Issue 8, 2022

Organic solvent-based thermo-electrochemical cells with an iron(ii/iii) triflate redox couple for use in harvesting low-grade waste heat at 100–200 °C


The need to harvest low-grade waste heat at 100–200 °C has attracted much attention. In this paper, the performance of thermo-electrochemical cells (TECs) with an iron triflate (Fe(CF3SO3)2/Fe(CF3SO3)3) redox couple is investigated in various organic solvents at temperatures exceeding 100 °C. The TECs in dimethylformamide (DMF) showed the maximum Seebeck coefficient of 1.51 mV K−1, and the maximum power density of 660 mW m−1 was achieved using 0.5 M iron triflate in DMF at ΔT = 120 K (145 °C on the hot-side).

Graphical abstract: Organic solvent-based thermo-electrochemical cells with an iron(ii/iii) triflate redox couple for use in harvesting low-grade waste heat at 100–200 °C

Article information

Article type
26 Nov 2021
08 Mar 2022
First published
09 Mar 2022

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2022,6, 1940-1944

Organic solvent-based thermo-electrochemical cells with an iron(II/III) triflate redox couple for use in harvesting low-grade waste heat at 100–200 °C

S. Asai, J. H. Lee, A. Yabuki and S. Kang, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2022, 6, 1940 DOI: 10.1039/D1SE01893K

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