Palladium-catalyzed C(sp3)–H nitrooxylation of masked alcohols

Yuan Xue a, Ruo-Bing Zhou a, Jun Luo *a, Bing-Cheng Hu *a, Zhong-Quan Liu b and Chao Jiang *a
aSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210094, China. E-mail:;;
bCollege of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China

Received 20th October 2022 , Accepted 24th November 2022

First published on 25th November 2022


A palladium-catalyzed β-C(sp3)–H nitrooxylation of aliphatic alcohols with AgNO2 is reported. An 8-formylquinoline-derived oxime is installed as an exo-type directing group for sp3 C–H activation and selectfluor acts as the oxidant. The reaction tolerates a variety of functional groups and shows good selectivity for β-C–H nitrooxylation of alcohols.


Nitrate esters are of significant interest to synthetic chemists because they are widespread in pharmaceuticals and energetic materials.1 Examples include vasodilators, such as glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) and isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN), postcoital antifertility agents, antidiabetes agents and so on (Scheme 1a).2 The classical ways to prepare nitrate esters are mainly based on two strategies: one is the nitration of alcohols using a mixture of HNO3/H2SO4,1a,3 which causes pollution to the environment. The other is the reaction of a suitable alkyl halide with silver nitrate.4 Recently, a variety of new methods have been developed, including nucleophilic displacement,1a,4a,b,5 ring opening of epoxides,1a,6 alkene difunctionalization,7 diazo compound trapping8 and radical based hydrogen-atom-transfer (HAT) reactions.9 A photocatalytic approach has also been reported with the help of a novel high-valent iodine derivative.10 Despite the successes achieved in the above-mentioned methods, methods to synthesize organic nitrates in a more efficient and straightforward way are still needed.
image file: d2ob01919a-s1.tif
Scheme 1 Pharmaceuticals containing the nitrate group, C–H nitrooxylation reactions and C–H oxidation of alcohols.

The strategy of transition metal catalyzed C–H activation has become more and more popular in synthetic chemistry due to its high atom economy and selectivity particularly towards unreactive C–H bonds. Lots of studies on palladium catalyzed C–O bond formation through C–H activation have been reported, mainly including acyloxylation, alkoxylation, or sulfonyloxylation of different substrates.11 In 2020, the Shi group reported the first C(sp3)–H nitrooxylation of carboxylic acids assisted by a bidentate 2-pyridinylisopropyl (PIP) directing group (Scheme 1b).12 Recently, we reported a palladium-catalyzed β-C(sp3)–H nitrooxylation of ketones and amides using practical oxidants (Scheme 1b).13 As far as we know, the direct C(sp3)–H nitrooxylation of alcohols has never been reported via C–H activation.9b

Alcohols are common and ubiquitous structural motifs found in small molecules to complex natural products and materials. The direct C–H bond conversion of alcohols to high value-added molecules is always an attractive choice in synthetic chemistry.14 Various auxiliaries on alcohols have been discovered to promote different C–C and C–X (X = O, N, F and so on) bond formations.15 In terms of C–O bond formation, the Dong group developed β-C(sp3)–H acetoxylation15a and later sulfonyloxylation15b of oxime-masked alcohols via a five-membered exo-palladacycle intermediate. The method was then extended to synthesize cyclic ethers of different ring sizes using a pendant alcohol as an internal nucleophile.15c The Xu group also reported the acetoxylation on primary methyl, methylene, and benzylic C(sp3)–H bonds of alcohol using a different bidentate auxiliary (Scheme 1c).15d Inspired by the above successes, we postulated that the β-C(sp3)–H nitrooxylation of alcohols could be achieved using an appropriate exo-oxime directing group (Scheme 1d).

Results and discussion

We started to verify the hypothesis with oxime-derived 2-butanol (1a) as the initial substrate. Fortunately, the desired product 2a was obtained in 62% yield using AgNO2 as the nitrate source (entry 1, Table 1). Other commonly used nitrate reagents were also screened (entries 2–5). Surprisingly, AgNO3 was less efficient than AgNO2. Then, we explored the efficiency of different aldoxime groups (entries 6–8). DG1 was proved to be the best. Many oxidants were used to improve the yield (entries 9–11), and selectfluor showed better oxidation performance. The addition of 1.0 equiv. of tetrabutyl ammonium hydrogen sulfate (TBAHS) improved the yield to 68% (entry 12). Other phase transfer catalysts were also screened as additives for the reaction, but none of them showed better performance than TBAHS (Table 1, entries 13–15).
Table 1 Optimization of reaction conditionsa,b

image file: d2ob01919a-u1.tif

Entry DG Nitrate reagent Oxidant Additive Yieldb [%]
a Reaction conditions: 1a (0.1 mmol), Pd(OAc)2 (10 mol%), nitrate reagent (3.0 equiv.), oxidant (1.5 equiv.), additive (1.0 equiv.), DCE (1.5 mL), 80 °C, air, 18 h. b Isolated yield.
1 DG1 AgNO2 Selectfluor 62
2 DG1 AgNO3 Selectfluor 34
3 DG1 TBN Selectfluor Trace
4 DG1 Al(NO3)3·9H2O Selectfluor Trace
5 DG1 Fe(NO3)3·9H2O Selectfluor Trace
6 DG2 AgNO2 Selectfluor Trace
7 DG3 AgNO2 Selectfluor 19
8 DG4 AgNO2 Selectfluor 0
9 DG1 AgNO2 BQ 0
10 DG1 AgNO2 NFSI 34
11 DG1 AgNO2 AgF 31
12 DG1 AgNO2 Selectfluor Bu4NHSO4(TBAHS) 68
13 DG1 AgNO2 Selectfluor Me4NHSO4 66
14 DG1 AgNO2 Selectfluor (NH4)2SO4 48
15 DG1 AgNO2 Selectfluor NH4OAC 49
image file: d2ob01919a-u2.tif

With the optimized conditions in hand, we then explored the scope of the alcohol substrates (Table 2). A variety of nitrooxylation products could be achieved in moderate to excellent yields and with good selectivity for primary β-methyl groups. Various secondary and tertiary aliphatic alcohols with different alkyl chain lengths (2a–2d), tertiary alkyl groups (isopropyl, 2f–2g) and cyclic alkyl groups (cyclohexyl, 2h, and cyclopentyl, 2i) were smoothly nitrooxylated. The di-nitrooxylation product (2e′) was observed with the substrate containing three β-methyl groups, while only the mono-nitrooxylation product (2d) was isolated for the substrate containing two β-methyl groups. For phenyl containing alcohol substrates, nitrooxylation products were obtained in moderate yields (2j–2k) without any C–H functionalization or substitution on the phenyl ring. Methoxy (2l), chloro (2m) and ester (2n–2w) groups were all compatible in the nitrooxylation reaction. Different substituents on the aryl ester groups (2n–2s) were allowed in the reaction. Substrates containing naphthyl ester (2t), styrenyl ester (2u), thiophenyl ester (2v) and cyclopropyl ester (2w) all gave moderate to good yields.

Table 2 Scope of aliphatic alcoholsa,b
a Reaction conditions: substrate (0.1 mmol), AgNO2 (3.0 equiv.), Pd(OAc)2 (10 mol%), selectfluor (1.5 equiv.), TBAHS (1.0 equiv.), DCE (1.5 mL), 80 °C, 18 h. b All yields are isolated yields. c The di-nitrooxylation product 2e′ was isolated in 23% yield.
image file: d2ob01919a-u3.tif

The nitrate group in the products could be easily converted into other functional groups through substitution reactions. For example, the reaction with NaN3 converted the alkyl nitrate to an alkyl azide (Scheme 2).9a The aldoxime directing group could be efficiently removed via hydrogenation with commercial Pd/C to deliver 1,2-diol and 1,2-amino alcohol which are important structural motifs in organic synthesis.15b

image file: d2ob01919a-s2.tif
Scheme 2 The conversion of alkyl nitrate and the synthesis of 1,2-diol and 1,2-amino alcohol.

Based on our previous work and literature reports,12,13,15b we have proposed a putative Pd(II)/Pd(IV) catalytic cycle for the nitrooxylation reaction (Scheme 3). Substrate coordination followed by C–H bond cleavage gives the bicyclic palladacycle A. The attempt to trap this intermediate to get a stable crystallographic structure failed. Selectfluor could oxidize Ag(I) to Ag(III), which may undergo single electron transfer (SET) to give NO2 radicals.16,17 The NO2 radical could dimerize to form the NO+NO3 ion pair,18 which could oxidize the Pd(II) species A to give the Pd(IV) species B. The nitrosyl-organopalladium(IV) complex B could deliver 2a directly via reductive elimination (the nitrooxylation reaction gave 34% yield of the desired product under a N2 atmosphere, see the ESI) or react with O2 to afford the O-bound nitrate complex C.19 The more reactive Pd(IV) intermediate C could then undergo reductive elimination to provide 2a.

image file: d2ob01919a-s3.tif
Scheme 3 Plausible mechanism.


We have developed a palladium-catalyzed direct alcohol C(sp3)–H nitrooxylation under mild reaction conditions. This protocol was enabled by using selectfluor as the oxidant and AgNO2 as the nitrate source. The reaction shows excellent chemoselectivity, functional group tolerance, and a broad substrate scope. The method provides a new synthetic strategy for the construction of C–O bonds via transition metal catalysis.

Author contributions

Y. X. and R.-B. Z. contributed equally to this work.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no competing financial interest.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No. 21772092 and 22075144). We thank Y.-H. Liu and T.-T. Zhao for preliminary studies on nitrooxylation of alcohols.


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These authors contributed equally to this work.

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