Dave J.
*a and
Annela M.
aSchool of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK. E-mail: dave.adams@glasgow.ac.uk
bSchool of Physics, HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1TL, UK
cBristol Centre for Functional Nanomaterials, HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1TL, UK. E-mail: annela.seddon@bristol.ac.uk
First published on 7th February 2022
The material properties of a gel are determined by the underpinning network that immobilises the solvent. When gels are formed by the self-assembly of small molecules into a so-called low molecular weight gel, the network is the result of the molecules forming one-dimensional objects such as fibres or nanotubes which entangle or otherwise cross-link to form a three-dimensional network. Characterising the one-dimensional objects and the network is difficult. Many conventional techniques rely on drying to probe the network, which often leads to artefacts. An effective tool to probe the gel in the solvated state is small angle scattering. Both small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) can be used. Here, we discuss these approaches and provide a tutorial review to describe how these approaches work, what opportunities there are and how the data treatment should be approached. We aim to show the power of this approach and provide enabling information to make them accessible to the non-specialist.
To understand fully such low molecular weight gels requires that we can characterise the self-assembly of the gelators across all length scales (Fig. 1). The primary one-dimensional structures underpinning the gels are formed by the self-assembly on the molecular level. These primary structures then entangle, branch, laterally associate or otherwise interact to form a network (on the μm scale). On a longer length scale (on the 100 s μm scale), the properties of the gels are controlled by how these one-dimensional structures and cross-links are distributed in space. Different techniques are clearly suitable for probing the different length scales.10–12 The local self-assembly can be determined to some degree using techniques such as spectroscopy (e.g., infra-red, UV-Vis, fluorescence, Raman, circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic resonance). Whilst important, this often does not provide information on the self-assembled structures that are formed, the cross-links and their distribution in space; these are what determine the material properties of the gels and are usually what is really of interest.
To probe the self-assembled structure, different approaches can be taken. It is common to use a range of microscopy techniques to image the underlying structures including electron microscopy (including (cryo)-TEM, SEM),13 AFM14 and confocal microscopy, as well as super-resolution microscopy.15,16 These can be extremely informative, but there are limitations. Generally, each image in these microscopy techniques covers a very small area of the sample and the data takes a relatively long time to collect. Therefore, collecting enough data to provide an averaged representation is typically not feasible, especially for a large number of samples.17 Techniques that require drying of the sample can also lead to changes in the structures present resulting in artefacts.18 The mechanical properties of the gels can be determined using techniques such as rheology, nanoindentation and compression testing.19 Whilst useful, it is extremely difficult to deconvolute differences in the data with the underlying network because a wide range of variables such as interactions at the molecular level to network density and long range (mm scale) alignment will influence the mechanical properties.
Hence, there is a real need for techniques that can be used to determine the primary structures present, how they interact and form cross-links, and the network formed on the bulk, as-formed gels. Small angle scattering approaches such as small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) are extremely powerful.20–24 The length scales that can be probed by SAXS and SANS are on the range of 1–100 nm, and longer length scales can be accessed using ultra-small angle scattering.25 These techniques can be used on bulk samples without the need for drying and provide an average of the structures present in the sample.
Our aim here in this review is to show how one can use these techniques to understand low molecular weight gels. We do not intend to provide a detailed description as to how the techniques work, or the underlying physics, but rather a user manual as to how to best collect data and then how to treat the data in different ways to best understand the systems. There is a large amount of in-depth literature covering small angle scattering theory if desired by the reader.26–28 We also do not intend to cite every paper in the area, but rather use a sub-set of the literature to best explain how to use these techniques most effectively.
In a typical experiment, an X-ray or neutron beam is fired at a sample (Fig. 2) and whilst most of the beam is transmitted through the sample without interaction (and is blocked from hitting the detector by a beamstop), a small proportion of the radiation is elastically scattered and impinges on (typically) a 2D detector. The angle of scattering, θ, is inversely related to the size of the object from which scattering occurs, where larger objects scatter to smaller angles.
SAXS experiments can be done on in-house instrumentation, where traditionally X-rays were generated by accelerated electrons striking a metal (usually copper) anode, followed by focusing through X-ray optics to reach the sample as a collimated, monochromatic beam. More modern instruments employ a liquid metal jet anode, which is continuously regenerated meaning that the limitation on X-ray flux which was imposed by the degradation of a solid anode is no longer a consideration and much higher photon fluxes can be reached, drastically reducing experimental time. However for many experiments, synchrotron radiation remains the gold standard. Here, electrons are accelerated to near relativistic speeds around a ring, giving out radiation as they do so; this radiation can be targeted to different end stations, including (but very much not limited to) SAXS, and provides users with extremely high flux meaning experiments can be carried out in air and over extremely short timescales, which opens up the possibility of exciting sample environments, some of which will be discussed later.
SANS experiments can be carried out at specialised nuclear research reactors, optimised for the generation of neutrons for scattering experiments, or at a spallation source, where neutrons are generated by first the acceleration of protons in a particle accelerator (which can be a linear accelerator (LINAC) or a LINAC combined with a synchrotron). These protons then strike a tungsten or tantalum source which generates the neutrons, which are then slowed to the energies needed for a SANS experiment using moderators of liquid hydrogen or helium.
The sample is placed in a container which is suitably transparent to the radiation in question. For static SAXS experiments, this is typically a borosilicate glass or quartz thin walled cuvette (wall thickness ∼0.01 mm). However it is also possible to undertake SAXS experiments under flow either in a flow-through cell or specially designed microfluidic device to allow changes in structure under, for example, mixing to be followed. Temperature control can be implemented on many sample holders, and there is also the possibility of coupling additional techniques such as rheology (see later) and novel sample environments such as acoustic levitation. For SANS experiments, samples are usually loaded into quartz cells. The cells come in different designs (such as cuvettes and banjo cells) with different path lengths. The cells generally have wall thicknesses of ∼1 mm.
When X-rays or neutrons are scattered by a sample, the scattering intensity (I(Q)) is measured as a function of the scattering vector, Q. Q is related to the scattering angle by eqn (1) and thus can be seen to give a size range of the scattering experiment which is agnostic to the instrument or source.
![]() | (1) |
The scattering intensity, I(Q), results from the molecular weight (M) (or size) of the scattering object, and the concentration (c) of scattering objects and is related to the difference in the scattering length density (SLD) between the object and its solvent as shown in eqn (2). However, it should be noted that certain parameters such as molecular weight or the volume of the particle require the intensity to be measured on an absolute intensity scale. During the scattering experiment, some of the X-ray photons will be transmitted through the sample, and some will be scattered; the intensity of the scattered photons therefore needs to be normalised against the intensity of the transmitted photons, which requires knowledge of the incident flux of photons, the number of photons transmitted, and the thickness of the samples. Once these are known, the data can then be plotted on an absolute scale in cm−1. It can be seen from eqn (2) that I(Q) also contains information about the form factor, F(Q), which details the size and shape of the object as well as the structure factor, S(Q), which provides a measure of intraparticle interactions. For dilute, non-interacting objects, the structure factor scattering can be said to be S(Q) = 1; in most low molecular weight gels, the volume fraction of gelator is sufficiently low that this holds true, and only the form factor need be considered. However, this assumption does not always hold true and the requirement for a structure factor should be considered on a case-by-case basis. The scattering pattern is collected as a 2D image that is azimuthally integrated to give the I(Q) vs. Q plot. This plot therefore contains information about the size, shape, concentration, and molecular weight of the sample of interest; analysis of these plots will be discussed further below.
I(Q) ∝ Mc(SLDparticle − SLDsolvent)2F(Q)S(Q) | (2) |
Effective scattering from a sample requires contrast between the solvent and the object from which the scattering occurs. For neutron scattering, contrast derives from differences in SLD, which is a measure of the scattering power of a material. Most commonly in SANS the difference between the SLD of hydrogen and deuterium is exploited and deuterated solvents are used for good contrast. For X-ray scattering, contrast arises from differences in electron density. A sufficient contrast between the nanostructure and solvent enables the structures to be “seen” (Fig. 3). Good contrast is essential because samples with low contrast scatter weakly and provide poor quality data.
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Fig. 3 Cartoon example of worm-like micelles in solution with (a) poor contrast and (b) good contrast. |
For both SAXS and SANS, the scattering is an average representation of a sample. This means that for samples containing multiple different structures, the scattering profile will be a combination of the individual scattering patterns of the components. This also applies for polydisperse distributions of the same structures (i.e., a range of sizes of sphere). Monodisperse structures may show distinct features in the scattering curve which would not be seen if the sample was polydisperse.30 This can be demonstrated by the calculated form factor scattering patterns for 40 nm long cylinders with 2 nm radius with and without a Gaussian polydispersity in radius (Fig. 4). Small angle scattering techniques can therefore be used as a measure of polydispersity in a sample.
Care must also be taken when exposing gel samples to powerful synchrotron X-rays that sample damage does not occur due to over exposure to the beam. SANS requires the use of a dedicated synchrotron or neutron spallation source, and to perform the contrast matching outlined below, careful preparation of deuterated materials is needed, which can be costly and time consuming. Neutron beams are also relatively low flux in comparison to X-rays, meaning sample exposure times will be longer. Nevertheless, it is the ability to do contrast matching which makes SANS such a powerful technique in probing specific structural detail such as arrangement in multicomponent systems or to identify self-assembled packing not accessible by SAXS, and which will be further discussed below.
The concentration of scattering objects in a sample is another important consideration because low concentrations may lead to weaker scattering. This might be improved through larger path length measurement cells and longer data collection times. With highly concentrated samples, structure factor scattering may occur, which may or may not be desirable. When performing SANS experiments, it is common for researchers to use H2O and D2O interchangeably, assuming that there is no influence on the self-assembly. However, this is not always the case and It is important to confirm that any solvent changes made for the purposes of the SAS experiments do not greatly alter the self-assembled structure.32,33
For gels, sample loading into the measurement cell is an important consideration. Ideally, gelation would be triggered within the measurement cell, resulting in a homogenous and isotropic gel. Some gelation methods require trigger diffusion which can be hindered within the confines of the often small measurement cell. To avoid this challenge, gels can be broken and pipetted into the measurement cell, but this assumes that the primary structures are unaffected. As such, in situ gelation triggers (for example, thermal or chemical triggers) are favourable. Chemical triggers are homogeneously mixed prior to loading into the measurement cell, in which gelation then occurs slowly. For thermal triggers, the solution can be loaded into the cell prior to heating (assuming the cell can be heated!). Another consideration is that anisotropic ordering of the one dimensional structures within a gel can occur either by shear-alignment of one dimensional structures during loading or the confinement in small measurement cells.34 The corresponding two dimensional scattering pattern will therefore show anisotropic scattering.
The raw scattering pattern is a combination of scattering from the self-assembled structures, solvent, sample holder (e.g., capillary or cuvette) and air. Background subtractions must be performed to obtain the scattering arising solely from the self-assembled structures. A good background subtraction is important for good quality analysis of scattering data. In order to perform an accurate background subtraction, a scattering pattern of the empty cell, the cell containing the solvent and the cell containing the sample should be collected. The empty cell scattering should be subtracted from both solvent and sample before finally subtracting the solvent background from the sample. It is also crucial that the solvent be truly representative of the solvent used in the sample – for example, if the solvent is water, then a sample of the water used to prepare a sample should be used as the background, not simply any sample of distilled water.
Scattering data is typically first presented as a scattering intensity vs scattering vector plot (I vs. Q plot) on a log–log scale. A first question is, has the sample scattered effectively? Low scattering intensity with high error bars can indicate insufficient contrast or a lack of self-assembled structure present. Next, a preliminary analysis can be done by eye. The intensity and shape of the data as well as the slope in different regions all give information about the sample. Different shapes give characteristic slopes in the data at intermediate Q. The range over which the power law for a rod (as most of the systems we describe here are) is at Q between 1/L and 1/D where L is the length of the rod, and D is the diameter of the rod. Similarly for a disc, this region falls within the Q range between 1/D and 1/t where t is the disc thickness.
In Fig. 5, the theoretical scattering data for spherical, lamellar, and cylindrical structures have been plotted. Spherical structures give a slope of Q−4, disk-like and lamellar structures give a slope of Q−2 and cylindrical structures give a slope of Q−1. According to Porod's law, at high Q, a Q−4 decay is indicative of scattering from well-defined and sharp interfaces.20,35 For all three structures, this is seen at >0.1 Å. The cylinder and the sphere form factors exhibit a plateau at low Q which is related to the absolute size of the object. Distinct oscillations can also be seen in the data at high Q which are related to the particle size and are also indicative of monodisperse structures.
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Fig. 5 Calculated scattering patters (using SasView v5.0.4) for monodisperse spheres (radius = 50 Å), lamellae (thickness = 50 Å) and cylinders (radius = 20 Å and length = 400 Å). |
A common approach to analysing small angle scattering data is model fitting.21,36,37 This involves fitting the data to a model using fitting software. There are a range of software packages available, such as SasView and SasFit.38,39 A wide range of models are available including shape independent models (such as a power law), form factor models (for example, a flexible cylinder) and structure factor models (such as interacting hard spheres). By assessing the slope at intermediate Q and/or with prior information about the shape of scattering objects (such as TEM images),37,40 a broad class of models (such as cylinder models) can be chosen.
Fitting should be attempted to a range of different models within a class, starting with more simplistic models to avoid overfitting. Each model contains a range of parameters. If required, values for the material and solvent scattering length density are put into the fit and fixed for the fitting process. Models typically have a scale (volume fraction) parameter which scales the fit to the data. In quantitative measurements, the scale is related to the sample concentration. A first step in fitting involves initially fitting the scale and then the scale and the background parameter. Fitting to the correct background is crucial for a good fit. For neutron scattering experiments, careful calculation of the scattering length density of the system under study should be performed – this is achievable using the in-built tools within the fitting software. Only scale or scattering length density should be allowed to refine in the fit – customarily the scattering length density is known, and it is the scale that is fitted. Next, a procedure of fitting the individual model parameters (such as cylinder length and radius) to slowly improve the fit is performed. Finally, when the fit is close to the data, all parameters are fitted together. The goodness of fit at this point determines whether the chosen model is appropriate. Goodness of fit is determined through a combination of means including statistics (such as the reduced χ2), the fit residuals and by eye. If the chosen model fit is not near the data, does not capture key features (such as oscillations), or has a high reduced χ2 a different model or polydispersity may be required. Different models within a class should be tried until a good fit is achieved. The model which achieves the best fit is taken to best depict the structures within the sample but it is crucial to assess if the obtained fitting parameters realistically depict the structures. For example, Fig. 6 shows SANS data that was ultimately best fit to a combined model of a cylinder and power law.41 The two fit lines show hollow cylinder model fits before (red) and after (yellow) fitting the thickness and radius of the hollow cylinder. Before fitting, a clear bump can be seen in the fit at high Q. After fitting, the hollow core radius fits to a value close to zero and the bump goes. It is important to note that the reduced χ2 for this fit was sufficiently low, but the fit parameters depicted a sub-Angstrom hollow core radius! Hence, this gives a strong indication that the cylindrical structures do not have a hollow core and affirms the choice of just a cylinder model.
In some cases, two different models may both give a sufficiently low reduced χ2. Here studying the fit by eye may assist in the selection of the most appropriate model. Of course, in some cases, it is appropriate to simply record that either model effectively captures the data, and it is not possible to differentiate based on model fitting.
Care must be taken to avoid overfitting which is typically judged by having a reduced χ2 of less than 1. Achieving a statistically good fit may not mean that it accurately depicts the sample. With more complex models containing many parameters, it is likely that a statistically good fit could be achieved to any set of data. Therefore, it is important to exercise caution and keep the models simplistic to start with to avoid overfitting. Combined models can also be used to fit the data where necessary. For example, a combined model depicting both a cylinder and sphere has been used to fit SAXS data of worm-like micelles.42 Different forms of cylinder model have been widely used to fit SAS data of low molecular weight gels and self-assembled fibres where the cylinder parameters correlate to the dimensions of the self-assembled fibres.43–45 In low molecular weight gels, the length of the 1D structures that form frequently exceed the maximum length scale accessible by the SAS experiment. Therefore it is not possible to obtain a meaningful fit to the length parameter and additional techniques, for example, TEM, should be used to demonstrate the length of the gel fibres.
Sample polydispersity is commonly encountered in the real-world and can be accounted for in model fitting software, where different functions are often available. Apparent polydispersity can also be a product of limited experimental resolution.30 Polydispersity should be used sparingly to avoid overfitting, however for soft matter systems, a Schulz-Zimm (referred to as the Schulz distribution in SASView) or the Gaussian polydispersity function are the most appropriate to apply.
Model fitting should not be viewed as a solution to the analysis of all small angle scattering data. It has limitations and the context in which the analysis is done must be considered. Collected data may not be adequately fitted to a single model. For example, SAXS data for a specific functionalised dipeptide is best fit to a flexible cylinder model but SANS data for the same solution is best fit to a hollow cylinder.46 The difference arises in the use of deuterated solvents providing better contrast in SANS and so the core is “seen” (Fig. 7).
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Fig. 7 Differences in the model best capturing the data can arise from differences in the SLD. Here, (a) a flexible cylinder model (radius = 40.5 Å, length = 950 Å and Kuhn length = 63 Å) best captures the SAXS data for a sample prepared from a functionalised dipeptide, but the SANS data are best fit to a hollow cylinder model (radius = 37 Å, core radius = 19 Å and length = 401 Å).46 This can be explained by contrast differences where the core does have contrast when using SANS (b) or does not have contrast by SAXS (c). Fig. (a) redrawn from E. R. Draper, H. Su, C. Brasnett, R. J. Poole, S. Rogers, H. Cui, A. Seddon and D. J. Adams, with permission from Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA (Copyright © 2017) under the Creative Commons CC-BY (version 4.0) license. |
I(Q) = I(0)exp(Q2Rg2/−3) | (3) |
The cross-sectional radius of gyration of rod-like structures in β-sheet self-assembled hydrogels has been calculated and from this the cross sectional radius derived.52 Terech and co-workers have fitted small angle scattering data of low molecular weight gels to modified Guinier plots for both ribbon-like structures40 and lamellar-like structures.50 The Guinier analysis has limitations because the radius of gyration does not fully describe the size and the form of the structure under study. Rather it provides a characteristic geometrical parameter47 and further analysis can be done to learn more about the sample.
I(Q) ∼ Qα | (4) |
When α is between 3 and 4, scattering is assigned to be from a surface fractal.35,53 The surface fractal dimension, Ds, is then determined by eqn (5).
Ds = 6 − α | (5) |
For mass fractals, α takes a value between 1 and 3 and the mass fractal dimension, Dm, is given by eqn (6).
Dm = α | (6) |
Peaks arising from the introduction of a structure factor can also be observed in I vs. Q plots and the position of the peak can be related to size through the Bragg relationship (d = 2π/Q). For example, from the position of the structure factor peaks in SAXS data (Fig. 9a), the hydrogel mesh size for a β-sheet forming peptide at two concentrations was estimated.49 The mesh size decreased with increasing concentration, which is attributed to an increased fibre density. The data also showed a “roll-over” at low Q in a modified Guinier plot (Fig. 9b), which is attributed to interactions between fibres (aggregation).
The viscosity data showed that the solution was significantly more viscous than water. Additionally, cryo-TEM data showed that there were long anisotropic structures. Considering these data, it is appropriate to use cylinder-based models for these SANS data. Initially, a cylinder model was examined. Here, the SLD of the solvent was that for D2O (6.393 × 10−6 Å−2) and a SLD for the mixture was 2.73 × 10−6 Å−2, determined from the molecular formula and an assumed density of 1.53 g cm−3. The SLD parameters were input into the fitting software and kept constant throughout the fitting. If the SLD is not correct, this will affect the scale parameter, but not any of the size parameters. It is quite simple to check how significant this would be by manually changing the SLD and the scale values do not change dramatically over a sensible range of densities. Having set the SLD values, the scale and background were allowed to fit, keeping length and radius at the initial values (red fit, Fig. 10a). Having done this, the radius and lengths were also allowed to fit. From the final fit (blue data, Fig. 10a), it is clear that this fit does not capture the bump at around 5 × 10−2 Å−1. As such, this fit is not effective, and this can be seen from the high χ2 value of 227.7.
Moving to a flexible cylinder model, all parameters were left to fit apart from the background, whilst keeping initially the extra parameter in this fit (the Kuhn length) as the initial value (100 Å). The χ2 dropped immediately to around 95, which dropped further to 92 when the Kuhn length was also allowed to vary. This very high χ2 value is due to the poor fit as can be seen from Fig. 10b (green data). Most importantly, the bump at around 5 × 10−2 Å−1 is not captured by the fit.
Similarly poor fits were obtained when using elliptical cylinder or flexible elliptical cylinder models. The lowest χ2 was obtained with the flexible elliptical cylinder model, but it was still above 20 and the fit still does not capture the bump in the data (Fig. 10b, blue data).
Next, a hollow cylinder model was attempted, which depicts one dimensional tube-like structures. The model contains the following parameters: a core radius, the cylinder wall thickness, cylinder length, scale, background, SLD cylinder and SLD solvent parameters. The model assumes that the SLD inside the hollow cylinder is that of the bulk solvent. Again (after fixing the SLD values), the scale and background were allowed to vary whilst not changing the radius and thickness parameters. After this, the radius followed by the thickness were allowed to vary, giving outputted values of 13.6 and 10.7 Å respectively. The χ2 is again high, and the fit is poor, again not capturing the bump at 5 × 10−2 Å−1 (Fig. 10c, red data). At this point, manual inputting of different values showed that a radius of 50 Å and a thickness of 20 Å gave a shape of curve that by eye captured the data better than any automated fit. The length was fitted to 5000 Å, a value significantly large to be outside the range of the measurement to represent long tubes. After this, allowing the scale, radius, and thickness to vary brought the fit close the data (Fig. 10c, blue data). However, the fit line implies that the data are significantly more polydisperse than the fit implies (see above). A Schulz polydispersity was therefore included in the fit. At this point, polydispersity in length, radius or thickness could be chosen. By manually inputting different values for the length, it is clear that beyond a certain value that there is little change in the fit and there is clearly no change in the resolution around the bump at 5 × 10−2 Å−1. As such, there is little point in including polydispersity for this parameter. Trying to include even relatively low values of polydispersity in both radius and thickness simultaneously results in extremely long times for the fitting to proceed and there is a tendency for errors to arise. As such, arbitrarily, a Schulz polydispersity in radius was chosen. A radius polydispersity parameter of 0.4 here (as a fixed value) and allowing radius and thickness to vary resulted in a good fit with a χ2 of around 12. Increasing the Schulz polydispersity of radius parameter further to 0.5 slightly improves the χ2 to around 11, with a radius 54.7 Å and a thickness of 20.4 Å (Fig. 10d, red data). Returning to the data without polydispersity and then examining only a Schulz polydispersity in thickness, the fit even with a parameter as high as 0.5 results in a much worse fit, with a χ2 of 116 (Fig. 10d, green data).
Hence, on the basis of all of these fits, the hollow cylinder model with a high Schulz polydispersity in radius was deemed to be the best fit, as reported in the literature.68 The data could be fitted to a core–shell model in which the scattering length density parameters are varied. If the hypothesis that hollow cylinders are formed is correct, the core SLD should fit to a value close to that of the solvent (in this case D2O).
2NapFF can be dispersed in water at high pH by the addition of 1 molar equivalent of a base. Gels can also be formed by the addition of an acid.60 It is expected that the 2NapFF will form self-assembled aggregates at high pH in water. At high pH, the carboxylic acid will be deprotonated, rendering some degree of hydrophilicity, but the remainder of the molecule will be hydrophobic. Hence, a surfactant-like nature is expected, and this is expected to be concentration dependent.
SANS and SAXS data were collected at high pH at a concentration of 10 mg mL−1 (a standard concentration used for low molecular weight gelling samples). The SAXS measurements were carried out in both H2O and D2O, whilst the SANS measurements were carried out in D2O to provide the necessary contrast. The first important point is that the SAXS data can be fitted to the same models whether the data are collected in H2O or D2O.60 We highlight again that we showed that this is not always the case and so the common assumption that switching between H2O and D2O has a negligible effect is not always true for this kind of system.32,33 The SAXS data for 2NapFF in D2O can be fitted to a cylinder model or a flexible cylinder model; the fit to a cylinder model is similar in quality. The fit implies that the radius is 4.3 nm. The SANS data can be fitted to a hollow cylinder model combined with a power law (data shown in Fig. 7a). This power law allows the excess scattering at low Q to be taken into account. The wall thickness is found to be 2.1 nm and the core radius is found to be 1.65 nm. The core is not detected by SAXS due to the lack of contrast. Therefore, overall, SANS suggests that the radius is 3.75 nm. This is slightly smaller, but close to that found from the fit to SAXS data. The lengths derived from the fits are different but, in both cases, lie outside the Q range of the instrument.
We exploited contrast matching approaches to determine the packing of the 2NapFF in the aggregates at high pH.60 First, we showed that the perdeuterated example (2dNap2F2F) scattered poorly in D2O, but scatters well in H2O (Fig. 12c). This was as expected, where contrast comes from the difference between the scattering length density of H and D as normal, except in this case it is the structure of interest that is deuterated. Fitting to the data in H2O shows that the same hollow cylinder model combined with a power law can be used effectively and the radius, wall thickness and length are extremely close to the data found for 2NapFF in D2O. This shows that the act of deuteration and the change from D2O to H2O does not affect the self-assembled structure formed. Similarly, the SAXS data for 2dNapFF and 2NapdFdF are very similar to the data for 2NapFF; this is expected if the self-assembled structures are unchanged in that SAXS should be insensitive to the deuteration. The SANS data however for the different variations are affected by the deuteration. Fitting of the data to a hollow cylinder model combined with a power law was possible in all cases, although the parameters obtained from the fit varied (Fig. 12a). For example, the fit to the data for 2dNapFF was almost identical to that of 2NapFF (Fig. 12b). The fit to the data for 2NapdFdF implies that the cylinder is very thin (Fig. 12a), with a wall thickness of 0.5 nm and a radius of 2.4 nm. Using these data, combined with cryo-TEM data and computational insight, we were therefore able to show that 2NapFF self-assembles into hollow tubes where the walls are formed by a bilayer.
Gels can be formed from 2NapFF by lowering the pH. By adding glucono-δ-lactone (GdL) to a solution of 2NapFF, the slow hydrolysis of GdL to gluconic acid allowed us to follow the gelation with time.60 We were able to determine that the first thing that happens is that the core of the hollow cylinder collapses. This correlates with the observation that the solutions prepared from 2NapFF have two apparent pKa values, which we ascribe to the carboxylates pointing into the core of the tubes and to those on the external surface of the tubes. Following this, the data can be fitted to a cylinder model, which gradually needs increased polydispersity to be well fitted. At later times, the best model is an elliptical cylinder. We therefore can use these data to determine that the core collapses, cylinders are formed which then laterally associate to form structures which are elliptical in cross-section (Fig. 13). This hypothesis explains why similar data collected on the partially deuterated analogues does not give well-defined structures; if collapse leads to relatively disordered packing, there will not be well-defined sections within the aggregates that are deuterated.
TEM images of gels from the three different peptides showed three distinctly different structures. SSP1 formed fibrils with regular twists, SSP2 forms untwisted fibrils and SSP3 laminated fibrils. SANS measurements of the three peptide gels were collected and showed three distinct scattering patterns (Fig. 14).
SSP3 showed a small peak at high Q, corresponding to a length of 28 Å. Combined with the TEM images, this peak was assigned to the width of a single filament within a laminated fibril. To fit the scattering data adequately a single expression could not be used. Instead, the scattering profiles of the peptide hydrogels were captured by a nonlinear least squares fit with the following expression (eqn (7)):
![]() | (7) |
The exponent n reflects low Q scattering occurring on the 100 s nm size range which is from the network. Here, all three peptides have a value of n = 1.7, which is assigned as scattering from fully swollen Gaussian chains in a good solvent. For SSP1 and 2, this is an appropriate analysis and suggests that the change to the peptide sequence does not influence the network structure. For SSP3 this is not appropriate due to the laminated structure. SSP1 and 3 have higher scattering intensities in the mid to high Q region which is attributed to both twisted and laminated fibrils being more compact, having a greater number of peptide molecules per unit length. This is reflected in the high Q exponent increasing from SSP2 (untwisted) to SSP1 (twisted). SSP3 possesses a high Q exponent of 3.62, which is assigned to power law scattering from well-defined interfaces. The correlation length is another parameter obtained from the model used. Moving from SSP2 (untwisted) to SSP3 (laminated), a decrease in correlation length from 20 to 16 was seen, which indicated a greater compactness within the nanostructure of SSP3.
A concentration study from 1 to 4 wt% was performed for SSP2 and SSP3. For SSP2, an increase in high Q exponent was seen with increasing concentration, indicating a greater degree of network compactness. This was reflected in cryo-TEM measurements of those gels. Conversely, SSP3 showed a decrease in the high Q exponent with increasing concentration. Again, the cryo-TEM measurements reflected this. This was attributed to the faster self-assembly kinetics associated with the higher concentration, leading to imperfections in the laminates.
This work serves to exemplify that subtle changes to the chemical structure within a class of similar molecules results in significant differences in the self-assembled structure. This in turn influences the network structure and bulk rheological properties.
It can be seen from the SANS data (Fig. 15) that samples of organogel 5 (structure shown in Fig. 15a) do not display any ordering that would lead to the presence of Bragg peaks, and that the data can be modelled using a cylinder form factor with an anisotropic cross-section. However, modification of the cyclic skeleton to 3 (Fig. 15a) drastically changes the scattering which showed the presence of a strong Bragg peak (Fig. 15c), indicating molecular order even in the gel state. The peak at Q = 0.152 Å−1 corresponds to a real space value of 41.3 Å, suggesting that the molecules of organogelator are overlapping and it is this that can explain how individual gel fibres can form in bundles. Thus, the presence of Bragg peaks can be used to explain the hierarchical assembly of these materials.
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Fig. 15 (a) Chemical structures of some of the organogelators studied by Terech et al.40 (b) SANS data for organogelator 5 at 0.034 wt% (line 1, crosses), 0.043 wt% (line 2, solid line) and 0.1 wt% (line 3, circles). Dotted lines are guides for Q−1, Q−2 and Q−4 intensity decays. (c) SANS data for organogelator 3 at 1.09 wt% (open circles) with a Q−4 intensity decay (dotted line) and a radially polydisperse bundle of fibres form factor (solid line) The arrow guides the eye to the Bragg peak at Q = 0.152 Å−1. (d) SANS data for organogelator 4 at 0.396 wt% (solid line) and 5.86 wt% (dotted line) with a Q−4 intensity decay (dashed line). Arrows guide the eye to Bragg peaks at 0.0857, 0.126 and 0.171 Å−1. Fig. (b), (c) and (d) reprinted from P. Terech, G. Clavier, H. Bouas-Laurent, J. P. Desvergne, B. Demé and J. L. Pozzo, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2006, 302, 633–642., Copyright © 2006, with permission from Elsevier. |
Similarly, organogelator 4 (Fig. 15a) at low concentration shows the presence of three strong Bragg peaks (Fig. 15d), which correspond to molecular ordering on a square lattice. However, on increasing concentration, the three peaks are replaced by a single peak implying that the merging of fibres into bundles is chemically specific and growth of periodic structures happens along defined directions.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |