kPa), low swelling (2.88), and negligible hysteresis (η = 2.7% of 200% stretching, energy loss coefficient). As a scalable application platform, we have further demonstrated the potential application of this novel hydrogel as body-conformable electronics in a series of conceptual displays, including a full range of human motion responses, ECG signal detection, TENG device assembly, and energy harvesting application.

Graphical abstract: A low-hysteresis, self-adhesive and conductive PAA/PEDOT:PSS hydrogel enabled body-conformable electronics

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Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2023
05 Jun 2023
First published
06 Jun 2023

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023,11, 9355-9365

A low-hysteresis, self-adhesive and conductive PAA/PEDOT:PSS hydrogel enabled body-conformable electronics

Q. Gao, C. Li, M. Wang, J. Zhu and C. Gao, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 9355 DOI: 10.1039/D3TC00850A

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