Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (OBC). In one sense the journal has a much longer history, from the Journal of the Chemical Society (1849–1965), via Journal of the Chemical Society B and C (1966–1971), and Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 and 2 (1972–2002). OBC was a new journal created to combine the synthetic and physical organic strands in Perkin 1 and 2 while incorporating more material relevant to biology, but the continuity stretching back to 1849 may be appreciated. When we publish in OBC, we become part of a tradition which has lasted for over 170 years. With a broad scope including organic synthesis, catalysis, physical and theoretical organic chemistry, chemical biology, supramolecular chemistry and synthesis-focused aspects of materials, medicinal and natural products chemistry, the key criteria for publications in OBC are high quality and significance to the organic chemistry community. We publish communications, papers and reviews from around the world, offering authors fast, rigorous and fair peer review and excellent visibility for their work.

While honoring our rich history and continuing to provide a platform for the research of our long-standing authors, OBC remains forward facing. We aim to be inclusive and as diverse as the community who read and publish with us and our periodic New Talent themed issues have highlighted the work of emerging investigators in the early stages of their independent research careers from all areas of organic chemistry across the globe.

In celebration of two decades of service to the organic chemistry community, we are publishing a web collection of papers by invited authors who have served on OBC's Editorial or Advisory Boards, or who have been otherwise associated with the journal over the years. In addition, we are producing a series of blog posts featuring some of the authors who have prominently supported OBC by publishing in the journal from our early volumes through to the present day. These blog posts are an opportunity for our authors to give their thoughts on the past twenty years of their research and the encompassing field alongside their insights towards the next two decades. We are grateful to all who have agreed to contribute, and hope readers agree that the contributions nicely illustrate the scope, quality and significance of the research published in our journal.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank past and present Editorial and Advisory Boards, authors, reviewers, and readers for your extraordinary contributions to our community over the past twenty years. Without each of these vital contributions, we would not have maintained our position as an impactful and trusted home for organic chemistry research. As we reflect on our past twenty years, we strive to continue serving the organic chemistry community for many years to come. We hope you enjoy reading this celebratory 20th anniversary themed collection and we look forward to meeting our community members in-person at conferences and events in the near future.


Anthony Davis, Editorial Board Chair, OBC

Becky Garton, Executive Editor, OBC

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023