Margarita A.
Morten W.
a and
aInstitute for Chemical and Bioengineering, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland. E-mail:
bDivision for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment, Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Bygningstorvet, Building 116b, 2800 kgs. Lyngy, Denmark
First published on 7th March 2023
In recent years, liquid fuels from renewable carbon that can replace fossil ones with minimal infrastructure changes have attracted increasing interest in decarbonising the heavy-duty long-haul sector. Here we focus on dimethyl ether (DME), a promising alternative to diesel due to its high cetane number, oxygen content, and more efficient and cleaner propulsion that results in low particulate matter and sulphur oxide emissions. Going well beyond previous studies that quantified the environmental impact of DME, often in terms of global warming, here we evaluate DME use in heavy-duty trucks in the context of seven planetary boundaries, all essential for maintaining the Earth's stability. Focusing on several scenarios differing in the feedstock origin, we find that routes based on fossil carbon, either in the form of coal, natural gas, or captured CO2 from fossil plants, would increase the greenhouse gas emissions relative to the business-as-usual. Only scenarios based on renewable carbon could reduce the impacts on climate change, while hydrogen from biomass gasification coupled with carbon capture and storage (CCS) and DME from biomass gasification with CCS could enable an environmentally sustainable operation within all the planetary boundaries. Overall, our work opens up new avenues for the environmental assessment of fuels considering the finite capacity of the Earth system to guide research and policy-making more sensibly.
Battery electric and fuel cell vehicles hold good promise to decarbonise passenger vehicles,3 yet their use in hard-to-abate transportation applications—trucks, ships, and planes—has been limited due to the lack of high-density batteries and sufficient charging infrastructure.4–8 Consequently, in the short-term, heavy-duty (HD) trucks will still likely rely on the internal combustion engine (ICE).
Alternative sustainable fuels to diesel should exhibit a high cetane number and require minor modifications to the drivetrain while maintaining or improving the engine efficiency and reducing exhaust emissions.9 Recently, dimethyl ether (DME) has been gaining interest as it could provide a more efficient, soot-free, and sulphur-free combustion due to its oxygen content.10–12 Notably, pure DME has good vaporisation and ignition performance, as well as a high cetane number (>55), making combustion in diesel engines faster, more complete, and silent while avoiding the exhaust gas treatment.13,14 Additionally, it can be handled, transported, and stored as liquid petroleum gas and could be used in the same engine as diesel.15
During the past decade, DME has received increasing attention from truck manufacturers like Volvo, Mack, and Ford.16,17 Companies such as Haldor-Topsoe, Mitsubishi Co., Lurgi (Air Liquide), JFE, MGC, and Total have been producing DME from natural gas for years, focusing more recently on greener DME,18 while Oberon Fuels has created a modular DME technology from waste, excess electricity and CO2.19,20 Given the current level of investment, it is expected that by 2028 the market for DME fuel will reach 27 billion USD.21
Today, China holds the largest market share of DME production from coal, whereas a smaller share is obtained from natural gas, mainly in Europe and North America.22 Alternatively, bio-DME is based on wood residues from forests, agricultural residues, and municipal solid waste.19 At the same time, CO2-based synthetic DME can be produced from CO2 (captured from the air or at point sources) and hydrogen (from natural gas, biomass, or water electrolysis powered by renewables). Besides its role in transportation, DME could also become an energy carrier to store renewable energy.23
Assessing the economic and environmental performance of DME is essential to determine its sustainability level. Most DME studies based on process modelling,24–29 and techno-economic assessments30 focused on biomass,29,31,32 and often studied the indirect route.24–27 More recently, the direct conversion of CO2-to-DME gained attention,28,29,33,34 leading to the first pilot plants.18
Environmental studies of DME are scarce and mainly focus on global warming impacts.12,19 Matzen and Demirel conducted a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of renewable methanol and DME from fermentation-based CO2 and H2 from wind-powered electrolysis, showing that they could reduce greenhouse gas emissions.34 Lerner et al. investigated DME from natural gas, finding that its well-to-tank emissions could exceed those of diesel.35 Silalertruksa et al. studied bio-DME from rice straw,31 while Tomatis et al. analysed bio-DME from eucalyptus.36 Fernández-Dacosta et al. also found that the end-of-life carbon emissions of DME from dry reforming of methane and CO2-to-syngas could exceed those in diesel.37 Furthermore, in the 2020 report of the Joint Research Institute of the European Commission, the well-to-wheels environmental assessment of DME originating from different sources (coal, natural gas, biomass, and electricity) was presented, focusing only on global warming impacts. The authors concluded that DME from coal and natural gas would increase the GHG emissions of the current diesel-fueled HD trucks. However, they pointed out the benefits that DME could provide when produced from residual feedstocks or via power-to-DME using renewable electricity.12
One key point in the studies above concerns the use of suitable environmental indicators. LCA has become the prevalent environmental assessment tool, yet its metrics are hard to interpret because they lack global thresholds to evaluate whether a technology is sustainable from a worldwide perspective. In recent years, absolute environmental sustainability assessments (AESA) have emerged that introduce limits to LCA indicators according to the planetary boundaries (PBs).38 Notably, the PBs define limits on nine Earth-system processes (ESPs) that control the Earth's stability.39,40 Based on this concept, Ryberg et al. developed a planetary boundary based life-cycle impact assessment (PB-LCIA) methodology to quantify impacts from the emissions and resources consumption of a system relative to the control variables of the PBs.41,42
Despite these efforts, PBs studies of industrial systems, in general, and fuels, in particular, are scarce. Ryberg et al. applied the PBs to the laundry washing industry43 and a Danish utility company,44 while Tulus et al. studied the PBs impact of chemicals.45 Furthermore, following a similar approach, D'Angelo et al. evaluated low-carbon ammonia routes,46 while Wheeler et al. investigated biomass supply chains.47 Furthermore, Valente et al. assessed hydrogen fuel cell trucks relative to the PBs.48
For the first time, here we investigate whether DME from fossil and renewable carbon is sustainable in absolute terms using seven PBs. We find that, although renewable DME could reduce impacts substantially, most routes would still exceed at least one PB, which calls for optimised portfolios of renewable fuel technologies to decarbonise the HD road activities effectively.
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Fig. 1 Alternative scenarios analysed in this study. The functional unit is the global freight trucking demand supplied by the “business-as-usual” (BAU) scenario. DME is synthesised from coal, natural gas, CO2 hydrogenation, or biomass. All the DME scenarios follow the indirect production route, where methanol is produced first, and then converted into DME. The scenarios are further described in Tables S1 and S2 of the ESI.† |
For all the DME scenarios, the production pathway follows the conventional two-step (or indirect) process, based on first producing methanol, followed by its dehydration to DME. DME can also be produced directly from syngas; however, only indirect DME commercial plants are under operation. Based on Bîldea et al.,49 a process flowsheet of the DME production was developed in Aspen HYSYS v.11. The plant was scaled to produce 100 kt per year of DME with a final purity above 99.8% on a mass basis (flowsheet in Fig. S1 of the ESI).† The reaction takes place in the gas-phase on γ-alumina solid catalysts. The fixed-bed adiabatic reactor operates at 12 bar and 275–400 °C, obtaining 85% conversion. The outlet of the reactor is cooled down and enters the separation section. DME fuel is produced at 10 bar and 35 °C (99.9 wt%), consistent with its transportation and storage conditions.50
We assume that methanol can be obtained from coal, natural gas, CO2 and H2, or biomass. Conventional DME routes are based on coal gasification (coalDME scenario) and natural gas reforming (NGDME scenario) that dominate the market today. In the five CO2 hydrogenation routes, CO2 is captured from point sources at coal51 or natural gas52 plants or directly from air53 (Coal, NG, and DAC, respectively). Furthermore, H2 can be produced via electrolytic or thermochemical routes. Water electrolysis can be powered by onshore wind with wind turbines above 3 MW (Wind) and bioenergy combined with carbon capture and geological storage (BECCS). In the thermochemical route, H2 is generated via biomass gasification with CCS (BTH). The flue gases are captured and geologically stored.54 The methanol synthesis process via CO2 hydrogenation is described elsewhere.55
Finally, we consider the direct production of methanol from biomass-based syngas using cotton straw from agricultural activities as feedstock,56 which is subsequently converted to DME through methanol dehydration (BtDME scenario). Biomass, acting as both a hydrogen and carbon source, is first pre-treated (drying and pelleting) and then converted to raw syngas through the gasification process, which takes place under high pressure and in the presence of air and high-pressure steam. Raw syngas is then conditioned and fed to the methanol reactor and purification unit. Furthermore, we captured all the carbon emissions by adding a CCS part to this process (BtDME CCS scenario). A furnace was included to burn all the purges, converting all the carbon emissions to CO2, and a post-combustion capture process was simulated to capture 91% of the emissions. For all the alternative scenarios, the power grid covers the electricity demand of the processes, excluding the electricity for water electrolysis (which is produced from Wind and BECCS). This power grid corresponds to the electricity mix of 2019, and it is modelled based on the Stated Policies Scenario provided in the World Energy Outlook.57
Earth-system process | Control variable (CV) | Abbr. | PB40 (NBL)42 | SOS |
Climate change | Atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppm CO2) | CC-CO2 | 350 (278) | 72 |
Climate change | Energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere (W m−2) | CC-EI | 1.0 (0) | 1.0 |
Stratospheric ozone depletion | Stratospheric ozone concentration (DU) | O3D | 275 (290) | 15 |
Ocean acidification | Carbonate ion concentration (Ωaragonite) | OA | 2.7 (3.4) | 69 × 10−2 |
Biogeochemical flows | Global P cycle: flow from freshwater systems to the ocean (TgP per year) | BGC-P | 11 (1.1) | 9.9 |
Biogeochemical flows | Global N cycle: industrial and biological fixation of N (TgN per year) | BGC-N | 62 (0) | 62 |
Land-system change | Global area of forested land relative to original (%) | LSC | 75 (102) | 25 |
Freshwater use | Maximum consumptive blue water use, global (km3 per year) | FWU | 4.0 × 103 (0) | 4.0 × 103 |
Change in biosphere integrity | Functional diversity (% BII loss)80 | CBI | 10 (0) | 10 |
Considering a set of elementary flows e, for all scenarios s, and CVs of the PBs b, the environmental impact was calculated according to eqn (1):
![]() | (1) |
EIb,s represents the environmental impact of scenario s in each CV b. LCIe,s is the elementary flow e (i.e., feedstock requirements or emissions) in scenario s associated with the FU. All the values of LCIe,s are calculated during phase two of the LCA. CFb,e, stands for the characterisation factor linked to CV b for elementary flow e.
![]() | (2) |
We clarify that an impact above 100% indicates that the corresponding PB is surpassed in the scenario analysed. Notably, the SOS includes the maximum anthropogenic perturbation since it is the difference between the boundary and the natural background level. Assigning shares of the SOS requires applying downscaling principles, which are controversial.78 Consequently, here, we avoid downscaling by referring to the impacts on the full-SOS (%). Therefore, we evaluate the sustainability of each scenario by focusing in the magnitude of the full-SOS that it takes up.
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Fig. 2 Relative impact as the percentage of the full-SOS in all the scenarios (%). The shares of the SOS are shown for the current and proposed HD trucking sector, diesel-fuelled (BAU) and DME-fuelled HD trucks, respectively. Eight DME scenarios; two conventional (coalDME, NGDME), one biomass-based (BtDME), and five CO2-based (DAC/Wind, DAC, BTH, DAC/BECCS, coal/Wind, NG/Wind). The abbreviations of the PBs are explained in Table 1. |
Our results show that the current HD trucking sector (BAU scenario) is unsustainable. It alone transgresses the full-SOS in atmospheric CO2 concentration (CC-CO2) by a factor of 1.9 and energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere (CC-EI) by a factor of 1.8 (operating in the high risk region) while taking 62% of the SOS in ocean acidification (OA) and 13% in change in biosphere integrity (CBI). The impact on the other PBs is negligible (<1%).
Similarly, all the DME scenarios but two exceed the full-SOS in at least one PB, often CC. DAC/BTH and BtDME CCS are the only absolute (environmentally) sustainable scenarios, showing impacts below the full-SOS in all the PBs. DAC/BTH, performs negative in the CC and OA PBs because of the carbon-negative H2 used in DME production (recall that biomass gasification is coupled with CCS). However, due to the large amount of biomass needed for hydrogen production, DAC/BTH takes 43% of the CBI SOS. On the other hand, BtDME CCS is not carbon negative in CC and OA PBs because the amount of CO2 captured cannot counterbalance the positive impacts of combustion emissions, heating requirements and truck infrastructure. However, it can decrease the current stresses of the BAU scenario in CC and OA.
Similarly, the DAC/BECCS scenario shows negative impacts on the GHG-related PBs due to the carbon-negative electricity used for water electrolysis. Nevertheless, DAC/BECCS performs very poorly in CBI (240%), because of the large land use requirements needed for the woodchips biomass (originating from forest residues), and in the biogeochemical flows of nitrogen (BGC-N) (50%), due to the MEA during the carbon capture part.
The impact of the biomass-based scenarios on the land-system change (LSC) is very low because the CV considers forest transformation to cropland, while the BECCS assumed here is based on woodchips from forest residues which entails little forest transformation. Moreover, in the DAC/BTH scenario, the cultivation of poplar biomass does not contribute to LSC since it is implemented on a degraded land. The same low impacts occur in the freshwater use (FWU) PB, as there is no additional irrigation in BECCS and in the biogeochemical flows of P (BGC-P), where the boundary considers only the inflow of phosphorus from freshwater systems to the ocean. In this regard, we note that our results and, in particular, the occurrence of burden shifting strongly depend on the type of plantation, e.g., dedicated willow or poplar plantations that need large amounts of fertilisers or irrigation would lead to larger impacts. Moreover, BTH, which relies on poplar biomass, has negligible impacts on the BGC-N and FWU PB.
None of the remaining scenarios operate within the full-SOS of climate change (coalDME, NGDME, coal/Wind, NG/Wind, DAC/Wind, BtDME), while most of them operate beyond the uncertainty zone in CC-EI PB. Notably, the conventional DME scenarios (coalDME and NGDME) are unsustainable, even performing worse than the BAU in all the PBs, i.e., they transgress the CC-CO2 PB by a factor of 2.5 and 2.4, respectively. Hence, replacing diesel with fossil DME is not environmentally appealing. Concerning the scenarios that use electrolytic H2 powered by wind electricity, we find that, as expected, DAC/Wind outperforms coal/Wind and NG/Wind despite still lying within the uncertainty region for CC. Notably, DME scenarios originating from a fossil CO2 source (coal/Wind and NG/Wind) would operate in the high-risk region. Hence, DME from green methanol powered by wind might be an interim solution to reduce the carbon emissions of transportation, but most likely not a long-term one.
Finally, the uncertainty analysis reveals that the largest uncertainty range corresponds to CBI. The DAC/BECCS scenario shows the largest variability. Specifically, in the best case, DAC/BECCS occupies only a small part of the SOS in the CBI PB (22%). The uncertainty stems from the large variations of biomass availability and CO2 uptake in different regions of the world, depending on the type of land and growth conditions.
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Fig. 3 Breakdown of impacts on the control variables of three ESPs per global annual tkm (33 trillion tkm); (A) climate change — CO2 concentration, (B). Biogeochemical flows — N, and (C). Change in biosphere integrity. The total impact is indicated in red circles. Impact breakdown for the other PBs is included in the ESI (Fig. S3 and S4†), and the main contributions in Fig. S5.† |
In the CC-CO2 PB (Fig. 3A), combustion emissions are the main driver (49–73% of the total impact depending on the scenario). They exceed the carbon emissions embodied in the fuel in all the scenarios (except for the BtDME scenario) and are larger in diesel than in DME (102 ppm CO2vs. 92 ppm CO2, respectively) due to the lower carbon content of the latter (despite its lower energy content). Recall that in the DME scenarios, the impact embodied in the fuel includes the impact embodied in the methanol feedstock plus the impact of the dehydration process to produce DME. Furthermore, the carbon intensity of producing fossil diesel (i.e., at cradle-to-gate) is smaller than that of DME from fossil resources (coalDME, NGDME, coal/Wind, NG/Wind). In contrast, it is bigger than that in the green DME alternatives, which are carbon negative (DAC/Wind — −2.3 × 10−12 ppm CO2 kgDME−1 —, DAC/BTH — −1.2 × 10−10 ppm CO2 kgDME−1 —, DAC/BECCS — −7.8 × 10−10 ppm CO2 kgDME−1 —, BtDME — −6.9 × 10−12 ppm CO2 kgDME−1 —, BtDME CCS — −5.7 × 10−11 ppm CO2 kgDME−1 —). The largest positive impact embodied in producing DME is found in the BtDME scenario, which requires significant heating (10 MJ kg−1 DME) and does not deploy CCS, resulting in substantial direct emissions (1.6 kg CO2 kgDME−1 and 0.16 kg CO4 kgDME−1 that are included in “Other”). The BtDME CCS scenario follows, with the heating requirements being the most prominent positive impacts. Conventional DME routes come next, with larger impacts in coalDME than in NGDME, due to the higher carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4) emissions of coal gasification to syngas. Their impact is similar to that in the scenarios relying on fossil CO2 (coal/Wind, NG/Wind), followed by DAC/Wind, and finally, the DAC/BTH and DAC/BECCS scenarios, which are carbon-negative. CO2 from DAC can almost offset the combustion emissions in the DAC scenarios, i.e., the CO2 captured is ultimately released back into the atmosphere during the combustion phase. However, recall that in the fossil CO2 cases, there is no negative CO2 flow during the fuel production phase to counterbalance the CO2 release in the combustion phase, resulting in higher impacts.
Finally, H2 from Wind is carbon positive and carbon negative when produced from biomass (BTH, BECCS). Notably, biomass scenarios (DAC/BTH and DAC/BECCS) remove CO2 from the atmosphere; BTH could remove 191 ppm CO2, whereas BECCS provides the most negative impacts, removing 1.3 × 103 ppm CO2. The latter's potential is unrealistic as the current atmospheric CO2 concentration is 415 ppm and the biomass growth would lead to the transgression of the CBI PB. However, by coupling the worst performing scenario in CC-CO2 PB (coalDME) with DAC/BECCS, for example, it would still be possible to net remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Most of the impacts from the Wind scenario—28 ppm CO2 per global annual tkm—come from wind electricity (8.8 × 10−13 ppm kW h−1), 90% of which results from the construction of wind turbines.
Regarding the BGC-N, in Fig. 3B, H2 represents the main contribution (65–99%) for the CO2-based scenarios (DAC/Wind, DAC/BTH, DAC/BECCS, coal/Wind, NG/Wind), while CCS for the BtDME CCS scenario. H2 from BECCS performs worst due to the use of MEA during the carbon capture process. This is evident in Fig. S9 of the ESI,† where the impact breakdown of H2 from BECCS is displayed. Around 99% of the impacts in BGC-N of electrolytic H2 powered with BECCS come from MEA use (0.00673 kg MEA kW h−1 and 0.43 kg MEA/kg H2). CCS in the BtDME CCS scenario follows, making the scenario perform 12-fold worse than the BtDME scenario due to the CCS addition and the MEA. H2 from Wind comes next, where the main impacts originate from the manufacture of wind turbines (polyamide and copper hold 78% of the total impacts). This is higher than in BTH and BtDME, despite using nitrogen fertilisers for biomass growth. This is due to the high electricity demand for electrolytic water splitting. The breakdown of the electrolytic H2 from Wind in BGC-N is included in Fig. S7 of the ESI.† Regarding the CO2 sources, DAC performs 5.2 fold and 13 fold better than coal and NG, respectively, mainly due to the MEA use in the post-combustion capture processes (Fig. S9†).
Concerning CBI (Fig. 3C), the main contributors are combustion emissions and H2 production, as well as “Other” in the BtDME scenario. The former is the top contributor in all the scenarios except for those based on biomass. Since this PB has two stressors, namely “GHG emissions” and “direct land use”,77,79,81 scenarios based on biomass (DAC/BTH, DAC/BECCS) result in high impacts because they are strongly connected to the land required during biomass growth. However, this is not the case for the BtDME scenario where the direct emissions during the methanol production from biomass (direct emissions are responsible for 98% of the impacts in “Other”) are responsible for the biggest fraction of the impacts (65%). Here the “GHG emissions” stressor of CBI is the main contributor, while the “direct land use” of cotton straw is minimal. The impact of H2 from BECCS is seven times that of BTH, making the former less appealing. Lastly, in the BtDME CCS scenario, the “Other” contribution is almost zero. This is because all the GHG emissions embodied in “Other” of the BtDME scenario are captured. More details on the breakdown between the two stressors contributing to CBI PB are provided in Fig. S10 and further explanations in Section 5.5 of the ESI.†
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Fig. 4 Cost of DME per tkm calculated in Section 2.3. The error bars depict the best and worst scenario estimates according to the literature. |
The biggest contributor to the costs is hydrogen, accounting for 71–91% of the total costs. Concerning the hydrogen sources, hydrogen from biomass (DAC/BTH) is the cheapest option, followed by Wind (DAC/Wind, coal/Wind, and NG/Wind), and lastly, BECCS (DAC/BECCS). Concerning CO2 sources, DAC CO2 is 4.3 and 3.2 times more expensive than CO2 from Coal and CO2 from NG, respectively. The high cost of DAC (1.8 × 10−2 USD per tkm) originates from its high energy demand compared to the capture in fossil plants, where the CO2 concentration is much higher (15% and 8% vs. 0.04%, respectively) and, therefore, less energy is required.
Technology projections could strongly affect the economic viability of these scenarios. For example, improvements in the electrolyser and a decrease in the levelised cost of electricity could make DME more competitive.
When looking at the uncertainty range, it is evident that at the minimum cost extreme, coal/Wind, and DAC/Wind would be cheaper than fossil NGDME, while increasing the costs relative to fossil diesel only by 1.03–1.22 fold. Nevertheless, this economic competitiveness can only be realised in specific cases, i.e., where abundant wind electricity is available to reduce capital investment costs. To break-even, the H2 cost should be 1.7–2.6 USD kgH2−1. Similarly, large-scale capture will decrease the costs of DAC and CO2 from Coal and NG, pushing the total costs even lower. Hence synthetic DME could be economically competitive only if the costs of H2 and CO2 were reduced drastically.
Regarding CO2, DAC could become a virtually unlimited source of CO2. However, the technology is still in its infancy, capturing around 1.0 × 10−2 Mt CO2 per year today and expected to reach 60 Mt CO2 per year in 2030.83 In addition, it will require 1.4 × 103 TW h of electricity and 19 EJ of heating, representing 55% and 15% of the annual electricity and heat production (from natural gas) in 2018, respectively. On the other hand, coal could provide around 1.0 × 105 Mt CO2 per year, which can cover the CO2 requirements for DME production, although only 13 Mt CO2 per year are captured today.84 However, using only Coal and NG CO2 would not allow closing the carbon loop.85
As seen before, H2 from BTH or electrolytic H2 powered from BECCS have the potential to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and, therefore, achieve carbon negative results. The requirements for poplar and woodchips from forest residues for these scenarios are 1.8 × 104 Mt per year and 3.4 × 104 Mt per year, respectively. The woodchips production will need 338 million hectares, representing one-third of the United States surface area, and 60 million hectares of poplar trees to satisfy BTH, equal to the surface of France and the Netherlands combined. Based on global estimations of 2050, the woodchips production based on the maximum global potential of BECCS is only 20% of the demand required.86 Moreover, the degraded land availability for dedicated biomass production, i.e., poplar biomass, amounts to 110 EJ per year, representing 38% of the land requirement needed in BTH.86
Lastly, the CCS routes (BECCS, BTH, BtDME CCS) require large amounts of CO2 storage that might hinder their deployment. BECCS will need to store 54 Gt CO2 per year, BTH 8.5 Gt CO2 per year, and BtDME CCS 2.6 Gt CO2 per year, adding up to the total CO2 that CCS is supposed to deliver by 2050 to reach the 2 °C climate target (94 Gt CO2 (ref. 87)).88 The theoretical capacity for CO2 storage in Europe, including saline aquifers, hydrocarbon, and coal fields, is around 90 Gt.89 This means that it would take less than two years for the underground storage of Europe to saturate with CO2 from BECCS, around 10 years with CO2 from the BTH one, and 35 years with CO2 from BtDME CCS. Hence, a DME HD trucking sector fully relying on CCS would be unfeasible in the long term.
CoalDME, BtDME and BtDME CCS scenarios could be cost-competitive compared to fossil diesel, while the other routes are currently too expensive, when looking at the average cost values. Notably, the costs of DAC/Wind, DAC/BTH and coal/Wind could become more economically appealing at locations where the cost of Wind electricity and biomass is considerably lower. Moreover, the requirements for renewable power, land use, and carbon storage could hamper the technical feasibility of those DME routes relying on electrolytic H2 from renewables, biomass, or CCS.
Overall, using only DME might not be a long-term option for the HD trucking sector. However, it could complement electric and hydrogen trucks in transitioning to a fully sustainable transport sector. Notably, until and beyond 2030, DME could be deployed in countries with abundant renewable energy and biomass, as part of technological portfolios optimised to collectively operate within PBs. On a methodological side, our work paves the way for future studies applying absolute sustainability criteria to the transport sector.
DME | Dimethyl ether |
PBs | Planetary boundaries |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
GHG | Greenhouse gases |
NOx | Nitrogen oxides |
N2O | Dinitrogen monoxide |
PM | Particulate matter |
HD | Heavy-duty |
ICE | Internal combustion engine |
LCA | Life cycle assessment |
AESA | Absolute environmental sustainability assessment |
ESPs | Earth system processes |
PB-LCIA | Planetary boundary life cycle impact assessment |
ESI | Electronic supplementary information |
BAU | Business-as-usual |
FU | Functional unit |
tkm | Tonne kilometer |
LCI | Life cycle inventory |
H2 | Hydrogen |
MEA | Monoethanolamine |
CVs | Control variables |
SOS | Safe operating space |
CFb,e | Characterisation factor |
TLb,s | Transgression level |
EIb,s | Environmental impact |
UCDME,s | Unitary cost of DME |
C UTI u,s | Utility cost in scenario s |
C RAW r,s | Raw material cost in scenario s |
ν u,s | Amount of utility u in scenario s |
μ r,s | Amount of raw material in scenario s |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |