Issue 3, 2021

Antibiotic administration in targeted nanoparticles protects the faecal microbiota of mice


Antibiotic therapy comes with disturbances on human microbiota, resulting in changes of bacterial communities and thus leading to well-established health problems. In this study, we demonstrated that targeted teicoplanin administration maintains the faecal microbiota composition undisturbed in a mouse model while reaching therapeutic improvements for S. aureus infection.

Graphical abstract: Antibiotic administration in targeted nanoparticles protects the faecal microbiota of mice

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
09 Oct 2020
13 Dec 2020
First published
15 Jan 2021

RSC Med. Chem., 2021,12, 380-383

Antibiotic administration in targeted nanoparticles protects the faecal microbiota of mice

B. A. Borsa, M. Sudagidan, M. E. Aldag, I. I. Baris, E. E. Acar, C. Acuner, M. Kavruk and V. C. Ozalp, RSC Med. Chem., 2021, 12, 380 DOI: 10.1039/D0MD00347F

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