Issue 41, 2021

Sustainable by design, large Stokes shift benzothiadiazole derivatives for efficient luminescent solar concentrators


Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) are becoming an increasingly relevant topic for building integrated photovoltaics. Even if such devices are relatively simple planar waveguides doped with a luminescent material, the achievement of relevant efficiencies requires a careful optimisation of both the matrix and the luminophore. Most of the recent literature focuses on the performance, yet the overall sustainability of the strategy is a topic at least as important. In this respect the luminophore plays a crucial role. Suitable materials must feature a near unit emission quantum yield, efficient light harvesting and a large separation between absorption and emission to reduce reabsorption losses. Due to the target application, such materials must also be readily available in large quantities through sustainable processes. Instead of going for performance first and then scaling up/optimising the synthesis, in this paper we offer a reversed perspective. We have first designed and computationally characterised materials having structural features compatible with a green chemistry synthetic approach, namely, micellar catalysis. Later, we have characterised the most promising materials in LSC devices, and we have compared their performance with commercially available, non-green chemistry compliant alternatives having similar spectral features. In the overall, we demonstrate comparable performance, but greatly improved sustainability and scalability.

Graphical abstract: Sustainable by design, large Stokes shift benzothiadiazole derivatives for efficient luminescent solar concentrators

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Article information

Article type
29 Jul 2021
27 Sep 2021
First published
28 Sep 2021

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021,9, 14815-14826

Sustainable by design, large Stokes shift benzothiadiazole derivatives for efficient luminescent solar concentrators

C. Ceriani, F. Corsini, G. Mattioli, S. Mattiello, D. Testa, R. Po, C. Botta, G. Griffini and L. Beverina, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 14815 DOI: 10.1039/D1TC03536C

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