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Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization of covalent organic frameworks for xenon/krypton separations

Nickolas Gantzler a, Aryan Deshwal b, Janardhan Rao Doppa *b and Cory M. Simon *c
aDepartment of Physics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
bSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA. E-mail:
cSchool of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. E-mail:

Received 21st June 2023 , Accepted 13th October 2023

First published on 16th October 2023


Our objective is to search a large candidate set of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) for the one with the largest equilibrium adsorptive selectivity for xenon (Xe) over krypton (Kr) at room temperature. To predict the Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF structure, we have access to two molecular simulation techniques: (1) a high-fidelity, binary grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation and (2) a low-fidelity Henry coefficient calculation that (a) approximates the adsorbed phase as dilute and, consequently, (b) incurs a smaller computational runtime than the higher-fidelity simulation. To efficiently search for the COF with the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity, we employ a multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization (MFBO) approach. MFBO constitutes a sequential, automated feedback loop of (1) conduct a low- or high-fidelity molecular simulation of Xe/Kr adsorption in a COF, (2) use the simulation data gathered thus far to train a surrogate model that cheaply predicts, with quantified uncertainty, the low- and high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of COFs from their structural/chemical features, then (3) plan the next simulation (i.e., choose the next COF and fidelity) in consideration of balancing exploration, exploitation, and cost. We find that MFBO acquires the optimal COF among the candidate set of 609 structures using only 30 low-fidelity and seven high-fidelity simulations, incurring only 2%, 4% on average, and 20% on average of the computational runtime of a single-[high-]fidelity exhaustive, random, and BO search, respectively.


Bayesian optimization for materials discovery

The discovery and development of new materials is vital for both sustaining and technologically-advancing our society. Computational methods, including electronic structure calculations, molecular simulations, and materials informatics/machine learning, can predict the properties of materials and thus be employed to optimize, screen, and design new materials rapidly and cost-effectively—accelerating the rate of materials optimization and discovery.1–6

Bayesian optimization (BO)7–10 combines supervised machine learning, uncertainty quantification, and decision-making algorithms to automatically and efficiently design a sequence of experiments—in the lab or a computer simulation—to find materials with an optimal property for some application.11–13 Given (i) a pool or constructed space14 of candidate materials and (ii) an experimental protocol—in the lab or a simulation—to measure/evaluate/predict the relevant property of a material, BO iteratively designs experiments (i.e., chooses materials to synthesize then subject to a measurement) to find the optimal material with the fewest costly experiments. The two ingredients of BO for iterative, automated experiment planning are:

A surrogate model, a supervised machine learning model that computationally predicts—inexpensively, and with quantified uncertainty—the property of any material from its compositional, chemical, and/or structural features. This model serves as a surrogate for the experiment by approximating the structure–property relationship of the materials.

An acquisition function, which uses the surrogate model to score the utility of each material for the next experiment. The acquisition function is designed to balance (i) exploitation (“acquire a material with the optimal predicted property”) to greedily pursue the material we believe may be optimal under the limited information we currently possess and (ii) exploration (“acquire a material whose predicted property is highly uncertain”) to gather more information about the structure–property relationship.

The experiment–analysis–plan feedback loop15 that constitutes BO (see Fig. 1) iterates through (i) conduct an experiment to obtain a (material, property) observation, (ii) update the surrogate model in light of this new experimental data, then (iii) select the next material for an experiment by maximizing the acquisition function. BO accounts for all data observed thus far, summarizes the information in the data with a surrogate model, then leverages the surrogate model to make principled decisions of which material to pursue for the next experiment. By design, BO tends to acquire the optimal material much earlier in the sequential search than random search; hence, it provides value by allowing us to find the optimal material with many fewer costly and time-consuming experiments than a random or exhaustive search.

image file: d3dd00117b-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Standard Bayesian optimization (BO) of materials constitutes a feedback loop of (i) conduct an experiment, (ii) analyze the data collected thus far to construct a surrogate model of the experiment, and (iii) plan the next experiment in consideration of balancing exploration and exploitation.

Because the acquisition function paired with an optimization algorithm negates the need for humans to design the experiments inside the experiment–analysis–plan feedback loop, BO can orchestrate autonomous, “self-driving” labs15–22 that employ automated instrumentation and/or robots to conduct a sequence of experiments with the goal of resource-efficient materials discovery and optimization.

BO has been deployed for the optimization and discovery of many different materials12,23–26 in the lab or a computer simulation, including nanoporous materials,27–31 nanoparticles,32 light emitting diodes,33 carbon nanotubes,34 photovoltaics,35–37 additively manufactured structures,38 polymers,39–43 thermoelectrics,44 anti-microbial active surfaces,45 quantum dots,46 luminescent materials,47 catalysts,48–52 thin films,53 solid chemical propellants,54 alloys,55 and phase-change memory materials.56 More, BO has been used to optimize processes to synthesize materials and chemicals57–63 or to employ materials for an industrial-scale task.64

Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization for materials discovery

Often, we have multiple options of different experiments to measure/evaluate/predict the relevant property of the material—experiments that trade (1) fidelity, i.e. the extent to which the experiment faithfully measures/evaluates/predicts the property of the material, for (2) affordability. For example, a computer simulation is usually a low-fidelity and -cost estimation of the material property compared to a high-fidelity and -cost measurement of the material property in the laboratory.

Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization (MFBO)10,65–71 takes advantage of multiple types of experiments that trade fidelity and affordability to search for a material with an optimal property while incurring the minimal cost.72 MFBO modifies the experiment–analysis–plan loop of standard BO in Fig. 1 by extending: (i) the surrogate model, to (a) predict the property of materials according to experiments of all fidelities and (b) capture the correlations between the material properties according to the experiments of varying fidelity, enabling observed outcomes of low-fidelity experiments to inform predicted outcomes of high-fidelity experiments, and (ii) the acquisition function, to pick the next material and the next experimental fidelity, while balancing exploration, exploitation, and the cost of the different experiments. In turn, MFBO leverages low-fidelity experiments to cheaply scope out which regions of materials space contain (i) poor-performing materials, to avoid wasting resources on high-fidelity experiments there, and (ii) high-performing materials, to focus high-fidelity experiments there. MFBO (or its parent, multi-information-source BO73) has been scarcely applied to materials discovery.72,74–77

Our contribution

In this work, we employ MFBO to search a pool of ∼600 covalent organic framework (COF) crystal structures78 for the one with the highest simulated xenon/krypton selectivity at room temperature, while incurring the minimal computational expense. We are armed with two molecular simulation methods to predict the Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF: (higher-fidelity & -cost) Markov-chain Monte Carlo simulation of the binary grand-canonical ensemble, where the COF hosts multiple adsorbates (both Xe and Kr) during the simulation; and, (lower-fidelity & -cost) Monte Carlo integration to calculate the Xe and Kr Henry coefficients in the COF, which makes the dilute approximation, so the COF hosts only a single adsorbate during the simulation. Our task constitutes solving an optimization problem (objective function = high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity) over a finite set of materials14 with access to bi-fidelity molecular simulations to evaluate the material property. Our MFBO routine employs (i) a multi-fidelity Gaussian process (GP)69 surrogate model to predict the simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF from its structural and chemical features and (ii) a cost-aware, multi-fidelity expected improvement79 acquisition function to design the next simulation. MFBO acquires the COF with the largest high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity using only 30 low- and seven high-fidelity simulations, incurring only 2%, 4% on average, and 20% on average of the computational run time of a single-fidelity exhaustive, random, and BO search, respectively, using only high-fidelity simulations. More, MFBO robustly out-performs single-fidelity BO, over randomly chosen COFs used to initialize the surrogate model. Our results demonstrate the promise of MFBO to cost-effectively discover materials for a variety of applications when in possession of multiple options of laboratory experiments and/or computer simulations, that trade fidelity for affordability, to measure/evaluate/predict the property of materials.

COFs for Xe/Kr separations

Xe/Kr separations. The noble gases xenon (Xe) and krypton (Kr) have many uses/applications (e.g. lighting, insulation in multi-pane windows, propellant for ion thrusters, anesthesia, and imaging).80,81 The majority of Xe and Kr production is via their isolation from air (abundance: Xe, 0.09 ppm, Kr, 1.1 ppm (ref. 80)) via distillation at cryogenic temperatures. Particularly, the production of pure O2 and N2 from air via cryogenic distillation produces a byproduct stream enriched with both Xe and Kr; this mixture is then subject to an additional cryogenic distillation to obtain pure Xe and Kr.80,81 Note, distillation exploits the difference in boiling points of Xe and Kr, −108.1 °C and −153.2 °C, respectively, to separate them.82
COFs. Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are nanoporous, crystalline materials composed of organic molecules linked by covalent bonds to form an extended (2D or 3D) network. COFs tend to exhibit high internal surface areas and chemical and thermal stability.83,84 More, the modular nature of COF synthesis and their post-synthetic modifiability enable a vast number of different COF structures to be realized.
COFs for Xe/Kr separations. As opposed to energy-intensive cryogenic distillation, nanoporous materials, such as COFs, could be used to more efficiently separate Xe from Kr, at room temperature, via selective adsorption.82,85 See Fig. 2. Much research is focused on (i) experimentally synthesizing86–88 or (ii) computationally designing,89–102 using molecular simulations of adsorption, nanoporous materials for Xe/Kr separations—i.e., materials with high Xe/Kr selectivity, Xe capacity, stability, and fast adsorption kinetics.
image file: d3dd00117b-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Illustration of an idealized COF-based Xe/Kr separation. A column is packed with COF adsorbent material. The Xe/Kr mixture is fed to the column. The COF selectively adsorbs the Xe, letting the Kr pass through the column. After the adsorbent is saturated with Xe, heating or pulling vacuum desorbs the Xe in the COF and regenerates it for another cycle of adsorption.


Problem setup

We possess a candidate set image file: d3dd00117b-t1.tif of 609 experimentally-reported covalent organic frameworks (COFs)78 for the task of Xe/Kr separations (at this point, abstractly think of image file: d3dd00117b-t2.tif as the crystal structure of a COF. Later, we construct a continuous vector space in which COFs abstractly lie;14 then, x is instead a vector representation of the COF, listing features of its crystal structure that are relevant to Xe/Kr adsorption). Our objective is to find the COF image file: d3dd00117b-t3.tif that exhibits the highest equilibrium adsorptive Xe/Kr selectivity (:=y) when immersed in a 20 mol%/80 mol% Xe/Kr mixture at 1 bar and 298 K.

To computationally predict the Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF, we are armed with two different molecular simulation techniques. Each molecular simulation employs Lennard-Jones interatomic potentials (parameters from Universal Force Field103) to describe the potential energy of a configuration of a rigid COF hosting Xe and/or Kr adsorbate(s). Given a COF, our choice of which simulation to perform to predict its Xe/Kr selectivity involves a trade-off between fidelity and computational runtime.

image file: d3dd00117b-u1.tif High-fidelity image file: d3dd00117b-t4.tif simulation. Run-time: ca. 230 min. The high-fidelity simulation constitutes a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of the COF in the binary grand-canonical (BGC) ensemble. During the molecular simulation of adsorption in the COF, generally the COF hosts both and multiple Xe and Kr adsorbates; these adsorbates [implicitly] enter/leave the COF from/to the gas phase and move around in the pores of the COF. The key measurable during the BGCMC simulation is the average number of adsorbates in the COF system, 〈n〉, with n := [nXe, nKr]. Our high-fidelity prediction of the adsorptive Xe/Kr selectivity of the COF is then
image file: d3dd00117b-t5.tif(1)
with partial pressures in the gas phase pKr = 0.8 bar and pXe = 0.2 bar.
image file: d3dd00117b-u2.tif Low-fidelity image file: d3dd00117b-t6.tif simulation. Run-time: ca. 15 min. The low-fidelity prediction of the Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF relies on the dilute approximation in the BGC ensemble and models adsorption in the COF with Henry's law
image file: d3dd00117b-t7.tif(2)
with p := [pXe, pKr]. We compute the Henry coefficients of Xe and Kr in the COF, HXe and HKr, via two separate ordinary MC integrations. The dilute approximation assumes the density of adsorbed gas in the COF is sufficiently small (i.e., small p) to justify neglecting adsorbate–adsorbate interactions; consequently, the COF hosts only a single adsorbate during each Henry coefficient simulation—making it computationally cheaper than a BGCMC simulation. Our low-fidelity prediction of the Xe/Kr selectivity of the COF, then, is the ratio of the Henry coefficients
image file: d3dd00117b-t8.tif(3)
which follows from eqn (1) when Henry's law in eqn (2) holds.

See Methods for details about both molecular simulation techniques.

Given access to (only) these two molecular simulation techniques that trade fidelity and computational runtime, we reframe the objective as:

image file: d3dd00117b-u3.tif Find the COF image file: d3dd00117b-t9.tif with the highest adsorptive Xe/Kr selectivity according to the high-fidelity BGCMC simulation, y(2/3), while incurring the minimal computational cost, measured by the sum of run times of the (both low- and high-fidelity) simulations we conduct to find x*.

Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization (MFBO) of COFs for Xe/Kr separations

We provide an overview of multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization (MFBO) to efficiently find the COF with the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity.
Defining the COF design space (Fig. 3). For surrogate modeling, we must define a space in which we mathematically represent each COF as a point in a continuous space.14,104 Inspired by several computational studies revealing the structure–property relationships of porous materials for Xe/Kr separations,89,90,93,97 we elected to represent each COF with a vector image file: d3dd00117b-t10.tif that lies in a continuous space, listing its following structural (computed from Zeo++105) and compositional features derived from its crystal structure: density, gravimetric surface area, void fraction, largest included sphere diameter, and mole-fractions of metals, halogens, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, silicon, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and boron. See Fig. 3. We min–max normalized the features.
image file: d3dd00117b-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Defining COF space. We represent each COF with a vector of four structural and ten compositional features. For example, the radar plot in (a) visualizes the raw feature vector x of the COF (ID: 19440N2) whose crystal structure is in (b).
An equation-free overview of MFBO (Fig. 4). MFBO constitutes a simulation–analysis–plan feedback loop and results in a machine-curated sequence of high- and low-fidelity molecular simulations of Xe/Kr adsorption in candidate COFs. Fig. 4 illustrates the feedback loop. The algorithms inside the loop are designed to minimize the computational runtime expended until we find the COF with the largest high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity.
image file: d3dd00117b-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization of COFs for Xe/Kr separations constitutes an iterative, machine-orchestrated feedback loop of (i) molecular simulation, (ii) updating the multi-fidelity surrogate model of the simulations, and (iii) planning the next simulation.

image file: d3dd00117b-u4.tif Simulation. We conduct either a low- or high-fidelity simulation of Xe/Kr adsorption in a COF structure to obtain its predicted Xe/Kr selectivity. This generates a new data point—a COF structure “labeled” with its simulated Xe/Kr selectivity under that fidelity.
image file: d3dd00117b-u5.tif Analysis. We use this new data point to update our surrogate model of the simulations. This surrogate model is a supervised machine learning model that can, with negligible computational runtime, predict both the low- and high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF not simulated before—and quantify uncertainty in this prediction. The inputs to the surrogate model for its prediction about a COF are (cheaply computed) structural and chemical features of its crystal structure. The surrogate model is trained on all labeled data—i.e., all (COF features, simulated Xe/Kr selectivity) pairs—gathered from simulations we have conducted thus far in the search. Thus, the surrogate model summarizes our knowledge, thus far in the search, about (i) the relationship between (a) the structural and chemical features of the COFs and (b) their simulated Xe/Kr selectivity and (ii) correlations between the low- and high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivities.
image file: d3dd00117b-u6.tif Plan. Completing the loop, we judiciously select the (a) COF and (b) fidelity for the next simulation. An acquisition function relies on the surrogate model to score each (COF, fidelity) pair according to its appeal for the next simulation; the plan for the new simulation follows from the (COF, fidelity) pair with the maximal score. The acquisition function is designed to balance three often competing desires: (i) exploitation, to select a COF that the surrogate model predicts to have a large high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity; (ii) exploration, to select a COF with a high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity about which the surrogate model is highly uncertain; and (iii) cost reduction, which incentivizes choosing a low-fidelity simulation that provides useful but incomplete information about the high-fidelity selectivity.

image file: d3dd00117b-u7.tif In practice, we cannot know for certain when we have recovered the optimal COF. Possible strategies to terminate the iterative MFBO search include when: (i) computational resources are exhausted, (ii) a COF with a sufficiently large high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity has been recovered, or (iii) a large runtime has elapsed since we last discovered a COF with an improved high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity over those COFs we have acquired thus far.

The multi-fidelity surrogate model. Our multi-fidelity surrogate model treats the fidelity-image file: d3dd00117b-t11.tif simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF represented by x, image file: d3dd00117b-t12.tif, as a realization of a random variable Y([small script l])(x). The surrogate model specifies a probability density for Y([small script l])(x). Suppose we have conducted n iterations of MFBO and possess simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t13.tif composed of ((COF feature vector, simulation fidelity), simulated Xe/Kr selectivity) pairs:
image file: d3dd00117b-t14.tif(4)

Under a Bayesian perspective, the posterior probability density of image file: d3dd00117b-t15.tif reflects our beliefs, grounded by the simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t16.tif collected thus far, about the fidelity-[small script l] simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of the COF represented by x. This density concentrates in the region of the line where we believe the selectivity of the COF lies, and the spread of this density reflects our uncertainty about the selectivity of the COF. The mean of the posterior density of the conditional random variable image file: d3dd00117b-t17.tif is a point-prediction of the fidelity-[small script l] Xe/Kr selectivity of COF x, and the variance of it is a measure of our uncertainty about the predicted selectivity. The density of image file: d3dd00117b-t18.tif is particularly valuable for a COF-fidelity pair (x, [small script l]) absent from the simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t19.tif, since then we can use the predictions to decide if this simulation is worth doing next.

We adopt a multi-fidelity Gaussian process (GP)69,106,107 surrogate model:

image file: d3dd00117b-t20.tif(5)
with a kernel function between two simulation setups (x, [small script l]) and (x′, [small script l]′) as a scaled (by factor α, a hyperparameter) product of a symmetric material and fidelity kernel function:
image file: d3dd00117b-t21.tif(6)
image file: d3dd00117b-t22.tif(7)
image file: d3dd00117b-t23.tif(8)

• The material kernel function image file: d3dd00117b-t24.tif is a squared exponential kernel with a length-scale hyperparameter γ. Roughly, kmat quantifies the similarity between any pair of COFs. If two COFs are nearby in COF space, they are declared to be similar by the kernel; γ modulates how close two COFs must be to be declared “nearby”.

• The fidelity kernel function image file: d3dd00117b-t25.tif is a down-sampling kernel69,108 with offset and power hyperparameters c and δ. Roughly, kfid quantifies the similarity between any pair of simulation fidelities. It can take on only three distinct values—expressing the low–low, high–high, and low–high fidelity simulation similarities.

Empirically, GPs tend to be effective surrogate models for Bayesian optimization of molecules in the small-data regime.109

In Methods, we precisely explain the meaning behind the notation of the multi-fidelity GP in eqn (5), following the Bayesian paradigm110 of (i) specifying a prior distribution, (ii) collecting the simulation data, then (iii) updating the prior to a posterior distribution. The resulting posterior distribution is Gaussian

image file: d3dd00117b-t26.tif(9)
with mean
image file: d3dd00117b-t27.tif(10)
and variance
image file: d3dd00117b-t28.tif(11)
written in terms of

image file: d3dd00117b-t29.tif: the vector of simulated Xe/Kr selectivities of COFs we observed thus far in image file: d3dd00117b-t30.tif (see eqn (31)).

image file: d3dd00117b-t31.tif: the vector giving the kernel between (i) the (COF, fidelity) pair (x, [small script l]) in question and (ii) the (COF, fidelity) pairs image file: d3dd00117b-t32.tif in the simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t33.tif (see eqn (30)).

image file: d3dd00117b-t34.tif: the matrix giving the kernel between the (COF, fidelity) pairs image file: d3dd00117b-t35.tif in the simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t36.tif (see eqn (29)).

σ2: the variance of the noise contaminating the simulated Xe/Kr selectivity (see eqn (26)).


• The mean μ[n](x, [small script l]) in eqn (10), a point prediction for the Xe/Kr selectivity of COF x according to a fidelity-[small script l] simulation, is a weighted combination of the observed simulated Xe/Kr selectivities image file: d3dd00117b-t37.tif, with the similarity between the simulation in question (x, [small script l]) and the previously conducted simulations in image file: d3dd00117b-t95.tif involved in forming the weights.

• The variance image file: d3dd00117b-t38.tif in eqn (11), quantifying uncertainty about the Xe/Kr selectivity of COF x according to a fidelity-[small script l] simulation, is that of the prior reduced according to the similarity between the simulation in question (x, [small script l]) and the previously conducted simulations in image file: d3dd00117b-t39.tif.

The subscript [n] in our notation emphasizes that the surrogate model changes over iterations; we expect the surrogate model to improve its predictions as the search progresses and the simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t40.tif grows in size.

image file: d3dd00117b-u8.tif The GP in eqn (5) is designed to (i) through the material kernel function, incorporate our domain knowledge that COFs with similar pore size, surface area, composition, etc. will tend to exhibit similar Xe/Kr selectivities and (ii) learn, from the simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t41.tif, (a) the relationship between the simulated Xe/Kr selectivity y([small script l]) and the structural and compositional features of COFs listed in x and (b) through the fidelity kernel, correlations between the low- and high-fidelity simulations, allowing outcomes of low-fidelity simulations to inform us about the high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity we ultimately wish to maximize. Fig. 4, middle panel, visualizes a toy multi-fidelity GP for a one-dimensional COF space: the dark lines show the mean function μ(x,[small script l]); the shaded bands highlight μ(x,[small script l]) ± σ(x,[small script l]), quantifying uncertainty by showing a credible interval for the predicted selectivity of any given COF x; the points show the multi-fidelity data image file: d3dd00117b-t42.tif on which the toy GP is trained.

Automated simulation planning. At the plan stage, the MFBO algorithm judiciously selects the next simulation setup, completing the closed loop. This simulation plan constitutes two choices: (i) the COF x[n+1] in which to conduct simulations of Xe/Kr adsorption, and (ii) the fidelity [small script l][n+1] of the molecular simulation. The plan is judicious because it employs (i) the surrogate model—particularly, the posterior in eqn. (9)—and (ii) running averages of the computational runtime of the low- and high-fidelity simulations, image file: d3dd00117b-t43.tif and image file: d3dd00117b-t44.tif, to design the next simulation setup, (x[n+1], [small script l][n+1]), so as to balance exploration, exploitation, and cost.

Particularly, we rely on an augmented, cost-aware expected improvement acquisition function79 to score the appeal of each setup (x, [small script l]) for the next simulation. The simulation plan follows from maximizing the acquisition function in eqn (12):

image file: d3dd00117b-t45.tif(12)

The acquisition function being maximized is a product of three terms:

Expected improvement (EI): the amount that the high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of COF x is expected to improve upon the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity we observed thus far, image file: d3dd00117b-t46.tif. Owing to the max[0, ·] operator, the integral constituting this expectation image file: d3dd00117b-t47.tif has a contribution only from density of the predicted high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity image file: d3dd00117b-t48.tifgreater than image file: d3dd00117b-t49.tif. Because both (a) a large posterior variance image file: d3dd00117b-t50.tif (reflecting uncertainty) and (b) a large mean image file: d3dd00117b-t51.tif will contribute density to this region, maximizing this EI term balances exploitation and exploration, by favoring COFs whose predicted high-fidelity selectivity is large and/or uncertain.

Correlation with the high-fidelity selectivity: the correlation between the simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of the COF x under (i) the fidelity-[small script l] simulation and (ii) a high-fidelity simulation. If [small script l] = 1/3 and this term is small (large), this simulation setup is downgraded (upgraded) because the outcome of this low-fidelity simulation cannot (can) inform us about the high-fidelity selectivity we ultimately wish to optimize.

Cost ratio: The ratio of the runtime of a high-fidelity simulation to the fidelity-[small script l] simulation, to promote low-fidelity simulations owing to their smaller runtime.

Owing to these three components, maximizing the acquisition function at each iteration gives a simulation plan (x[n+1], [small script l][n+1]) for the next iteration with a high utility per cost for our objective of finding the COF with the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity soon.

Since the acquisition function relies on the surrogate model, it also changes from iteration-to-iteration.

Maximizing the acquisition function. Because (i) the acquisition function is computationally cheap to evaluate and (ii) we are searching over a relatively small, finite set of COFs image file: d3dd00117b-t52.tif, we elected to find (x[n+1], [small script l][n+1]) at each iteration via exhaustive search.
The acquired set of COFs. We refer to the set of COFs in image file: d3dd00117b-t53.tif at iteration n, automatically chosen by sequentially maximizing the acquisition function, as the set of acquired COFs.
The state of MFBO performance. We judge the performance of the MFBO search at iteration n by the largest observed high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity among the acquired set of COFs in image file: d3dd00117b-t54.tif:
image file: d3dd00117b-t55.tif(13)
Initialization. We initiate the MFBO loop at the plan stage with a surrogate model trained on a data set image file: d3dd00117b-t56.tif consisting of three diverse COFs “labeled” with their simulated—both low- and high-fidelity—Xe/Kr selectivities. We select the initial COF as the most “average”, defined as the one closest to the mean (normalized) COF vector. For the two subsequent COFs, we select (2) the COF most distal in COF space from the initial COF then (3) the COF with the maximal minimum distance to the first two COFs.

MFBO performance

We now execute the MFBO loop in Fig. 4 to iteratively search for the COF with the largest high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity.
MFBO search efficiency curve (Fig. 5). Fig. 5 shows the search efficiency of MBFO by visualizing, as the MFBO search progresses, (i, top panel) the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity among the acquired COFs in which we've simulated, with high-fidelity, Xe/Kr adsorption thus far—image file: d3dd00117b-t57.tif in eqn (13), and (ii, bottom panel) the accumulated computational runtime (see Methods for our compute hardware specifications). The gray region highlights the n = 6 simulations used to initialize the surrogate model.
image file: d3dd00117b-f5.tif
Fig. 5 MFBO search efficiency. As the MFBO search progresses, (top) the maximum observed high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity among the acquired COFs and (bottom) the accumulated runtime. Different markers are used to delineate between low- and high-fidelity simulations. The gray region highlights the initialization stage. The dashed line (top panel) indicates the maximum high-fidelity selectivity over all COFs. For context, the histogram (top right) shows the distribution of high-fidelity selectivity over all COFs.

image file: d3dd00117b-u9.tif The MFBO algorithm acquires the COF x* (19440N2 = CuPc-pz COF;111 surprise, Fig. 3b shows its crystal structure!) with the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity y(2/3)* (18.53) after conducting only 37 molecular simulations—seven high-fidelity, 30 low-fidelity—incurring a computational runtime of 42.4 h. Recall, there are 609 COF candidates. Thus, MFBO recovers the top COF early in the search. Terminating the MFBO search early, before all materials are exhausted, then, would circumvent many wasteful molecular simulations in non-optimal COFs.

For context, the distribution of high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivities for all COFs, shown in Fig. 5 (top right), is skewed right. MBFO acquired the optimal COF x*, early in the search, from the thin tail (note the log-scale) of the distribution.

The most dramatic increases in accumulated runtime owe to high-fidelity simulations. Despite that the majority of simulations performed were low-fidelity, the high-fidelity simulations account for ∼84% of the accumulated runtime to find the optimal COF x*. Molecular simulations of the same fidelity vary in runtime among different COFs owing to different unit cell sizes, numbers of framework atoms, and, for high-fidelity simulations, average numbers of adsorbates hosted by the COF during the simulation. This explains why some jumps in accumulated runtime, within a given fidelity, are larger than others.

As evidence that MFBO is allocating computational resources intelligently, (1) several low-fidelity simulations precede each high-fidelity simulation (thus, MFBO is utilizing the cheaper, low-fidelity simulations to inform predictions about high-fidelity simulations we ultimately care about) and (2) all four of the MFBO-acquired COFs for high-fidelity simulations resulted in an improvement of the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity observed.

(At the iteration preceding the acquirement of the optimal COF, Fig. S1 shows the predictivity of the surrogate model, and Fig. S2 shows the observed correlation between low- and high-fidelity selectivities. The prediction accuracy of the surrogate model is not impressive, but importantly it does recall the most selective COFs and provide useful direction/guidance112 for MFBO).

image file: d3dd00117b-u10.tif Of course, in practice, we cannot know with certainty when we have recovered the optimal COF x* until we have exhaustively conducted high-fidelity simulations in all of the COF candidates. For the purposes of benchmarking MFBO, for this study, we actually did conduct an exhaustive search, to know the optimal COF x* with certainty and judge the performance of MFBO. See our previous discussion of stopping criteria that must be implemented in practice.

MFBO acquisition dynamics (Fig. 6). To gain insight into the acquisition dynamics of MFBO, Fig. 6 visualizes the scatter of all COFs in feature space and marks the acquired set of COFs in image file: d3dd00117b-t58.tif at six different stages of the search. Low- and high-fidelity simulations are distinguished by marker shape.
image file: d3dd00117b-f6.tif
Fig. 6 Visualizing MFBO acquisition dynamics by showing the location of COFs acquired by MFBO in COF space as the search proceeds. Each panel shows the first two principal components of COF space (34% + 21% = 55% variance explained) and corresponds to a different iteration of the MBFO search. Each point represents a COF, colored according to its high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity. Up to that iteration, the acquired set of COFs in image file: d3dd00117b-t59.tif are marked; COFs subject to low- vs. high-fidelity simulations are distinguished by marker type. The arrow points to the optimal COF with largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity.

We used principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality of the COF feature vectors {x1, …, x609} from 14 to two, for visualization. Each panel in Fig. 6 shows the first two principal components of COF feature space; each point represents a COF, colored according to its high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity. Note, the COFs with the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivities tend to concentrate in the upper-right region of COF PC space.

Judging by the location of the acquired set of COFs in PC COF space, MFBO explores diverse regions of COF space, yet concentrates its COF acquires in the regions containing the highest performers. Interestingly, each high-fidelity simulation in a COF was preceded by a low-fidelity simulation in the same COF. This suggests that the MFBO algorithm is cautious to conduct expensive high-fidelity simulations and conservatively utilizes the low-fidelity simulations to explore COF space.

Comparing MFBO with baseline sequential search methods (Fig. 7). We compare the search efficiency of MFBO with single-fidelity (SF) BO, random search, exhaustive search, and a two-stage screening.
Exhaustive search. An exhaustive search runs a high-fidelity simulation of Xe/Kr adsorption in each of the 609 COFs in image file: d3dd00117b-t60.tif. While guaranteed to find the optimal COF x*, an exhaustive search incurs a high cost because it fails to exploit (i) the cheap, low-fidelity simulations available and (ii) the information contained in the simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t61.tif, about the relationship between the Xe/Kr selectivity of the COFs and their structural and compositional features in x, as the search proceeds, to reject simulations in COFs likely to be poorly-selective.

image file: d3dd00117b-u11.tif The runtime of the exhaustive search was ∼2331 h. By comparison, MFBO incurred 2% of the runtime of the exhaustive search.

Two-stage screening. A two-stage screening (1) runs a low-fidelity simulation of Xe/Kr adsorption in each of the 609 COFs in image file: d3dd00117b-t62.tif, then (2) (a) sorts the COFs according to their low-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity, in descending order, then (b) runs high-fidelity simulations of Xe/Kr adsorption in the COFs starting with the COF at the top of the list and working down. This search strategy leverages the cheap, low-fidelity simulations available in stage (1) to recover the optimal COF early in the sequence of stage (2). However, it still fails to leverage the information contained in the simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t63.tif as the search proceeds to (i) avoid running low-fidelity simulations in every COF during stage (1) and (ii) adjust the sequence of high-fidelity simulations as high-fidelity simulation data is collected in stage (2).

image file: d3dd00117b-u12.tif This two-stage search incurs a runtime of ∼189 h to find the optimal COF x*, still more than MFBO (42 h).

Random search with the high-fidelity simulations. A random search sequentially chooses a COF at random (without replacement) for a high-fidelity simulation of Xe/Kr adsorption. We conduct 1000 random searches and show the mean and two standard deviations of the search efficiency curves in Fig. 7a. MFBO recovers the optimal COF x* with much less accumulated runtime compared to a typical random search.
image file: d3dd00117b-f7.tif
Fig. 7 Comparing the search efficiency of MFBO to random search and single-fidelity (SF) BO. (a) The largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity among acquired COFs as a function of the computational runtime incurred, as each search progresses. The bands on the random search curve show two standard deviations. (b) The distribution of computational runtimes to find the COF with the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity, over random selections of the COF that initializes the search. Vertical dashed lines show the average.

image file: d3dd00117b-u13.tif The average run time incurred during by a random search to acquire the optimal COF is 1176 h. By comparison, MFBO incurred 4% of the average runtime of the random search.

Single-fidelity Bayesian optimization (SFBO). Finally, we assess the performance of single-fidelity (SF) BO of COFs for Xe/Kr separations—standard Bayesian optimization with the high-fidelity simulation of Xe/Kr adsorption using, for a controlled comparison to MFBO, (i) the same three COFs for initialization, (ii) the expected improvement acquisition function, and (iii) a GP surrogate model with an identical material kernel.

image file: d3dd00117b-u14.tif Fig. 7a shows the search efficiency curve of SFBO compared to MFBO. SFBO incurred a runtime of ∼125 h, about three times that of MFBO (42 h).

Feature permutation baseline. The surrogate model in MFBO relies upon both (1) the chemical and structural features of the COFs and (2) the low- and high-fidelity simulation data available, to make predictions of the high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity of COFs. We next aim to measure the cumulative value of the features for the search efficiency of MFBO. To do so, we (1) for each feature, randomly permute its values among the COFs—thus, preserving the distribution of each feature, but decorrelating each feature from the high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity—then (2) run MFBO with all of the features jumbled. We repeat this process 15 times. The deterioration in the search efficiency of MFBO with permuted features is indicative of the cumulative value of the features for MFBO. Note, a per-feature permutation could quantify the importance of each feature individually for MFBO (which we did not do).

image file: d3dd00117b-u15.tif Fig. S4 shows that the search efficiency of MFBO is severely diminished when the features of the COFs are randomly permuted, incurring an average runtime of 254 h. Thus, the features of the COFs are valuable for MFBO.

Robustness of MFBO performance to initialization. How robust is the MFBO performance to different initialization schemes? We conduct 100 MFBO and SFBO searches whose surrogate model is initialized with training data from simulations in three COFs: the first randomly selected (as opposed to the “average” COF), the next two chosen according to max-min distance for diversity. Fig. 7b shows the distribution of accumulated runtimes to find the optimal COF x* over random initializing COFs (each individual search efficiency trace is shown in Fig. S3). While the runtime exhibits significant variance (standard deviations: 81 h for SFBO, 19 h for MFBO), the distribution of the runtime of MFBO is shifted far to the left of that of SFBO (means: 238 h for SFBO, 48 h for MFBO).

Post-MFBO analysis of our simulated adsorption data

During the iterative, MFBO-guided COF search, especially in the early stages, the surrogate model lacks complete knowledge of how the high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivities are related to (i) the structural and chemical features of the COFs and (ii) the low-fidelity selectivities. Nonetheless, post-MFBO, we now examine these relationships using the exhaustive simulation data for all COFs to gain insights. Fig. S5 shows the [strong, but diminishing at high Xe/Kr selectivities] correlation between the Xe/Kr selectivity of the COFs according to high vs. low-fidelity simulations, and Fig. S6 shows the correlation between the high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity and the features of the COFs. To further assess our ability to discriminate between the COFs with the highest and lowest simulated Xe/Kr selectivity based on their features, the radar plot in Fig. S7 visualizes the feature vectors of the top- and bottom-15 COFs. Consistent with previous computational studies of Xe/Kr adsorption,87,93,97e.g., the COFs with the largest high-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivity exhibit pore diameters that fall within a narrow interval situated a little to the right of the diameter of a Xe adsorbate. Finally, unsurprisingly, the parity plot in Fig. S8 shows a single-[high-]fidelity GP trained on 80% of all of the data performs dramatically better than the multi-fidelity GP immediately preceding the acquirement of the top COF (Fig. S1), trained with only 36 examples.


Our goal was to efficiently search a database of ∼600 COFs for the one exhibiting the largest adsorptive Xe/Kr selectivity. We had access to two molecular simulations of Xe/Kr adsorption to predict the selectivity of a COF: a high-fidelity binary grand-canonical Monte Carlo simulation and a low-fidelity Henry coefficient calculation with a smaller runtime. We employed multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization (MFBO) to orchestrate the sequential search for the COF with the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity. MFBO constituted an iterative feedback loop of (1) conduct a low- or high-fidelity simulation of Xe/Kr adsorption in a COF, (2) use the simulation data gathered so far to train a surrogate model that predicts the selectivity of COFs, according to both low- and high-fidelity simulations, based on their structural and chemical features, with quantified uncertainty, then (3) choose the COF and fidelity for the next simulation via maximizing an acquisition function that balances exploration, exploitation, and cost. MFBO acquired the optimal COF—the one with the largest high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity—among the ∼600 candidates using only 30 low-fidelity and seven high-fidelity simulations, incurring only 4% and 20% of the average runtime to find the top COF via random sequential search and single-fidelity BO, respectively, with high-fidelity simulations only. Visualizing the location of the acquired COFs in the design space as the search proceeds revealed that MFBO judiciously planned the sequence of simulations to balance exploration, exploitation, and the cost of the two types of simulations.

Despite within a computer simulation and pertaining to the specific task of discovering COFs for Xe/Kr separations, our proof-of-concept study broadly hints at the potential for MFBO to reduce the time and cost to discover new materials in both the virtual and physical laboratory.


MFBO performance depends on: surrogate model, acquisition function, and precision of the experiment/simulation

Generally, the performance of MFBO for materials discovery depends on the surrogate model, the acquisition function, and the precision/reproducibility of the synthesis of the targeted materials and subsequent measurements of their properties. The surrogate model must (i) be fed features of the materials that are informative about the property (engineering such features relies on domain knowledge), (ii) be data-efficient (i.e., require a small number of examples to learn to make accurate predictions), and (iii) express well-calibrated uncertainty.109,113,114 The acquisition function for experimental planning must balance exploration, exploitation, and cost. The surrogate model and acquisition function must be cheap to train and evaluate, respectively, relative to the simulations/experiments to evaluate the material property. Finally, if the synthesis of targeted materials is not well-controlled (resulting in e.g., variations in crystallinity, defects, and impurities) and/or the measurement of the material property is noisy owing to an imprecise instrument or poorly-controlled conditions, the surrogate model will require many examples to learn to predict the [average] material property.

Note, the sample-efficiency of MFBO can be improved by incorporating prior beliefs/hypotheses (grounded in chemical intuition or information) of expert chemists about the region of materials space in which the optimal material belongs.115,116

Translating MFBO to the bona fide lab

Most intriguingly, MFBO may direct a human- or robot-operated lab aimed at the discovery of new molecules or materials. In this setting, (i) a high-fidelity experiment constitutes the synthesis, activation, and characterization of a material and a measurement of its performance for some engineering application, and (ii) the low-fidelity experiment(s) constitute (a) a physics-based simulation of the material to predict its performance or (b) a quick, cheap, accessible measurement of a property of the material in the lab—some property that serves as a proxy for the property we ultimately wish to maximize for the engineering application.

The materials discovery costs incurred in the lab—reagents, consumable vials, instrumentation time and depreciation, salaries of operators, etc.—are much more significant in scale than the costs due to computational runtime herein. Consequently, MFBO is poised to make a bigger impact when applied to the bona fide lab.

In the lab, imprecision in the materials synthesis and property-measurements (e.g., adsorption measurements in porous materials sometimes vary dramatically across labs;117,118 automated labs are likely to improve reproducibility, though119) will reduce the sample-efficiency of MFBO. Herein, such imprecision was not a major issue because our molecular simulations were well-converged.

Prototyping MFBO variants on a frugal twin120 of a physical system—or toy systems121—may accelerate translation and adaption of MFBO to the bona fide lab.

Relationship between MFBO and MF active-learning

MFBO is closely related to multi-fidelity active learning,122 where we iteratively design a sequence of experiments of multiple fidelities (like MFBO) to efficiently gather training data for a predictor of the [high-fidelity] property of materials.123 For active learning, we wish to pick experiments that will reduce the uncertainty of the predictor. We may adapt the MFBO framework herein for active learning by installing an acquisition function that seeks full exploration (i.e., no exploitation component). Active learning can e.g. reduce the number of experiments to characterize the adsorption isotherm of a gas in a porous material.124

Remark on acquisition functions

MFBO constitutes an outer loop, visualized in Fig. 4, for the outer optimization problem of finding the material with the optimal property, of (1) conducting an experiment/simulation, (2) updating the surrogate model, then (3) picking the next material and fidelity for an experiment/simulation. Task (3) constitutes the inner optimization problem—finding the material and fidelity that optimize the acquisition function. The cost-performance of MFBO deteriorates when the cost of solving the inner optimization grows.125

Herein, we solved the inner-optimization problem via a brute-force inner loop over all COFs. The runtime for this was negligible compared to our molecular simulations because (i) we are optimizing over a finite and relatively small set of COFs and (ii) we possess an analytical expression for the acquisition function in eqn (12). Other acquisition functions, grounded in different principles (e.g., information about the minimum,126–128 knowledge gradient,129 non-myopic look-ahead,130,131 or portfolios132) than the improvement-based, myopic one in eqn (12), may be more expensive to compute (involving intractable integrals that must be approximated through sampling133 and/or rollout). The choice/design of an acquisition function for MFBO may involve balancing (i) the cost to evaluate it and (ii) how well it scores the utility-per-cost of material–fidelity pairs.

Scaling MFBO to larger sets of materials

Herein, we executed MFBO for optimization over a finite, small (∼600) set of materials. For MFBO to scale to larger search spaces (i.e., larger sets of materials) and experimental sample sizes, we can (1) employ surrogate models that are more scalable than GPs, such as Bayesian linear regression128 (perhaps, using features learned from a neural network134), sparse GPs,135–137 Bayesian neural networks,138 or random forests139 (though, random forests poorly extrapolate uncertainty7) and (2) to speed up finding the solution to the inner optimization problem, maximize the acquisition function over the continuous materials space with a generic continuous optimization algorithm (e.g., gradient descent), then decode to a viable material by e.g., selecting the material in the candidate set that is closest to the maximizer. For materials with structured (non-vector) representations such as strings or graphs, one can learn a continuous representation of the materials via an autoencoder and execute MFBO in this continuous latent space;140–142 then in strategy (2) we use the decoder to map the continuous latent representation to a material structure.

Future work on MFBO algorithm development

Future work for MFBO algorithm development includes (1) inventing new (a) predictive, uncertainty-calibrated, data-efficient, and scalable multi-fidelity surrogate models and (b) exploration-, exploitation-, cost-balancing, and cheap-to-evaluate multi-fidelity acquisition functions; (2) benchmarking the performance of other multi-fidelity acquisition functions7 and their robustness across a variety of materials discovery tasks; (3) extending MFBO to (a) the batch setting, where experiments can be conducted in parallel (i.e., multiple materials are selected at each iteration)7,143,144 and (b) the multi-objective setting,145,146 where we seek the Pareto-optimal set of materials.

Another search strategy using material properties measured with low fidelity

Similar in spirit to multi-fidelity machine learning and two-stage search, the cheap-, low-fidelity calculations of dilute adsorption properties could serve as features (inputs) to a supervised machine learning model to predict the high-fidelity adsorption property.147 In Fig. S8, we show that augmenting the standard chemical and structural features of the COFs with the low-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity treated as an additional input can dramatically improve the predictivity of a GP on the high-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivity.


The COF crystal structures

We obtained the crystal structures of the 609 COF candidates from the Clean, Uniform, Refined with Automatic Tracking from Experimental Database (CURATED).78

The two molecular simulation techniques to predict the Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF

The binary grand-canonical ensemble. The binary grand-canonical ensemble concerns a crystalline COF immersed in and in thermodynamic equilibrium with a 20 mol%/80 mol% Xe/Kr gas mixture at T = 298 K at P = 1 bar. The system volume Ω comprises a replicated unit cell of the COF that hosts Xe and Kr adsorbates. The volume V, chemical potential of Xe and Kr μ = [μXe, μKr], and temperature T of the system are fixed, whereas the number of adsorbates n = [nXe, nKr] hosted in the system and potential energy E of the system fluctuate as it exchanges adsorbates and heat with the bulk Xe/Kr gas mixture.

The chemical potential μ is set by the Xe/Kr gas mixture; the ideal gas law gives μ in terms of the temperature T and partial pressures of Xe and Kr, p = [pXe, pKr]:

μg = kBT[thin space (1/6-em)]log[βpgΛg3] for g ∈ {Xe, Kr},(14)
with Λg the de Broglie wavelength of adsorbate g, kB the Boltzmann constant, and β := (kBT)−1.

A microstate of the system is defined by (i) the number of adsorbates n and (ii) their positions

R(n) := [rXe,1rXe,nXerKr,1rKr,nKr](15)
in the system image file: d3dd00117b-t64.tif. Approximating the COF as rigid, the positions of the atoms of the COF are fixed.

Let E = E(n, R(n)) be the potential energy of a microstate (n, R(n)). Of course, E = E(n, R(n)) is COF-dependent. We will model E(n, R(n)) using Lennard-Jones interatomic pair potentials.

In the BGC ensemble, the partition function is a sum/integral over microstates148–150

image file: d3dd00117b-t65.tif(16)
and the probability of a microstate is
image file: d3dd00117b-t66.tif(17)

In each molecular simulation technique below, the ultimate goal is to predict the expected number of adsorbates in the system under the BGC ensemble:

image file: d3dd00117b-t67.tif(18)
from which the Xe/Kr adsorptive selectivity follows.

The atomistic model. We model the potential energy E = E(n, R(n)) of the system in microstate (n, R(n)) by treating the adsorbate–COF and adsorbate–adsorbate interactions as pairwise additive and described by 12-6 Lennard-Jones interatomic potentials (parameters from the Universal Force Field,103 Lorentz–Berthelot combining rules,150 truncated to neglect interactions beyond 14 Å). We apply periodic boundary conditions to mimic the crystalline COF.
Binary grand-canonical Monte Carlo simulation. The high-fidelity simulation constitutes a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of the system under the BGC ensemble governed by the probability distribution in eqn (17). Our microstate transition proposals include random adsorbate insertions and deletions, translations, reinsertions, and identity swaps, with acceptance rules dictated by Metropolis–Hastings. Our BGCMC simulation constitutes 500 Monte Carlo cycles (defined as x microstate transition proposals, with x = max(20, nXe + nKr)) per Å3 volume of the system. We discard the first half of the cycles for burn-in.
Henry coefficient calculations. Henry's law, valid under dilute conditions, follows from eqn (18) if we approximate the sum in Ξ in eqn (16) by including only the dominant terms n ∈ {[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]} at dilute conditions, giving Henry's law in eqn (2) with Henry coefficients
image file: d3dd00117b-t68.tif(19)
image file: d3dd00117b-t69.tif(20)

For the low-fidelity prediction of Xe/Kr selectivity, we compute HXe and HKr of a COF from two ordinary Monte Carlo integrations (500 insertions per Å3), i.e. Widom particle insertions.149

Comparing runtimes. The computational cost, measured in run time, of a high-fidelity BGCMC simulation of Xe/Kr adsorption in a given COF is greater than the sum of the costs of the two low-fidelity Henry coefficient calculations, i.e. τ(2/3) > τ(1/3). First, a single Monte Carlo state transition in the BGCMC simulation tends to be more computationally expensive than a single adsorbate insertion for the Monte Carlo integration for calculating Hg because, in contrast, generally, multiple adsorbates are present in the BGC system, increasing the number of pairwise interactions to compute (composed of both adsorbate–COF and adsorbate–adsorbate interactions). Second, the BGCMC simulation must explore a more voluminous state space than the Henry coefficient calculation in order to compute a reliable average.

Of course, this cost comparison depends on the number of MC cycles/insertions dedicated to each simulation; we allocated 500 cycles/insertions per Å3 volume of the system in an attempt to grant each simulation with reasonably comparable errors in the average 〈n〉.

N.b., with further approximation, the computational expense of the Henry coefficient calculations can be reduced by biasing the samples of adsorbate configurations to lie nearby the internal surface (pore walls) of the COF.151

Remark on high- vs. low-fidelity. We refer to the BGCMC simulation as providing a “high-fidelity” estimate of the Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF, but only relative to the lower-fidelity Henry coefficient calculation. First, arguably, the high-fidelity measurement of the adsorptive Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF constitutes synthesizing and characterizing it in the lab, then taking mixed-gas adsorption measurements.152 Second, even higher-fidelity simulations of Xe/Kr adsorption are possible by (i) calculating the potential energy of a configuration E = E(n, R(n)) using a machine learning model trained on energy calculations based on a higher level of theory (e.g. density functional theory),153,154 (ii) modeling the flexibility of the COF,155 and/or (iii) modeling crystalline defects in the COF,156etc. If “high-fidelity” instead refers to performance in the real-world separation process, we must also consider competing adsorbates such as CO2 and H2O, other objectives such as stability,157,158 thermal conductivity,159 and adsorption kinetics,160 and the COF in context with the category of the separation process (e.g., pressure- and/or temperature-swing adsorption) that can be optimized jointly.161
Software. We implemented the BGCMC and Henry coefficient calculations in PorousMaterials.jl.
Hardware. To put our reported computational runtimes in perspective, the hardware specifications for the compute nodes on which we ran our (serial) simulations are listed in Table 1. We assigned each simulation to a random core based on its availability. Though the high- and low-fidelity simulations for a given COF are not guaranteed to run on the same core, the specifications of each core are similar for a reasonable comparison of runtimes.
Table 1 Hardware specifications for the computational resources used for our simulations
Nodes 1–4 Model Dell PowerEdge R740
Processor 2× 10-core 2.20 GHz Intel Xeon Silver 4114 w/16896 KB cache
Memory 128 GB RAM @2666 MT s−1
Nodes 5–8 Model Dell PowerEdge R740
Processor 2× 22-core 2.10 GHz Intel Xeon Gold 6152 w/30976 KB cache
Memory 128 GB RAM @2666 MT s−1

The multi-fidelity Gaussian process surrogate model

We explain our multi-fidelity GP in the context of the Bayesian paradigm of (i) impose a prior distribution, (ii) collect data, then (iii) in light of the data, update the prior distribution to a posterior distribution.

For more understanding about GPs, see ref. 106 and 107.

The prior distribution of Y. The prior distribution of the 2X (X = 609) random variables of interest for our problem,
image file: d3dd00117b-t70.tif(21)
expresses our beliefs about the simulated Xe/Kr selectivities of the COFs under each fidelity before any molecular simulations are conducted—i.e., before we obtain any simulation data on which to base our beliefs.

The joint prior distribution expressed by the GP in eqn (5) is a Gaussian distribution with (i) a mean of the zero-vector and (ii) a covariance matrix exhibiting a block structure:

image file: d3dd00117b-t71.tif(22)
where Kmat,ij = kmat(xi,xj) is the COF similarity matrix.

We elucidate the assumption behind eqn (22) and the intuition behind the kernel functions by inspecting the marginal prior distribution of

• The fidelity-[small script l] simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF x,

image file: d3dd00117b-t72.tif(23)

Apparently, the hyperparameters c and δ forming the variance express our fidelity-dependent, COF-independent prior uncertainty about the simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of any given COF.

• A pair of simulated Xe/Kr selectivities, Y([small script l])(x) and Y([small script l]′)(x′), whose covariance is given by the kernel function k in eqn (6):

image file: d3dd00117b-t73.tif(24)

With the kernel functions quantifying our notion of “similarity”, our prior belief is that the simulated selectivity of two COFs will be similar (dissimilar) for (i) two similar (dissimilar) COFs under (ii) two similar (dissimilar) simulation fidelities. Importantly, the material kernel function in eqn (7) paired with our design of COF space captures our domain knowledge that COFs with closeby composition, pore size, surface area, etc. tend to exhibit similar adsorption properties.89,90,93,97 Note, for [small script l][small script l]′ but x = x′, it is apparent that the hyperparameters c and δ of the fidelity kernel function also capture the correlation between the high- and low-fidelity Xe/Kr selectivities for a given COF. This allows observed low-fidelity simulated Xe/Kr selectivities to appropriately inform the predictions about the high-fidelity selectivities we ultimately wish to maximize.

Collecting the simulation data. At iteration n of the MFBO search, we have collected simulation data
image file: d3dd00117b-t74.tif(25)

I.e., x[i] is the vector representation of the COF, [small script l][i] is the fidelity, and y[i] is the observed Xe/Kr selectivity of the simulation conducted at iteration i. In light of this simulation data image file: d3dd00117b-t75.tif, we wish to update our prior distribution in eqn (22).

We view each observed fidelity-[small script l] simulated Xe/Kr selectivity y([small script l]) of a COF represented by x as a noisy evaluation of a black-box function f(x,[small script l]) that represents the relationship between the fidelity-[small script l] Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF and its features x. Particularly, we assume

image file: d3dd00117b-t76.tif(26)
where ε is a realization of un-observable noise drawn from a Gaussian distribution image file: d3dd00117b-t77.tif. The source of this noise is the inherent stochasticity involved in the Monte Carlo simulation; however, the noise may also have a contribution from the lack of information contained about the selectivity within the COF features x.

The posterior distribution of image file: d3dd00117b-t78.tif. The posterior distribution of Y([small script l])(x) expresses our beliefs about the fidelity-[small script l] simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF with features xin light of the simulation dataimage file: d3dd00117b-t79.tif. The posterior is an update to our prior distribution, obtained by conditioning the prior distribution in eqn (22) on the observations image file: d3dd00117b-t80.tif in the data image file: d3dd00117b-t81.tif.

We find the marginal posterior distribution of image file: d3dd00117b-t82.tif by first writing the marginal prior distribution, following from eqn (22), of (i) the fidelity-[small script l] simulated Xe/Kr selectivity of COF represented by x and (ii) the observed (i.e., noise-contaminated) selectivities in the simulations we have already done in image file: d3dd00117b-t83.tif:

image file: d3dd00117b-t84.tif(27)
written in terms of (1) the vector of random variables denoting the simulated Xe/Kr selectivities of the COFs in the acquired set at those specific fidelities:
image file: d3dd00117b-t85.tif(28)

(2) The kernel matrix between the simulation setups in the data image file: d3dd00117b-t86.tif, image file: d3dd00117b-t87.tif, whose element (i, j) is

image file: d3dd00117b-t88.tif(29)
and (3) the kernel vector between the simulation setup of interest [x, [small script l]] and those in the data image file: d3dd00117b-t89.tif
image file: d3dd00117b-t90.tif(30)

We obtain the posterior distribution of Y([small script l])(x) by conditioning the prior in eqn (27) on the observed simulated Xe/Kr selectivities of the COFs in the data image file: d3dd00117b-t91.tif:

image file: d3dd00117b-t92.tif(31)

Upon conditioning, the posterior distribution of Y([small script l])(x) is also a Gaussian distribution, given in eqn (9).

Sources of uncertainty. Uncertainty in the Xe/Kr selectivity of a COF may owe to (i) a lack of simulations on COFs in the neighborhood of COF space around x, (ii) a lack of mutual information between outcomes of simulations of different fidelities, (iii) a lack of information about the selectivity contained in the features, and/or (iv) inherent variability/noise in the outcome of the Monte Carlo simulation.
Centering the outputs. For the zero-mean prior in eqn (22) to be reasonable, we center the simulated Xe/Kr selectivities (the y[i]'s) in the data image file: d3dd00117b-t93.tif at each iteration.
Hyperparameters. The kernel function in eqn (6) contains four hyperparameters: α, γ, c, and δ. And, we have the noise hyperparameter σ from eqn (26). At each iteration, these hyperparameters are tuned to maximize the marginal likelihood of the data image file: d3dd00117b-t94.tif.
Function space view of a GP. For our problem of searching a fixed pool of COFs, we are only interested in the joint distribution of the random variables listed in Y in eqn (22). However, an alternative view of the GP in eqn (5) is that it specifies a (prior and posterior) distribution over functions F(x,[small script l]) that aim to approximate the black-box input (COF x, fidelity [small script l]) – output (simulated Xe/Kr selectivity, y([small script l])) relationship underlurking the simulations—the black-box function f(x,[small script l]) in eqn (26). This perspective is illustrated in the middle panel of Fig. 4, where the dark line shows the posterior mean function μ[n](x,[small script l]) and the bands show a posterior credible region for these functions, μ[n](x,[small script l]) ± σ[n](x,[small script l]).
GP implementation. We use the implementation of the multi-fidelity GP in the BoTorch162 library in Python, which builds upon GPyTorch.163 Note, Atlas164 is a Python package for BO tailored to self-driving chemical labs.

Data availability

All computer codes and simulation data to reproduce our results are available at

Conflicts of interest

None to declare.


For funding and support, N. G. and C. M. S. acknowledge the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA-19-31270) and A. D. and J. D. acknowledge the National Science Foundation Grants IIS-1845922 and OAC-1910213. C. M. S. and N. G. thank the Oregon State University College of Engineering High-Performance Computing Cluster manager Robert Yelle.


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Note that the initialization cost of MFBO is higher than that of its SFBO counterpart due to the inclusion of the additional low-fidelity simulations. We include the runtime incurred for initialization.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023