Thomas J. S.
*b and
Miriam Díaz
de los Bernardos
aEurecat, Technology Centre of Catalonia, Unit of Chemical Technologies, Tarragona, 43007, Spain. E-mail:
bCREST Group, Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT), Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
cDepartament de Química Física i Inorgànica, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, 43007, Spain
dIolitec Ionic Liquids Technology GmbH, Heilbronn, 74076, Germany
eCenter for Sustainable Future Technologies (IIT@Polito), Italian Institute of Technology, Turin, Italy
First published on 15th February 2023
Photoelectrochemical carbon dioxide reduction (CO2) at ambient temperature and pressure was performed using molecular chromophores and catalyst assemblies on CuGaO2-based electrodes in an ionic liquid (IL) organic solution, acting as a CO2 absorbent and electrolyte. A simple and versatile methodology based on the silanization of the CuGaO2 electrode followed by electropolymerization provided a series of molecular and supramolecular hybrid photocathodes for solar driven CO2 reduction. Focusing on the cathodic half reactions, the most promising conditions for the formation of CO2 reduction products were determined. The results revealed a beneficial effect of the ionic liquid on the conversion of CO2 to formic acid and suppression of the production of hydrogen. The potentiality of anchoring supramolecular complexes on semiconductor photoelectrocatalysts was demonstrated to boost both carrier transport and catalytic activity with a FEred of up to 81% compared with the obtained FEred of 52% using bare CuGaO2 with formate as the major product.
Regarding CO2conversion, the main challenge is to efficiently activate and reduce CO2 to reach the zero-carbon footprint goal. In this respect, visible-light-driven CO2 reduction in combination with water oxidation is a promising solution as it involves the use of abundant water and inexhaustible solar energy, and constitutes one of the most representative models of artificial photosynthesis.11 Molecular metal complexes and semiconductors are promising candidate photocatalysts, which can reduce CO2 to CO, formic acid, formaldehyde or other hydrocarbons.12 Although both molecular metal complexes and semiconductors have strengths and weaknesses, their main limitations (i.e. low oxidation ability, low selectivity for reduction reactions and stability issues) can be overcome via the construction of suitable molecule/semiconductor hybrid materials. In this approach, the efficient electron transfer from a semiconductor to an immobilized molecular catalyst and the suppression of back electron transfer are crucial for reducing CO2 on the molecule/semiconductor hybrid material.13 To this end, both the conduction band potential of the semiconductor and the reduction potential of the molecular unit should be carefully designed.
Supramolecular hybrid photocatalysts based on ruthenium (Ru(II))–rhenium (Re(I)) complexes were reported to efficiently catalyze CO2 photoreduction under visible light with faradaic efficiencies of up to 87% with CO and HCOOH as the major products.12,13 Osamu Ishitani and co-workers developed a hybrid photocathode based on CuGaO2 and a supramolecular Ru–Re complex immobilized using phosphonic acid as an anchoring group.14 This system allowed them to obtain faradaic efficiencies of up to 81% with a CO:
H2 ratio of 1.5
1 and to exceed the performance observed with a NiO electrode; however, the instability of the phosphonic acid anchoring group was the main drawback. Later, Meyer and co-workers adopted a new immobilization method based on the silanization of NiO, followed by electropolymerization of a molecular Ru complex and a molecular Re complex, thereby improving the overall energy conversion efficiency and the system stability during long-term operation, for up to 10 hours.15 Recently, Osamu Ishitani and co-workers performed a new immobilization process by the electropolymerization of a supramolecular Ru–Ru catalyst, obtaining a robust and selective system to CO and HCOOH for CO2 reduction coupled with water oxidation, which remained stable for 100 h with a total faradaic efficiency of 65%.16
Inspired by the progress in capture and conversion of CO2 demonstrated using ILs and given the results achieved with the different semiconductors and immobilization procedures, we report here the preparation of various hybrid assemblies based on CuGaO2 and a series of new molecular and supramolecular Ru and Re complexes. The photoelectrocatalytic CO2 reduction was carried out using BMIM·TfO as a catholyte and a i) Ru(II) photosensitizer complex (RuVLA) co-immobilized with a Re(I) catalyst complex (ReCAT), ii) supramolecular RuRe1 complex and iii) binuclear RuRe2 complex to compare the electron transfer efficiency using the different supramolecular complexes. Higher performance was achieved with the supramolecular and binuclear systems than with the co-immobilized complexes and the results revealed the beneficial role of the ionic liquid in promoting the conversion of CO2 into formic acid and C2+ alcohols, while improving the stability of the system and suppressing the production of H2.
The functionalized CuGaO2 (CuGaO2-VTES) catalyst was analyzed with FESEM-EDX (see Fig. S3 and S4†), which indicated that the morphology remains unchanged after functionalization while EDX analysis confirmed the presence of Si with an approximate Cu:
Si ratio of 16
The synthesis of the ReCAT complex was performed using Re(CO)5Br as a precursor. This Re precursor and one equivalent of bpy-V ligand were dissolved in toluene and heated under reflux overnight to substitute two CO ligands, forming the ReCAT complex in high isolated yield (84%).
For the synthesis of RuVLA, the [Ru(COD)Cl2] precursor was first prepared starting from RuCl3·3H2O; then, the COD ligand was substituted by two 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine (bpyMe2) ligands in 1,2-dichlorobenzene at 155 °C, obtaining the [Ru(bpyMe2)Cl2] complex. Finally, the remaining chloride ligands were substituted by one bpy-V ligand in an acetone/water solution obtaining the final desired complex in 74% isolated yield.
The complexes RuRe1 and RuRe2 were synthesized following the same synthetic strategy as the one adopted for RuVLA. The distance effect between Ru and Re was studied using these two complexes containing different bridge ligands between the Ru and Re. First, the [Ru(COD)Cl2] precursor was prepared, followed by the replacement of the COD ligand with two bpy-V ligands, obtaining the [Ru(bpy-V)Cl2] complex. Then, the chloride ligands were replaced by a 1,2-bis(4′-methyl-[2,2′-bipyridin]-4-yl)ethane or 2,2′-bipyrimidine ligand to obtain the corresponding Ru complexes. Finally, a reaction with one equivalent of Re(CO)5Br complex under reflux yielded the final RuRe1 and RuRe2 complexes in good isolated yields (64% and 67%, respectively). The coordination of the Re complex was confirmed by IR spectroscopy via the detection of the characteristic vibration bands of the CO ligands. The 1H and 13C NMR and HRMS analyses confirmed the structure of these complexes (see the ESI† for the detailed synthetic description and characterization of all the complexes).
The immobilization of Ru and Re species onto CuGaO2-VTES was supported by FESEM-EDX analysis. The obtained semi-quantitative results, the average of three different electrode zones, suggested the anchoring of equimolar amounts of Ru and Re species for both supramolecular Ru–Re complexes, whereas 2 moles of Re per mole of Ru were measured for the mixture of homogeneous complexes (see Table 1).
An estimation of the relative amount of Ru and Re immobilized with respect to the Cu deposited onto the support was performed to determine the efficiency of the anchoring approach. The approach used in the present work allowed a higher immobilization of the RuRe1 complex than that of the RuRe2 complex. Moreover, through the FESEM images, agglomerations were evidenced in all the electrodes containing the RuRe1 molecular complex (see Fig. 3).
The region containing the agglomeration (Fig. 3a) was analyzed by EDX and revealed a higher content of Ru and Re (Fig. 3b). These EDX results confirm that the agglomeration consists in RuRe1 supramolecular complexes interconnected between them. The line scanning EDX (Fig. 3c) performed in both regions, the agglomerated and non-agglomerated one, also confirms the presence of a higher content of Ru and Re in the agglomerated region compared to the non-agglomerated ones. Since the RuRe1 complex contains four anchoring groups, the coupling between molecular complexes could explain the agglomeration with high Ru and Re contents.
UV-visible absorption spectra of all the prepared electrodes were measured in diffuse reflectance mode (Fig. 4). The UV-vis spectrum of the bare CuGaO2 indicates no absorption in the visible range.17,19 However, a change was observed with the introduction of the Ru and Re complexes. Indeed, the electrode containing the molecular RuVLA and ReCAT complexes immobilized separately exhibited a small absorption band which starts at λ = 550 nm. Meanwhile, the electrode containing RuRe1 showed a large absorption band starting at λ = 600 nm and that with RuRe2 showed an absorption band throughout the visible light spectrum. These results are in concordance with previous reports where a characteristic peak appeared in the UV spectrum at around 464 nm, attributed to the singlet metal-to-ligand-charge-transfer absorption band of the Ru complex.18
Chopped dark/light chronoamperometry performed at −2.0 V (Fig. 5b) confirms the CuGaO2 photoactivity, showing an average photocurrent contribution of −0.195 mA cm−2.
As can be observed in Fig. 6, a significant difference was highlighted between dark and light conditions. Under dark conditions, a major selectivity towards CO2 reduction products and a faradaic efficiency to H2 lower than 10% were obtained. In contrast, under simulated sunlight irradiation conditions, a substantial increase in hydrogen production was observed. In both cases, the total faradaic efficiency decreased when higher current densities were applied. This behavior was attributed to the instability of the catalyst, i.e., self-reduction of CuGaO2.20
Under both dark and light conditions, formate was the major CO2 reduction product, followed by CO. Small quantities of propanol, ethanol, and methanol were also detected. The production of CO and H2 was monitored during the experiment and was stable during the time of chronopotentiometry.
Fig. 7 shows the comparison of the chronopotentiometry measurements between dark and light conditions. The chronopotentiometry measurements performed at the same current intensity under visible light irradiation (dashed line) and in the dark (solid line) revealed a difference in the corresponding potential values. In general, lower potential values (in absolute values) were measured under light conditions than in the dark. However, the opposite behavior was observed when the chronopotentiometry was performed at −10 and −20 mA cm−2.
Chronopotentiometry (CP) experiments for 120 minutes were performed in the dark and under visible light irradiation by applying −1.5 mA cm−2 to evaluate the stability of the CO2RR over time with the CuGaO2 bare material. At short reaction times, CO was the main product. However, at longer reaction times, the CO production decreased under both dark and light conditions (Fig. 8). When the experiment was performed in the dark, a constant decrease of CO selectivity was observed along with a constant increase in H2 production. Under light irradiation, the CO production decreased more rapidly and after ca. 40 min, H2 became the main product. The results obtained show that the total faradaic efficiencies are higher in the dark (FEtotal = 71% in the dark vs. 52% under light), confirming the quick deactivation of the bare CuGaO2 under light irradiation. These results were in agreement with previously reported data.19
Dark/light chronoamperometry performed at −2.0 V (Fig. 9b) confirmed the activity under light irradiation of the Ru + Re@CuGaO2 photocathode, showing an average photocurrent contribution of −0.204 mA cm−2 in a CO2 saturated 0.3 M BMIM·TfO acetonitrile solution. A comparison between Fig. 5b and 9b evidence that the two photoelectrodes gave a similar average photocurrent contribution at this fixed potential value. Nonetheless, Ru + Re@CuGaO2 was revealed to be more stable over time.
In general, the formation of CO2 reduction products was enhanced by the immobilization of Ru and Re molecular complexes onto the CuGaO2 semiconductor. More specifically, at current density values lower than −10 mA cm−2, the H2 production decreased along with an increase in the selectivity to CO2 reduction products. It should be noted that with the Ru + Re@CuGaO2 electrode, a total faradaic efficiency of 99% was reached at −1.5 mA cm−2, with a FEH2 of only 7%. A detrimental effect was evidenced at more negative currents with a clear decrease in the total FE, which could be due to the catalyst modification under these conditions. In view of these results, a current value of −1.5 mA cm−2 was selected for conducting the subsequent analyses. A blank control experiment was carried out using the Ru + Re@CuGaO2 electrode in a N2 saturated 0.3 M BMIM·TfO acetonitrile solution. After applying −1.5 mA cm−2 for 30 min, any CO2 reduction product was detected, confirming that the products originate from CO2.
Next, the effect of the reaction medium was evaluated. The reactions were carried out in the following CO2 saturated solutions: (i) 0.3 M BMIM·TfO in acetonitrile, chosen in view of the good results obtained using this IL in some recent studies,6–8 (ii) 0.3 M Et4N·PF6 in acetonitrile, to compare the use of an IL to that of a simple quaternary ammonium salt,21,22 and (iii) an aqueous solution of 0.1 M KHCO3, which was selected as a typical aqueous electrolyte.23
In aqueous medium, a constant H2 production was obtained with a total FE of 80% including a FE to formate (the main CO2RR product) of 14% (Fig. 11). As could be expected, in organic media (acetonitrile solutions of BMIM·TfO and Et4N·PF6), a higher selectivity to CO2 reduction products was obtained with formate as the major product. Interestingly, C2+ products like ethanol and propanol were also promoted in the organic solvents, and in particular with the IL electrolyte. This suggests the role of the imidazolium and ammonium-based electrolytes as co-catalysts that may also influence the CO2RR mechanism. Indeed, C2+ product formation requires the co-presence of adsorbed CO (CO*) and CHx () intermediates, which react by CO*–CO*dimerization or CO*–
coupling at the catalyst surface.24
Comparing the chronoamperometry curves, the experiment performed using acetonitrile 0.3 M BMIM·TfO as an electrolyte revealed a stable voltage of −1.9 V vs. Ag/AgCl (Fig. 12a), whereas using 0.3 M Et4N·PF6 in acetonitrile resulted in a variation of the voltage along the potential window from −1.8 V to −1.6 V. Using the aqueous solution of 0.1 M KHCO3, a stable voltage at −1.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl was also observed. It should be highlighted that the potential associated with the experiments seems to correlate with the product selectivity, since high hydrogen faradaic efficiencies and low formate faradaic efficiencies were achieved in the aqueous solution of 0.1 M KHCO3 at −1.6 V, whereas the opposite trend was observed using 0.3 M BMIM·TfO in acetonitrile as the electrolyte at −1.9 V. In the case of 0.3 M Et4N·PF6 in acetonitrile as the electrolyte, the selectivity varied with the potential along the experiment. In fact, considering the H2 and CO production during the test when using Et4N·PF6 (Fig. 12b), the CO production decreased severely after 40 min with a concomitant increase in hydrogen production.
Based on these results, the beneficial effect of BMIM·TfO as the electrolyte was attributed to the high CO2 solubility9 and its potential role in lowering the activation energy of CO2 reduction.25 Then, 0.3 M BMIM·TfO in acetonitrile was selected as the electrolyte to study the immobilization of the different molecular complexes synthesized onto the CuGaO2 semiconductor.
In both cases, a difference in the current response between dark and light conditions was observed (Fig. 13). Slight differences in the measured photocurrent were observed for the electrodes containing the supramolecular complexes: RuRe1@CuGaO2 provided an average photocurrent of 36 μA cm−2 and RuRe2@CuGaO2 showed a value of 37 μA cm−2, from −0.4 to −1.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl. However, both electrodes exhibited a higher photoactivity than Ru + Re@CuGaO2 (with an average photocurrent of 32 μA cm−2 from −0.4 to −1.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl).
Nevertheless, when dark/light chronoamperometry at −2.0 V was performed (Fig. 13c), the electrodes containing the supramolecular complexes showed a lower average photocurrent contribution, −0.156 (RuRe1@CuGaO2) and −0.150 mA cm−2 (RuRe2@CuGaO2), than the Ru + Re@CuGaO2 electrode, −0.204 mA cm−2.
Subsequently, the effect of the different Ru/Re complexes on the CO2 photoelectroreduction selectivity were evaluated during 120 min chronopotentiometry by applying −1.5 mA cm−2 under simulated sunlight conditions. In Fig. 14a, the faradaic efficiencies of the gaseous and liquid products for each catalyst at this current density value are displayed. Using the bare CuGaO2 electrode, a low total faradaic efficiency was obtained (52%). With all the prepared hybrid materials, an increase in the faradaic efficiency was observed up to 81%, which evidenced the protective and stabilizing role of the Ru and Re complexes that hinder the CuGaO2 modification. Among them, similar faradaic efficiencies for H2 and CO2RR products were obtained; however, with the RuRe1 and RuRe2 complexes, lower external potentials were necessary at the same current intensity, which evidenced a higher generated photovoltage and a more efficient electron transfer when using the supramolecular systems rather than immobilizing separately the RuVLA and ReCAT complexes (Fig. 14b), which is in agreement with their superior UV-vis light absorption. Using the hybrid materials, a higher faradaic efficiency to formic acid was obtained compared with that of the bare CuGaO2, ca. 45% vs. 30%, respectively. Interestingly, the ethanol production and propanol production were enhanced with the hybrid materials and in particular with the binuclear RuRe2 complex. As previously mentioned, such results highlight the role of the Ru and Re complexes in co-catalyzing the multi-electron processes subsequent to the formate and CO formation at the catalyst surface.
Moreover, the hybrid materials synthesized in this work not only enhanced the faradaic efficiency of the process but also showed higher stability than the bare CuGaO2. Finally, the stability of the hybrid materials was corroborated by analyzing the electrodes after the CP experiments by FESEM-EDX. A similar morphology of the hybrid materials was observed after the CP experiments, indicating a positive effect of the immobilization of the molecular complexes (see the ESI†). Additionally, the semi-quantitative results obtained by EDX (Table 2) suggested the similar loading of the Ru and Re species before and after the CP experiments, thus confirming the stability of these systems under the reported reaction conditions.
Electrode | Ratio of Cu![]() ![]() |
Ratio of Cu![]() ![]() |
Ratio of Ru![]() ![]() |
Ru + Re@CuGaO 2 | 39![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
19![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
RuRe1@CuGaO 2 | 1.6![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1.5![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
RuRe2@CuGaO 2 | 26![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
23![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The synthesized CuGaO2 was then functionalized with vinyltriethoxysilane (VTES) by adding 0.1 g of CuGaO2 to a 20 mL solution of isopropanol containing 10 mM vinyltriethoxysilane. The dispersion was stirred overnight at room temperature, then filtered, and finally washed with isopropanol.
Next, the prepared electrodes containing CuGaO2-VTES were subjected to electropolymerization of the corresponding molecular complexes.15 The electropolymerization of the complexes was performed employing a three electrode set-up with CuGaO2-VTES, a platinum wire and Ag/AgNO3 as the working, counter, and reference electrodes, respectively. The electrodes were submerged in an argon degassed acetonitrile solution containing the corresponding complex at a 0.5 mM concentration and tetraethylammonium hexafluorophosphate (Et4N·PF6, 0.1 M) as an electrolyte. Cyclic voltammetry measurements were performed from 0 to −1.9 V vs. Ag/AgNO3 and the applied voltage was scanned multiple times with a scan rate of 100 mV s−1. After 60 scans, the electrode was removed and washed with acetonitrile. Three different photoelectrodes were prepared by immobilizing a series of homogeneous complexes onto CuGaO2-VTES: (i) Ru visible light absorber complex and Re CO2 reduction catalyst complex co-immobilized (Ru + Re@CuGaO2), (ii) supramolecular Ru–Re complex (RuRe1@CuGaO2) and (iii) binuclear Ru–Re complex (RuRe2@CuGaO2).
The molecular complexes were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR (Varian Mercury VX 400), HRMS (Agilent Time-of-Flight 6210 using ESI-TOF), FT-IR (Bruker Vertex-70 instrument with attenuated total reflectance) and UV-vis (UV-1800 Shimadzu apparatus).
The PEC measurements were carried out with a Voltalab potentiostat (from Radiometer Analytical SAS). Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and cyclic voltammetry curves were recorded in the dark and under continuous or chopped simulated solar light illumination conditions, in the range between −0.20 and −2.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl (KCl sat.) (with a sweep rate of 20 mV s−1). Chronoamperometry (CA) measurements were performed at −2.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl (KCl sat.) over 1 min darkness and 1 min simulated irradiation intervals. Chronopotentiometry (CP) measurements were performed both in the dark and under continuous simulated solar light irradiation conditions by using a Newport 450 W Xe lamp equipped with an AM 1.5 G filter. The H-type cell was illuminated from the cathodic side maintaining the intensity of the light at 1000 W m−2 by adjusting the distance between the light source and the PEC cell.
The gas products (H2 and CO) were determined continuously during all the experiments using a micro gas-chromatograph (Varian 490-GC from Agilent) directly connected to the cell. Samples of the liquid products were analyzed at the beginning and at the end of each experiment, by means of high-performance liquid chromatography (Shimadzu HPLC) and a gas chromatograph (Perkin Elmer GC with a mass spectrometer) with a headspace for the quantification of formate and alcohols, respectively.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |