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aOrganisch-Chemisches Institut, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Corrensstraße 36, 48149, Münster, Germany. E-mail: ryan.gilmour@uni-muenster.de
bCells in Motion Interfaculty Centre, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Röntgenstraße 16, 48149, Münster, Germany
First published on 12th May 2023
Carbohydrate diversity is foundational in the molecular literacy that regulates cellular function and communication. Consequently, delineating and leveraging this structure–function interplay continues to be a core research objective in the development of candidates for biomedical diagnostics. A totemic example is the ubiquity of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-D-glucose (2-[18F]-FDG) as a radiotracer for positron emission tomography (PET), in which metabolic trapping is harnessed. Building on this clinical success, more complex sugars with unique selectivities are gaining momentum in molecular recognition and personalised medicine: this reflects the opportunities that carbohydrate-specific targeting affords in a broader sense. In this Tutorial Review, key milestones in the development of 2-[18F]-FDG and related glycan-based radiotracers for PET are described, with their diagnostic functions, to assist in navigating this rapidly expanding field of interdisciplinary research.
Key learning points(1) 2-[18F]-FDG has been the gold standard PET tracer since the 1980s, but its lack of specificity limits clinical application.(2) The structure–activity profile of 2-[18F]-FDG is instructive to design blueprints for future carbohydrate tracer development. (3) Judicious selection of the carbohydrate core can enable increased specificity over 2-[18F]-FDG for individual disease cases. (4) The site and configuration of the 18F-radiolabel provides a handle to modulate biological uptake and function. |
The diagnostic paradigm of PET has its origins in the early work Kuhl, Chapman and Edwards in the late 1950s (Fig. 1A).14 Tomography imaging by Ter-Pogossian and Phelps followed,15,16 and the rapid growth of the field, including the introduction of the single plane PET instrument, culminated in the validation of the circular transverse positron camera.17,18 These technological advances fuelled the search for suitable synthetic (radiolabeled) molecules that would facilitate full body imaging: a seminal advance was the validation of 14C-deoxyglucose in autoradiography.19 This culminated in the discovery of one of the most important diagnostic compounds of the last century, 2-[18F]-FDG (1) (Fig. 1B). Following the synthesis of the (cold) 19F counterpart 2-FDG,20 the synthesis of (hot) 2-[18F]-FDG (1) was first reported by Wolf and co-workers in 1978.21 Clinical translation of this tracer was contingent on establishing that 2-[18F]-FDG (1) was an acceptable substrate for hexokinase, and that metabolic trapping occurred (i.e. further glycolysis was paused). Since these conditions were met, tissue accumulation occurred thereby rendering 2-[18F]-FDG (1) an excellent candidate for D-glucose transport imaging.22 Since its conception and introduction to the clinic, 2-[18F]-FDG (1) has revolutionised in vivo PET imaging: this has been summarised (up until 2001) in an excellent review by Gambhir et al.23
The parallels between PET imaging and photography are striking, but in the former case the 3D-camera is reliant on gamma rays emitted from the point of interest within the body, rather than light. The generation of this gamma signature is conditional on injection of a radiotracer (in this case 18F) into the patient and subsequent efficient distribution (Fig. 1C). In the case of 2-[18F]-FDG (1), accumulation is a consequence of molecular editing with fluorine in which a subtle, bioisoteric OH to F replacement suppresses glycolysis. Subsequent β+ decay converts the radioisotopic 18F to 18O by emitting both a neutrino (n) and a positron (β+). The latter species is short lived and, upon collision with an electron, undergoes an annihilation event with the emission of two photons of equal energy (511 keV each) in a 180° angle. The recurring emission can be detected and reconstituted to construct a 3D image that conveys the origins of positron emission. Moreover, the ultimate decay of the 18F of 2-[18F]-FDG (1) to 18O ensures that, upon protonation, native D-glucose (2) is generated and the conventional glycolysis pathway continues (Scheme 1). Generating D-glucose (2) as the sole metabolite of 2-[18F]-FDG (1) injection, coupled with the low molar activities used in PET, mitigates concerns pertaining to side effects and enables diagnostic information to be gleaned by pausing a cellular process.
Application of 2-[18F]-FDG (1) as a diagnostic tool has proven to be expansive owing to the importance of D-glucose (2) as a cellular energy source and the metabolic disparity that differentiates healthy and abnormal cells. Pioneering work by Warburg and Minami in the early 1920s laid the foundations for the venerable “Warburg effect”: the phenomenon that high levels of anaerobic glycolysis is observed in tumour cells.24,25
Warburg subsequently received the 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology for Medicine “for his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme”. An example of the effectiveness of 2-[18F]-FDG PET/CT in visualising esophageal squamous cell carcinoma is shown in Fig. 2.
This disparity in metabolic phenotypes can be leveraged to distinguish tumour cells in vivo by PET imaging.26,27 In the conventional glycolysis pathways, the internalisation of D-glucose (2) into the cell is regulated by two D-glucose transporters (GLUT-1 and GLUT-3), which then enables subsequent phosphorylation by the enzyme hexokinase II (HK-II).22,27 The phosphorylated D-glucose (Glucose-6P) is then isomerised to fructose-6P, enabling further metabolism (Scheme 1). The molecular mimic, 2-[18F]-FDG (1), initially participates in the same uptake process, but subsequent glycolysis is paused by fluorine substitution at the C2-OH. This single atom edit is not compatible with phosphogluco-isomerase, leading to trapping and accumulation of 18F-labelled D-glucose within the cell. It is interesting to note that any remaining 2-[18F]-FDG (1) which is not phosphorylated to 2-[18F]-FDG-6-P by the hexokinase is excreted: this lowers the background signal which, in turn, improves the image resolution.28 Furthermore since glucose-6-phosphatase, which regulates dephosphorylation, is under-expressed in tumour cells, tracer accumulation is further amplified.29
The mechanism of accumulation is multifaceted and may be considered as a combination of D-glucose metabolism, hexokinase and D-glucose-6-phosphate activity, and the excretory pathway through the urinary tract. Despite this complexity, 2-[18F]-FDG (1) uptake is known to be proportional to D-glucose consumption.
Collectively, the introduction of the 18F-label at the 2-position of D-glucose serves two principal functions: (i) it mimics the natural abundance isotope,30 thereby inhibiting D-glucose metabolism and facilitating accumulation in affected cells, and (ii) it serves as an imaging probe to study organ dysfunction. Deconstructing and harnessing this unique, structure-specific mechanism (vide infra) enables an array of cancer pathologies to be imaged as well as providing a platform for investigating D-glucose metabolism, kinetics and inflammation.
However, the introduction of Kryptofix® [2.2.2] (8) to generate 2-[18F]-FDG (1) by nucleophilic displacement of the D-mannose-derived triflate by Hamacher et al. proved transformative (Scheme 2, lower).35 Whilst conceptually related nucleophilic approaches had already been communicated, a series of synthetic limitations remained unresolved, particularly poor deprotection or 18F incorporation.36,37 The addition of Kryptofix® [2.2.2] (8) was found to enhance fluoride nucleophilicity and, by extension, 18F incorporation.38 Under optimised conditions, the fluorination of 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-2-O-trifluoromethanesulfonyl-β-D-manno-pyranose (7), followed by global deprotection using HCl, enabled 2-[18F]-FDG (1) to be generated with an uncorrected yield of 44 ± 4% (Scheme 2).35 Acidic hydrolysis with HCl, classically requiring elevated temperatures and longer reaction times, can be achieved at room temperature under basic conditions. This further circumvents complications arising from nucleophilic displacement frequently observed in acidic conditions. It is pertinent to note that production efficiency remains a significant contributor to the clinical success of 2-[18F]-FDG (1), which received FDA approval in 1999.39 Following the transformative success of Kryptofix® [2.2.2] (8) in nucleophilic radiofluorination protocols, the next 15 years of process development focussed heavily on the evaluation of alternative 18F sources, improving deprotection efficiency and identifying impurities.40,41 It wasn’t until the early 2000s that the radiofluorination repertoire was augmented to include enzymatic fluorination.
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Scheme 3 Enzymatic 18F fluorination enzyme to produce 5′-[18F]-FDA. 5′-[18F]-FDA can be further derivatised with PNP to produce 5′-[18F]-FDU. |
Whilst D-mannose (15) and D-galactose (16) both occur frequently in nature and are important nutritional components, D-galactose (16) is particularly noteworthy as it can serve as a D-glucose (2) substitute, due to preferential consumption in the brain and associated insulin-independence.63 Indeed, studies in Wistar rats treated with streptozoticin have established that long-term oral D-galactose exposure reduces cognitive decline.64 This may have therapeutic implications for the management of neurodegenerative diseases, particularly in Alzheimer's disease where a high proportion of patients experience insulin-intolerance. Consequently, augmenting the small molecule tracer collection by structural editing, including regulatory deoxysugars (e.g.L-fucose (18))65 and neuraminic acid (19) derivatives66,67 continues to be intensively pursued.
Investigations in mice, rats and dogs revealed that 2-[18F]-FDG (1) was consistently superior to 3-[18F]-FDG (20) in the heart, brain and kidneys.68 Furthermore, tissue retention was found to be higher with 2-[18F]-FDG (1), which is likely due to lower levels of phosphorylation and faster clearance of 3-[18F]-FDG (20) from the blood and kidneys. Regrettably, this unfavorable performance relative to 2-[18F]-FDG (1) has relegated 3-[18F]-FDG (20) from the list of preferred 18F-monosaccharides, and underscores the importance of label positioning in tracer design. Additional fluorination of the 2-[18F]-FDG (1) scaffold, to generate [18F]-2-deoxy-2,2-difluoro-D-glucose (21) (2-[18F]-DFDG) was destined to follow a similar fate.69 Whilst biodistribution in a Rhesus monkey was comparable to that observed with 2-[18F]-FDG (1), significant uptake in the surrounding muscles compromised the target to background ratio signal, thereby limiting further development of 2-[18F]-DFDG (21). From a preparative standpoint, leveraging globally protected monosaccharides for PET convey a range of advantages: the most notable include physicochemical modulation and the elimination of a time-consuming final deprotection step. In order to enhance the lipophilicity of 2-[18F]-FDG (1), and increase uptake rates, Waki et al. synthesised 1,3,4,6-tetra-acetyl-2-[18F]-2-deoxy-D-glucose (22) (2-[18F]-AFDG), and evaluated it in vitro (Fig. 4A).70 In line with their working hypothesis, the authors observed intracellular hydrolysis of 2-[18F]-AFDG (22) to 2-[18F]-FDG (1), and an enhancement in uptake that was “GLUT independent”. This study indicates that increasing lipophilicity enables hexokinase activity to be studied independent of GLUT kinetics. The 18F-hexose library was further expanded in 2005, when Neal et al. reported a D-glucose-based PET tracer with the 18F-probe installed at the C6-position to study the physiology and pathology of D-glucose transporters (GLUTs).71
Further studies confirmed that 6-[18F]-FDG (23) was transported by GLUTs in a process analogous to D-glucose (2).72 Collectively, this provided a structural foundation, based on the site of radiofluorination, to investigate two fundamentally different processes: cell entry, and phosphorylation through direct comparison with 2-[18F]-FDG (1). It is interesting to note that 6-[18F]-FDG (23) was found to accumulate predominantly in the brain liver and heart, which is in contrast to kidney accumulation noted with 2-[18F]-FDG (1).72 Since 6-[18F]-FDG (23) was also insulin responsive, and GLUTs are associated with insulin-stimulated diseases, the Muzic laboratory investigated 6-[18F]-FDG (23) as a tracer for D-glucose transport.73 An important finding was the increased concentration of radioactivity observed in skeletal muscle in the presence of insulin. The authors have further corroborated this observation by demonstrating that 6-[18F]-FDG (23) can be leveraged to measure D-glucose transport in vivo in an insulin-resistant rat model.74
[18F]-FDS (36) is metabolised by Enterobacteriaceae (Gram-negative bacteria) and not by Gram-positive bacteria or mammalian cells. This difference can be leveraged to enable the targeted imaging of Gram-negative infections. In 2014, a study comparing uptake of [18F]-FDS (36) and 2-[18F]-FDG (1) in Escherichia coli (Gram-negative bacteria), Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive bacteria) confirmed uptake of 2-[18F]-FDG (1) in both strains, however uptake of [18F]-FDS (36) was only observed in the Escherichia coli cells.77 In the same study, in vivo experiments in mice injected with both active and inoculated Escherichia coli showed [18F]-FDS (36) accumulation was exclusive to the area injected with the active infection over the sterile inflammation. The tracer was later translated to human clinical studies which showed no adverse side effects from the injection of the tracer after 24 h as well as good clearance through the bladder.78
More recently [18F]-FDS (36) research has been expanded to include fungal infections, in particular the Aspergillus strain (Fig. 5).79,80 Initial comparative studies with Escherichia coli showed poor uptake in Aspergillus fumigatus by comparison with the Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, [18F]-FDS (36) accumulation was outmatched by 2-[18F]-FDG (1) (0.290 ± 0.030 and 8.416 ± 0.964% ID mL−1 respectively) in infected lungs.79 However, later in vitro studies indicated comparable [18F]-FDS (36) uptake in Aspergillus fumigatus, Rhizopus arrhizus and Candida albicans with Escherichia coli.80 When translated to an animal model (immunosuppressed BALB/c mice) visualisation of the infected muscle was significant, with an mean infected muscle to normal muscle ratio of 8.90 ± 1.81 at 2 h.
A comparative study with 2-[18F]-FDG (1) in BALB/c mice highlighted a 3.9-fold higher [18F]-FDS (36) uptake in infected muscle than inflamed tissue (0.95 ± 010% ID per g and 0.24 ± 0.01% ID per g respectively). 2-[18F]-FDG (1) on the other hand showed higher uptake in the site of sterile inflammation (Fig. 5). Selective uptake for infected tissue over normal tissue was further replicated in the brain and lung, with as a high as 30.7-fold higher uptake in the infected lung tissue over the normal making it a promising diagnostic tool for fungal infections in the future.
Importantly, 4-[18F]-FDG (25) accumulated in the brain but only in regions where SGLTs are expressed. It is also pertinent to note that αMe-4-[18F]-FDG (26) is not a substrate for hexokinases and thus it is not accumulated through the GLUT mechanism like 2-[18F]-FDG (1).86
Recently, Wright and co-workers have validated αMe-4-[18F]-FDG (26) as a SGLT specific PET imaging probe in patients with high-grade astrocytoma.93 In contrast to 2-[18F]-FDG (1), which was broadly distributed in the brain resulting in poor to no resolution, αMe-4-[18F]-FDG (26) accumulated in the tumour with a high ratio to the background signal. Indeed, a mass as small as 6 mm in a grade IV tumour patient was observable. And the imaging was sufficiently resolved to be comparable with gadolinium-based MRI (Fig. 7).
The synthesis of 2-[18F]-FDM (6) was further optimised through nucleophilic displacement (yield: 50–68%, purity: 97.6–98.7%) in 2013, increasing appeal of 2-[18F]-FDM (6) as a potential tumour imaging agent.95In vitro studies, in AH109A cells, showed 2-[18F]-FDM (6) had rapid uptake by tumour cells (30 minutes) and that this uptake was sensitive to co-administration with D-glucose. When studied in AH109A bearing rats, the tumour to muscle ratio was similar to 2-[18F]-FDG (1) (5.30 ± 1.54 and 6.20 ± 1.63 respectively) but 2-[18F]-FDM (6) had less uptake in the brain. As a result, 2-[18F]-FDM (6) could be developed for selective imaging of brain tumours in the future.
2-[18F]-FDM (6) has also been investigated for the identification of plaque inflammation to image atherosclerosis.96,97 Macrophages involved in this process consume higher levels of D-glucose compared to surrounding tissue within the plaque making this a prime candidate for D-glucose related PET imaging. In vivo rabbit studies found uptake of 2-[18F]-FDG (1) and 2-[18F]-FDM (6) viaD-glucose transporters in atherosclerotic lesions was comparably high. Furthermore, in vitro studies in macrophages showed ∼35% higher uptake of 2-[18F]-FDM (6) over 2-[18F]-FDG (1) resulting from reduced hexokinase II inhibition. Antibody binding studies to D-mannose receptors expressed by M2 macrophages showed decreased antibody binding with 2-[18F]-FDM (6) but not with 2-[18F]-FDG (1). This preferred binding of 2-[18F]-FDM (6) could be harnessed in the future to detect progressive inflammation.
Another comparative study of 2-[18F]-FDG (1) and 2-[18F]-FDM (6) investigated specific labelling of the more commonly associated T lymphocyte-activating antigen (CD80) with two pyrazolocinnoline-based radiotracers in a mouse model. High accumulation of 2-[18F]-FDG (1) and 2-[18F]-FDM (6) in monocytes and macrophages that are present in atherosclerotic plaque was observed through active transport using GLUTs. CD80 was found to be essentially involved in the inflammatory processes of atherosclerosis and therefore, could be useful as a marker in early diagnosis.97
The D-galactose selectivity observed for liver tissue presented an array of opportunities for clinical translation and in 1989 a study reporting the application of 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) as a radiotracer for liver tumour imaging was reported.101 Interestingly, both metabolites (vide supra) were identified in liver tumours in mice (mammary carcinoma) and rats (Yoshida carcinoma). The efficiency of 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) in well differentiated hepatomas in mice and rats was also investigated leading to the conclusion that higher uptake in well-differentiated hepatomas (spontaneous hepatoma C3H mice) occurs than in hepatomas that were less differentiated (e.g. MH129P). From the perspective of tumour imaging, it is pertinent to highlight that 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) has been reported to outperform 2-[18F]-FDG (1), with tumour to tissue ratios of 13.7 and 6.46, respectively, having been noted in poorly differentiated hepatoma.94,99
In 2008, a report by Sørensen et al. quantified D-galactose (16) uptake and liver metabolism using 2-[18F]-FDGal (27). Ten pigs were anesthetised, injected with 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) and monitored by PET. The hepatic clearance rate of 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) was found to be 600 μmol min−1 L−1 in tissue, which is in-line with previous studies, underscoring the potential of 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) as an accurate, non-invasive indicator of general liver health.102 In 2011, the same group reported a study of 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) in 39 patients having either known hepatomas or suspected liver cancer was conducted.103 The patients were administered with 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) intravenously and tumours were detected in 22 out of 23 patients with active liver cancer. Identical detection rates were noted with multiphase contrast-enhanced CT (ceCT). 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) has also been employed to determine dose-response relationships for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) to study liver metabolism (as well as recovery) in more detail.104 Furthermore 2-[18F]-FDGal (27) has been successfully leveraged to measure liver function in vivo as an non-invasive alternative to arterial blood sampling.105
A structural isomer of 2-[18F]-FDGal (27), 6-deoxy-6-[18F]fluoro-D-galactose (28) (6-[18F]-FDGal) was also investigated for imaging D-galactose (16) metabolism.106 Moving the 18F-radiolabel to the C6-position instead of the C2-position, retained rapid biodistribution from the blood to the remaining tissues and organs. However, rapid excretion also ensued with 56% of the radiotracer found in the urine at 60 min p.i.
The C6–OH in D-galactose has previously been shown as a requirement for galactokinase binding. This was evident in the metabolites that were detected as only very low levels of 6-[18F]-FDGal-1P were detected in the liver in comparison to the non-galactokinase dependant oxidised metabolite galactonate, potentially aiding in rapid excretion. Furthermore, this tracer showed no competitive uptake with D-galactose. This, combined with the previous experiments determined the C6-OH is preferably left unsubstituted and as such the tracer was not further investigated.
Biodistribution studies performed from the early 90s in tumour bearing mice (fibrosarcoma) revealed that the highest uptake occurred in the liver (34.9% dose per g), followed by kidney (15.9% dose per g) and small intestine (12.9% dose per g). However, 2-[18F]-FDT (29) was also characterised by high liver uptake in normal rats. This was inhibited by parallel administration of D-galactose, supporting the notion that a D-galactose uptake mechanism is operational, much like 2-[18F]-FDGal (27).109 These promising results were further expanded upon two years later by the same group.110 Further NMR spectroscopic analysis determined that 2-[18F]-FDT-1-phosphate was the only metabolite generated in tumour-bearing mice (administration 60 mg kg−1). Furthermore, in vitro analysis revealed that 2-[18F]-FDT (29) is rapidly phosphorylated to 2-[18F]-FDT-1-phosphate by galactokinase, but subsequent uridylation does not occur. This indicates that the subtle C2 epimerisation (D-galactose versusD-talose), renders 2-[18F]-FDT (29) an unsuitable substrate for galactose-1-phosphate-uridyltransferase (Scheme 5). 2-[18F]-FDT-1-phosphate is thereby trapped in tumour tissue, ensuring accumulation for PET. Despite its appeal as a tracer for D-galactose metabolism, particularly as the lack of further metabolism simplifies data analysis, 2-[18F]-FDT (29) has been comparatively under-explored since the 1990s.
In 1990, Ishiwata et al. examined 6-[18F]-fluoro-L-fucose (30) (6-[18F]-FFuc) as an avenue for monitoring glycoconjugate synthesis in tumours (Fig. 4G).112In vivo studies in FM3A-bearing mice revealed that the main metabolite was GDP-6-[18F]-FFuc, thereby implicating guanidylation by GDP-fucose-pyro-phosphorylase is being rate determining in metabolism. Upon co-administration of L-fucose, uptake of 6-[18F]-FFuc (30) was significantly impeded thereby indicating competition for the L-fucose uptake mechanism. Two years later, in a broader study of several sugar-based tracers across five different tumour models, 6-[18F]-FFuc (30) was found to have a much poorer uptake by tumour-bearing rats and mice than 2-[18F]-FDG (1).113 Although uptake was comparatively low, the tumour to tissue ratio in the brain was far superior at 7.27 ± 0.77 compared with 1.28 ± 0.45 for 2-[18F]-FDG (1). Moreover, 2-[18F]-FdFuc (31) was also found to have a slightly improved uptake than its counterpart 6-[18F]-FFuc (30), however showed lower tumour to tissue ratio in the brain at 2.88 ± 0.48.
The hepatocarcinoma-intestine-pancreas/pancreatitis-associated protein (HIP/PAP) is overexpressed in peritumoral pancreas and has previously shown to have a high affinity for D-lactose. Consequently, ethyl-2′-deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluorolactose (38) (Et-2′-[18F]-FDL) was later developed to facilitate imaging of pancreatic carcinoma and was found to bind specifically to peritumoral pancreatic tissue in mice (Fig. 8A).117 A notable advance stemmed from the introduction of 1′-[18F]-FEL (39), a tracer with potentially similar activity to Et-2′-[18F]-FDL (38) but which could be accessed much more efficiently.118,119 In tumour-bearing mice, 1′-[18F]-FEL (39) showed a significant increase of uptake in the peritumoral tissue (1.29 ± 0.295% ID per g), in comparison with the wild type (0.090 ± 0.010% ID per g). It is pertinent to note that uptake was determined by autoradiography rather than by the PET image due to poor resolution.120 The uptake in the surrounding tissues, no significant difference was noted compared to the control mice: this is consistent with the previous discussion on the lactose-based tracer Et-2′-[18F]-FDL (38). Interestingly, 1′-[18F]-FEL (39) was shown to be selective for the peritumoral tissue and no tracer accumulation in the pancreas was observed in the control group mice.
This was followed by chemical syntheses of 6′-deoxy-6′[18F]-fluorosucrose (41) (6′-[18F]-FS) and 6-deoxy-6[18F]-fluorosucrose (42) (6-[18F]-FS).122 All three derivatives were successfully translocated confirming that OH to 18F bioisosterism does not compromise membrane transport and underscores the utility of PET in the study of plant physiology and biochemistry.123
Trehalose, a disaccharide comprised of two D-glucose subunits linked by a α-(1 → 1) glycosidic bond, is readily uptaken by Mycobacterium tuberculosis; a process that has been studied by a FITC-labelled probe,125 and leveraged for PET through the introduction of an 18F-lablelled species.126 This latter study revealed selective uptake of 19FDTre analogues by SugABC-LpqY, which is a trehalose transporter in Mycobacterium smegmatis cells. Subsequent comparative studies in mammalian and bacterial cell have further cemented trehalose as a promising future tracer core, in particular [18F]-FDTre (43) tracer uptake shown at a picomolar level.127 The suppression of uptake in Mycobacterium smegmatis when 19F-trehalose is introduced further supports a trehalose-based uptake mechanism.
A report by Murthy and co-workers in 2011 described the application of a maltodextrin-based fluorescent imaging probe to detect bacteria in vivo with high sensitivity and specificity.138 In this study, the authors report that maltodextrin transporters tolerate anomeric substitutions, suggesting that the reported label can be installed at the reducing end of the oligomer. As a proof of concept upon which to advance a PET tracer, two target compounds based on maltohexaose (47) were prepared with a fluorescent dye introduced by click chemistry.
Following incubation with Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, accumulation in the millimolar range was noted in both cases. The initial findings were further corroborated by in vivo experiments in rats infected with E. coli. These findings based on the fluorescent probes provided a foundation for the subsequent advancement of a maltohexaose 18F-radio tracer for PET imaging (Fig. 9).139 Substituting the terminal fluorescent dye with an 18F motif, again via click chemistry, was performed. The authors observed high accumulation in bacterial cells during in vivo studies with Escherichia coli in rats, with [18F]- maltohexaose (48) being selectively metabolised by bacteria, relative to 2-[18F]-FDG (1). Building on this success, a second-generation PET tracer, 6′′-[18F]-fluoromaltotriose (49), was introduced in 2017 which is based on the shorter oligomer maltotriose.140 The introduction of 6′′-[18F]-fluoromaltotriose (49) led to improvements in both the pharmacokinetics and target-to-background ratios relative to 6-[18F]-maltose (44). It is interesting to note that 6′′-[18F]-maltotriose (49) was less strongly absorbed into the blood and muscles, and that it showed a longer residence time in Escherichia coli, likely due to a slower metabolism of digesting maltotriose into D-glucose units. There are, however, several limitations that are worthy of consideration. Maltodextrin-based PET tracers are only suitable to detect bacteria that are located extracellular, whereas intercellular scenarios such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis present a challenge.
Furthermore, the maltodextrin transport system is complex and can differ depending on the bacterial species (Gram-negative/positive).141 Finally, enhancing serum stability is a core objective to mitigate tracer degradation in the blood: efficient hydrolysis by α-glucosidase (non-reducing end) and α-amylase (reducing end) is a persistent threat when utilising maltohexaoses that must be alleviated. To address these issues, Faust, Gilmour and co-workers initiated a study of maltose-based 18F radiotracers of varying chain length (1–6 D-glucose units) to study their stability towards α-amylase in blood.10,142 An initial control experiment with a model maltodextrin substituted at the anomeric position confirmed degradation by α-glucosidase (at the non-reducing end) in blood. Following independent incubation of each 18F-PET tracer in human blood serum, [18F]-maltopentaose and [18F]-maltohexaose were also found to undergo rapid degradation, whereas [18F]-maltotriose (50) ([18F]AAX21) showed promising stability (over 120 min, amylase activity 51 U L−1). Furthermore, incubation of the (50) [18F]AAX21 in murine serum, which has a 100-fold higher α-amylase activity, confirmed the stability of the tracer towards enzymatic hydrolysis. This indicates that the position of the label provides a structural handle by which to augment stability in vivo and, that for bacterial uptake, a free anomeric center is required on the terminal monosaccharide to access the cytoplasm through MalFGK2.128,130,143
The clinical translation of candidates that leverage this strategy has proven to be highly successful, but the ubiquity of D-glucose metabolism in cellular metabolism frequently compromises specificity. This consideration becomes particularly acute when attempting to expand the repertoire of PET imaging agents to detect hypoxic tissue (deprivation of oxygen at the tissue level). In tumours, increased hypoxia often results from mutated structures being unable to fully oxygenate the affected cells.149 Hypoxia has thus been associated with increased local tumour aggression, resistance to chemotherapy,150,151 and probability of metastasis.152,153 These hostile conditions promote the survival of malignant cells over healthy cells and inhibit the production of radical oxygen, which is an essential component of effective radiotherapy.154 As such, the effective detection of hypoxia through PET-based imaging paradigms is essential in preliminary tumour prognosis. Varying the uptake method to enhance specificity for the target cells would therefore be highly advantageous for PET imaging in hypoxic environments.
Although α-5′-[18F]-FAZA (57) has not yet been approved by the FDA, it has shown great promise in animal and patient studies (Fig. 11).162,163 One highly pertinent study investigated the effectiveness of α-5′-[18F]-FAZA (57) on a cohort of 50 patients with solid tumours that included high-grade glioblastomas, small cell lung carcinoma and malignant lymphoma.164 For patients with high-grade glioblastoma, the tumour to background ratio was as high as 15.6 with an average of 5.3 ± 4.7 across 7 patients, partly attributed to poor uptake in normal brain tissue. This improvement in resolution relative to its predecessor subsequently prompted the development of a series of 2-nitroimidazole derivatives in attempt to further enhance cellular uptake. The beta derivative β-5′-[18F]-FAZR (58) was evaluated for utilising uptake pathways across the cell membrane to improve efficiency over its predecessor.165 Binding experiments, to study uptake mechanism, with nucleoside transporters hENT1/2 and hCNT1/2/3 were carried out to study if β-5′-[18F]-FAZR (58) could act as an inhibitor of uridine uptake. Inhibition of all but hCNT3, showed IC50 >500 μM. hCNT3 inhibition was shown to be comparable, though almost 2-fold weaker, to the thymidine control (IC50 = 65 ± 4 μM and 35 ± 5 μM respectively) indicating β-5′-[18F]-FAZR (58) may utilise uptake via the hCNT3 transporter.
Another derivative of α-5′-[18F]-FAZA (57), β-6′-[18F]-FAZAL (59), was specifically introduced by Wanek and co-workers to leverage SLC2A transporters. In particular, SLC29A1, was found to be effective in transporting β-6′-[18F]-FAZAL (59) both in and out of the cell, thereby improving tumour to background ratio. This is grounded in an amplified uptake of the tracer, which facilitates accumulation, and increased excretion which lowers the background signal.166 A competition study under normoxic conditions revealed inhibition of 2-[18F]-FDG (1) uptake, which suggests an interaction with the D-glucose transporter systems: very little β-6′-[18F]-FAZAL (59) was retained in the tumours of Wistar rats (Walker 256 mammary carcinosarcoma) by comparison. As a result, no further studies under hypoxic conditions were conducted. β-2′-[18F]-FAZA (60), and β-3′-[18F]-FAZL (61) have also been prepared but, to the best of our knowledge, details regarding in vivo or in vitro testing have not been disclosed.167 In 2002, Patt and co-workers synthesised and evaluated a nitroimadazole FDG derivative, [18F]-FDG-2-NIm (62) to improve on [18F]-FMISO's slow kinetics.168In vivo studies in Wistar rats bearing Walker 256 rat mammary carcinoma found the majority of the tracer located in the kidneys as rapid as 2 min p.i and showed little accumulation in the tumour tissue so was not studied further. In 2012, Wuest et al. reported the synthesis of [18F]-GAZ (63) as a potential PET tracer leverage active transport over the passive diffusion observed with α-5′-[18F]-FAZA (57).169 Whilst in vivo studies in EMT-6 tumour-bearing mice showed uptake in the tumour, the tracer did not accumulate over time resulting in a low, stagnating PET signal over the course of the 60 minute analysis. This was in sharp contrast to α-5′-[18F]-FAZA (57), which is retained in hypoxic tissue and continues to accumulate over 60 min p.i. Although uptake was considered poor, the faster clearance rate from the surrounding tissues resulted in a similar SUV (0.66) to α-5′-[18F]-FAZA (57) (0.74) 5 minutes p.i. Furthermore, competition studies with 2-[18F]-FDG (1) required 1 mM concentrations to observe an effect: this is two orders of magnitude higher than is required with D-glucose (2), suggesting that the uptake mechanism is distinct from that of 2-[18F]-FDG (1).
In 2011, the portfolio of tracers was further expanded to include glucosamine derivatives.170D-glucosamine has been shown to inhibit tumour growth both in vitro and in vivo, although the mechanism of inhibition is not fully understood.171–173 [18F]-FNBG (64) was synthesised and compared in vivo in KM tumour-bearing mice with [18F]-FAG (24) (Scheme 6). Relative to [18F]-FAG (24), [18F]-FNBG (64) was found to have a lower tumour to muscle ratio of 5.68 and 4.00 respectively, and poorer accumulation in all organs was noted by comparison. However, the tracer displayed a marginally better tumour to blood ratio (3.79 and 4.40 respectively). Whilst 2-[18F]-FDG (1) is generally considered to out-perform glucosamine derivatives with regards to the scope of imaging efficiency, these findings may stimulate interest in delineating the mechanism by which D-glucosamine inhibits tumour growth: this in turn may provide guiding principles to enable the development of more targeted PET agents.
[18F]-FLT (65) was first developed to address the time constraints imposed with using its predecessor, 11C-labelled thymidine, due to its relatively short half-life of 20 min. By comparison, the 18F analogue extended the effective life of the compound significantly. This compound undergoes sequential phosphorylations by cytosolic thymidine kinases (TK1 and TK2) to give the triphosphate of FLT. Substitution (C3′OH-18F) prevents any further DNA ligation, thus the molecule cannot be further metabolised or incorporated into the DNA, and instead accumulates in proliferating cells. Since increased cell proliferation has been correlated with increased cytosolic thymidine kinase activity, [18F]-FLT (65) and other structurally related nucleoside derivatives are promising PET imaging agents.177 Furthermore, a close correlation has been observed between antigen Ki-67 (a known nuclear protein associated with cell proliferation) and [18F]-FLT (65) uptake in many tumour cell lines, suggesting that an increased accumulation of [18F]-FLT (65) could be associated with increased cell proliferation.178–180
A clinical trial of 47 patients exhibiting malignant pulmonary nodules was carried out in 2005.181 [18F]-FLT (65) uptake was exclusive to malignant tumours and enabled successful detection of malignancies in 32 patients. However, false negatives were observed in 6 patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma, pulmonary carcinoid and lung metastases. Further studies carried out between 2003 and 2016 have consistently reported that [18F]-FLT (65) has a higher specificity but lower uptake when compared to 2-[18F]-FDG (1).182 This suggests that whilst less [18F]-FLT (65) actually makes it into the cell, the likelihood of the tumour being malignant is higher if uptake occurs. [18F]-FLT (65) therefore has an important role to play in the early diagnosis of malignant lesions, particularly if further structural modifications lead to improved cellular uptake.
Related pyrimidine nucleosides in which the 3′-OH is free for DNA ligation and subsequent incorporation have also been investigated. Early studies of [18F]-FAU (66) in dogs showed even retention in all organs except for the expected accumulation in the excretion pathway.183 Whilst significant accumulation in the bone marrow was expected, due to high concentrations of proliferating tissues, this is where the lowest retention of all was noted. Consequently, further development of [18F]-FAU (66) lost momentum and second-generation analogues were introduced (R group substitution, Fig. 12). [18F]-FMAU (67), [18F]-FEAU (68), [18F]-FFAU (69) and [18F]-FBAU (70) have been investigated as potential imaging agents for suicide gene expression, in particular herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSV1-tk) expression.183–187 HSV1-tk is a gene that, when expressed, can be the focus of chemotherapy strategies. Suicide genes encode enzymes that can convert pro-drugs into active drugs as part of a therapeutic regime. HSV1-tk, when coupled with ganciclovir, has been successfully used to treat prostate cancer.
Across these studies, tumour uptake was found to be highest when [18F]-FFAU (69) was administered and lowest with [18F]-FEAU (68) giving rise to the following trend: [18F]-FFAU (69) > [18F]-FMAU (67) > [18F]-FBAU (70) > [18F]-FEAU (68). Even though [18F]-FEAU (68) led to the lowest uptake, it was found to be preferentially phosphorylated by HSV1-tk and thus visible in colon cancer cells over the wild-type healthy cells. [18F]-FMAU (67) is currently in phase I clinical trials, however, poor permeability across the blood–brain-barrier remains a limitation that excludes its use in monitoring cell proliferation in the brain.
A plenum of pyrimidine analogues based on uracil (14) and cytosine have also been investigated. 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is a known cytostatic agent; however, its toxicity precludes clinical application. It was thought that uridine derivatives might circumvent this toxicity by acting as a pro-drug, being converted into 5-FU once it reached its target. Furthermore, uridine-based analogues confer a range of advantages due to their specificity for RNA over DNA. Like their thymidine DNA counterparts, 18F substitution has been investigated on both the sugar and the nucleobase regions. 5-[18F]-FUR (72) and its deoxy derivative 5-[18F]-FdUR (73) were examined in the 1980s, and a study carried out in AH109A-bearing rats, disclosed that both showed good tumour to blood ratios (3.49 and 6.12 respectively) after 60 min. These high ratios were aided by rapid clearance from the blood and moderate tumour to tissue ratios.188
More recently, PET tracers derived from cytosine have become a subject of increasing interest, in particular 1-(2′-deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoroarabinofuranosyl) ([18F]-FAC) (71). [18F]-FAC (71) was identified from a dCK activity in vitro screen of nucleosides to be retained in proliferating cells.189 Biodistribution in mice showed accumulation in the thymus and the spleen, to a larger extent than was observed with 2-[18F]-FDG (1). Anti-tumour response model studies showed high accumulation in the primary and secondary lymphoid organs, but very little signal in the tumour itself. It has also been determined that [18F]-FAC (71) accumulated in autoimmune models but not in viral hepatitis.190 This contrasts with 2-[18F]-FDG (1), which did not enable discrimination and had similar accumulation in both. A further study investigated the potential of [18F]-FAC (71) to visualise brain-infiltrating leukocytes in multiple sclerosis.191 Unfortunately, comparable selectivity was not observed in this model as for the hepatitic immunity mouse. This is postulated to be due to brain infiltrating leukocytes dividing slower, which reduces the consumption of high levels of radiotracer. It is pertinent to note that when the chlorinated analogue, 2-chloro-2′-deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoro-9-β-D-arabinofuranosyl-adenine (76) [18F]-CFA), was tested in humans, it did not cross the blood–brain barrier.191
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Fig. 13 Structure of selected adenosine and guanosine tracers (top). Hydrolysis of 5′-[18F]-FDA (10) to [18F]-FDR (79) (middle). Structure of selected abasic ribose tracers (bottom). |
Accumulation in the heart was postulated to be a result of interaction with adenosine receptors found within the organ, such that the tracer was interacting similar to the native adenosine. Micro-PET studies determined that [18F]-FAA (75) accumulated in the tumour tissue, whereas [18F]-FXA (74) accumulated predominantly in the heart with no significant signal in the tumour. This strikingly different behaviour is grounded in a single site shift of the 18F substituent and further underscores the importance of the structure–function interplay in tracer development.
2-Chloro-2′-deoxy-2′-[18F]fluoro-9-β-D-arabinofuranosyladenine (76) ([18F]-CFA) has also been recently explored as a tracer for deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) activity.196 [18F]-CFA (76) showed accumulation in leukemia cells in correlation with dCK expression. This response was also observed in human studies where accumulation was observed in tissues showing high dCK expression i.e. secondary lymphoid organs and the hematopoietic bone marrow. This was later extended to image dCK-dependent proliferation in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).197 Initial biodistribution studies highlighted most uptake in the bladder, liver, kidney and spleen.198 As a result, imaging HCC required modifications to combat background signal from healthy liver tissue. This was later achieved through the co-administration of cold 19F-CFA.197 It is interesting to note the structural similarities of the sugar core between [18F]-CFA (76) and the cytosine derivative [18F]-FAC (71), given the successful targeting of the same pathway. Substitution on the adenine base has also been explored as a PET tracer for imaging malignancies. 2-[18F]-Fluoroadenosine (77) (2-[18F]-FAD) was synthesised through a 2-nitroadenosine precursor and injected into Sprague–Dawley rats to obtain biodistribution data.199 High accumulation was noted in the lung, heart and kidneys 60 min p.i. Accumulation in the lung was more than 2-fold observed in the heart and kidneys suggesting there could be a specific uptake or receptor that could be exploited for further development in the lungs.
2′-Deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoro-9-β-D-arabinofuranosylguanine (78) ([18F]-F-AraG) was advanced for imaging T-cell activation when cell studies confirmed uptake of the tracer in primary T cells from mouse tissue.200 This tracer has been effectively deployed to image immune cells in the CNS, where tracer uptake has been shown to be strongly associated with areas of high T-cell concentration in the brain.201 As described in Schemes 3, 5′-[18F]-FDA (10) can be efficiently prepared through enzymatic synthesis.50 This technology has been utilised to prepare the abasic tracer 5-[18F]-Fluoro-5-deoxyribose (79) ([18F]-FDR) to image tumour-bearing mice (injection of A431 cells).202 Specifically, nucleoside hydrolase was harnessed to hydrolyse the base, thereby generating abasic [18F]-FDR (79) for use in vivo (Fig. 13, centre). In a comparison with 2-[18F]-FDG (1), [18F]-FDR (79) had a reduced residence time in the tumour, most likely due to lack of trapping from phosphorylation observed with 2-[18F]-FDG (1). Importantly, [18F]-FDR (79) showed comparable tumour to background contrast (10 min p.i.), rendering this tracer of great interest for further study in tumour lines that cannot be effectively imaged using 2-[18F]-FDG (1).
In addition to [18F]-FDR (79), other abasic, pentose-based tracers have shown varying degrees of success. Fluorinated fructose analogues 6-deoxy-6-[18]fluoro-D-fructose (80) 6-[18F]-FDF and 1-[18F]Fluorodeoxyfructose (81) (1-[18F]-FDF) (Fig. 13, bottom) have been developed to study fructose uptake via GLUT2 and GLUT5. Fructose is phosphorylated once in the cell by two distinct mechanisms. This may occur at the C1 position by ketohexokinase (fructokinase) or at the C6 position by hexokinase II. These two processes are noteworthy and provide a degree of orthogonality: blocking the correct site by design enabled either pathway to be elucidated.
GLUT5 has been shown to be overexpressed in certain tumour types, including breast cancer. This is of particular interest as GLUT1 (D-glucose uptake) has been shown to be under-expressed in certain cancers, leading 2-[18F]-FDG (1) to be less effective. In this regard, fructose offers potential in tumour tracking as it constitutes an alternative energy pathway to glycolysis.
Radiolabelling fructose at the C1 position to generate 1-[18F]-FDF (81) has revealed that uptake can be observed in the kidneys and liver, however rapid clearance and a lack of retention was observed.203 6-[18F]-FDF (80) was subsequently synthesised to study imaging in breast cancer in 2009.204 This study noted that administration of the tracer led to inhibition of fructose and D-glucose transport, suggesting interaction with GLUT2 and potentially GLUT5. 6-[18F]-FDF (80) has been studied in EMT-6 and MCF-7 tumour-bearing mice (breast cancer). The analysis concluded that uptake was not impeded by the co-administration of D-glucose but that it was significantly reduced with co-administration of fructose, suggesting an uptake pathway similar to the native fructose.205 Furthermore, when 6-[18F]-FDF (80) was incubated with fructokinase, the phosphorylated product was generated, confirming that it is a competent substrate for fructokinase. By contrast, no phosphorylation was observed when incubated with hexokinase II, which can be rationalised on a structural level with the 18F label inhibiting enzyme activity. 6-[18F]-FDF (80) tumour uptake was observed in EMT-6 tumour-bearing BALB/c mice and was visible 2 h p.i. The experiment was repeated with 2-[18F]-FDG (1), which gave similar results although the signal increased over time: the opposite was noted with 6-[18F]-FDF (80). At the 2 h time point, accumulation in bone was visible, potentially suggesting defluorination of the tracer. In MCF-7 tumour-bearing mice, the tumour was less visible p.i. with 6-[18F]-FDF (80), but the signal did not decrease as rapidly over the 2 h. Although 2-[18F]-FDG (1) showed higher retention, 6-[18F]-FDF (80) displayed good tumour-selectivity which facilitated image analysis. As recently as 2022, 6-[18F]-FDF (80) was evaluated as an agent to image microglia as part of an effort to elucidate the relationship between neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative disease. In a study in LPS injected rodents, increased accumulation was seen in ipsilateral striatum over contralateral (0.985 ± 0.047 and 0.819 ± 0.033 SUV respectively). This result highlighted the potential of 6-[18F]-FDF (79) to image the brain's microglial GLUT5 density for further investigation into neurodegenerative disease.206
Finally, [18F]-2-deoxy-2-fluoroarabinose (82) ([18F]-DFA), an arabinose analogue, was evaluated as a ribose salvage probe.207 [18F]-DFA (82) was successfully deployed to determine the accumulation of ribose in the liver. When administered to mice with metabolic syndrome, a decrease in uptake of [18F]-DFA (82) was observed, potentially indicating a correlation between ribose accumulation and D-glucose and/or fat metabolism.
[18F]-CFA | 2-Chloro-2′-deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoro-9-β-D-Arabinofuranosyl-adenine |
[18F]-DFA | [18F]-2-Deoxy-2-fluoroarabinose |
[18F]-FDTre | 2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-D-trehalose |
[18F]-FAA | 2′-Deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoro-1-β-D-arabinofuranosyl-adenine |
[18F]-FAraG | 2′-Deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoro-9-β-D-arabinofuranosylguanine |
[18F]-FAC | 1-(2′-Deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoroarabinofuranosyl) |
[18F]-FAG | N-[18F]Fluoroacetylglucosamine |
[18F]-FAU | 1-(2′-Deoxy-2′-fluoro-β-D-arabinofuranosyl)uracil |
[18F]-FBAU | 1-(2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-β-D-arabinofuranosyl)-5-bromouracil |
[18F]-FDG-2NIm | 1-(2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-2-nitroimidazole |
[18F]-FDR | 5-[18F]-Fluoro-5-deoxyribose |
[18F]-FEAU | 2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-1,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-α-D-ribofuranose |
[18F]-FFAU | 2′-Deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoro-5-fluoro-1-β-D-arabinofuranosyluracil |
[18F]-FMAU | 2′-Deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluoro-5-methyl-1-β-D-arabinofuranosyluracil |
[18F]-FNBG | N-(2-[18F]-Fluoro-4-nitrobenzoyl)glucosamine |
[18F]-FLT | 3′-Deoxy-3′-[18F]fluorothymidine |
[18F]-FXA | 3′-Deoxy-3′-[18F]-fluoro-1-β-D-xylofuranosyl-adenine |
[18F]-GAZ | N-(2-[18F]Fluoro-3-(6-O-glucosyl)propyl-azomycin |
1-[18F]-FDF | 1-[18F]Fluorodeoxyfructose |
1′-[18F]-FS | 1′-Deoxy-1′-[18F]-fluorosucrose |
2-[18F]-AFDG | 1,3,4,6-Tetra-acetyl-2-[18F]-2-deoxy-fluoro-D-glucose |
2-[18F]-DFDG | 2-Deoxy-2,2-[18F]-difluoro-D-glucose |
2-[18F]-FDG or [18F]FDG | 2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-D-glucose |
2-[18F]-FDGal | 2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-D-galactose |
2-[18F]-FDM | 2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-D-mannose |
2-[18F]-FDT | 2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoro-D-talose |
3-[18F]-FDG | 3-Deoxy-[18F]-fluoro-D-glucose |
5′-[18F]-FDA | 5′-Deoxy-5′ [18F]-fluoroadenosine |
5-[18F]-FdUR | [18F]-5-Fluorodeoxyuridine |
5-FU | 5-Fluorouracil |
5-[18F]-FUR | [18F]-5-Fluorouridine |
6-[18F]-FDF | 6-Deoxy-6-[18]fluoro-D-fructose |
6-[18F]-FDG | 6-Deoxy-6-[18F]-fluoro-D-glucose |
6-[18F]-FS | 6-Deoxy-6[18F]-fluorosucrose |
6′-[18F]-FS | 6′-Deoxy-6′ [18F]-fluorosucrose |
6-[18F]-FFuc | 6-[18F]-Fluoro-L-fucose |
α-5′ -[18F]-FAZA | 1-α-D-(5-Fluoro-[18F]-5-deoxyarabinofuranosyl)-2-nitroimidazole |
αMe-4-[18F]-FDG (Me-4FDG) | α-Methyl-4-[18F]-fluoro-4-deoxy-D-glucopyranoside |
β-2′-[18F]-FAZA | 1-β-D-(2-Deoxy-2-[18F]-fluoroarabinofuranosyl)-2-nitroimidazole |
β-3′-[18F]-FAZL | 1-β-D-(3-Deoxy-3-[18F]-fluorolyxofuranosyl)-2-nitroimidazole |
β-5′-[18F]-FAZR | 1-β-D-(5-Deoxy-5-[18F]-fluororibofuranosyl)-2-nitroimidazole |
β-6′-[18F]-FAZAL | 1-(6′-Deoxy-6′-[18F]fluoro-β-D-allofuranosyl)-2-nitroimidazole |
AH109A | Hepatoma cell line |
C3H | Mouse strain (high spontaneous frequency of mammary tumours) |
ceCT | Contrast-enhanced computer tomography |
CNS | Central nervous system |
dCK | Deoxycytidine kinase |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
EMT-6 | Ephithelial mesenchymal transition-6 (mouse mammary carcinoma cell line) |
Et-2′-[18F]-FDL | Ethyl-2′-deoxy-2′-[18F]-fluorolactose |
FITC | Fluorescein isothiocyanate |
FMISO | Fluoromisonidazole |
Gal-1-P | D-Galactose-1-phosphate |
GDP | Guanosine diphosphate |
Glucose-6P | Phosphorylated D-glucose |
GLUT | D-Glucose transporter |
GM1 | Monosialotetrahexosylganglioside 1 |
GM3 | Monosialotetrahexosylganglioside 3 |
GMP | Good manufacturing practice |
HIP/PAP | Hepatocarcinoma-intestine-pancreas/pancreatitis-associated protein |
HK-II | Hexokinase II |
HSV1-tk | Herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase |
L-AAO | L-Amino acid oxidase |
lacZ gene | Lactose operon (functional unit of DNA responsible for transport and metabolism of lactose in E. coli) |
M2 | M2 macrophage subtype |
MR | D-Mannose receptor (macrophage) |
MCF-7 | Michigan cancer foundation -7 (breast cancer cell line) |
NMR | Nuclear magnetic resonance |
PET | Positron emission tomography |
p.i. | Post injection |
PNP | Purine nucleoside phosphorylase |
RCY | Radiochemical yield |
RNA | Ribonucleic acid |
SAM | S-Adenosyl-methyltransferase |
SBRT | Stereotactic body radiation therapy |
SGLT | Sodium-dependent D-glucose cotransporters |
SUV | Standardised uptake value |
t 1/2 | Half life |
TK1/TK2 | Cytosolic thymine kinases |
TP | Thymidine phosphorylase |
UDP | Uridine diphosphate |
Compound no. | Name | Target | Labelling Method | Model | Measurement | Comments | Ref. |
1 | 2-[18F]-FDG | D-Glucose metabolism | Nucleophilic | Rat (Sprague Dawley) | Tumour: muscle ratio (90 min) = 4.75 | Gold standard PET tracer, widely effective but difficult to target specific targets due to ubiquity of D-glucose uptake. | 68 |
20 | 3-[18F]-FDG | D-Glucose metabolism: Brain and heart | Nucleophilic | Rat (Sprague Dawley) | Tumour: muscle ratio (120 min) = 3.12 | Lower uptake than 2-[18F]-FDG in heart, liver and kidneys and slower clearance. | 68 |
21 | 2-[18F]-DFDG | D-Glucose metabolism: Hexokinase activity | Electrophilic | Mouse (UBC, CD-1) | Brain: blood (60 min) = 2.75 | 2-[18F]-DFDG showed similar ratios to 2-[18F]-FDG (Heart: Lung = 12.0) but background uptake in Rhesus monkey much higher for 2-[18F]-DFDG. | 69 |
Heart: lung (120 min) = 9.43 | |||||||
22 | 2-[18F]-AFDG | D-Glucose metabolism: GLUT vs diffusion and relationship to hexokinase | Nucleophilic | Human colon adenocarcinoma cell LS180 | — | Increased lipophilicity increased tracer uptake through diffusion in comparison to 2-[18F]-FDG. GLUT independent. | 70 |
23 | 6-[18F]-FDG | D-Glucose transport | Nucleophilic | Rat (Sprague Dawley) | — | Increased radioactivity observed in skeletal muscle in presence of insulin. | 73 |
24 | [18F]-FAG | Tumour detection | Nucleophilic | KM tumour bearing mice | Tumour: muscle ratio (60 min) = 5.68 | Study compared to [18F]-FNBG | 170 |
Tumour: blood ratio (60 min) = 3.79 | |||||||
25 | 4-[18F]-FDG | SGLT vs GLUT uptake studies | Nucleophilic | Mouse Wild type (wt) | Kidney uptake (60 min): 4% ID per g (wt) ∼20% ID per g (Glut2-) | Uptake by both SGLT and GLUTs. Accumulates in the brain comparable to 2-[18F]-FDG in wt. Accumulated in kidneys in Glut2 knockout. | 90 |
Glut2 knockout (Glut2-) | 4% ID per g (Glut2-) | ||||||
26 | α-Me-4-[18F]-FDG | Sodium D-glucose cotransporter (SGLT) activity (high grade astrocytomas) | Nucleophilic | Human | SUVRpeak (tumour) = 1.67 | SGLT specific uptake. Low background signal in normal brain tissue allows better imaging. | 93 |
Signal: noise ratio = 11.5 | |||||||
6 | 2-[18F]-FDM | Atherosclerotic plaques | Nucleophilic | ApoE KO-cuff HFD mice | SUV comparable with 2-[18F]-FDG, and sevenfold larger than [11C]AM7 | 2-[18F]-FDM determined not to be superior to 2-[18F]-FDG in atherosclerotic imaging and binding to MMR was insignificant. | 97 |
Hepatocullular carcinoma | Nucleophilic | AH109A bearing Donryu rats | Tumour: muscle ratio = 5.30 | Ratio comparable to 2-[18F]-FDG (6.20). However lower uptake in the brain suggests potential as brain tumour imager. | 95 | ||
27 | 2-[18F]-FDGal | Hepatoma | Electrophilic | Hepatoma-bearing C3H mice | Tumour: blood ratio (60 min) = 12.7 | Efficient on well differentiated hepatomas but less effective on poorly differentiated hepatomas. | 99 |
Tumour: muscle ratio (60 min) = 24.2 | |||||||
28 | 6-[18F]-FDGal | D-Galactose metabolism | Nucleophilic | ddY mice | Tumour: muscle ratio (30 min) = 1.73 | Mean of three average ratios: (range was 1.02 – 2.55) | 106 |
29 | [18F]-FDT | Galactokinase activity and cancer | Nucleophilic | Fibrosarcoma bearing mice | Tumour: muscle ratio (120 min) = 5.43 | Co-administration of tracer with D-galactose inhibited liver uptake of [18F]-FDT in rats. Substrate for Galactokinase but not Galacto-1P-uridyltransferase. | 109 |
30 | 6-[18F]-FFuc | Glycoconjugate synthesis in tumours | Nucleophilic | Tumour bearing rats: (AH109A, YS, KEG1). | Tumour: brain ratio (120 min) = 9.17 | Values of tumour: tissue are an average over five cell lines. | 112 |
Tumour bearing mice: (FM3A, 3LL). | Tumour: muscle ratio (120 min) = 4.60 | 112 | |||||
31 | 2-[18F]-FdFuc | Energy metabolism | Nucleophilic | Tumour bearing rats: (AH109A, YS, KEG1). | Tumour: brain ratio = 2.88 | Values of tumour: tissue are an average over five cell lines | 113 |
Tumour bearing mice: (FM3A, 3LL). | Tumour: muscle ratio = 1.33 | ||||||
32/33 | 3-[18F]Neu5Ac | Glycoconjugate metabolism in tumours | Electrophilic | FM3A bearing mice | Tumour: brain ratio (60 min) = 3.71 | Tumour uptake ratio was only above 1.0 for brain and muscle. Tracer was quickly excreted to the kidney. | 114 |
Tumour: muscle ratio (60 min) = 3.71 | |||||||
34 | 2,3-di[18F]Neu5Ac - C2(ax.)/C3(eq.) | Glycoconjugate metabolism in tumours | Electrophilic | FM3A bearing mice | Tumour: brain ratio (60 min) = 10.16 | Tumour uptake ratio was above 1.0 for blood, heart, spleen and muscle, Tracer was quickly excreted to the kidney. | 114 |
Tumour: blood ratio (60 min) = 1.12 | |||||||
Tumour: spleen ratio (60 min) = 1.55 | |||||||
Tumour: muscle ratio (60 min) = 1.46 | |||||||
36 | [18F]-FDS | Aspergillus fumigatus | Reduction of 2-[18F]-FDG | Immunosuppressed Balb/c mice | Infected muscle: normal muscle (120 min) = 8.90 | Values as high as 30.7 fold higher uptake observed in infected over normal tissue. | 80 |
37 | 2′-[18F]-FDL | β-Galactosidase activity | Enzymatic | Rosa-26 mice | — | Does not cross the cell membrane and rapidly excreted through the bladder. | 116 |
38 | Et-2′-[18F]-FDL | Pancreatic carcinoma | Nucleophilic | Ex vivo mouse tissue (pancreatic carcinoma) | — | Tracer binds in regions highly correlated with HIP/PAP expression and inhibited by lactose administration. | 117 |
39 | 1′-[18F]-FEL | Pancreatic carcinoma | Nucleophilic | Mouse (Nude, bearing) | Peritumoral tissue: muscle ratio = 12.64 | Selective for peritumoral tissue over background pancreatic tissue. | 120 |
40 | 1′-[18F]-FS | Maize sucrose transporter ZmSUT1 | Nucleophilic | Maize plants (zmsut1-m1 mutant) | — | Successfully translocated | 123 |
41 | 6′-[18F]-FS | Maize sucrose transporter ZmSUT1 | Nucleophillic | Maize plants (zmsut1-m1 mutant) | — | Successfully translocated | 123 |
42 | 6-[18F]-FS | Maize sucrose transporter ZmSUT1 | Nucleophilic | Maize plants (zmsut1-m1 mutant) | — | Successfully translocated | 123 |
43 | [18F]-FDTre | Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Chemoenzymatic | M. smegmatis | — | Uptake was reported in a linear and time dependent manner. By comparison mammalian cells showed no appreciable uptake. | 127 |
44 | 6-[18F]-Fluoromaltose | Pathogenic bacteria | Nucleophilic | Nude mice (infected with Escherichia coli) | — | Tracer accumulation was 2-fold higher in leg injected with bacteria than the healthy leg at all three time points measured. Tracer specific for bacterial cells. | 133 |
45 | 1-[18F]-Fluoromaltose | Pathogenic bacteria | Nucleophilic | Escherichia coli (ATCC33456) (bacterial) and EL4 (mammalian) | — | 14C labelled maltose uptake was blocked by co-administration of the tracer. | 136 |
48 | [18F]-Fluoromaltohexaose | Pathogenic bacteria | Nucleophilic | Escherichia coli Escherichia coli (LamB mutant), mammalian cells (hepatocytes) | — | More efficient at bacterial imaging than 2-[18F]-FDG. Selective uptake in E. coli over mutant strain and mammalian cells. | 139 |
49 | 6′′-[18F]-Fluoromaltriose | Pathogenic bacteria | Nucleophilic | Nude mice infected with Escherichia coli | — | Tracer was accumulated in infected muscle 3.5 fold in comparison to un-infected contralateral muscle | 140 |
50 | [18F]AAX21 | Pathogenic bacteria | Nucleophilic followed by click chemistry | Blood serum (human) | — | Stable in human blood serum (>120 min) | 142 |
51 | [18F]-GM1 | Neurodegenerative disease | Nucleophilic | Cynomolgus monkey (Non-human primate brain) | SUV (brain) > 0.4 Brain: blood ratio = 0.03 | Low uptake in the brain compared with previous studies. High uptake in the heart could lead to complications with vascular insulin resistance and heart failure. | 146 |
57 | α-5′-[18F]-FAZA | Hypoxia | Nucleophilic | Human (high-grade glioblastoma) | Tumour: brain ratio = 5.3 | Average over 7 patients. High ratio aided by lack of tracer accumulation in normal brain tissue. | 164 |
58 | β-5′-[18F]-FAZR | Hypoxia | Nucleophilic | HCT 116 colorectal carcinoma cells | — | Poor interaction with five hNTs suggests β-5′-[18F]-FAZR is not transported into human cells efficiently. | 165 |
59 | β-6′-[18F]-FAZAL | Hypoxia | Nucleophilic | EMT6 tumour bearing NMRI-Foxn1 mice | Tumour: muscle ratio (120 min) = 2.13 | Ratio from hypoxic conditions in comparison to normoxic at 1.22. | 166 |
60 | β-2′-[18F]-FAZA | Hypoxia | Nucleophilic | — | — | — | 167 |
61 | β-3′-[18F]-FAZL | Hypoxia | Nucleophilic | — | — | — | 167 |
62 | [18F]-FDG-2-NIm | Hypoxia | Nucleophilic | Wistar rats injected with Walker 256 rat mammary carcinoma cells | Uptake in tumour = 0.43 ± 0.09% ID per g | Does not accumulate in tumours or hypoxic tissue | 168 |
63 | [18F]-GAZ | Hypoxia | Nucleophilic | EMT6 tumour bearing Balb/C mice | Tumour: muscle ratio (60 min) = 1.87 | Evidence suggests not transported in the presence of D-glucose. | 169 |
64 | [18F]-FNBG | Tumour detection | Nucleophilic | KM tumour bearing mice | Tumour: muscle ratio (60 min) = 4.00 Tumour: blood ratio (60 min) = 4.40 | Study compared to [18F]-FAG | 170 |
65 | [18F]-FLT | Lymphoma | Nucleophilic | Human | SUV(Aggressive lymphoma) = 5.9 | Aggressive lymphoma patients (21) | 180 |
SUV(Indolent lymphoma) = 2.3 | Indolent lymphoma (11) | ||||||
66 | [18F]-FAU | DNA synthesis | Nucleophilic | Dog | Tissue: blood ratio = ∼1.0 | [18F]-FAU evenly distributed to most organs except higher ratio in excretory pathways (kidney and gallbladder) | 183 |
Tissue: muscle ratio = >1.0 | |||||||
67 | [18F]-FMAU | DNA synthesis | Nucleophilic | Human patients: prostate cancer | Tumour: background ratio = 6.31 | High tumour: background ratios a combination of efficient uptake in the tumours and poor uptake in surrounding tissue e.g. brain, bone marrow and pelvis. | 186 |
Breast Cancer | Tumour: background = 5.43 | ||||||
Recurrent Glioma | Tumour: background = 2.91 | ||||||
68 | [18F]-FEAU | DNA synthesis | Nucleophilic | HSV-tk tumour bearing nude mice | — | Low uptake, however preferential phosphorylation improves visibility in colon cancer cells. | 187 |
69 | [18F]-FFAU | DNA synthesis | Nucleophilic | HSV-tk tumour bearing nude mice | — | Accumulates significantly in HSV-tk tumours only. | 184 |
70 | [18F]-FBAU | DNA synthesis | Nucleophilic | HSV-tk tumour bearing nude mice | Tumour: blood ratio (120 min) = 9.6 | Lower uptake than [18F]-FMAU | 209 |
71 | [18F]-FAC | Deoxyribonucleotide salvage pathway | Nucleophilic | C57/BL6 mice | Uptake in spleen = 2.16 ± 0.48% ID per g | Uptake higher than 2-[18F]-FDG in spleen. (Not detected in thymus) | 189 |
Uptake in thymus = 3.29 ± 0.15% ID per g | |||||||
72 | 5-[18F]FUR | Nucleic acid metabolism | Electrophilic | AH109A tumour bearing rats | Tumour: blood ratio (60 min) = 3.49 | Rapid clearance from the blood facilitated improved imaging. | 188 |
73 | [18F]FdUR | Nucleic acid metabolism | Electrophilic | AH109A tumour bearing rats | Tumour: blood ratio (60 min) = 6.12 | Rapid clearance from the blood facilitated improved imaging. | 188 |
74 | [18F]-FXA | Cell proliferation and gene expression | Nucleophilic | HSV-tk tumour bearing nude mice | Tumour: blood ratio (120 min) = 0.47 | Not a suitable tracer for tumour imaging, appears not to be a substrate for HSV-tk. | 195 |
Heart: blood ratio (120 min) = 8.15 | |||||||
75 | [18F]-FAA | Cell proliferation and gene expression | Nucleophilic | HSV-tk tumour bearing nude mice | Tumour: blood ratio (120 min) = 2.92 | Moderate tracer for tumour imaging, appears not to be a substrate for HSV-tk. | 195 |
Spleen: blood ratio (120 min) 21.89 | |||||||
76 | [18F]-CFA | Deoxyribonucleotide salvage pathway | Nucleophilic | Human | Absorbed dose co-efficient: Bladder = 2.34E-01 mGy/MBq | Safe administration in humans, no adverse side effects. Uptake most prominent in bladder, liver, kidneys and spleen. | 198 |
Liver = 2.62E-02 mGy/MBq | |||||||
Kidneys = 2.51E-02 mGy/MBq | |||||||
77 | [18F]-FAD | A 1A , A 2A , A 2B and A 3A Adenosine receptors. | Nucleophilic | Rats (Sprague-Dawley) | Uptake in lung = 9.15 ± 0.15% ID per g | Biodistribution studies showed decreasing uptake from lung > kidney > heart > spleen. | 199 |
78 | [18F]-F-AraG | Multiple sclerosis lesions (via their T cell accumulation) | Nucleophilic200 | C57BL/6J mice | Brain: blood ratio (50 min) = 1.1 ± 0.2 | [18F]-F-AraG crosses the blood brain barrier. | 201 |
10 | 5′-[18F]-FDA | — | Enzymatic | — | — | Used as a precursor to [18F]-FDR. | 51 |
79 | [18F]-FDR | Tumour imaging | Hydrolysis of 5′-[18F]-FDA202 | A431 tumour bearing mouse | — | [18F]-FDR has more rapid uptake than 2-[18F]-FDG 5 min p.i. Stable for 20 min before signal decreases. | 202 |
80 | 6-[18F]-FDF | Breast cancer | Nucleophilic | EMT-6 and MCF-7 tumour bearing BALB/c mice | EMT-6 tumour bearing mice: Tumour: muscle ratio (30 min) = 2.51 | 2-[18F]-FDG showed greater accumulation in MCF-7 mice but 6-[18F]-FDF good selectivity for the tumour. | 205 |
81 | 1-[18F]-FDF | Fructose uptake | Nucleophilic | C3H fibrosarcoma bearing mice | Tumour: blood ratio (120 min) = 1.45 | Uptake in the kidneys and liver, but rapid clearance leads to poor accumulation. | 203 |
82 | [18F]-DFA | Ribose salvage | Nucleophilic | C57BL/6 mice | — | Greatest accumulation observed in the kidney, liver and intestines | 207 |
Footnote |
† These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |