David Maria
CNR NANOTEC Institute of Nanotechnology, Via Monteroni, Lecce 73100, Italy. E-mail: david.tobaldi@nanotec.cnr.it; vittorianna.tasco@nanotec.cnr.it
First published on 5th December 2022
In this research work, we present a study on time-sequenced plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PE-ALD) processes towards the achievement of high-quality α-MoO3 thin films which are suitable for exfoliation. In particular, a conventional precursor injection method along with a boosted precursor delivery approach are discussed and analysed. In the latter, the proposed gas supply mechanism ensures a large number of deposited Mo atoms per unit of time, which, along with a proper thermal energy, leads to high-quality and oriented orthorhombic α-MoO3 films. The proposed boosted approach is also compared with post growth annealing steps, resulting in more effective achievement of a highly oriented orthorhombic α-MoO3 phase and less time consumption.
While molybdenum oxide can be found in several stoichiometries – ranging from the fully stoichiometric MoO3 to the semimetallic MoO22 – the orthorhombic MoO3 polymorph (α-MoO3) is particularly interesting because of its layered crystal structure, which can be exfoliated, giving rise to a two-dimensional (2D) morphology. Thus, obtaining layered α-MoO3 films, over other MoO3 polymorphs, is highly desirable for exploiting electronic/optoelectronic devices with novel capabilities.18 Various chemical and physical methods are available for the preparation of molybdenum oxide thin films on different substrates, such as the sol–gel process,19,20 pulsed laser deposition,21,22 thermal23 or electron beam evaporation,10,24 chemical vapour deposition,25,26 and dc reactive magnetron sputtering.27 Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PE-ALD) technique is an alternative method, exhibiting precise control of the thickness, very low contamination content, and excellent uniformity along with conformal coverage on structured surfaces with complex shapes.28 Such benefits result from the time-sequenced introduction of precursors inside the deposition zone, where selective and self-limiting half-reactions occur on the surface. Hence, thin-film growth is determined by the surface kinetics, allowing parasitic gas-phase reactions to be avoided.29,30 Time-sequenced (temporal) ALD processes are conventionally characterised by the slow deposition rates, related to the need to purge reactants during each growth half-cycle. To tackle the conventional pulse/purge sequence towards industrial-scale thin-film ALD processes, the spatial ALD (SALD) approach has been developed.31–34 In this approach, the substrate moves itself toward stationary nozzles of the precursors and inert gases. Nevertheless, in the case of metalorganic precursors with low vapour pressure, a long precursor dosing time is still needed during each ALD cycle,35 further extending the deposition time. In addition, the SALD approach is based on a different and expensive reactor compared to those used for conventional ALD, and therefore a like-for-like comparison is unfit.
In this study, we describe an alternative PE-ALD approach, suitable for conventional time-sequenced ALD systems, which allows for the deposition of high-quality α-MoO3 thin films using (NtBu)2(NMe2)2Mo as the metalorganic precursor.35 While a “boosted” technique for precursor delivery has been assessed by Bertuch et al.,36 this process, with a full ALD cycle of around 20 s, was tested up to 250 °C, solely giving amorphous MoO3 films. In the present work, the growth characteristics are examined and a detailed film characterisation is provided. Not only has the full ALD cycle been reduced to 9 s (versus 20 s in ref. 36), but also the high quality of the film is assured, giving rise to oriented α-MoO3. This is assumed to be due to the large number of deposited Mo atoms per unit of time, together with the proper thermal energy supplied.
A comparison of results from the traditional precursor delivery was also performed, showing that the combination of the boosted precursor delivery with proper thermal energy gave a more α-oriented MoO3 film with respect to a traditional precursor injection. The boosted precursor delivery approach is also discussed in comparison with the effect on the film microstructure of time-consuming post-growth annealing steps.
The films were grown (i) on p-type Si (100) wafers with a resistivity of 1–30 Ω cm (low-doped substrates), a thickness of ∼650–700 μm, and a native oxide thickness of 2.8 nm, as measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) using the SiO2 fit,38 and (ii) on glass substrates to study the optical transmittance. All the substrates were pre-cleaned with acetone and isopropyl alcohol. Different samples were grown by the repetition of 300 cycles with substrate temperature tuned between RT and 400 °C.
X-ray analysis was used to detect the structural and morphological features of the MoOx films, as well as the sample mineralogy, using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Malvern PANalytical X'Pert Pro MRD) equipped with a fast PiXcel detector – CuKα radiation. XRD patterns were recorded in grazing incidence (GI) geometry, at an incident angle of 0.5°, a step size of 0.01°2θ, and a counting time of 0.5 s, over the interval 5–85°2θ. In addition, specular X-ray reflectivity (XRR) was also used to retrieve the information about the density of the films. XRR measurements were recorded on the same instrument as that used for GIXRD, in parallel beam geometry, with an incidence angle from 0 to 4°2θ. The XRR patterns were fitted using the X'Pert Reflectivity software package; the sample model consisted of a MoOx/native SiO2/Si stack with surface and interface roughness. In the fittings, the native SiO2 thickness was constrained to the value determined via SE measurements, with the density and thickness of the MoOx layer being the fitting parameters left free.
As can be seen in Fig. 1a, condensation of the Mo precursor is likely to occur in the green area – where the substrate temperature is lower than that of the bubbler (55 °C) – thus leading to the largest GPC (0.18 nm at RT). Conversely, the yellow area marks the temperature at which proper atomic layer deposition occurs.47
By increasing the temperature of the substrate, condensation is expected to be suppressed. The GPC decreases to values of about 0.11 nm for the intermediate temperatures (100, 150 and 200 °C), to increase again at 400 °C (about 0.12 nm). Actually, at higher temperatures, the ALD deposition could be affected by the presence of a thermal chemical vapour deposition (CVD) component. However, it was verified that MoOx does not grow when using O2 gas instead of O2 plasma as the reactant. Therefore, such an increase in the GPC is likely due to the transition from amorphous to polycrystalline growth, leading to the formation of nanograins (as detailed below) that enhances the reactive surface area.35
SE investigation, accompanied by the Cauchy fitting model,44,45 permitted us to assess the optical properties of the MoOx thin films. It is worth noting that the validity of the simplified Cauchy modelling was supported by SEM cross-sectional data, as discussed in the supplementary file (section S2†). This was also supported by the presence of an absorption edge lower than 400 nm in the deposited MoOx films, as observed in the transmission spectrum of Fig. S5.† The refractive index (n), shown in Fig. 1b, was found to increase with the deposition temperature, and to overcome the values obtained by the traditional precursor delivery approach, as demonstrated for two ALD deposition temperatures of 100 °C and 400 °C. For such temperatures, a bubbling valve opening time of 10 s was chosen as the standard, to work with a GPC in a saturation regime (see Fig. S3†). It should be pointed out that the extinction coefficient (k) in the visible/NIR (400–900 nm) is null for the investigated temperature range.
The morphology of the film surface for all the temperatures employed with the boosted approach was examined by SEM and AFM. At 100 °C, a flat surface appears (Fig. 2a, top panel), with a root mean square (RMS) roughness of 0.2 nm (Fig. 2a, bottom panel). Conversely, at a maximum temperature (400 °C), the roughness of the film increases to 1.5 nm (Fig. 2b, bottom panel). The morphology evolves to nanograins with lateral size in the range of 20–30 nm (Fig. 2b, top panel), and the film appears to be very compact, as observed by the SEM cross-sectional image (see Fig. S4†). Fig. 2c also reports the morphology of the MoOx films deposited using the traditional Mo precursor delivery mode (thickness of about 41 nm, as retrieved by ellipsometry measurements). Both SEM and AFM images report the formation of nanograins, slightly larger than those observed for the boosted approach at the same temperature. This is likely due to the slightly larger GPC, as already observed in Fig. S3† for a lower temperature, 100 °C, that leads to a greater thickness with a consequential nanograin enlargement.
The effect of growth temperature on the molybdenum oxide structure was investigated in detail through an X-ray analysis for boosted and traditional Mo precursor delivery methods. The diffractograms, shown in Fig. 3a, are related to MoOx thin films deposited at 100 and 400 °C (300 ALD cycles) by the boosted approach. While the film deposited at 100 °C exhibits amorphous layer features, for deposition at 400 °C, three distinct peaks qualitatively reveal the prevalence of orthorhombic α-MoO3, the thermodynamically stable phase observed for crystalline MoO3,35,44 over the monoclinic and metastable β-MoO3 polymorph. Indeed, only a weak (011) reflection of the β-MoO3 polymorph was detected. Moreover, it is worth noting that such an α-MoO3 film exhibits preferential orientation along the [0k0] crystallographic direction. We can argue that during the growth of the whole film, a β-MoO3 phase is initially formed, and then a topotactic transition, consistent with the findings of Carcia and McCarron,48 occurred from β- to α-MoO3. This is usually expected to happen upon thermal treatment above 350 °C.2
As a comparison, a GIXRD pattern of MoOx film grown at 400 °C by means of a traditional precursor injection method is displayed in Fig. 3a. As it can be noted, weakly crystalline β- and α-MoO3 polymorphs coexist together with an amorphous phase. It is worth noting that the structural difference cannot be ascribed to an unintentional CVD component of the traditional approach, and indeed it was verified that no growth occurs when using O2 gas instead of O2 plasma as the reactant. It is clear that the boosted precursor delivery method favours the formation of crystalline MoO3, with the dominance of α-MoO3 over the β-MoO3 polymorph. This means that the presented ALD deposition not only is effective in reducing the process time-scale but, in the case of a growth temperature of 400 °C, also enables the attainment of oriented α-MoO3 films, which can be exfoliated into 2D sheets, as shown by Kalantar-zadeh et al.49 All of the GIXRD patterns in Fig. 3a only showed reflections belonging to MoO3 polymorphs, thus displaying the absence of legacies from the metalorganic precursor. The XRR measurements of such films, and related fitting, are displayed in Fig. 3b. As a general trend, deposition by means of the boosted precursor delivery method provides films with higher densities by increasing the deposition temperature. The extracted density evolves from 3.5 g cm−3 in the amorphous film deposited at 100 °C, to 4.6 g cm−3 for the α-MoO3 film deposited at 400 °C, respectively. In the latter case, XRR off-specular scans exhibit Yoneda wings (the inset of Fig. 3b) at the sides of the second specular Kiessig fringe.50 The Yoneda wings were modelled assuming a fractal interface.51 In this way, we obtained the lateral correlation length of the α-MoO3 layer to be 40 nm. The latter is in good agreement with the nanograin size observed through the SEM analysis of Fig. 2b (film deposited at 400 °C), which is in the range of 20–30 nm. This further confirms that optimised growth with the proper thermal energy favours the formation of crystalline and more compact films, with a density close to the value of bulk α-MoO3, i.e. 4.69 g cm−3.52 Such an increase in the film density with the temperature can also be directly correlated with the increase in the refractive index of the deposited films, as discussed in Fig. 1b.
As a comparison, XRR measurements and related fitting of the film deposited at 400 °C using the traditional Mo precursor delivery approach provided a density of 4.3 g cm−3, lower than that reported for the developed boosted precursor injection method. We can assume that the lower density and the dominance of β-MoO3 over the α-MoO3 polymorph result in a lower refractive index as reported in Fig. 1b.
Therefore, our data about the boosted precursor delivery approach support the assumption that the extra injection step provides a high density of metalorganic precursor molecules in the unit of time. If the surface of the substrate has a suitable thermal energy, this results in a high nucleation density. This yields a uniform and oriented α-MoO3 film deposited in a shorter time, and with improved quality compared to the traditional delivery approach.
A further insight into the proposed growth process was sought by decoupling it from thermally induced effects. In particular, we selected the MoOx film deposited at 100 °C (300 cycles using the boosted deposition method), consisting of amorphous MoOx on the silicon substrates (Fig. 3a), and exposed it to post deposition annealing performed at three temperatures: 250, 400 and 500 °C. The effects of annealing were investigated by the X-ray analysis and SEM. For the sample heated at 500 °C under N2, the film sublimed, exposing the silicon surface underneath the film, with the formation of MoOx islands (not shown), as already observed in ref. 44.
Upon annealing at 250 °C, XRD shows that the amorphous suboxide phase dominates the structural composition (Fig. S6†). After annealing at 400 °C, the initial suboxide phase also shows the onset of a transformation into crystalline α-MoO3 (Fig. S6†). However, despite the films showing XRD [0k0] reflections related to the orthorhombic α-polymorph of molybdenum oxide, they are less intense (by a factor of 3) as compared to those detected in the film directly grown at 400 °C by means of the boosted precursor delivery method (see Fig. S6†). Moreover, from the XRR analysis of the annealed film at 400 °C, the film density is 4.1 g cm−3, which is lower than that obtained with the deposition at 400 °C, and the thickness is about 25 nm. The latter is also confirmed by the SEM cross-section (Fig. S7,† bottom panel), reporting a MoO3 layer with a thickness of about 25 nm after annealing at 400 °C, lower than the as-deposited one, as observed in Fig. S4† (film deposited at 100 °C). Therefore, time and energy consuming post-growth annealing processes are shown to produce a limited effect in comparison with an optimised boosted growth at 400 °C.
While time-sequenced atomic layer deposition represents an ideal candidate for the deposition of α-MoO3 with precise control of the thickness, very low contamination content and excellent uniformity, this technique suffers from slow deposition rates.
In this work, we have developed a time-saving alternative plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition process for the α-MoO3 thin films. It has been hypothesised that an increase in the number of deposited Mo atoms per unit of time is granted by pushing the vapour pressure in the headspace of the metalorganic precursor cylinder. This led not only to a decrease in the deposition time, but also to a higher quality of the films, compared to a traditional precursor injection method, as proved by the XRD measurements. Moreover, the resulting α-MoO3 film preferentially orients itself along the [0k0] crystallographic direction, thus being particularly promising for exfoliation into 2D sheets. While good-quality films are obtained via deposition at 400 °C, this was not achieved through post-deposition annealing at 400 °C of the amorphous films deposited at lower temperatures, demonstrating the scarce effect of thermal energy alone. Thus, the post-deposition annealing step can be avoided, which allows for a time- and energy-saving process.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2dt03702e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |