ab and
aInstitute of Advanced Battery Materials and Devices, Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, PR China. E-mail:;
bKey Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, PR China
cCenter for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research, Beijing 100193, PR China
First published on 12th August 2023
Polymer electrolyte-based solid-state lithium batteries (SSLBs) with lithium-rich layered oxide (LLO) cathode materials can provide high energy density and safety. However, the development of these batteries is hindered by the poor anti-oxidation ability of polymer electrolytes. Herein, a propanesultone-based polymer electrolyte (PPS-PE) is designed, and a wide electrochemical stability window (∼5.0 V vs. Li+/Li) and high ion transference number (∼0.78) at 25 °C can be achieved. The strong anti-oxidation ability of PPS-PE is contributed by the design of the chain-like molecular structure, and the hydrogen bond interactions are beneficial for inhibiting the anion movement of Li salt. The PPS-PE-based SSLBs with LLO cathode materials show characteristic charge/discharge profiles with a high initial discharge capacity of ∼270 mA h g−1 and good cycling stability at 25 °C. Therefore, this work not only reports a novel polymer electrolyte to couple with high-voltage cathodes but also promotes the application of LLO cathode materials in high-energy SSLBs.
In recent years, a series of PEs with a wide electrochemical stability window have been developed to couple with high-voltage cathodes. For instance, a plastic-crystal-embedded elastomer electrolyte, a polyethylene oxide electrolyte with the –OCH3 group on the terminal of the molecular chain, and a fluorine-containing polycarbonate electrolyte can ensure the operation of SSLBs with a Ni-rich ternary cathode material at a charge voltage of 4.5 V.23–25 In addition, a polymer-in-salt electrolyte, a poly(vinyl ethylene carbonate) electrolyte, and a thiol-branched polymer electrolyte were designed for the stable operations of SSLBs with the LiCoO2 cathode when charged to 4.5 V.26–28 Furthermore, a polyglycol oxide-based electrolyte from deep eutectic solvents and a deep eutectic solvent-based composite polymer electrolyte were proposed for the 4.6 V SSLBs with the LiCoO2 cathode.29,30 Even more, a poly(fluoroethylene carbonate) electrolyte and a polysiloxane electrolyte were synthesized for the 4.9 V LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode material in SSLBs.31,32 Although the above SSLBs can be charged to relatively high voltages, the low discharge capacities of cathode materials still limit the increase of energy density.
Lithium-rich layered oxide (LLO) cathode materials display a high discharge capacity near 300 mA h g−1 and can greatly improve the energy density of SSLBs by using the Li metal anode.33–35 However, the electrochemical stability windows of PEs cannot be compatible with the high charge voltage of the LLO cathode, and thus, the progress of SSLBs is slow, although a complexed polymer electrolyte is prepared with strange charge/discharge curves,29 and a gel polymer electrolyte is designed for a quasi-solid-state battery.36 Different from the design of complex PEs, in our recent work, the anti-oxidation ability of poly(vinyl ethylene carbonate) electrolyte has been enhanced by adjusting the molecular structure.27 And the interface compatibility between the PE and high-voltage cathode is significantly improved by breaking the weak bonding during the polymerization process.
Herein, a propanesultone-based polymer electrolyte (PPS-PE) with a chain-like molecular structure is fabricated for coupling with the LLO cathode material, which possesses a wide electrochemical stability window and high ion transference number. Hydrogen bonding as the intermolecular interaction can inhibit the anion movement of the Li salt, and the ion migration mechanism in PPS-PE is revealed by combining theoretical calculations and experimental results. More importantly, steady charge/discharge processes of PPS-PE-based SSLBs with LLO cathode materials can be achieved when charged to 4.8 V, and thus, the practical application of high-energy SSLBs has been greatly promoted.
The ionic conductivity of the PE was obtained from the bulk resistance (Rb) of the electrolyte film via electrochemical impedance spectra at varied temperatures ranging from −15 to 55 °C. The Rb of the PE was determined from the impedance spectrum of the film, which was sandwiched between two stainless-steel (SS) plate electrodes. And the spectra were recorded in the frequency range of 0.1 to 105 Hz with an AC amplitude of 10 mV. The ionic conductivity was calculated from the equation: σ = L/(RbS), where L and S are the thickness and area of the PE film, respectively. The electrochemical stability window was investigated by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) performed on a working electrode of SS, with Li metal as the counter and reference electrode of PE at a scan rate of 1.0 mV s−1 between 2.5 and 5.5 V. The cyclic voltammetry of the SS/PPS-PE/Li was performed at a scan rate of 0.2 mV s−1 between −0.5 and 3.0 V. The Li ion transference number (tLi+) was calculated by the chronoamperometry test on the Li/PPS-PE/Li symmetric battery with an applied voltage of 0.01 V and was determined from the equation of (Iss/I0) × (V − I0R0)/(V − IssRss), where I0 and Iss are the initial and steady-state currents, and R0 and Rss are the first and last resistances, respectively. The tests were completed by EIS measurements taken before and after the polarization scans over a frequency range of 0.1 to 105 Hz with 10 mV amplitude at 25 °C.
Furthermore, the polymerization of PPS-PE with a chain-like structure is probed by solid-state 1H magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS-NMR) spectroscopy. From Fig. 1c, the typical signals for H atoms at a, b and c positions (4.74, 2.84, and 3.55 ppm) on the ring structure of the PS monomer almost disappear after polymerization. Differently, there are some new peaks at a1, b1 and c1/c2 positions (at 3.95, 2.42 and 3.27/3.06 ppm) that can be found for the H atoms on the chain-like structure in PPS-PE. The shifts of peak positions of H atoms between the PS monomer and PPS-PE have confirmed the ring-opening polymerization, and are generated by the change of electron configuration from the five-membered ring structure to a chain-like structure.
The peak splitting at 3.27 ppm (c1) and 3.06 ppm (c2) for PPS-PE originated from the change of environment for the H atom at the c position after the breaking of the S–C bond during the ring-opening polymerization of the PS monomer.27 Besides, the peaks in PPS-PE have weaker intensity with broader linewidth than that of the PS monomer, which should be caused by the rigid chain-like structure after polymerization. Thus, the ring-opening polymerization process of PPS-PE from the monomer is clearly revealed by solid-state NMR spectra. The polymerization degree of PPS-PE from the monomer can be obtained by simulating the relative area of each peak, and the value can be up to 91% (Fig. S1 and Table S1†). The molecular weight of PPS-PE is obtained by the gel permeation chromatography (GPC) test, and the Mw is ∼1569
524 g mol−1, indicating the formation of large molecules with a chain-like structure in PPS-PE after polymerization (Fig. S2a†).
Moreover, the change of the molecular structure between PPS-PE and the monomer is analyzed by using a Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer. The peak at ∼1268 cm−1 for the ring-like –SO2– bond in the PS monomer disappeared after polymerization (Fig. 1d).39 And the appearance of a new peak at ∼1683 cm−1 for the chain-like –SO2– bond can be found in PPS-PE.40 The changes in the above two peaks indicate the opening of the five-membered ring in the PS monomer and the formation of a chain-like structure of PPS-PE. And the peaks at ∼710 and ∼454 cm−1 for the S–C bond still can be found in PPS-PE (Fig. S2b†).41,42 However, the peak intensities reduce greatly, which is caused by the ring opening and formation of a chain-like structure before and after polymerization. Furthermore, the –OH bonds form after the reaction, corresponding to the terminal part of the molecular structure of PPS-PE (Fig. S2c and d†). Thus, the NMR and FT-IR spectra have revealed the ring-opening polymerization from the PS monomer and the formation of PPS-PE by breaking the weak bonding of the S–C bond.
The crystal structure of PPS-PE is detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD). From Fig. 1e, there are no obvious diffraction peaks in the XRD pattern. It demonstrates the low crystallinity of PPS-PE and is favorable for the Li ion migration. Besides, the formation of PPS-PE from the liquid monomer and the flexibility with good mechanical property can be found in Fig. S3,† which is helpful for assembling the SSLBs with tunable size and architecture and can effectively prevent the inner short-circuit and improve safety. Furthermore, from the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image (inset in Fig. 1e), the surface of PPS-PE is smooth and homogeneous and is easy to make intimate interface contact with electrodes inside the solid-state battery.
The Li ion transference number (tLi+) is the ratio between Li+ transport and the total ion (cation and anion) transport in the electrolyte. With low tLi+, the cation and anion accumulations will occur at the opposite electrodes and lead to the ion concentration gradients, side reactions, increase in interfacial impedance, and polarization of electrodes.43–45 Here, the tLi+ was tested by the Bruce–Vincent method with the Li/PPS-PE/Li symmetry battery, in which the initial and steady-state currents, and the first and last resistances before and after the EIS test were collected. The initial current was caused by the transport of both cations and anions, and the steady-state current was determined by only Li+ transport after 1 h (Fig. 2b). From the direct current polarization and EIS tests, the tLi+ of PPS-PE is calculated to be ∼0.78 at 25 °C. Besides, after the polarization test, there is no obvious change of Rb for the PPS-PE film and interfacial resistance between PPS-PE and the Li metal anode (inset in Fig. 2b), demonstrating the favorable interface compatibility with stable interface contact. Thus, the PPS-PE is beneficial for the fast ion transport, and then for the improvement of rate performances and enhancement of energy density for SSLBs.
The possible reason for the high tLi+ of PPS-PE is first explored by theoretical calculations. The interactions between anions (TFSI−) of Li salt and PPS in the electrolyte are explored by DFT calculations. In Fig. 2c, the electrostatic potentials (EPs) show the electric density maps of typical groups in TFSI− and PPS. As can be seen, the regions around O atoms in the S–O/SO group in PPS and the O
O group of TFSI− have higher electron density. By calculating the interaction between TFSI− and PPS, the hydrogen bonds form between O atoms in TFSI− and H atoms in PPS, while the bond length is ∼2.45 Å and binding energy is −0.59 eV. Accordingly, the hydrogen bonds between PPS and TFSI− are beneficial for anchoring of anions.
Besides, the bonding interactions between TFSI− of Li salt and H atoms of PPS are systematically explored by Raman spectroscopy and FT-IR, in which the ion pairing of TFSI− in Li salt is analyzed. The dissolution ability of Li salt in PPS-PE has been detected by FT-IR (Fig. S5†). The typical peak of Li salt has a shift to a lower wavenumber, indicating that the LiTFSI can completely dissociate in the PPS matrix. For the Raman test, the Li/PPS-PE/Li symmetric battery was cycled different times, and then the PPS-PE film was obtained after disassembling the battery. It is proved that the peak at ∼740 cm−1 is generated by the S–N–S stretching vibration of TFSI− anions, which is highly related to the ion pairing.46–48 As shown in Fig. 2d, there are two deconvoluted peaks at ∼741 and ∼749 cm−1 that can be found in the pristine state, corresponding to the free and fixed anions respectively.49 By the Gaussian fitting, the area ratio of free anions to fixed anions is ∼75%:25%. However, with the increase of cycling time, there is a shift of the S–N–S peak in TFSI− in the spectra and then the expansion of the area ratio for fixed anions consequently. Even more, after the battery was cycled for 60 min (corresponding to the steady-state current for 1 h in Fig. 2b), the area ratio of fixed anions has increased to ∼63%, which is much higher than that of the pristine state. The changes in the area ratios of fixed and free anions are systematically compared in Fig. S6.† Thus, from the change of area ratio for ion pairs by Raman shift of the S–N–S group in TFSI−, most of the free ion pairs are anchored by the interaction between anions and PPS, and then the high tLi+ can be obtained in PPS-PE. And the Raman tests and theoretical calculations are consistent with each other. These results confirm the responsibility of local hydrogen bond interactions for the increase of the area ratio for fixed anions, and the high tLi+ can be obtained.
The pathways for ion transport in the molecular structure of PPS-PE have been explored systematically in order to reveal the migration mechanism. Since the LiTFSI can be completely dissociated in PPS, the binding energies between free Li+ and oxygen (O) atoms of PPS are first calculated. As shown in Fig. S7,† the Li+ can interact with O atoms in both SO and S–O groups. The binding energy between Li+ and a single O atom in the S
O group is −1.90 eV, while the combination of Li+ and O in the S–O group is unstable. By comparison, the binding energy of Li+ to both O atoms in S
O and S–O groups is −1.87 eV, and the stable configuration is the interaction between Li+ and two O atoms in S
O groups with a binding energy of −1.92 eV (Fig. 2e). So the Li+ can interact with O atoms in both S
O and S–O groups, but the binding energy of the former is stronger, which plays an important role for the ion migration in PPS-PE. Besides, considering the surrounding environment of Li+ in LiTFSI, the binding energy between LiTFSI and the O atom in the S
O group in PPS has been explored (Fig. S8†). Due to the interaction between Li+ and TFSI−, the bonding energy between Li+ and O atom in the S
O group is −1.067 eV, demonstrating the relatively strong interaction. Thus, the interaction between Li+ and O atoms in the S
O group plays an important role in the ion migration ability in PPS-PE.
Moreover, the interactions between conductive Li+ and functional units in PPS-PE have been probed by solid-state 6Li and 7Li NMR. Consistent with the Raman tests, the Li/PPS-PE/Li battery is disassembled after different cycles, and the electrolyte film is obtained for the characterization. In the spectra of Fig. 2f, there is only one 6Li NMR resonance centered at −1.14 ppm for the pristine PE, and the signal shifts to a high field (−1.23 ppm) after cycling for different time. The change of position for the polarized signal should be generated by the interactions between SO/S–O groups and Li+. In addition, the position for the interactions between Li+ and S–O/S
O groups can be simulated by two peaks, and the area ratio of Li+ attached to the S
O group is ∼71.7%, which is much larger than ∼28.3% of the Li+ interaction with the S–O group. Even more, there was no obvious change in the area ratio for these two characteristic peaks after more cycle time, indicating the stable interactions between S
O/S–O groups and Li ions.
Similarly, for the 7Li NMR, the resonance centered at −1.17 ppm in the pristine state has shifted to −1.13 ppm after cycling. And the area ratios of interactions between Li+ and SO/S–O groups are the same as each other for the cycle time of 30 and 60 min. Thus, the interactions between Li+ and S
O/S–O groups remain stable after cycles in PPS-PE, and the interactions between Li+ and S
O groups play a more important role in the ion migration. According to the 6,7Li NMR results and theoretical simulations, the ion migration mechanism in PPS-PE is proposed and shown in Fig. 2g. The ion migration is mainly achieved through the coupling/decoupling between Li+ and oxygen atoms of S
O groups (Path 1) during the process of segmental motion of molecular chains. And a portion of ions can migrate through the coupling/decoupling between Li+ and oxygen atoms of S–O groups (Path 2). Furthermore, the moving/exchange of Li+ between S
O and S–O groups during the segmental motion of polymer chains may also exist (Path 3). The mixed ion migration pathways are beneficial for the fast ion transport in PPS-PE and for the enhancement of the electrochemical performances of SSLBs.
The electrochemical stability window of PPS-PE is explored by the linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) test of an asymmetrical Li/PPS-PE/SS battery. As shown in Fig. 3b, the electrochemical stability window of PPS-PE can be up to ∼5.0 V (vs. Li+/Li), which is much higher than that of the reported polymer electrolytes.23,24,27 It has been confirmed that the anti-oxidation ability of polycarbonate polymer electrolytes with chain-like structures can be greatly enhanced than that with a five-membered ring structure.27 Following the same rule, the wide electrochemical stability window of PPS-PE with a chain-like structure can also be achieved and is beneficial for coupling with high-voltage and high-capacity intercalation cathode materials, and enabling the stable operation of high-energy SSLBs.
Furthermore, XPS is used to detect the changes of chemical components in PPS-PE before and after constant current-constant voltage charging at 4.6 V and 4.8 V for 50 h (Fig. 3c). The PE films are obtained by disassembling the Li/PPS-PE/SS batteries after the test. There are characteristic peaks in the spectra of PPS-PE with a ring structure in the pristine state, including the C–O bond (∼286.3 eV), C–C bond (∼284.8 eV), S–O bond (∼170.3 eV), and SO bond (∼169.1 eV). Obviously, there is no obvious change for the above peaks when the battery was charged to 4.6 V, and even to 4.8 V. Furthermore, there is no formation of new peaks for PPS-PE at different charge states.
Even more, the area ratio for each peak remains stable, indicating the strong anti-oxidation ability of PPS-PE at high charge voltages. Thus, from the theoretical calculations, LSV test and XPS spectra, the PPS-PE with a chain-like structure has a strong anti-oxidation ability and can couple with high-voltage cathode materials with a charge potential of up to 4.8 V.
Besides, the interface contact between PPS-PE and the Li metal anode is investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and the polarization test. From the CV curves of the Li/PPS-PE/SS battery in a voltage range of −0.5 to 3.0 V (Fig. 3d), two peaks at −0.5 V and 0.5 V can be found, corresponding to the reversible lithium plating/stripping in each cycle, and the electrochemical stability of interface contact between PE and the Li anode. Furthermore, the polarization test of the Li/PPS-PE/Li battery at a current density of 0.1 mA cm−2 at 25 °C is shown in Fig. 3e. The battery shows low voltage polarization with an overpotential of ∼0.08 V, and works steadily for 400 h without short circuiting, which is much better than that of the Li/PEO-PE/Li battery at the elevated temperature. These results demonstrate the good reversibility of lithium plating/stripping in PPS-PE-based SSLBs. Even more, the uniform dendrite on the surface of the Li anode can form from the SSLBs after long cycles (Fig. S9†), and it is beneficial for the enhancement of electrochemical performances.
Here, the LLO (Li1.13Mn0.517Ni0.256Co0.097O2) cathode material is adopted to assemble SSLBs by the in situ polymerization method.27,46Fig. 4a shows the initial galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the LLOs/PPS-PE/Li battery at a current density of 0.1C (1C = 200 mA g−1) in the voltage range of 2.0-4.8 V at 25 °C. The battery can be charged to 4.8 V with the characteristic profiles of the LLO cathode material, and the initial discharge capacity of ∼270 mA h g−1 can be achieved, which is much similar to that of the liquid electrolyte-based batteries (Fig. S10†). The large discharge capacity with high initial coulombic efficiency of the LLOs/PPS-PE/Li battery should be contributed by the strong anti-oxidation ability and relatively high ion migration abilities of PPS-PE.
Furthermore, when the current density increases to 0.5C, the LLOs/PPS-PE/Li battery can work stably and show a discharge capacity over 200 mA h g−1 in the voltage range of 2.0–4.6 V, which is highly related to the high tLi+ of PPS-PE. However, the charge curve of the LLOs/PPS-PE/Li battery fluctuates after 22 cycles at 0.5C. The battery degradation should be caused by the uncontrollable interface reactions and mismatch between the LLO cathode and PPS-PE at high charge voltage after tens of cycles, which has been explored by the interface analysis. The cathode-electrolyte interphase (CEI) after battery cycling has been detected by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). As shown in Fig. 4b, the thick CEI layer with 16–23 nm can be found for the LLO cathode, which is generated by the uncontrollable side reactions, and possible oxidative decomposition of PPS-PE catalyzed by transition metal ions and oxygen redox reactions in the cathode material at high charge voltage.
It is proved that a small amount of LiBOB is helpful for forming a stable CEI and enhancing the cycling stability of batteries.50–52 Here, the LiBOB with a low amount of 2.0 wt% is adopted in PPS-PE to make the stable interface contact between the electrolyte and LLO cathode. As shown in Fig. 4c, the LiBOB in PPS-PE is pre-oxidized at the low charge voltage and is useful for interface compatibility, which can be confirmed by the theoretical calculations (Fig. S11†), and the reversible lithium plating/stripping in PPS-PE-LB-based SSLBs (Fig. S12†). For the PPS-PE with LiBOB (PPS-PE-LB), the corresponding SSLBs are assembled by the same procedure. As shown in Fig. 4d, the solid-state battery can also show the typical charge/discharge curves with high discharge capacities at 0.1C and 0.5C respectively. More importantly, the LLOs/PPS-PE-LB/Li battery has stable operation for 100 cycles at 0.5C, which is much better than that of the battery without LiBOB. Thus, with the help of LiBOB for the formation of the CEI, the lifetime of PPS-PE-LB-based SSLBs with high capacity has been greatly improved. The interface contact between the electrolyte and cathode in the LLOs/PPS-PE-LB/Li battery has been explored, and the CEI after cycles has been detected by TEM. As shown in Fig. 4e, the CEI on the cathode in the LLOs/PPS-PE-LB/Li battery is much thinner (2–3 nm) and uniform, indicating that the side reactions and oxidative decomposition of PPS-PE are greatly inhibited. Thus, the stable interface contact between PPS-PE and the LLO cathode material and the good cycling performance of SSLBs can be achieved from the strong anti-oxidation ability of PPS-PE, and the addition of LiBOB for forming a thinner and uniform CEI layer.
Moreover, the chemical components of the PPS-PE film on the cathode side before and after cycles in SSLBs have been detected by XPS (Fig. 4f). Compared to the pristine state in Fig. 3c, the characteristic peak of the C–S bond (∼286.3 eV) in the spectra of PPS-PE-LB remains stable after long cycles. However, in the spectra of PPS-PE without LiBOB, a new peak of the C–SOx bond (∼286.3 eV) formed, and the C–S bond cannot be distinguished. And the spectra of the B element in the CEI film of the cathode can be detected for the LLOs/PPS-PE-LB/Li battery, indicating that LiBOB is useful for CEI formation (Fig. S13†). Therefore, these results have further confirmed that the thin and uniform CEI is helpful for the favorable interface stability and compatibility between PPS-PE and the LLO cathode material at high charge voltage, and for enhancing the cycling performance of SSLBs. Besides, in the SEM images of the composite cathode after cycles (Fig. S14†), there are no obvious crack for the agglomerated spheres of the LLO cathode material, consistent with the good cycling stability of SSLBs.
Fig. 4g shows the cycling stability of SSLBs based on PPS-PE with LiBOB. The battery exhibits a high discharge capacity with good capacity retention of ∼92% over 100 cycles at 0.5C. As shown in Table S2,† compared to the other PE-based SSLBs with different cathode materials at a high charge voltage, the LLOs/PPS-PE-LB/Li battery exhibits a much higher discharge capacity at the initial cycle, and better cycling stability with high capacity retention. Moreover, good cycling stability of SSLBs with LiBOB at 1C and 2C can also be achieved (Fig. S15†). Besides, the LLOs/PPS-PE-LB/Li battery delivers a high discharge capacity of ∼210 mA h g−1 at 0.5C after 50 cycles at 50 °C, and ∼130 mA h g−1 at 0.5C after 50 cycles at −15 °C, which indicates that the PPS-PE based SSLBs can be applied in a wide temperature range (Fig. S16†). The good cycling stabilities of the LLOs/PPS-PE/Li battery are supported by the wide electrochemical stability window of chain-structured PPS-PE, and the excellent interface compatibility between PE and the LLO cathode with LiBOB.
The rate performances of LLOs/PPS-PE-LB/Li batteries with the increase in current densities from 0.1C to 3C are shown in Fig. 4h. The discharge capacity of ∼265 mA h g−1 at 0.1C, and ∼142 mA h g−1 at 3C can be obtained for the SSLBs. The excellent rate performances of SSLBs should be contributed by the high tLi+ of PPS-PE. Moreover, the soft-pack cell can light up a logo with 70 light-emitting diode (LED) lamps even at the cutting-off state (Fig. S17†). Thus, with the wide electrochemical stability window and high ion transference number, the PPS-PE can couple with the LLO cathode material for high-energy SSLBs with favorable electrochemical performances.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this paper. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |