*ab and
Bizan N.
aInstitute of Physical Chemistry, University of Freiburg, Albertstraße 21, 79104 Freiburg, Germany. E-mail:;
bCluster of Excellence livMatS @ FIT-Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies, University of Freiburg, Georges-Köhler-Allee 105, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
cInstitute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, Takusstraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Germany
dFraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, Wiener Straße 12, 28359 Bremen, Germany
eUniversity of Bremen, Department 2 Biology/Chemistry, Leobener Straße 3, 28359 Bremen, Germany
fFreiburg Materials Research Center (FMF), Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
First published on 16th February 2022
Multivalent interactions play a leading role in biological processes such as the inhibition of inflammation or virus internalization. The multivalent interactions show enhanced strength and better selectivity compared to monovalent interactions, but they are much less understood due to their complexity. Here, we detect molecular interactions in the range of a few piconewtons to several nanonewtons and correlate them with the formation and subsequent breaking of one or several bonds and assign these bonds. This becomes possible by performing atomic force microcopy (AFM)-based single molecule force spectroscopy of a multifunctional polymer covalently attached to an AFM cantilever tip on a substrate bound polymer layer of the multifunctional polymer. Varying the pH value and the crosslinking state of the polymer layer, we find that bonds of intermediate strength (non-covalent), like coordination bonds, give the highest multivalent bond strength, even outperforming strong (covalent) bonds. At the same time, covalent bonds enhance the polymer layer density, increasing in particular the number of non-covalent bonds. In summary, we can show that the key for the design of stable and durable polymer coatings is to provide a variety of multivalent interactions and to keep the number of non-covalent interactions at a high level.
One important amino acid used in nature to form multivalent bonds is the catecholic 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine (DOPA). It is for example used by blue mussels, which can bind in wet and salty conditions to inorganic as well as organic surfaces.2 Catechols can reversibly be oxidized to form quinones, which is highly electrophilic and can irreversibly crosslink with other catechol moieties.3,4 Crosslinking can occur via Michael addition of the free amine with the quinone group, via Schiff Base formation of the amine with the carbonyl group of the quinone or via quinone-quinone coupling.5,6 The oxidation of catechol to semi-quinone and finally to quinone is a crucial step for crosslinking of adhesives based on catechol rich compounds. This evidence can be used to synthesize and tailor mussel-inspired and catechol-based polymers with strong adhesion to surfaces in order to obtain universal/substrate-independent coatings with self-healing or antifouling properties under mild conditions.7–10
Here we used an amphiphilic, catechol-based and multifunctional block copolymer Br/N3-PG-b/r-P(Cat-Ph-A) (Fig. 1a), which has been used before to create well-defined polymer monolayers.11,12 This multifunctional molecule comprises sites for secondary modification and combines the concepts known from blood protein adsorption with those known from mussel adhesion. An azide terminal group allows to perform a copper free type of the Huisgen reaction, which takes advantage of strain-promoted alkyne azide cycloaddition (SPAAC) using dibenzocyclooctine (DBCO) forming 1,2,3-triazoles.13–16 These reaction products are non-toxic, i.e., biocompatible, as well as efficient and practicable under mild conditions.17 Furthermore, the multifunctional molecule offers crosslinking via Schiff base formation or Michael addition.
However, the molecular understanding of the interplay between the different and multivalent types of interactions in such a coating, making it so unique, is still lacking because of the variety of different bonds. A better molecular understanding is crucial for a rational design of future polymer coatings.
Single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) with an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is a powerful method for studying the interactions between single molecules and surfaces or interfaces.18–21 The formation of isolated bonds like, e.g., S–Au,22 Si–O23 and Si–C24 has been studied in detail by SMFS. Many experiments with a big diversity of catechol-based molecules demonstrated the strength of catechols and quinones on different substrates and in different pH and buffer conditions. There, detachment forces varied between approx. 50 and 1000 pN.22,25–35 Additionally, SMFS on systems comprising multivalent interactions have been performed for different biological systems, obtaining detachment forces of up to 1000 pN.36–42 However, the individual contributions to the overall force could not be resolved.
Here, we used covalent attachment of a N3-PG-b-P(Cat-Ph-A) copolymer probe molecule to an AFM cantilever tip to study the multivalent interactions on the molecular level by SMFS. We used polymer layers consisting of the same N3-PG-b-P(Cat-Ph-A) copolymer under different conditions and assign detachment forces to specific types of interaction. This allowed us to directly monitor the respective interactions, namely their multivalent bond strength and rupture force with piconewton resolution. Furthermore, we could show that the formation and rupture of strong (covalent) bonds cannot outperform the presence of interactions of low and intermediate strength (non-covalent). Altogether, this teaches us how to optimize the design of future multifunctional coatings using different types of molecular interactions and multivalency as a concept for creating robust coatings for various applications, especially in the field of chemistry, physics, material science and biomedicine.
PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) on the N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer on TiO2 took place in ultrapure H2O, MOPS buffer pH 6.0 (0.1 M) and MOPS buffer pH 8.6 (0.1 M). PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) and silane-PEG-DBCO were probed on SiO2 in ultrapure water.
SMFS parameters were defined as follows: force distance, 1 μm; velocity, 1 μm s−1; contact force, 50 to 3000 pN; sampling rate, 5 kHz; contact time towards the surface, 0–10 s and temperature, 25 °C. To reduce the influence of local sample variations, force-extension curves were recorded in a grid-like manner with 10·10 points covering 20·20 μm2 (force maps). At least two force maps were obtained per cantilever. Prior to a series of measurements, at least one control cantilever (same procedure but the incubation took place in pure solvent instead of the target molecule) was measured on different surface spots to verify a contamination-free functionalization. Once the control cantilevers (silane-PEG-DBCO on SiO2) showed an absence of stretching events or plateaus of constant force, the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) functionalized cantilevers were measured, respectively. For data evaluation, a self-programmed evaluation software based on Igor Pro (Wavemetrics, Portland, OR, USA) was used. For the analysis of detachment forces, all detachment events such as stretches and plateaus were taken into account, except the adhesion peak at the beginning of the force-extension curves (Fig. 1d), resulting from unspecific interactions of the whole AFM cantilever tip and the surface.
OriginPro 2019 (OriginLab, Northampton, MA, USA) was used for data presentation and to test the significance. The latter was performed by an unpaired two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test was performed with for the force values. The null hypothesis in the Mann–Whitney U test is that X and Y are two random selected values from two populations, the probability of Y being greater than X is equal to the probability of X being greater than Y. The level of significance was set to 0.05.
The covalent attachment of one single polymer to a cantilever is crucial for single molecule force experiments. It enables a high reproducibility when performing force spectroscopy with a certain polymer on a specific cantilever tip. In our case, the successful attachment of one single polymer has been verified by measuring the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) molecular force sensor on SiO2 showing single molecule detachment events (Fig. S4†). Control measurements with silane-PEG-DBCO (5 kDa) show that these detachment events are indeed caused by the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) and not by unspecific adhesion between AFM cantilever tip and the SiO2 surface (Fig. S5†).
Finally, a variation of the contact force and contact time (Fig. S6 and S7†) revealed that a contact force of 500 pN and a contact time of 1 s was ideal to obtain reproducible indentation into the layer (breakthrough) and detachment events as depicted in Fig. 1c and d.
The variety of the possible interactions between the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) molecular force sensor and the N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer is reflected by the obtained force-extension traces. We classified them into concave stretch, convex stretch, double (multiple) convex stretches, single plateau of constant force and multiple plateaus of constant force (Fig. 1d).
In order to assign the detachment events to specific interactions, we performed SMFS measurements under different conditions. First in MOPS buffer at pH 6.0 (0.1 M). Then, the buffer was exchanged to MOPS buffer pH 8.6 (0.1 M) for the next SMFS experiments. Second, a crosslinked N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer was prepared using the oxidant (K2S2O8) in MOPS buffer pH 8.6 (0.1 M) according to the protocol of Yu et al.11 Then, the crosslinked polymer layer was taken for SMFS experiments in MOPS buffer pH 8.6 (0.1 M).
Fig. 2a illustrates a representative force-extension curve (condition: pH 8.6) that comprises several detachment events. Further force-extension curves of that type are shown in Fig. S8† (condition: pH 8.6 crosslinked). Fig. 2b represents the different measured detachment forces, resulting mostly from convex stretches (see Table S1† for a quantification). The median and average forces increased from pH 6.0 to pH 8.6 crosslinked. An unpaired two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test (with a level of significance of 0.05, see Materials and Methods) showed that the difference between pH 6.0 and pH 8.6 and between pH 8.6 crosslinked and the other two conditions (pH 6.0 and pH 8.6) was significant, respectively. In general, the forces of PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) on N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) exceed the forces on SiO2 (Fig. S4†) by a factor of more than 10, demonstrating the strength of multivalent interactions.
In principle, the detachment events in the force-extension curves could directly be assigned to the respective interactions, but the multitude of possible interactions makes this difficult. Therefore, we also evaluated the frequency of the detachment forces and their positions. Fig. 3a shows a summary of the results, which guided us in assigning the different interactions. We subdivided the distribution of the forces into three different regions (R1, R2 and R3). Forces in region 1 (R1, up to 500 pN) probably originate from low force interactions like vdW interaction (in purple, Fig. 2c). But also π–π stacking (in red, Fig. 2c), hydrogen bonds (in green, Fig. 2c) and coordination bonds (depicted in blue) will already contribute here. This is based on literature values for the single bond types: forces of vdW interactions, range between 21 to 100 pN.48–50 The forces of hydrogen bonds range from a few to several tens of pN depending on the exact geometry of the molecules and direction of force application.51,52 Altogether, 232 hydrogen bonds (PEG backbone and OH side groups) could be formed at maximum, which then would exceed 500 pN by far (see regions 2 and 3). Additionally, phenyl and catechol groups could contribute via π–π stacking where the forces are reported to be between 2 and 8 pN for DNA base pair unstacking and approx. 70 to 80 pN for strong donor–acceptor π-interactions in H2O, respectively.53,54 In our multivalent system, there are 12 possibilities for π–π stacking (5·phenyl, 5·catechol, 2·phenyl from DBCO) leading to forces in the range of several 100 pN. In case of cooperative effects (non-linear increase of force with number of bonds) a further increase of the observed force is possible.55–57 Finally, the interaction between a single catechol and TiO2 is 300 to 1000 pN, according to the literature.25,26,29 For more basic pH values (e.g., pH = 8.6), more and more quinone groups are formed,58,59 which interact with TiO2via coordination bonds with forces of 50 to 300 pN.25,26,29 Therefore, also a catechol–TiO2 bond can be found in region 1, although rarely.
Fig. 3 Classification of multivalent interactions. (a) Heat maps of detachment events for the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) molecular force sensor on the non-crosslinked and crosslinked N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layers on TiO2 under the different preparation conditions of the polymer layer, as given in Fig. 2b. The frequency of the detachment events as well as the heat maps of the detachment force vs. the detachment position are shown. There the density corresponds to the probability of the detected force and position values. The detachment forces are subdivided into different regions R1, R2 and R3 (see main text for details). (b) Scheme of non-crosslinked and crosslinked (in yellow) polymer layers for incorporation of the molecular force sensor into the polymer film. |
In force region 2 (R2, 500 to 1500 pN), previous studies showed that multiple bonds between catechol and TiO2 are likely to be formed and show forces of above 500 pN, depending on the polymer architecture and the time in contact between the polymer and the underlying surface.25,33,35 Therefore, catechol, quinone, amine and phenyl groups might mostly contribute to the forces in that region. In other words, several catechol groups of the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) molecular force sensor could interact simultaneously with the TiO2 surface and the N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer on TiO2. Once several of the five catechol/quinone groups of the molecular force sensor form coordination bonds with TiO2, they could even deliver forces above 1000 pN. Thus, force region 2 most likely originates from multivalent interaction of catechols/quinones and TiO2 in addition to interactions from R1. In particular, a multitude of hydrogen bonds resulting from the PEG backbone and OH side groups likely contribute significantly to the forces observed in the region R2.
Finally, force region 3 (R3), corresponding to the third populations in the histograms, shows forces higher than 1500 pN. This force region (R3) is only significantly populated in the case of the crosslinked polymer layer. There, the detachment events could either result from the breakage of several non-covalent bonds, such as given above, in a possibly cooperative fashion, or due to covalent bonds.
Fig. 3b shows the schematic comparison between the non-crosslinked (Fig. 3b, left) and crosslinked (Fig. 3b, right) polymer layer.11 In particular, crosslinking of the N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer could enhance the density of chains11 (which is consistent with the measured decrease in layer thickness, see Fig. S3†). Thus, the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) molecular force sensor can interact with more neighboring chains of the polymer layer possibly leading to more multivalent interactions and more covalent bonds. The higher density of the crosslinked polymer layer might support the formation of up to five catechol/quinone coordination bonds in a cooperative way and also lead to forces higher than 1500 pN.
Furthermore, with increasing pH, quinone groups are increasingly formed both, in the molecular force sensor and the polymer layer on TiO2. Quinone groups have a higher reactivity and are prone to attacks by nucleophiles and therefore, the formation of a covalent NC (Schiff base reaction) or NH–C (Michael addition) bond with a subsequent rupture is likely.60 Finally, by contacting the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) molecular force sensor and the N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer, a high pressure of approx. 0.4 MPa is applied (taking an indentation force of 500 pN and a nominal tip radius of 20 nm). This is sufficient to form pressure induced covalent bonds.61
Also, the highest forces (R3) had the highest position values (Fig. 3a, right). Thus, the highest interactions resulted from the very end of the polymer, namely the quinone and amine groups which are possibly involved in the formation of covalent bonds. In theory, the maximum number of covalent bonds per PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) polymer amounts to 7 (2·NH2, 5·catechol, which could also form coordination bonds). This would lead to a maximum force of more than 7 nN, when just assuming additivity of the respective interaction without cooperative effects. This has not been observed here and underlines that the simultaneous formation of multiple covalent bonds between molecular force sensor and polymer layer within seconds is unlikely.
Additionally, the increase of possible bonding positions of the molecular force sensor to the polymer layer may cause a misalignment between pulling direction and bond rupture direction. As discussed by Schoeler et al.,62 this misalignment could also lead to a higher bond rupture force.
The difference between pH 8.6 and pH 8.6 crosslinked is the crosslinking of the polymer layer, resulting in a higher density. Therefore, most likely, more bonds of any kind are formed, resulting in the observed increase of molecular rupture events in R3, likely in a cooperative manner.
Fig. 4 Multivalent bond strength as basis for the design of polymer coatings. We have quantified the multivalent bond strength, which is the product of the force and the relative frequency of its occurrence, for the PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) molecular force sensor on the N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer on TiO2, as given in Fig. 3a. Bonds of intermediate strength showed the highest contribution to the overall strength of the interaction, even in the case of possible covalent bond formation. The lines are a guide to the eye. |
A quantification of the energy (area under the force extension curve) for multivalent bonds further supports the finding that interactions of intermediate strength (R2) are most advantageous for stable coatings. For the interaction of the single PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) molecule and the N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer on TiO2, we found an average detachment energy of (608 ± 569) kBT at pH 6.0, (676 ± 414) kBT at pH 8.6 and (814 ± 868) kBT at pH 8.6 crosslinked. These values were higher than the energy necessary to break a covalent bond.63 In addition, the number of detachment events found in a single force-extension trace reached up to 11 upon crosslinking of the N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) layer (Fig. S9†). Furthermore, the average energy per detachment event increases with the number of detachment events per curve n. In particular, this increase is strong for n ≥ 4 for pH 8.6 crosslinked (Fig. S10†). This result underlines the increased presence of cooperative non-covalent bonds and also covalent bonds for the crosslinked polymer layer.
Finally, the robustness of a coating comprising a complex multifunctional molecule such as N3-PG110-b-P(Cat5-Ph5-A2) towards environmental changes is a result of the different interactions present. Once the catechol interaction with TiO2 decreases with increasing pH value, the possibility of crosslinking of quinone groups to form covalent bonds with amine moieties increases, enhancing the density of the polymer layer, which in turn increases the number of possibly cooperative non-covalent bonds. Thus, in this system, the formation of one type of bond compensates the reduction of another type of bond again demonstrating the power of the interplay between various bond types in a multivalent system.
Surprisingly, the multivalent bond strength was not highest for covalent bonds but for non-covalent bonds, like hydrogen and coordination bonds, because more bonds of these types could be formed and possibly act in a cooperative manner.
Thus, the combination of non-covalent and covalent interactions, i.e., the multivalency of the presented system, explain the interaction strength obtained by SMFS experiments. Interactions of intermediate strength (non-covalent) take a prominent role among the molecular interactions, even outperforming strong interactions (covalent bonds) under many environmental conditions. In robust and durable coatings, non-covalent bonds could therefore serve as sacrificial bonds that can be reformed upon breakage enhancing the longevity of polymer-based coatings. Our findings underline the need of complex molecules for coatings for future applications under varying conditions and provide quantitative values for their design.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1nr08338d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |