Thomas D.
Elin L.
b and
Mark A.
aDepartment of Chemistry, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom. E-mail:
bSafety and Environmental Assurance Centre, Unilever, Colworth Science Park, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire MK44 1LQ, United Kingdom
First published on 2nd May 2023
Membrane–water partitioning is an important physical property for the assessment of bioaccumulation and environmental impact. Here, we advance simulation methodology for predicting the partitioning of small molecules into lipid membranes and compare the computational predictions to experimental measurements in liposomes. As a step towards high-throughput screening, we present an automated mapping and parametrization procedure to produce coarse-grained models compatible with the Martini 3 force field. The methodology is general and can also be used for other applications where coarse-grained simulations are appropriate. This article addresses the effect on membrane–water partitioning of adding cholesterol to POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) membranes. Nine contrasting neutral, zwitterionic and charged solutes are tested. Agreement between experiment and simulation is generally good, with the most challenging cases being permanently charged solutes. For all solutes, partitioning is found to be insensitive to membrane cholesterol concentration up to 25% mole fraction. Hence, for assessment of bioaccumulation into a range of membranes (such as those found in fish), partitioning data measured in pure lipid membranes are still informative.
Environmental significanceIntegral to regulatory environmental safety assessment of chemicals is the need to quantify the potential for bioaccumulation in fish, typically characterized using metrics such as the whole-body bioconcentration factor (BCF). For some compound types, octanol–water partitioning is unsuitable for BCF assessment and so membrane–water partitioning/distribution (KMW/DMW) can be used. Most methods to determine KMW/DMW represent the membrane using pure phospholipid. However, biological membranes are significantly more complex. We present experimental and in silico data for partitioning of a set of diverse compounds into a phospholipid membrane with 0%, 15% and 25% cholesterol. Results indicate that the extent of partitioning does not vary significantly with cholesterol, meaning that partitioning estimates using pure-phospholipid membranes are sufficient for BCF. |
For organic chemicals, the BCF is positively correlated with the octanol–water partition coefficient KOW (which refers to the charge-neutral form of a solute) and the octanol–water distribution coefficient DOW (which accounts for all relevant charge-states at a given pH).7,8 However, for many ionizable compounds these constants are difficult to measure or predict. Surface-active compounds (surfactants) tend to accumulate at the interface between hydrophobic and hydrophilic phases and form aggregates in solution, making experimental determination challenging.9 Furthermore, octanol–water partitioning does not fully reflect the interactions of a molecule with the phospholipid bilayers in biological membranes. This is particularly notable for ionizable chemicals, which can have hydrophobic, polar and charge–charge interactions with the chemical.10
Such simple models for estimating BCF using octanol–water partitioning and one-compartment partitioning are suitable only for non-polar substances that are not biotransformed. In silico bioconcentration models such as BIONIC6 and others11 use hepatic and whole-body biotransformation clearance rates derived from in vitro methods combined with partitioning information to account for biotransformation and ionization. The membrane–water partition coefficient KMW and pH-dependent membrane–water distribution coefficient DMW are used by these models as key descriptors of sorption to phospholipids instead of only considering their octanol–water counterparts KOW and DOW. The membrane–water coefficients overcome many of the challenges associated with octanol–water partitioning, are more biologically relevant, and have been demonstrated to be an accurate alternative for estimating bioaccumulation and baseline toxicity.12–15
The most common experimental methods for determining KMW and DMW include (1) liposomes,16–18 (2) solid-supported lipid membranes (SSLM)19 and (3) retention on a chromatographic column coated with immobilized artificial membrane phospholipids (IAM-HPLC).20–22 Each has its strengths and weaknesses.
Liposomes or lipid vesicles provide the closest analogue to a cell membrane and there are several analytical methods for measuring the partitioning of a compound into a liposome–water system.23 However, it can be difficult and time-consuming to prepare and store the liposomes.
Solid supported lipid membranes (SSLM)24 consist of lipid bilayers, non-covalently bound to silica beads. These SSLM beads are commercially available, which allows for simpler and more consistent experiments. The results have been shown to correlate well with liposome experiments for drug-like molecules.25
In immobilized artificial membrane (IAM) chromatography, a lipid monolayer is bound covalently to a HPLC column, and the retention factor is measured as in other HPLC methods.26 This method is efficient, and has been used to estimate lipophilicity in several ecotoxological studies.15,27 However, the environment in an HPLC column does not perfectly represent the structure of a real lipid membrane. In particular, the interactions of charged species with the silica surface can affect the results, and conversion of retention factors to partition or distribution coefficients requires empirical correction factors.10,22 Additionally, IAM columns generally consist of one-component lipid membranes, limiting their use in investigating how membrane composition affects solute partitioning.
Computational approaches are attractive alternatives to experimental methods, due to their efficiency, ability to overcome some of the practical limitations in experimental approaches, and lower cost. Several methods for calculating KMW exist, with varying levels of accuracy and complexity. Simple fragment-based approaches8,28 and polyparameter linear free energy relationships (pp-LFER) – where partition coefficients are related to solute descriptors via an empirically fitted linear equation29,30 – are accessible and easy to apply but have limited coverage of chemical domain. As pp-LFERs require measured data to create the model, they often do not cover materials for which it is difficult to measure KMW, such as ionizable chemicals. More comprehensive approaches include COSMOmic,31 which is an extension of the COnductor-like Screening MOdel for Realistic Solvation (COSMO-RS)32 to consider micelles and membranes. In COSMOmic, a lipid bilayer–water system is represented as layers of isotropic solvents with differing compositions. Membrane–solute interactions are calculated by applying COSMO-RS to each layer to calculate the change in free energy across the system. COSMOmic works well for most neutral organic molecules,33 but has issues with some families of molecules like perfluorinated surfactants.19 Both pp-LFERs and COSMOmic can struggle to model ionic compounds,34 although COSMOmic can be improved using an additional empirical membrane potential.35
Molecular dynamics (MD) is a general-purpose simulation method where a system is studied by propagating Newton's equations of motion. Atomistic MD, where molecules are modeled at the atomic level by ‘ball-and-spring’ representations, has been applied to lipid membranes and their interactions with small molecules,36 and gives good results for KMW.37 However, a notable disadvantage of atomistic MD compared to the other computational methods discussed here is its high computational cost, which prevents its use in high-throughput screening. This cost can be alleviated using coarse-grained (CG) MD, where groups of atoms are combined into interaction sites known as ‘beads’. The Martini force field is a prominent CG model for biological systems.38,39 It uses a building-block approach, where the interactions between CG beads are defined by selecting from a list of predefined bead types. We have recently developed an efficient algorithm for automatic parametrization of solute models in Martini version 2,38 and have applied it to membrane–water partitioning.40 The most recent version of the force field, Martini 3, has more flexibility in its bead types,41 and as been shown to capture the thermodynamic properties of small organic molecules well.42 A more detailed explanation of our latest Martini scheme is given in Computational methods below.
Real cell membranes are more complex than the one-component model membranes usually used to estimate KMW and DMW. They contain multiple lipid types, as well as sterols, proteins, and other biomolecules.43 In particular, cholesterol is prevalent in most mammalian and fish cell membranes, and is essential for their biological function.44 Lipid content (including cholesterol) varies considerably between membranes. This is as true between different cell, tissue and organelle types within an organism as between species. Further temporal and geographic variability is also observed with organisms where compensatory lipid mechanisms exist to maintain membrane functions (such as fluidity, ion transport and permeability) under changing stress and environmental factors such as diet and temperature.45,46 Cell membranes in fish typically contain 2 to 38 mol% cholesterol;45–49 for example, liver cells and erythrocytes in trout lie in the range 15–22 mol%.50 Adding sufficient cholesterol to pure phospholipid bilayers induces a phase transition from the liquid-disordered to the liquid-ordered phase via an intermediate region,51 the nature of which continues to be investigated.52–55
While some experimental data for partitioning into cholesterol-containing membranes do exist, few studies have looked at a wide chemical space using consistent methodology. The aim of this study is to help address this gap and gain greater understanding of the influence of the presence of cholesterol on partitioning. We have, therefore, determined experimental liposome–water partitioning values in both pure 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and POPC–cholesterol membranes, for a varied set of chemicals using cholesterol levels of 0–25 mol%, which align with those typical of fish membranes. We have also updated our CG simulation protocol for Martini 3 and assessed it against the experimental measurements. The conclusions from this study will be useful in informing chemical risk assessment methodology, notably for parametrizing bioaccumulation models, and whether including realistic membrane compositions is likely to be beneficial over single-component phospholipid bilayers. The results will also help determine whether KMW and DMW measures of partitioning sufficiently capture the interactions of chemicals in a phospholipid–cholesterol model.
The following nine molecules were tested for partitioning to cover a range of ionization states under pH-neutral conditions, to reflect their predominant state in the environment: 3-nitroaniline, diclofenac, sulfobetaine 3-10 (SB3-10), dodecyldimethylamine oxide (DDAO-C12), propranolol, dihexylamine, octyl sulfate, decyl sulfate and dodecyl sulfate. An additional seven molecules – tryptophan, urea, diethyl adipate, hexylamine, dodecylamine, trihexylamine, and tridecyl sulfate – were also tested, but for reasons explained in the Discussion section, difficulties were encountered for these cases and the study proceeded with the remaining nine. The materials were clustered into four sets according to their suitability for analysis under the same analytical method, and tested in these groups. This procedure is described in the ESI.†
The liposome–water partitioning was determined in a 96-well plate rapid equilibrium dialysis (RED) device (by Thermo Fisher Scientific) based on a protein-binding protocol.57 Each well in the RED device contains a donor cell (red cell) and a receptor (white cell) separated by a 8 kDa molecular weight cut-off cellulose membrane, through which the liposomes cannot permeate. The liposome solutions were diluted to approximately 4 mM with PBS solution (pH 7.4) and dosed with the test chemicals at three different nominal concentrations of 10, 20 and 50 μM. Analysis was carried out by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using an Agilent 1200 LC system coupled to an Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. Further details of the method are detailed in the ESI.†
KMW = CM/CW, | (1) |
nmemb = (Cnom − Cfree)Vwell | (2) |
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
Solute models were parametrized for the nine compounds studied experimentally in this work, and additionally for hexylamine. The models were constructed using a new version of our cg_param tool,40 to take advantage of the Martini 3 force field. The mapping algorithm for dividing molecules into CG beads is unchanged from the previous version, but the subsequent assignment of bead types now reflects the expanded choice in Martini 3. The version of cg_param used in this work supports the range of beads from C1 to P6, but no subtypes or halogenated beads. The regular, small and tiny (R, S, T) bead sizes available in Martini 3 are automatically assigned using the maximum number of bonds spanning the fragment. Bead types are now assigned based on experimental ΔGOW of the fragment where available, falling back on the predictions of the ALOGPS algorithm59,60 only when direct measurements are not available. Certain neutral fragments now have their optimal bead assignments hard-coded, with ethyl, propyl and butyl fragments assigned as TC2, SC2 and C2 respectively.
The mapping of anionic charged groups based on pre-defined fragments has been updated, with the SO4− group assigned as a Q2 bead, and the SO3− group as SQ4. These assignments were based on matching existing experimental (SSLM) logKMW data for octyl sulfate and octyl sulfonate,19 analogously to the approach in our Martini 2 version.40
The tetramethyl ammonium fragment NC4+ was assigned as Q2, and the acetate fragment C2O2− as SQ5n, using existing bead assignments from the Martini 3 ions library.41 Other primary and secondary ammonium fragments from the automated mapping were parametrized manually using the general guidelines for charged bead assignments from the Martini 3 ESI.41
Mappings of the solute molecules tested in this work, and their bead assignments, are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1. The bead assignments are also listed in ESI† and the updated cg_param is available at While this new version of the algorithm takes advantage of several important new features in Martini 3, full exploitation of Martini 3 is a larger piece of work which is still underway.
All simulations in this study were carried out using Gromacs 2021.1.62 and the new-RF set of Martini simulation parameters.63 The leapfrog integrator, with a 20 fs timestep, was used. The velocity-rescale thermostat and Parrinello–Rahman barostat were used to keep the simulation at 310 K and 1 bar pressure (for equilibration and constant pressure simulations). The reaction field method,64 with a relative permittivity of 15.0 and a cutoff of 1.1 nm, was used to calculate electrostatic interactions. Van der Waals interactions were cut off at 1.1 nm using the potential shift method, which shifts the potential to zero at the cutoff. LINCS was used to constrain bond lengths within CG ring systems, with an order of 12 and 2 iterations. These LINCS parameters are recommended for cholesterol simulations to avoid artificial temperature gradients.65
The same umbrella sampling setup was used as in our previous work.40 Two solute molecules were simulated in each umbrella window. The simulations were set up so that while one molecule is in the center of the membrane, the other is in the water. For neutral molecules, the umbrella windows were at 0.1 nm intervals between the center of the membrane and 5.0 nm away from the center, and the molecule was restrained using a harmonic potential with a 1000 kJ mol−1 nm−2 force constant. For charged molecules, umbrella windows were at 0.05 nm intervals, using a 2000 kJ mol−1 nm−2 force constant. The distance between a solute and the membrane center was defined using the cylinder method, to remove the effect of undulations in the membrane.66
The umbrella sampling simulations were analyzed in the same way as in our previous work.40 The weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM) was used to estimate the probability P of finding the solute at a given position zi between the center of the membrane (z0 = 0.0 nm) and the water (zn = 5.0 nm). The water and bilayer parts of the profile were determined using a hard cut-off, zR which was determined separately for each profile. zR was defined as the point where the RMSD of the free energy profile between zn and that position first increases above 0.1 kJ mol−1. logKMW was then calculated using:
![]() | (5) |
Strictly speaking, KMW refers to a particular charge state (neutral or ionized) of a given solute. In contrast, the distribution coefficient DMW takes into account the possibility that more than one charge state may be relevant at a given pH, and the overall partitioning is a weighted sum of state-specific KMW values:
DMW = f(Q)KMW(Q) + f(N)KMW(N). | (6) |
The pKa and f values at pH = 7.4 (the pH of our experimental measurements) for the molecules in this study are given in Table 1. In each case, the simulations have been conducted using a fixed charge state corresponding to the dominant species in aqueous solution, as indicated in the final column of the table. For compounds that are charged at pH 7.4, the experiments are effectively measuring DMW rather than KMW, but for convenience both KMW and DMW values are referred to as KMW throughout. In practice, the distribution of charge states in the membrane may differ from that in water. Methods for constant-pH Martini simulations – where the explicit charge state of a molecule can change during a simulation – are under development.67,68 Such techniques may provide scope for further refinement of KMW predictions in the future and make it possible to extend the approach to species where no single charge state dominates.
Molecule | pKa | f(Q−) | f(N) | f(Q+) | Model charge |
3-Nitroaniline71 | 2.47* | 0.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 0 |
Diclofenac72 | 4.15 | 0.999 | 0.001 | 0.000 | −1 |
Propranolol72 | 9.42* | 0.000 | 0.009 | 0.991 | +1 |
Hexylamine73 | 10.64* | 0.000 | 0.001 | 0.999 | +1 |
Dihexylamine74 | 11.31* | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1.000 | +1 |
SB3-10 (ref. 74) | 1.275 | 0.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 0 |
DDAO-C12 (ref. 74) | 4.79* | 0.000 | 0.998 | 0.002 | 0 |
Octyl sulfate75 | 1.9 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | −1 |
Decyl sulfate75 | 1.9 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | −1 |
Dodecyl sulfate75 | 1.9 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | −1 |
For each bilayer, equilibration was carried out using the default series of parameters from the CHARMM-GUI, which involves a minimization followed by a series of short equilibrations in which position restraints on the membrane are removed, and the time-step increased. A production run lasting 100 μs was then carried out using the default CHARMM-GUI production parameters. A 2 fs time step was used with the leapfrog integrator. The temperature was kept constant at 310 K using the Nosé–Hoover thermostat, with a coupling constant of 1.0 ps. The pressure was kept constant at 1.0 bar with the Parrinello–Rahman barostat, with a coupling constant of 5.0 ps. Electrostatic interactions were calculated using the particle mesh Ewald (PME) method, with a 1.2 nm short-range cutoff. Van der Waals interactions were cut off by switching the forces to zero between 1.0 and 1.2 nm. The LINCS algorithm, with an order of 4 and 1 iteration, was used to constrain all bonds containing hydrogens.
The condensing effect of cholesterol on the lipid structure was examined by comparing the area per lipid, Alipid, with respect to cholesterol concentration (Fig. S1†). For the pure POPC membrane, both CG and atomistic models agree well with the experimental value78 of 0.643 nm2. The all-atom simulations show a steady decrease in Alipid with cholesterol concentration up to 40% cholesterol, after which the gradient decreases. The Martini 3 model shows a steady decrease at a comparable rate to the all-atom simulations, but the gradient is uniform over the concentration range. Additionally, the ordering of the lipid molecules in the membranes was determined by calculating the bond order parameter for each inter-bead bond in the CG molecule. For more detail on the simulated condensing and ordering effect of cholesterol, see ESI.†
The liquid structure of the lipid bilayers was investigated by calculating 2D radial distribution functions (RDFs) of the lipid tails of POPC (see ESI†). Overall, the qualitative trend of increased ordering on adding cholesterol is followed by the Martini models of POPC/cholesterol mixtures. At around 40 mol% cholesterol there is a transition to the liquid-ordered phase from the liquid-disordered/liquid-ordered coexistence region, which is captured by atomistic simulations but not Martini 3 models. However, physiological cholesterol concentrations in fish are mostly less than 40 mol% and our experimental measurements are all below 40 mol%. Hence, an accurate description of the transition region is not required for the present study. Nevertheless, there is scope for further reparametrization of the bead types and bonded structure of the lipid and sterol models in Martini 3 in order to improve the phase behavior of mixed bilayers in the future.79
Fig. 3 shows how the experimental and simulated logKMW values vary with cholesterol concentration. The experimental results are separated in order to illustrate the effect of the initial dosing concentration. Each experimental point is the average of three concentration measurements taken from the same experiment, and the error bars are the standard deviations of those three measurements. Each simulation point is the calculated value from a single set of umbrella-sampling simulations. The error bars are the maximum observed standard deviation when 10 replicate simulations were carried out for two test cases (dodecyl sulfate and diclofenac) at all cholesterol concentrations. The resulting uncertainty of 0.10 in log
KMW has been taken as representative for all the simulation points.
The change in logKMW with cholesterol concentration is generally small from both experimental and computational methods. There is most often a small overall downward trend on adding cholesterol in the experimental results, although there is variation from molecule to molecule. In the experimental measurements, the difference between results at different dose concentrations is often larger than the difference with respect to cholesterol. There is no consistent trend with respect to dose concentration across all molecules, suggesting that the choice of dosing does not introduce any systematic bias in the results. Nevertheless, the differences between the three batches of results for each molecule indicate that a statistical analysis of the data from any one dosing may not reflect the true uncertainty in the result. We therefore take the mean of all individual measurements at all three dose concentrations as the most reliable value of the solute partitioning at a given cholesterol concentration. This gives values for each solute and cholesterol combination based on a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 9 measurements. These consolidated figures and their uncertainties, along with the corresponding simulation predictions, are summarized in Table 2. Additionally in Table 2 are simulation data for hexylamine, which has a log
KMW value too low to be measurable by this experiment (see Discussion).
Molecule | Experiment | Simulation | ||||
0% cholesterol | 10–15% cholesterol | 20–25% cholesterol | 0% cholesterol | 10–15% cholesterol | 20–25% cholesterol | |
3-Nitroaniline | 2.3(4) | 2.1(4) | 2.1(4) | 1.24 | 1.21 | 1.13 |
Diclofenac | 2.8(6) | 2.7(2) | 2.5(2) | 1.85 | 1.98 | 2.00 |
Propranolol | 3.1(2) | 2.8(2) | 2.8(2) | 1.74 | 1.66 | 1.77 |
Hexylamine | — | — | — | 0.29 | 0.37 | 0.34 |
Dihexylamine | 2.4(5) | 2.6(2) | 2.4(6) | 2.35 | 2.34 | 2.23 |
SB3-10 | 2.4(4) | 2.0(7) | 2.5(4) | 1.99 | 2.08 | 1.94 |
DDAO-C12 | 3.4(3) | 3.05(10) | 2.95(16) | 3.28 | 3.19 | 3.35 |
Octyl sulfate | 2.2(4) | 2.0(7) | 2.2(6) | 2.42 | 2.34 | 2.32 |
Decyl sulfate | 3.5(3) | 3.4(3) | 3.4(3) | 3.35 | 3.41 | 3.18 |
Dodecyl sulfate | 4.4(4) | 4.0(4) | 4.2(3) | 4.31 | 4.48 | 4.27 |
The driving force for reduced solute partitioning into cholesterol-containing membranes is generally understood to be changes in membrane ordering on the addition of cholesterol. Cholesterol increases the lipid ordering for membranes composed of phospholipids, but the extent of this ordering depends on the nature of the acyl chain. Fully saturated lipids show a significantly greater increase in ordering than those with one or two unsaturated acyl chains.81 In the case of POPC, which has one fully saturated chain, there is a moderate ordering effect, as shown in our atomistic results, which explains the small decrease in partitioning in the experimental results. This underestimation of ordering in the CG simulations could indicate why this change in partitioning, where experimentally detectable, is also underestimated. Nevertheless, the effect of cholesterol on partitioning even in the experimental POPC system is small.
Experimental liposome measurements are well established for estimating logKMW and are considered the closest representation of a real biological environment within a controlled experimental setting. As such, they are extremely valuable when assessing the bioaccumulation of important chemicals. The history of their use gives a good understanding of the method's limitations, such as the difficulties in measuring values for certain molecules. Some chemicals which we intended to study could not be assessed experimentally. Urea, which is very hydrophilic (and so would be expected to have a high concentration in the water phase) could not be quantified using LC-MS, highlighting the difficulty of finding general analytical methods when studying a varied set of molecules. Dodecylamine, on the other hand, was insoluble in the dosing solution. Even though it most likely can accumulate in the bilayer, it was not possible to accurately determine its concentration in the aqueous phase.
Finally, the amount of hexylamine in the liposomes at equilibrium could not be determined accurately. This problem occurs when the bound concentration is smaller than the variability of the bound concentration measurement, and sets a lower limit on the logKMW values that can be reliably calculated using a particular analytical method. This limitation does not exist in simulations, because the umbrella sampling technique can force a molecule to sample unfavorable environments. This is one of the areas where simulation can complement experiment. For example, simulations may be validated using experimental results for the more soluble members of a chemical series, and then trends with respect to, for example, alkyl chain length can be examined using simulation. In the experimentally marginal case of hexylamine, the CG model shown in Fig. 1(d) returns log
KMW values in the range 0.29 to 0.37, as listed in Table 2. Such low values correspond to a difference between dosed concentration and free concentration in the liposome system of less than 3%, which is indeed below the resolution of the present experiments. Hence, the simulations correctly predict that an experimental measurement of log
KMW would be challenging for hexylamine and, in the process, provide a prediction of what the value would be.
It is also important to bear in mind the assumptions associated with liposome experiments. The calculated logKMW is based on measuring the free aqueous concentration in the dialysis receptor cell and the assumption that any remaining solute must be in the liposome. Concentrations during control experiments (with no liposome) show a loss of material in some cases (recovery less than 80%). Stability assessment in the same matrix and under the same conditions were carried out as part of the method development for all chemicals and did not show significant degradation, which rules this out as the main loss. It is proposed that losses result from binding to the RED plate. In the case of diethyl adipate, tryptophan, trihexylamine and tridecyl sulfate, the recovery was substantially lower (less than 25%) in the reference compound or the solute itself, and we have therefore been unable to obtain reliable log
KMW values for these molecules. Scaling of the measured concentrations to the respective control values gave unphysical results where the scaled concentration was higher than the initial dosed concentration. There may be a more complex three-way equilibrium between the water, liposome and the binding of solute to the experimental equipment but it is not clear how best to account for this.
Another key aim of this study was to determine whether it is appropriate to include cholesterol in model membranes for helping to determine bioaccumulation. Many of the solutes studied do show a slight reduction in partitioning for cholesterol-containing membranes compared to pure POPC. However, this change is small, and is generally less than the difference between, for example, measurements from different dose concentrations or methods for calculating KMW and DMW. For the purposes of a risk assessment, where several other factors in addition to bioaccumulation must be taken into account, this small change may not be significant. Some chemicals, e.g., perfluoroalkyl surfactants, are known to have specific affinity for other membrane components such as certain proteins, and so require more specific consideration.19 However, even for these chemicals, logKMW for pure membranes has been demonstrated to provide improved correspondence with BCF values.19 We conclude that KMW determined for pure phospholipid membranes is a suitable surrogate for partitioning into cholesterol-containing membranes characteristic of fish as part of an overall assessment of bioaccumulation.
The present study highlights the need for further work in several directions. In this article we have considered the influence of cholesterol on partitioning, but other membrane components also have the potential to influence the uptake of ionizable compounds, despite being present at lower levels. For example, acidic phospholipids are able to attract positively charged molecules and repel negatively charged molecules.82 While these phospholipids may be present only in small concentrations, their overall impact has not yet been fully quantified across a broad chemical space (including those chemicals considered in this study). Additionally, the agreement between experiment and simulation for 3-nitroaniline in this study is poor. Considering the large amount of experimental data for this compound, the disagreement suggests that further development is needed for simulations of compounds containing nitro groups and zwitterions in general. Finally, another priority is the development of consistently good models for compounds containing ammonium, especially quaternary nitrogen. As logKMW for these molecules often proves difficult to measure experimentally, the development of simulation models for such compounds is a focus for future research opportunities.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |