Issue 4, 2021

Photoredox catalysis over semiconductors for light-driven hydrogen peroxide production


Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a commodity chemical applied in diverse products and industries. Nevertheless, its current industrial production process is not sustainable. Photoredox catalysis over semiconductors is a very promising and green process that can harness solar energy for the sustainable production of H2O2 from just water (H2O) and oxygen (O2). From the viewpoint of photochemical reactions, this review presents the latest advances in light-driven H2O2 production by three kinds of semiconductor materials, i.e., homogeneous photocatalysts, heterogeneous photocatalysts, and photoelectrochemical catalysts. Starting with a brief introduction to photocatalysis, it then presents the main pathways (oxygen reduction, water oxidation, and integrated dual-channel pathway) involved in light-driven H2O2 generation. The latest photocatalysts for H2O2 production are elucidated thereafter. Finally, an outlook on the most urgent challenges and corresponding unexplored research opportunities of light-driven H2O2 production by semiconductors is provided. This review aims to provide in-depth insights and guidelines to stimulate the development of innovative semiconductor materials for sustainable H2O2 production via photoredox catalysis reactions.

Graphical abstract: Photoredox catalysis over semiconductors for light-driven hydrogen peroxide production

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
15 Dec 2020
25 Jan 2021
First published
26 Jan 2021

Green Chem., 2021,23, 1466-1494

Photoredox catalysis over semiconductors for light-driven hydrogen peroxide production

X. Zeng, Y. Liu, X. Hu and X. Zhang, Green Chem., 2021, 23, 1466 DOI: 10.1039/D0GC04236F

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