Issue 81, 2022

Development of heterogeneous photocatalysts via the covalent grafting of metal complexes on various solid supports


To date, remarkable progress has been achieved in the development of photocatalysts owing to their high activity, selectivity, and tunable light absorption in the visible light range. Recently, heterogeneous photocatalytic systems have emerged as potential candidates due to their beneficial attributes (e.g., high surface area, ease of functionalization and facile separation). Herein, we provide a concise overview of the rational design of heterogeneous photocatalysts by grafting photoactive complexes on heterogeneous support matrices via covalent grafting and their detailed characterization techniques, which have been followed by the landmark examples of their applications. Also, major challenges and opportunities in the forthcoming progress of these appealing areas are emphasised.

Graphical abstract: Development of heterogeneous photocatalysts via the covalent grafting of metal complexes on various solid supports

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
27 Jun 2022
12 Sep 2022
First published
13 Sep 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 11354-11377

Development of heterogeneous photocatalysts via the covalent grafting of metal complexes on various solid supports

P. Rana, B. Kaushik, K. Solanki, K. M. Saini and R. K. Sharma, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 11354 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC03568E

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