Yin Fang,
Yu Bai,
Yi Zhuo Li,
Ning Liu,
Fan Zhang,
Chao Wang and
Zhan Jie Wang*
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China. E-mail: wangzj@imr.ac.cn; wangzhanjie@sut.edu.cn
First published on 21st May 2021
Energy storage dielectric capacitors based on a physical charge-displacement mechanism have attracted much attention due to their high power density and fast charge–discharge characteristics. How to improve the energy storage capacity of dielectric materials has become an important emerging research topic. Here, antiferroelectric PbZrO3 films were prepared by chemical solution deposition on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates and crystallized by microwave radiation. The effects of microwave radiation on the antiferroelectric properties and energy storage performance were investigated. In contrast to ordinary heating, microwave radiation can crystallize the amorphous PbZrO3 films into the perovskite phase at 750 °C in only 180 seconds. The PbZrO3 films have a highly (100)-preferred orientation and dense microstructure, which is beneficial to enhance the stability of antiferroelectric phase and the electric breakdown strength. The PbZrO3 films show a recoverable energy storage density of 14.8 J cm−3 at 740 kV cm−1, which is approximately 40% higher than that of the PbZrO3 films crystallized by ordinary heating. The results reveal that microwave radiation is an effective method to improve energy storage performance of antiferroelectric films.
Recently, microwave radiation has been widely applied to crystallize functional film materials.24–29 Compared to ordinary heating, microwave radiation could achieve perovskite Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) films with good ferroelectric properties in a short-time or at low-temperatures, because it could reduce the potential barrier of phase transition from amorphous to perovskite phase during the crystallization process.24–26 Moreover, microwave radiation can change the microstructure and density of the ferroelectric films, because the crystallization process (the nucleation and growth of perovskite grains) under microwave radiation is different from that of ordinary heating.25,28 At present, the crystallization process of AFE thin films under microwave radiation has not been reported. However, according to the research results of ferroelectric thin films, microwave radiation may be used to control the microstructure of AFE films, increase the electric breakdown strength and the stability of AFE phase, thus performing a better energy storage performance. In addition, microwave radiation annealing is expected to be an energy-saving and environment-friendly process for the preparation of AFE films due to its short time or low temperature.
In this work, we prepared the amorphous PZO films by chemical solution deposition and then crystallized the films by microwave radiation. The AFE properties and energy storage performance of PZO films were investigated. The PZO films processed by microwave radiation for only 180 seconds have a dense microstructure, and show a highly (100)-preferred orientation. Compared with the conventional annealed PZO thin films, the microwave irradiated PZO films have a higher AFE phase stability and electric breakdown strength, and a lower remanent polarization. It is found that the Wrec of the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation is 14.8 J cm−3 at 740 kV cm−1, which is 40% higher than that of the PZO films crystallized by ordinary heating. Our results demonstrate that using microwave radiation in the crystallization of AFE thin films is an effective method to improve their energy storage performance.
The microwave radiation equipment used in this study is the TE103 mode with a frequency of 2.45 GHz and the standing wave with a wavelength of 14.8 cm can be modulated in the waveguide. The microwave electric field or microwave magnetic fields can be adjusted to the maximum at the position of the sample. In this study, all samples were irradiated in the maximum magnetic field. The elevated temperature of the sample during the microwave radiation processing was measured by using a noncontact infrared thermometer (CTLaser2M; Optris, Berlin, Germany). Fig. 2 presents a typical temperature-rising curve of PZO/Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si sample during microwave radiation at the out power of 600 W. The heating rate and the maximum temperature were controlled to be 50 °C s−1 and 750 °C by tuning the out power. The inset is the schematic of samples irradiated in the microwave magnetic field.
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Fig. 2 The heating curve of PZO films by microwave radiation. Inset is a schematic diagram for the equipment of microwave radiation and temperature measurement. |
The phase composition and orientation of the PZO films were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD; Discover 8, CuKα radiation, Bruker, Germany). The scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM; SU8010N, Hitachi, Japan) was used to observe the surface and cross-sectional morphologies. The microstructure was investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM; Tecnai G2 F20, FEI, Eindhoven, the Netherlands). The polarization–electric field (P–E) hysteresis loops and leakage current density of the PZO films were measured at 1 kHz at room temperature by using a standard ferroelectric testing system (TF2000E; Aixacct, Aachen, Germany).
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Fig. 3 The XRD patterns of PZO films crystallized by ordinary heating (OH) and microwave radiation (MR). |
The surface and cross-sectional morphologies of the PZO films processed by microwave radiation for different times are shown in Fig. 4. Cross-sectional SEM images show that the thickness of PZO films is all about 500 nm, and a columnar grain structure can be observed. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the PZO film processed by microwave radiation for 60 seconds shows a featureless microstructure. From the cross-sectional morphology (Fig. 4(e)), it can be seen that fine grains are distributed on the film surface. When the microwave radiation time was increased to 120 seconds, large grains appeared on the film surface (Fig. 4(b)), but some regions containing the fine grains can also be observed (Fig. 4(f)). When the time was further increased to 180 seconds, the large grains filled the whole film surface (Fig. 4(c)), and the PZO film has a columnar grain structure throughout the whole thickness of the film (Fig. 4(g)). As mentioned above, the XRD results for the PZO films processed by microwave radiation for different times show that the films are composed of perovskite phase, and no second phase is detected. Therefore, the large grains can be considered as the perovskite phase, while the fine grains may be the pyrochlore phase, which cannot be detected by XRD due to its small quantity. To clarify this point, we have also done TEM studies, and confirmed that the fine grains are the pyrochlore phase, which will be discussed below. Fig. 4(d) and (h) show the surface and cross-sectional morphologies of the PZO film crystallized by ordinary heating. The PZO film also has a columnar grain structure of the perovskite phase throughout the whole thickness of the film. In contrast, the PZO film crystallized by microwave radiation for 180 seconds (Fig. 4(c)) shows a smoother surface and denser microstructure. It will be beneficial to reduce the leakage current density of the PZO film and then improve the electric breakdown strength.30
Fig. 5 shows cross-sectional TEM images of the PZO film processed by microwave radiation for 120 and 180 seconds. As presented in Fig. 5(a), when the microwave radiation time was 120 seconds, the film has a columnar grain structure, and the columnar perovskite grains have grown almost to the surface of the film. However, some regions containing fine grains could also be observed on the surface of the film. Fig. 5(b) shows selected-area electron diffraction patterns for the fine grains region marked with the circle in Fig. 5(a). The diffraction ring patterns indicate that the fine grains belong to the pyrochlore phase. This result is in good agreement with that observed by SEM. As shown in Fig. 5(c), when the microwave radiation time was increased to 180 seconds, the columnar perovskite grains have grown throughout the whole film, and no region containing fine grains can be observed, showing that the film has been crystallized into the perovskite phase completely. Fig. 5(d) shows a HRTEM image on the PZO/Pt interface, indicating that the (100) plane of the perovskite grain is parallel to the (111) plane of Pt, thereby the perovskite grains have [001]-crystal orientation in the out-of-plane direction. This can also be proved by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) patterns transformed from the HRTEM image of Fig. 5(d), as shown as the inset in Fig. 5(d). Based on the above results of XRD, SEM and TEM, it can be concluded that the perovskite PZO films with a dense microstructure can be obtained by microwave radiation in a short time, and have a highly (100)-preferred orientation.
The rapid crystallization of PZO thin films under microwave radiation may be caused by several factors. It has been reported that amorphous oxide films on the Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate, such as PZT, LaNiO3 and PbTiO3 films, can be crystallized into the perovskite phase in a short time by microwave radiation because the crystallization process under microwave radiation is different from the conventional crystallization process.26,28,31 In the process of microwave radiation, the heat mainly comes from the interaction between bottom electrode and silicon substrate and microwave.32 Therefore, the heat flows from the film/substrate interface to the film surface during the microwave radiation process. The directional heat flux in the films is different from that in the conventional annealed films, which possibly affects the process of nucleation and growth of perovskite grains in PZO films, thus changing the nucleation and growth rates and preferred orientation. In addition, it can be seen from Fig. 2 that the heating rate of the sample in the microwave radiation process was about 50 °C s−1, which is much faster than that in the ordinary heating, and is fast as that in rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process. The crystallization of FE and AFE thin films by RTA has been widely studied, and it is clear that the rapid heating rate can promote the phase transition from amorphous to perovskite.12,33–36 In addition to the above microwave thermal effect, the “nonthermal effect” of microwave should be considered in the process of microwave radiation. It has been reported that in the microwave radiation process, the electromagnetic energy of microwave can reduce the activation energy required for the phase transition from amorphous phase to perovskite phase of ferroelectric thin films during the crystallization process, so that the nucleation and growth of perovskite grains are easier.25,28 Moreover, according to the ponderomotive force (PMF) model, when there is a concentration gradient of charged ions at the grain boundary or interface, microwave can enhance the transport of these charged ions.37 Therefore, in the crystallization process of PZO films, microwave radiation can not only induce the nucleation but also promote the growth of perovskite grains. In addition, microwave radiation seems to be beneficial to the directional growth of perovskite grains. The effect of microwave radiation on the orientation of LNO films has been investigated by Zhu et al.,31 and they found that the (100)-oriented LNO films could be obtained through microwave radiation, while (110)-orientation predominated in the films prepared by ordinary heating. In this study, the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation show a highly (100)-preferred orientation, while those crystallized by ordinary heating show a highly (111)-preferred orientation. To sum up, the crystallization process of AFE PZO thin films under microwave radiation is different from the conventional crystallization process, and the rapid crystallization of PZO thin films is the result of the above factors. The perovskite PZO thin films with dense microstructure and highly (100)-preferred orientation will be expected to have good energy storage performance.
Fig. 6(a) shows the leakage current characteristics of the PZO films processed by microwave radiation for 180 seconds and ordinary heating. The leakage current density of PZO film crystallized by microwave radiation is reduced by one order of magnitude compared with that of ordinary heating. The reduced leakage current density of PZO film crystallized by microwave radiation is attributed to the smoother surface and denser microstructure. Generally, the leakage current density has a significant influence on the EBDS of dielectric capacitors.20,35 The EBDS can be analyzed by the Weibull distribution function, and calculated by the following formula:36
Xi = ln(Ei) |
The polarization–electric field (P–E) hysteresis loops of the PZO films processed by microwave radiation for 180 seconds and ordinary heating are shown Fig. 7(a) and (c). Both show a clear double hysteresis loop with antiferroelectric characteristics. Compared with the PZO films crystallized by ordinary heating, the films crystallized by microwave radiation show a significant decrease of the remanent polarization (1.6 μC cm−2), which is related to the high crystallization quality. Moreover, a clear difference in the switching field between AFE and FE phases can be observed. The magnitude of switching fields could be obtained from the peaks of displacement current in the current vs. electric field curves (Fig. 7(b) and (d)). In the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation, the EA–F and EF–A are 498 kV cm−1 and 274 kV cm−1, respectively, which are much larger than those of the PZO films crystallized by ordinary heating, implying that the AFE phase becomes more stable in the microwave-irradiated PZO films. The stability of AFE phase may be related to the preferred orientation of the films except the high crystallization quality. As mentioned above, XRD study indicates that the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation have the highly (100)-preferred orientation, while the PZO films crystallized by ordinary heating have a highly (111)-preferred orientation. Zhai et al.38 have studied the orientation-dependent phase switching process of PZO-based AFE thin films on the Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate. They found that the (111)-oriented films deposited on the Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate showed a smaller filed-induced phase switching as compared to the (100)-preferred films deposited on the LaNiO3–buffered Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate. Similar results have been reported by Hao et al.39 For the PZO films with the (100)-preferred orientation, the angle between the directions of applied electric field and [111] polar axis of the rhombohedral phase is higher than that of the PZO films with the (111)-preferred orientation.40 Consequently, more energy is needed to arrange the dipoles in the direction of electric field for the (100)-oriented PZO films, that is, the higher the orientation factor along the (100) direction, the more stable the AFE phase is.
According to Fig. 7(a) and (c), the energy storage density (Wrec) and efficiency (η) for the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation and ordinary heating were calculated, respectively. As shown in Fig. 8(a), the Wrec increased with increasing applied electric field. In low electric fields, the PZO thin films annealed by ordinary heating show higher Wrec, because the switching field between AFE and FE phases is lower. However, due to the high EBDS of the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation, the maximum Wrec of 14.8 J cm−3 is achieved at 740 kV cm−1, which is approximately 40% higher than that of the PZO films crystallized by ordinary heating. As given in Fig. 8(b), the η of the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation is also higher than that of the PZO films crystallized by ordinary heating. Fig. 9 summarizes the differences in various parameters of PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation and ordinary heating, showing the main influence factors on energy storage performance. As shown in Fig. 9, the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation and ordinary heating show approximate values of energy loss, which are 10.4 and 9.2 J cm−3, respectively, due to the simultaneous increase EA–F and EF–A. Apparently, the significant improvement in the energy storage density and efficiency of PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation is mainly attributed to the increase of the EBDS, the increase of AFE phase stability and the decrease of remanent polarization. The results demonstrate that the energy storage density and efficiency of AFE films could be improved effectively by microwave radiation during the crystallization process.
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Fig. 9 The differences in various parameters of PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation (MR) and ordinary heating (OH). |
Fig. 10 summarizes the energy storage properties of PZO films prepared by different methods reported in the literature. By using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and magnetron sputtering, high-quality PZO films with a higher η, but Wrec is relatively lower.16,40–42 In the chemical deposition method, although perovskite PZO films can also be obtained by rapid thermal annealing (RTA),8,12,43 the PZO films crystallized by microwave radiation have larger Wrec and η. Our results demonstrate that using microwave radiation in the crystallization of AFE thin films is an effective method to improve their energy storage performance. At present, the research works are mainly focused on improving the energy storage performance of AFE thin films by doping, compounding and other methods.10–14 Although the research object of this study is pure PZO thin films, it can be conceivable that microwave radiation can also be used for the preparation of doped or composite AFE thin films to further improve the energy storage properties of these films.
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Fig. 10 Summary of reported data on energy storage density and efficiency of PZO films obtained from different preparation methods. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |