Issue 15, 2023

A redshifted photonic bandgap and wide-angle polarization selection in an all-hyperbolic-metamaterial one-dimensional photonic crystal


According to the Bragg scattering theory, photonic bandgaps (PBGs) in all-dielectric one-dimensional (1-D) photonic crystals (PhCs) are polarization-insensitive. This polarization-insensitive property of PBGs poses a challenge in wide-angle high-performance polarization selection. Herein, we theoretically investigate the angle dependence of the PBGs in a novel kind of 1-D PhC called all-hyperbolic-metamaterial (all-HMM) 1-D PhC entirely composed of HMMs. As the incident angle increases, the PBGs in all-HMM 1-D PhCs exhibit the redshift property under transverse magnetic polarization while exhibiting the blueshift property under transverse electric polarization. Empowered by the polarization-sensitive property of the PBGs, wide-angle high-performance polarization selection can be theoretically achieved. Such a wide-angle polarizer would be useful in liquid crystal displays, quantum interferometers, and Q-switched lasers.

Graphical abstract: A redshifted photonic bandgap and wide-angle polarization selection in an all-hyperbolic-metamaterial one-dimensional photonic crystal

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Article information

Article type
18 Jan 2023
20 Mar 2023
First published
21 Mar 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 10785-10794

A redshifted photonic bandgap and wide-angle polarization selection in an all-hyperbolic-metamaterial one-dimensional photonic crystal

F. Wu, D. Liu, H. Li and M. Feng, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 10785 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP00280B

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