Paul F.
Steven D.
a and
aPolymers and Complex Fluids Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD, USA. E-mail:; Tel: +1-301-975-2820
bADA Science and Research Institute, 100 Bureau Dr, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA
First published on 15th November 2021
We use a three-dimensional (3D) microvascular platform to measure the elasticity and membrane permeability of the endothelial cell layer. The microfluidic platform is connected with a pneumatic pressure controller to apply hydrostatic pressure. The deformation is measured by tracking the mean vessel diameter under varying pressures up to 300 Pa. We obtain a value for the Young's modulus of the cell layer in low strain where a linear elastic response is observed and use a hyperelastic model that describes the strain hardening observed at larger strains (pressure). A fluorescent dye is used to track the flow through the cell layer to determine the membrane flow resistance as a function of applied pressure. Finally, we track the 3D positions of cell nuclei while the vessel is pressurized to observe local deformation and correlate inter-cell deformation with the local structure of the cell layer. This approach is able to probe the mechanical properties of blood vessels in vitro and provides a methodology for investigating microvascular related diseases.
Although the mechanical stimulation environment plays such an important role in the vessel functionality, in vivo studies are limited due to the challenge of developing material probes or replicating physiological environments.8 To this end, an ideal in vitro 3D microvascular model must incorporate the hemodynamic components of the microvessels. The majority of in vitro studies have been limited to two-dimensional (2D) models by plating endothelial cells (ECs) on a flat surface such as a Petri dish,9 porous membrane,10,11 or patterned hydrogel12 to form a confluent monolayer to mimic the blood vessel wall. However, these 2D models cannot replicate the proper physical structure of blood vessels in vivo, and of note is its circular shape and polarized surfaces. Thus, in vitro microfluidic systems must overcome these limitations by mimicking the 3D mechanical microenvironment of cells. By incorporating detailed in vitro measurements and computational models into these microfluidic systems, these platforms would be most informative – as diagnostics, prognostics, or as indicators of therapy effectiveness either before or after treatment.13–15
Blood vessel elasticity is an important feature of vascular functionality reflecting the extent of vascular injury owing to cardiovascular risk factors, and it provides risk stratification and determines prognostic value.16–18 Previous measurements on elasticity have focused on large vessels such as arteries, where macroscale inflation and tensile strength have been measured.19–21 The physical descriptions of these large vessels are based on the development of hyperelastic models of the multiple layers of arterial tissue, which are smooth muscle cells, adventitia layer, and endothelium.22
In contrast, endothelial cells in capillaries form a single monolayer in vivo and are characterized by antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory activity, regulation of blood pressure, and barrier function in the tissue. Measurements of the elasticity of the isolated endothelium are less common and typically performed in vitro in a 2D substrate supported geometry. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used in this geometry to probe mechanical properties at subcellular scale, and it is difficult to measure the integrity of the entire cell layer.23–26 Measuring elasticity and integrity of the layer is critical for understanding how the structure and connections between cells change under influence of disease and therapies.
In this study, therefore, we use a 3D blood vessel model platform to recapitulate and measure the elasticity of the 3D microvasculature. Specifically, in this microfluidic platform, vessels comprising a single endothelial layer in a collagen matrix were connected to a pneumatic pressure controller to regulate the hydrostatic pressure without the induction of considerable flow through the vessel. By applying a range of sinusoidal and square wave pressures, we observed the radial deformation of the capillary vessel. We compared the stress strain response to quasilinear viscoelastic (QLV) equations using a hyperelastic model that describes the strain hardening observed at larger strains (pressure). Finally, we correlated the changes on the diffusion (permeability) across the endothelial cell layer under pressurized conditions using fluorescent labeling. Overall, the measurements on this platform may pave the way to determine the microvessel elasticity as a prognostic factor of microvascular diseases.
The ports of the devices are connected to the same pneumatic pressure source such that the same pressure is applied to each side. We assume that the cell growth media has the physical properties of water. An electronic pressure regulator (Enfield) is used to fill an air cylinder with a 2.5 kPa pressure sensor (Omega) connected for feedback to the regulator (see Fig. 1D).
The microfluidic device is mounted on an inverted microscope with a holder sealing connections to pneumatic system. Brightfield imaging is performed on an Olympus IX71 with a digital camera (Andor Zyla). The pressure controller and camera are operated simultaneously with a python-based instrument-control package (Pythics).27
For 3D imaging, we record confocal microscope (Zeiss LSM 800) images while applying a constant applied pressure to the vessel. The cell nuclei are labelled with DAPI (4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) fluorophore and single channel z-scan is performed. The 3D positions of cell nuclei are located from confocal images using feature finding algorithms28 (see Fig. 2B).
We define the measured strain as . The size of the cell layer is approximately h ≈ 5 μm, much smaller than the initial radius of the vessel a0 ≈ 75 μm. The cell layer extends to the PDMS channels, as shown in Fig. 1, where axial deformation is constrained. In the thin layer limit, h ≪ a, assuming fixed ends, the following equation relates the change in radius to the applied pressure across the cell layer for a linear elastic,
(1) |
We use a nonlinear equilibrium elastic model, originally proposed by Gent, which is commonly used to describe the response of the microvasculature and other soft materials with finite extensibility.32,33
The relationship between strain and pressure for the Gent model, assuming that the side walls constrain axial deformation and incompressibility of the cell layer, is given by:
(2) |
The deformation of the collagen matrix will result in a contribution to the stress at the interface. This exterior stress at the outer side of the cell interface will be nonzero compared to the reference ambient condition. To estimate this contribution to the pressure drop across the cell layer, we use the equation for a cylindrical vessel in an unbounded elastic material, the pressure at the interface is:
(3) |
Fig. 3 Measured strain of vessel compared to the applied pressure in sine wave function with period 60 s. Black circles show measured values on single vessel over multiple cycles for Sine waves with amplitude of 50 Pa and 300 Pa. The fitted response to eqn (2) is shown in solid green. The fitted parameters are of membrane elasticity μm = μh = 7.5 kPa μm and the maximum strain εmax = 0.27. The linear elastic response is shown in red from (0 to 50) Pa with a membrane elasticity of 22.6 kPa μm. (inset) Timeseries showing variation in applied pressure and measured vessel deformation. |
The amplitude of the sine function is set to a value where nonlinear deformation is observed but does not damage the vessel so that subsequent experiments can be conducted. For the devices tested here, we restrict our applied pressure to a maximum value of 300 Pa. This is within the range of physiological hydrostatic pressure values in the brain and alveolar bone, (0.01 to 2) kPa.3–5 Some devices did not deform similarly after being subjected to higher pressures, likely as a result of irreversible damage to the cell layer.
The pressure–strain curve, shown in Fig. 3, shows the strain hardening behavior at higher applied pressures. At low pressures, below about 50 Pa, the strain response is approximately linear. A linear elasticity value can be obtained for the cell layer from this small amplitude deformation using eqn (1). For the vessel shown in Fig. 3, the membrane elasticity Eh is found to be 22.6 kPa μm. To estimate a value for the Young's modulus we use the mean measured thickness value of h = 5.3 μm (see ESI‡), which gives a value of Young's modulus of E = 4.3 kPa. The mean linear response from other vessels produced in our microfluidic device give values within the range of (3.0 to 10.0) kPa. The maximum strain, εmax, determined by fitting the parameter Jm, varies over the range of 0.27 to 0.57.
The measured linear elasticity value for the cell layer is much larger than the elastic modulus for the collagen matrix, as noted in the previous section. The measured value for the cell layer also agrees with theoretical estimates and measurements of the Young's modulus of endothelial cells using AFM, which has been measured in the range of (5 to 30) kPa.39–43 Although collagen itself strain hardens, it's modulus remains below that of the cell layer at these strains.44
Q/A = ΔP/K | (4) |
(5) |
The flow out of the membrane is determined by tracking the increase in fluorescence. The radial flow out of the membrane follows the equation:
(6) |
The velocity measured by tracking the fluorescent front gives a measurement of the fluid flux out of the membrane per area, see Fig. 4(A). Using this measured value and the applied pressure drop provides a measurement of the flow resistance of the membrane, see Fig. 4(B). The magnitude of the resistance shows a slight decrease for a set of measurements while almost no change is observed with another vessel. Recall from eqn (5), the membrane permeability depends on both the pore size and the porosity. An increase in pore size due to stretching of the cell layer is likely the cause for the decrease resistance with increasing applied pressure. The variability in the pore locations can lead to a large variation in resistance. We show in the following section that there can be significant variability in the spatial locations of pores.
Fig. 4 (A) The radial position of the advancing fluorescent front as a function of time. The threshold intensity used to track the position of the front is shown in a dashed line. (inset) The measured position is compared to the integrated radial flow field using eqn (6). (B) Membrane resistance for two different devices (labeled 1 and 2) as a function of applied pressure. Error bars indicate the variation in measured resistance at different points along the vessel in axial direction. |
For comparison, we estimate the membrane flow resistance using eqn (5) and the following parameters: pore diameter d ≈ 1 μm, porosity ε ≈ 0.01, cell layer thickness h ≈ 5 μm, and viscosity μ ≈ 1 mPa s. This gives a resistance of approximately 10.6 Pa s μm−1, within the range of the measured values. In comparison, we estimate the resistance of flow of the same fluid through the surrounding collagen, where we estimate an effective pore size of dcol ≈ 80 μm, porosity of εcol ≈ 0.9, and thickness of hcol ≈ 15 mm.36,46 This gives a value of approximately 5.6 × 105 Pa s m−1. The flow resistance of the porous cell layer is thus roughly 300 times greater than the flow resistance of the collagen.
The flow of liquid through the ports also adds to the resistance of the system. Using the maximum measured velocity of 1 μm s−1 and the area of the vessels as A = 2πa0, we estimate a flow rate of 0.02 μL s−1. The resistance for the channel section is estimated by , where L is the length of the channel section and a0 is the radius as the vessel section. The pressure drop across this can be estimated by ΔP = KtubeQ. At the highest pressure measured, 300 Pa, the flow rate corresponds to approximately 1 Pa pressure drop, which contributes less than 1 percent of the total applied pressure drop. The experimental geometry thus is effective to measure the permeability property of the membrane comprising the endothelial cell layer.
The permeability of a cell layer is typically determined by tracking the diffusion of a fluorescent solute through the membrane. The change in fluorescence intensity, measured outside of the vessel and monitored over time, is related to the membrane permeability.47,48 The solute permeability can be converted to membrane flow resistance by using the osmotic pressure differential,
(7) |
Previous measurements of membrane flow resistance, often reported as conductance, vary depending on the methods and cell type. Measurements in a microfluidic device show similar values in the range of 10 Pa s μm−1.49 While other measurements of a cell layer cultured on a filter give values in the range of 104 Pa s μm−1.50 The higher resistance values are consistent with submicron pore sizes between cells while the lower values observed here and in other microfluidic devices are indications of larger micrometer scale pores in the cell layer.
The stretching of the entire surface can be observed by the increase in the circumferential axis, s, for each of the applied pressures. This global strain follows a similar nonlinear elastic response observed with the measurement of the vessel width using phase contrast in Fig. 3, although the circumferential strains are 0.06,.14,.19, and 0.28 and in this case represent the linear portion of the global strain response. We note that this vessel exhibited a maximum strain parameter on the higher end of the vessels tested, e.g. where εmax ≈ 0.5.
The local strain between nuclei varies significantly along the circumferential direction. The local strain in the axial direction is small, which is expected due to the uniform cross section and fixed ends. Local rearrangements caused by irregularities of the structure of the layer may result in strain in the axial direction. Inaccuracies in tracking the center of the nuclei between different images may also result in some erroneous strain measurements, which will be more noticeable in the axial direction due to the lack of global stretching in this direction.
The regions of the largest strain at low pressures continue to be the regions of greatest strain at higher applied pressures. Similarly, the regions of lowest strain do not change significantly even at the highest applied pressures. This indicates that the primary contribution to the global strain comes from the most deformable parts of the cell layer, rather than various regions reaching a finite extensibility threshold at different applied pressures.
The variation in the circumferential local strain can be understood primarily by the density of voids in the cell structure. The voids are observed by flowing 0.75 μm particles through the vessel and observing where they flow out, see Fig. 6. The particles can exit the vessel through larger voids, and then get trapped by the collagen network surrounding the vessel. The regions closer to where the seeded particles accumulate, indicative of voids in the vessel, tend to show greater deformation. This is more clearly visualized by comparing the axially averaged elasticity and fluorescence intensity as a function of the circumferential direction normalized by the arclength, see Fig. 6(B). The deformation is greatest in or adjacent to regions of higher fluoresence intensity, where the tracer particles have accumulated in the collagen outside of the cell layer.
To further understand the variations in structure, we estimate the effective local elasticity at each applied pressure. Assuming minimal leakage from the vessel, the pressure drop across the vessel wall can be approximated as uniform. We compute an estimate of local elasticity based on the hoop stress in the vessel, computed as σθ = ΔPa(s)/h. Note that the relationship between strain and stress varies slightly due to the nonspherical cross section of the vessel. For the range of applied pressures, (50 to 200) Pa, and the geometry of the vessels, the applied hoop stresses are in the range of approximately (1000 to 4000) Pa. The strain in the circumferential s direction is defined by, εs = Δls/ls = Δl/lsin(ϕ), where l is the distance between nuclei, and ls is the distance in the s direction. We exclude neighbors in the axial direction by angles less than |ϕ| < π/4.
The strains in the circumferential direction result in approximate values of elasticity in the range of (3 to 8) kPa, which agree with the range of linear elasticity measured by tracking the vessel width using phase contrast in the range of ΔP ≈ (0 to 50) Pa. The results, shown in Fig. 6, show large variations in the elasticity in the circumferential direction, inverse in magnitude to the strain. The elliptical shape of the vessel cross section does not explain the variations in strain observed in Fig. 5. Rather, the variation in strain is a result of variations in local elasticity and are mostly closely related to the presence of voids as indicated by the expelled fluorescence tracers. In this particular vessel, the global linear elastic response continues to ΔPapp = 200 Pa, thus no strain hardening is observed.
There are many factors that could lead to the variation in the local elasticity of the cell layer. As noted, the clearest indication of the local elasticity variation from our observations are voids in the cell layer. The decrease in elasticity in these regions likely result from weaker connections between neighboring cells. These voids may result from variations in seeding density, as discussed in the methods section, but some vessels with a low degree of seeding density variation have the same propensity for voids.
The density of voids and lower elasticity may also result from higher regions of curvature during seeding. The elliptical shape of the collagen scaffold creates regions of higher curvature, typically along the sides of the vessel, which are centered around s/max(s) ≈ 0, 1 and s/max(s) ≈ 0.5.
Our approach, focused on understanding the mechanical properties of a single endothelial monolayer, may be advantageous for understanding the role of endothelium mechanics in normal and disease states. Tissue injury inevitably disrupts the mechanical homeostasis of the microvasculature that underlies its normal architecture and function. Endothelial cell injury in the microvasculature of organs (i.e. bone, oral mucosa) may be triggered by bacteria infection, hypoxia, and shear stress.51 In addition, the extracellular matrix stiffness can affect endothelial cell migration, proliferation, and barrier integrity, and contributing to the emergence of vascular diseases.52–54 Thus, understanding the interplay between the microenvironmental mechanical determinants and endothelial behavior is pertinent to understanding the causes of microvascular related diseases and might have important therapeutic implications.
Pascal-scale pressure control using a pneumatic pump enables many possibilities for further study of bio-mimetic vascular devices. For instance, the variation in mechanical properties could be studied for different cell types, vessel diameters, and exposure to molecules introduced to the vessel. The effects of applied stress on the cell layer over time can be investigated in a cell culture chamber. Finally, the pressure controller can also be used to drive flow through the vessel, recreating a physiological flow environment.
These methods can be used to investigate the relationship between the structure and elasticity of the endothelial cell layer and surrounding extracellular matrix in a more detail. In particular, the measurement of local variation in elasticity could be used as a measure of spatial variable of the vessel integrity. This in turn can be related to factors such as the density of various cell layer components, including actin and vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin, that may alter local mechanical properties. Finally, the system can be modified to include perivascular cells, such as pericytes, to identify their role in microvascular mechanics.47
Footnotes |
† Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this presentation to foster understanding. Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose. |
‡ Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1sm01312b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |