d and
aEnergy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. E-mail: hannabreunig@lbl.gov
bTransportation and Power Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory, IL 60439, USA
cEnergy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USA
dPhysical and Computational Sciences Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USA
First published on 21st August 2023
Hydrogen-based direct reduced iron (H2-DRI) is an alternative pathway for low-carbon steel production. Yet, the lack of established process and business models defining “green steel” makes it difficult to understand what the respective H2 price has to be in order to be competitive with commercial state-of-the-art natural gas DRI. Given the importance of establishing break-even H2 prices and CO2 emission reduction potentials of H2-DRI, this study conducted techno-economic analyses of several design and operation scenarios for DRI systems. Results show that renewable H2 use in integrated DRI steel mills for both heating and the reduction of iron ore can reduce direct CO2 emissions by as much as 85%, but would require an H2 procurement cost of $1.63 per kg H2 or less. When using H2 only for iron ore reduction, economic viability is reached at an H2 procurement cost of $1.70 per kg, while achieving a CO2 emission reduction of 76% at the plant site. System design optimization strategies around excess H2 ratios in the DRI top gas and the H2 recycle pressurization can further improve performance and economics. Low H2 excess ratios are particularly attractive as they reduce pre-heating energy requirements and offer integration opportunities with static recycle ejectors if H2 is supplied at sufficiently high pressure. The potential of utilizing the electric arc furnace off-gas is shown to be much more synergistic with H2-DRI than natural gas-DRI and can increase the break-even H2 procurement cost by up to 7¢ per kg H2. Such findings are critical for setting technical performance criteria for H2 supply and storage in the iron and steel sector.
Broader contextSubstantially lowering greenhouse gas emissions from the iron and steel sector requires adopting new processes for iron ore reduction that will have impacts on facility energy efficiency, operation, and product cost. Hydrogen can be used as a reducing agent, and to serve high temperature thermal loads, allowing for the possible decoupling of the industry from coal and natural gas. However, the demand for low-carbon hydrogen from a single integrated steel mill could require giga-watts worth of renewable energy and electrolysis capacity. This work presents a detailed analysis of the use of hydrogen for making green steel, based on process modelling, and establishes price targets for hydrogen as well as guidance for process designs that can improve overall energy efficiency and integration. |
Further minimizing CO2 emissions of the steel industry has attracted significant interest over the years and numerous companies – accounting for 17% of the global steel production – have adopted net-zero-emission targets.8 While technology upgrades and improvements in heat recovery can reduce CO2 emissions,9 these reductions become more incremental as technology matures. Carbon capture at steel facilities has proven to be challenging due to the high concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen (N2), and steam in the flue gases, as well as the unsteady nature of furnace off-gases (i.e. the electric arc furnace; EAF), calling for a reinvention of current steel production. As the majority of current steel facilities will reach their end of life by 2030 and require major reinvestments for refurbishment and relining, it is crucial to start investing in green steel technologies during the 2020s and avoid reinvestments into current steel facilities that will lock in new emissions for decades.10 By using shaft furnaces, iron oxide can be directly reduced by methane (CH4)-derived syngas, a mixture of CO and H2. This can reduce direct CO2 emissions by 61% compared to conventional coke-based iron production processes. When replacing CH4 with renewable H2, direct CO2 emission reductions of 97% are possible compared to the conventional blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace steelmaking process.11 In a recent assessment of the steel industry, the International Energy Agency (IEA) further highlights the need for new low-emission steel technologies such as hydrogen-based direct reduced iron (H2-DRI).6 Using renewable H2 is currently still expensive, making the H2-DRI process highly dependent upon the availability of low-cost clean electricity and/or the implementation of a CO2 emission tax;12 nevertheless, H2-DRI shows advantages over other renewable carbon-based drop-in fuels.11
Preliminary comparisons of decarbonization pathways for iron and steelmaking suggest that H2-based iron oxide reduction in shaft furnaces has the greatest potential for lowering CO2 emissions from primary steel production when using renewable electricity for H2 production and serving ancillary power needs.7,13 Other advantages of H2-based direct reduction of iron oxide include faster reaction kinetics compared to CO, which can reduce equipment size.14 However, the endothermic nature of the iron oxide reduction reaction with H2 makes the heat integration more challenging and a pre-heater for the H2 is needed.15 While this opens interesting heat integration options to improve the overall system efficiency, e.g. with the EAF off-gas (an often wasted resource), the high sensitivity of H2-based steel plants to the electrolyser efficiency typically leads to lower overall systems efficiencies when compared to the traditional blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace route.16 Nevertheless, H2-based steel production offers an enormous CO2 emission reduction potential and technologies for direct reduced iron (DRI) production using H2 have been successfully demonstrated with no adverse effects on steel quality.17–19
This presents the opportunity for renewably generated H2, from sustainable regional energy resources, to be coupled with the steel industry. Due to the fluctuations in the availability of renewable power and the continuous nature of the steel-making process, there is a need for H2 storage to supply cheap, low-carbon-emission H2 continuously during operation.20 A 1000000 tonnes-per-year steel facility, assuming an electrolysis-based facility with H2 compression, requires approximately 60 kW h kg−1-H2, a wind or solar farm would need to be sized to 500 MW at a 100% capacity factor. In reality, power generation facilities of 1–2 GW are expected to account for renewable intermittency.
Today short-term compressed H2 storage in steel plants – to shift the electricity use to off-peak hours – is shown to not off-set the electrolyzer investment.21 However, higher price fluctuations in a future grid with high renewable penetration are expected to make onsite H2 storage a valuable asset increasing profit margins.22 A drawback of compressed gas H2 storage systems is their relatively high energy demand associated with gas compression. Thus, alternative H2 storage systems, such as liquid organic H2 carriers (LOHCs), are currently being considered for integration into steel facilities.23
Advantages of LOHCs include their easy handling and storage, as they are typically liquid at ambient temperature and pressure, which makes them highly compatible with current fossil fuel infrastructure. Liquid organic H2 carriers can be centrally produced, to make use of the economies of scale, and transported to end-use locations. Methanol is shown to be an attractive option for such scenarios which offers a similar economic performance as compressed H2 storage.24 When thermally integrated with end-use H2 applications, LOHCs are shown to be thermodynamically and economically advantageous over compressed H2 storage solutions.25 Particularly, the lower capital investment cost of LOHC systems are shown to economically outperform lined rock cavern H2 storage at H2-DRI steel facilities.26 In the same context, using methanol as LOHC is found to be more cost competitive compared to formic acid, ammonia, and perhydro-dibenzyltoluene, which suffer from large thermodynamic barriers for dehydrogenation and/or higher investment costs.27
The focus of this work is to characterize plausible hydrogen end use in iron and steelmaking in a manner that can inform coupling with H2 generation and storage systems. In this study, break-even levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) targets for decarbonizing the steel industry with H2-DRI are established by comparing H2-DRI to the commercial natural gas-based direct reduced iron (NG-DRI) process. To enable this comparison, a detailed techno-economic analysis, supported by rigorous process modelling, is conducted. Detailed process models of integrated mills with NG-DRI and H2-DRI are developed to establish material balances, energy balances, balance-of-plant, direct and indirect CO2 emissions, etc. This information is then used to derive the economic performance; whereby, the NG-DRI acts as the state-of-the-art reference case used to benchmark the H2-DRI performance. Detailed breakdowns of capital expenditure and cost-driving factors are discussed and their respective impact on the levelized steel production cost (LSPC). By replacing the feedstock of the various NG users in the mill with H2, the decarbonization potential of the mill is evaluated together with its economic performance expressed in break-even LCOH. Additionally, key operating parameters of the H2-DRI process are studied to evaluate the economic impact of operating states upon the break-even LCOH and highlight opportunities for improving process design parameters. Specifically, EAF off-gas utilization is an important topic in this area as it contains substantial amounts of energy in the form of heat and CO, as well as smaller amounts of H2. The highly dynamic nature of this off-gas makes it difficult to utilize. In this work, we present dynamic simulations of the EAF off-gas to investigate its utilization potential in NG-DRI and H2-DRI applications, as well as shed light on the economic value of the respective utilization option.
In summary, while H2-DRI has been investigated in literature, this study provides a comprehensive techno-economic comparison of NG-DRI and H2-DRI configurations. While most studies integrate the electrolyzer into their analysis, it needs to be recognized that economical H2-production and economical H2-DRI operation are two connected but distinctively separate concerns. Along those lines, we provide insights into the pure H2-DRI economics, study H2-DRI operating parameters and their impact upon economics as well as derive break-even/target costs of H2 to enable economical operation.
All scenarios evaluated in the techno-economic analysis are developed in the process simulation software ProSim Plus.28 We estimate total upfront investment, material and energy efficiency, and predict the maximum LCOH that is permissible in order to break even with the LSPC of the NG-DRI base case scenario. This means that a high break-even LCOH is desirable as it constitutes a scenario that is economically viable even if the cost of H2 is high. This section provides an overview of the data and modelling approaches used to establish the performance metrics of the aforementioned technologies.
CH4 + H2O ↔ 3H2 + CO ΔH° = +206 kJ mol−1 | (1) |
CO + H2O ↔ H2 + CO2 ΔH° = −41 kJ mol−1 | (2) |
The catalyst used in this process is an alumina-supported nickel catalyst, as in Ko et al.29 The operating conditions of reformers deployed in NG-DRI facilities differ from conventional steam methane reformers in feed composition, desired syngas CO/H2 ratio and operating pressure. Due to the integration with the shaft furnace, which typically operates at moderate pressures above atmosphere, the reformer operates at a pressure of 2.9 bar in order to minimize recycle compression work. The outlet gas (syngas) consists of 51 mol% H2, 35 mol% CO, 8 mol% H2O, 1 mol% CH4 and 5 mol% CO2, which is in good agreement with literature values.15,30–32
The firebox operates with an excess air of 15% and maintains a thermodynamic temperature of greater than 1000 °C in the reforming section to facilitate the endothermic reforming reactions. To maximize the efficiency of the firebox, the combustion air is pre-heated to 500 °C against the flue gas before it enters the stack. Due to the high flue gas temperature, even after recuperation, an ejector stack is used.
3CO + Fe2O3 ↔ 3CO2 + 2Fe ΔH° = −25 kJ mol−1 | (3) |
3H2 + Fe2O3 ↔ 3H2O + 2Fe ΔH° = +99 kJ mol−1 | (4) |
At the same time syngas reactions such as the above-mentioned water gas shift reaction and carbon formation occur. The shaft furnace is loaded with iron ore pellets at the top and the feedstock slowly moves downward over time as it heats up. On the way to the bottom of the furnace, the iron oxide comes in contact with hot CO and H2 which reduces the Fe2O3 first to Fe3O4, and FeO before converting it into metallic Fe. At the same time, CO and H2 are converted to CO2 and H2O. To mimic this behaviour, the reactor is modelled as a network of different heat exchange and reaction sections including the syngas reactions. To maintain a reducing atmosphere, excess CO and H2 are needed. Higher excess ratios increase the chemical potential/driving force for the chemical reactions inside the shaft furnace; however, this increases the recycle stream and work associated with recompression. Typical top gas concentrations of the shaft furnace range from 33–49 mol% for H2, and 19–26 mol% for CO.30–32 The temperature of the top gas leaving the shaft furnace ranges from 300–450 °C.30,31,34 Thereafter, the top gas is quenched in a water scrubber to remove water produced by the iron ore reduction process as well as dust, and to lower the gas temperature for the recycle compressor. About 1/3 of the top gas is sent to the reformer's firebox where it is burned. This purge is necessary to eliminate the build-up of CO2 and other compounds in the recycle.
The productivity of the shaft furnace can be improved by introducing high-purity O2 into the furnace (or upstream of the shaft furnace) to raise the operating temperature of the shaft furnace, which improves reaction kinetics. Depending on the need to increase productivity, oxygen addition can vary greatly, and in this work a value at the lower end (0.1 kmol/metric tonne of sponge iron) has been chosen assuming the productivity of DRI and EAF is well balanced.35
Scenario | Description |
NG-DRI-B | NG-DRI base case: NG use for syngas production, reformer heating, EAF heating, ladle heating. |
NG-DRI-R | NG-DRI reformer case: NG use for syngas production, EAF heating, ladle heating. H2 use for reformer heating. |
NG-DRI-E | NG-DRI EAF case: NG use for syngas production, reformer heating, ladle heating. H2use for EAF heating. |
NG-DRI-L | NG-DRI ladle case: NG use for syngas production, reformer heating, EAF heating. H2 use for ladle heating. |
NG-DRI-T | NG-DRI total case: NG use for syngas production. H2 use for reformer heating, EAF heating, ladle heating. |
H2-DRI-B | H2-DRI base case: H2 use for shaft furnace. NG use for H2 pre-heating, EAF heating, ladle heating. |
H2-DRI-P | H2-DRI pre-heater case: H2 use for shaft furnace, H2 pre-heating. NG use for EAF heating, ladle heating. |
H2-DRI-E | H2-DRI EAF case: H2 use for shaft furnace, EAF heating. NG use for H2 pre-heating, ladle heating. |
H2-DRI-L | H2-DRI ladle case: H2 use for shaft furnace, ladle heating. NG use for H2 pre-heating, EAF heating. |
H2-DRI-T | H2-DRI total case: H2 use for shaft furnace, H2 pre-heating, EAF heating, ladle heating. |
H2-DRI-TEP | H2-DRI electric case: H2 use for shaft furnace, EAF heating, ladle heating and electricity for H2 pre-heating |
Secondly, sensitivity studies are conducted. One for the cost of NG and electricity, which have been subject to large fluctuations over the past couple of years and are further location-dependent; and one for the H2-DRI-B and H2-DRI-T cases to investigate the impact of varying H2 excess ratios in the shaft furnace. Due to limited data availability, it remains difficult to judge the exact amount of excess H2 needed. This sensitivity analysis will shed light on the economic impact of this operating variable together with an alternate ejector-based top gas recirculation option.
Lastly, EAF off-gas utilization is studied using the NG-DRI-B and H2-DRI-T cases, and two exemplary EAF off-gases. EAF off-gas composition, temperature, and mass flow for EAF off-gas #1 and EAF off-gas #2 are shown in the ESI† Fig. S1 and S2. For each case (NG-DRI-B and H2-DRI-T), four sub-scenarios are investigated: (1) EAF off-gas #1 with single train EAF, (2) EAF off-gas #1 with two contracyclical EAF trains, (3) EAF off-gas #2 with single train EAF, (4) EAF off-gas #2 with two contracyclical EAF trains.
(5) |
LSPC represents the cost of producing steel in the first year, calculated by taking into account factors such as the capital charge factor (CCF), the total cost of building the facility (TOC), fixed and variable annual operating costs (OCfix and OCvar), the plant's capacity utilization (CF), and the expected annual production of steel at full capacity (MTPY). The TOC is the total overnight capital expenditure and includes the total plant cost (TPC) as well as pre-production costs, inventory capital, financing costs, land, and other owner's costs (for details see reference).41
Fixed operating costs (OCfix) include property tax and insurance at 2% of the TPC and operating labour. Operating labour for the integrated steel mill at the relevant scale is estimated with 51 skilled operators paid at an hourly rate of $40.85 and 93 shift workers paid $30.00 per hour. It is estimated that the labour burden accounts for 30% of the operating costs, and an additional 25% will be allocated for overhead expenses. Maintenance-related labour expenses make up 35% of the maintenance costs, and administrative and support labour are 25% of the combined operating and maintenance labour costs.41
Variable operating costs (OCvar) such as maintenance expenses are dependent on the availability of the plant. Other variable costs to consider include items like fuel, sorbents, and catalysts that are consumed during the production process. A summary of the consumables used in the steel mills is provided in Table 3 (for the analysis all costs are escalated to the year 2022 using an annual escalation factor of 3%). Particularly, the cost of NG and electricity have a substantial impact on the beak-even cost of H2 and vary not only over time but also by location. Just in the U.S. (excl. Hawaii) between late 2022 and early 2023, NG prices for industrial consumers varied from over $60 per MW h in Massachusetts to less than $10 per MW h in Texas. Similar differences are seen in industrial electricity prices with costs as high as $180 per MW h and as low as $55 per MW h. To cover the entire range of NG and electricity prices, the sensitivity study conducted in this study includes NG price ranges from $63.69 per MW h to $8.85 per MW h and electricity prices from $180.00 per MW h to $20.00 per MW h (considering future low-cost electricity which is a crucial part of achieving low-cost H2 production).
Scaling costs to the relevant analysis year can be achieved viaeqn (7). To obtain cost estimates at plant scale eqn (7) is used.
SC = RC·(1 + AER)SY–RY | (6) |
(7) |
The scaled cost (SC) is determined by using the reference cost (RC), annual escalation rate (AER), scaled year (SY), and respective reference year (RY). To scale the equipment size, the scaling parameter (SP) and the reference parameter (RP) at reference scale are used along with the scaling exponent (u) which can be found in literature51 for various types of plant equipment. The number of trains or quantity of equipment for the scaled plant is represented by TS, while TR represents the number of trains or quantity of equipment in the reference case. Additionally, an exponent of 0.9 is used to account for cost reduction when multiple units of the same equipment are purchased and installed. The expected accuracy of this methodology for capital cost estimation is between −30% to +50%, but scaling by more than a factor of two may increase the error margin. Capital cost estimates are based on values reported in literature51–55 and ProSim economic evaluation. A reduced order model of the CAPEX is presented in Table 2.
Process unit | Scaling parameter X | Correlation |
a TPC includes EPC, process contingencies, project contingencies, etc. | ||
EAF & casting | Liq. steel kg h−1 | 1132370 X0.4560 |
Shaft furnace | Pig iron, kg h−1 | 49080·X0.6538 |
Oxygen supply | O2 product stream, kg h−1 | 30622·X0.6357 |
Reformer | Furnace heat exchange, MW | 4930889·X0.6505 |
H2 pre-heater | Furnace heat exchange, MW | 228860·X0.7848 |
Recycle compressor | Power, MW | 6151202·X0.7100 |
Cooling tower | Water, m3 h−1 | 60812·X0.6303 |
Electrical & instrumentation | Liq. steel, kg h−1 | 69819·X0.5584 |
Buildings, storage, water service | Liq. steel, kg h−1 | 6320·X0.8000 |
Other miscellaneous cost | Liq. steel, kg h−1 | 174548·X0.5583 |
Integrated NG-DRI steel mill (total) | Liq. steel, kg h−1 | 785087·X0.5857 |
Integrated H2-DRI steel mill (total) | Liq. steel, kg h−1 | 800884·X0.5647 |
Fuel/consumables | Value | Unit | Cost year | Ref. |
Natural gas | 33.85 | $ per MWh | 2022 | 42 |
Electricity | 93.40 | $ per MWh | 2022 | 43 |
Iron ore pellet | 130.00 | $ per tonne | 2022 | 44 and 45 |
Slag disposal | 30.00 | $ per tonne | 2011 | 46 |
Solid waste disposal | 200.00 | $ per tonne | 2017 | 47 |
Raw water | 0.44 | $ per m3 | 2011 | 46 |
Carbon | 179.47 | $ per tonne | 2019 | 48 |
Lime | 100.00 | $ per tonne | 2021 | 49 |
Reforming cat. (Ni–Al2O3) | 17.52 | $ per litre | 2014 | 50 |
Indirect emissions | Value | Unit | Region |
a US definition of green H2 based on 45V tax credits. | |||
Electricity | 386 | kgCO2 MW h−1 | US |
Natural gas | 0.44 | kgCO2 kgNG−1 | US |
Metallurgical coal | 0.98 | kgCO2 kgC−1 | Global |
Lime | 0.05 | kgCO2 kgLime−1 | Global |
Iron ore mining | 0.02 | kgCO2 kgOre−1 | Canada |
Pelletizing | 0.16 | kgCO2 kgOre−1 | Canada |
Hydrogen | 0 (0.45a) | kgCO2 kgH2−1 | US |
Fig. 3 Breakdown of carbon dioxide emissions (left) and levelized cost of steel (right) for the integrated NG-DRI steel mill. |
The economic analysis shows that the TPC is $795.5M which translates to a specific plant cost of $685 per metric tonne of steel (based on annual production capacity). Considering preproduction costs, inventory capital costs, and other owner costs such as land, financing, etc., the total overnight capital cost is $1074.5M. Variable operating costs are $414.9M per year (at 90% capacity factor), whereby the iron ore feedstock costs account for $221.5M. Natural gas and electricity expenses are $106.8M and $56.6M, respectively. Other consumables such as water, carbon, and lime are responsible for $12.1M. Maintenance materials add another $10.8M annually and disposal costs for slag and other solids cost $7.1M per year. The fixed operating costs account for an annual expenditure of $110.6M, which is dominated by the operating labour with $69.4M followed by tax and insurance costs of $15.9M. Maintenance labour and administrative labour are $6.4M and $18.9M. The resulting LSPC is $582.18 per metric tonne of steel. Hot-rolled steel traded at around $670 per metric tonne towards the end of the year 2022.60 However, in recent years, steel prices experienced large fluctuations due to market dynamics originating from tight supplies and high demand.61 A breakdown of the individual cost-driving factors is shown in Fig. 3.
Next, we discuss replacing NG with H2 as heat source. In the case of an NG-DRI, the ladle refining operation (NG-DRI-L) has little impact on the CO2 emissions due to the small quantities of NG used in the process and only a CO2 emission reduction of 0.6% can be achieved (direct emissions). To economically achieve this emission reduction, an LCOH of $1.14 per kgH2 or lower is needed. Replacing the NG used in the EAF for heating with renewable H2 (NG-DRI-E) can lower the direct CO2 emissions by 2.8% at a break-even LCOH of $1.06 per kgH2. The amount of NG used in the reformer as heat input to the firebox is substantially higher and replacing this energy carrier with H2 can reduce the direct CO2 emissions of an integrated NG-DRI steel mill by 15.9% (NG-DRI-R). Similarly to the previous heat applications, the break-even cost of H2 is $1.19 per kgH2. This indicates that in order to economically replace NG with H2 in heat applications in an NG-DRI steel mill, the LCOH needs to be close to the U.S. DOE target of $1.00 per kgH2. Combining all these measures (NG-DRI-T), a reduction of direct CO2 emissions of 19.4% is achievable at a break-even LCOH of $1.16 per kgH2. Indirect emissions are only minimally impacted by replacing NG in heat applications with H2, a reduction of 0.02 kgCO2 kgSteel−1 is achieved or 0.01 kgCO2 kgSteel−1 if CO2 emissions of 0.45 kgCO2 kgH2−1 are associated with H2 production.
Using H2-DRI and replacing NG as heat source for ladle refining, EAF, and H2 pre-heating (H2-DRI-T case) can further the reduction of direct CO2 emissions of the H2-DRI-B case from 76.3% to 84.9%. Indirect emissions are only reduced by 0.01 kgCO2 kgSteel−1 (0.02%) compared to the H2-DRI-B case and emissions from electricity generation and iron ore pelletizing account for over 73.5% of the total CO2 emissions (direct + indirect). In the case where H2 production is associated with CO2 emissions of 0.45 kgCO2 kgH2−1, indirect CO2 emission increase by 0.02 kgCO2 kgSteel−1 (4.5%) over the H2-DRI-B case. As previously discussed, replacing NG in heat application is expensive compared to replacing NG as reductant in the shaft furnace; however, the large quantities of H2 needed in the shaft furnace help to stabilize the break-even LCOH at $1.63 per kgH2 when adding H2-based heat applications in an H2-DRI steel mill. Hence, the most economical way to decarbonize DRI steel mills is to start with switching the shaft furnace operation from NG-derived syngas to renewable H2. Additional information on H2-DRI performance and economics can be found in the ESI.†
A sensitivity analysis of the NG cost and electricity cost shows that the break-even LCOH is highly dependent upon the NG cost, with high NG costs helping to increase the break-even LCOH. The high NG cost scenarios are representative for states such as Massachusetts and California and the low NG cost scenarios are more representative for states such as Texas and Oklahoma. The cost of electricity has relatively little impact upon the break-even LCOH. In general, higher electricity prices help to increase the break-even LCOH in the H2-DRI scenarios due to the slightly lower electricity consumption of the H2-DRI plants; however, in the scenario with electric H2 pre-heater this trend inverses as the electric heater substantially increases the electricity consumption in the H2-DRI-TEP case (higher than NG-DRI-B case). Currently, the H2-DRI-TEP case has a lower break-even LCOH than the H2-DRI-T case, but once electricity prices drop below $51.10 per MW h this scenario is expected to be more economical (based on a LCOH of $1.63 per kg, higher LCOHs will make this scenario economical at even higher costs of electricity). It is important to note here that an electricity price of $51.10 per MW h is unlikely going to result in a LCOH of less than $2 per kg, suggesting that electric H2 pre-heating should be preferred over H2-fueled H2 pre-heaters as long as steady electricity supply from renewable resources is not a concern. The results are summarized in Fig. 4 and Fig. S5 in the ESI.† The numeric values of this sensitivity analysis can be found in the ESI,† Table S12.
Fig. 4 Direct carbon dioxide emission reduction potential and associated H2 break-even prices for the various NG consuming processes in an integrated DRI steel mill. The results of the NG price sensitivities are indicated by the blue bars for a range of $63.69 per MW h (dark blue, representative for California and Massachusetts) to $8.85 per MW h (light blue, representative for Texas and Oklahoma). The results of the electricity price sensitivities are presented in the ESI,† Fig. S5, together with the raw data for Fig. 4 and Fig. S5 (ESI†), which are presented in Table S12 (ESI†). |
Lower H2 excess ratios have another advantage with respect to the plant design. Hydrogen excess ratios of approximately 30% and lower support the use of inexpensive static ejectors to facilitate the recycling of the unused excess H2. If the primary H2 feedstock is available at sufficiently high pressures, i.e. 30 bar which is typical for PEM electrolyzers, this pressure can be utilized to recompress the recycle stream without the need for a mechanical compressor. In the case of ejector-based top gas recirculation, this need for high pressure H2 might also impact the economics and selection of suitable upstream H2 storage technologies. Capital cost savings on the compressor alone are over $7.6M. Additionally, reducing the electrical load by 1.18 MW reduces the annual electricity costs by $0.9M. As a result, using an ejector instead of a mechanical compressor can improve the break-even LCOH by another 3¢ per kg of H2. While high-pressure H2 generation (around 30 bar) has become common practice, this pressure requirement might pose challenges for certain H2 storage technologies that might be used to buffer intermittencies of renewable electricity generation to ensure a steady supply of H2.
In the NG-DRI case, heat is needed in the firebox of the reformer to drive the endothermic reforming reactions, which requires a total heat input of approximately 202.1 MW-LHV. In the NG-DRI-B case, this energy input is partially provided by the DRI top gas purge and partially by a supplemental NG support fuel stream. In the scenario with EAF off-gas utilization, the off-gas is cooled, treated, and compressed (without oxidizing), and added into the reformer's firebox. The NG support fuel flow is then adjusted to meet the thermal load of the reformer. Due to the highly dynamic nature of this operation, the off-gas is analyzed dynamically in 30s intervals. Using EAF off-gas #1 (Fig. S1, ESI†) in the reformer firebox leads to an increase in fuel consumption by 1.7% confirming current industry practice as best practice scenario. Challenging for the utilization of the off-gas is its overall low heating value, which lowers the adiabatic flame temperature, making it more difficult to provide large quantities of high-temperature heat for the reforming reactions (over 1000 °C). Heating the non-combustible gases in the EAF off-gas to these temperatures adds a thermal penalty of 10.7 MW-LHV while the off-gas itself only contains 9.5 MW-LHV, leading to an overall increase in fuel consumption. Since most of the combustible gas output is present in the second half of the EAF batch operation, one could try to only use the EAF off-gas when its heating value reaches a certain threshold value; however, this would require more advanced control strategies as well as additional equipment for off-gas treatment during times when the off-gas is not sent to the reformer introducing new economic uncertainties.
Operating two EAFs in parallel, with their cycles 50% offset, can lead to a steadier off-gas; however, this does not change the time-averaged composition of the off-gas leading to the same 1.7% increase in fuel consumption. Off-gas #2, as shown in Fig. S2 (ESI†), has a higher CO mole fraction and lower mass flow rate per tonne of liquid steel compared to off-gas #1. As a result, the thermal penalty associated with gas heating is reduced to 6.3 MW-LHV. With an off-gas energy content of 9.4 MW-LHV, the NG support fuel consumption can be reduced by 4.2% in this scenario.
In the H2-DRI-T case, heat is needed in the H2 pre-heater. The pre-heater requires 40.6 MW-LHV. In the H2-DRI-T case, this energy is partially provided by the DRI top gas purge and partially by supplemental H2 fuel. Similarly, to the previously-discussed NG case, the EAF off-gas is cooled, treated, and compressed (without oxidizing), before it is combusted in the pre-heater firebox. To meet the heat load, the supplemental H2 fuel flow is adjusted as needed. Using EAF off-gas #1 in a single train setup shows a substantial 30.8% reduction in the pre-heater's fuel consumption. Since the H2 pre-heater operates in a much lower temperature window and can also make use of low-quality heat compared to the reformer (H2 is pre-heated from 55 to 775 °C), the penalty associated with heating non-combustible gases is less problematic and reduces to 2.5 MW-LHV. A new observation specific to the H2-DRI pre-heater cases is that due to the high CO concentrations at certain times during the EAF operation and the relatively low heat demand of the pre-heater, some energy contained in the off-gas is wasted. Between minutes 50′ and 58′ as well as between minutes 66′ and 68′, the energy provided by the off-gas exceeds the heat necessary to pre-heat the H2-DRI feed as seen in Fig. 6e. To capture more of the caloric value contained in the EAF off-gas, the EAF operation can be performed in two parallel trains, with their cycles 50% offset. With this more balanced off-gas, excessive heating can be almost completely eliminated which increases the fuel savings in the pre-heater to 41.5% (Fig. 6f). Similar behavior is observed for off-gas #2 with pre-heater fuel savings ranging between 34.1–40.4%. An overview of the different EAF off-gas utilization scenarios is provided in Fig. 6.
The NG-DRI-B case shows that with EAF off-gas utilization the LSPC remains almost unchanged. With a 4.3% reformer fuel flow reduction in that scenario, the LSPC reduces by less than 0.1% resulting in a cost of $581.70 per metric tonne of steel. The benefits of EAF off-gas utilization are much more apparent in the H2-DRI cases. EAF off-gas utilization in the H2-DRI-B case with NG as support fuel for the H2 pre-heater can increase the break-even LCOH by 5¢ from $1.70 to $1.75 per kg of H2. This effect is even more pronounced if H2 is used as support fuel in the H2 pre-heater (H2-DRI-T case), since H2 is an expensive fuel for heating applications compared to NG. In that case, EAF off-gas utilization is able to increase to break-even LCOH by 7¢ from $1.63 to $1.70 per kg of H2. This confirms that the economic value of EAF off-gas utilization in NG-DRI is minimal at best; however, in H2-DRI, EAF off-gas utilization is shown to be a valuable asset to reduce support fuel consumption and improve economic performance.
The various NG users in the reference case were replaced with H2, showing that replacing NG-based heat applications in the NG-DRI mill with H2 leads to a relatively small reduction in CO2 emissions while requiring a low cost of H2 ranging from $1.06–1.19 per kg of H2. However, switching the shaft furnace operation from NG to H2-shaft is shown to reduce capital costs, due to the omission of the reformer, leading to a break-even cost of H2 of $1.70 per kg, while reducing direct CO2 emissions by 76.3%. Furthermore, converting the shaft furnace from NG to H2 helps to stabilize the break-even cost of H2 when switching the remaining NG heat applications to H2. As a result, a CO2 emission reduction of 84.9% is reached at an H2 break-even price of $1.63 per kg of H2. After switching all NG users to H2, the largest CO2 emissions originate from indirect emitters; predominately, the iron ore pelletizing process and electricity generation. This suggests that renewable electricity, and H2-DRI that can operate on iron ore fines rather than pellets are needed to further reduce CO2 emissions. The third largest CO2 source in H2-DRI (with H2 heat applications) is direct emissions from the use of coking coal in the electric arc furnace (EAF).
Furthermore, lower H2 excess ratios are shown to support higher break-even prices despite an increase in oxygen demand. Over a range of 21% to 59% H2-excess ratios, a 10¢ change in break-even cost of H2 is observed. Additionally, excess ratios of around 30% or less allow the use of static ejectors to facilitate the H2 recycle, eliminating the need for large recycle compressors if the primary H2 supply pressure is sufficiently high, further boosting the break-even cost of H2 by 3¢ per kg of H2.
Lastly, EAF off-gas utilization has been investigated. The results show that utilization of the off-gas in NG-DRI is difficult due to the low heating value and the need for high-temperature heat in the reformer, confirming that the flaring of EAF off-gases can be considered as best practice. However, for the H2-DRI scenario, it is found that due to the very different thermal load profile of the H2-pre-heater, EAF off-gas utilization can reduce the primary fuel consumption by up to 41.5% or up to 7¢ per kg of H2 in terms of break-even costs.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ee01077e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |