Issue 10, 2021

Co-luminescence in a zero-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid antimony halide with multiple coordination units


Zero-dimensional (0D) organic–inorganic hybrid metal halides (OIMHs) containing multiple halometallate species (HMSs) have received extensive attention due to their capability to achieve multifunctional photophysical characteristics. Herein we report a lead-free 0D-OIMH compound, namely [Emim]8[SbCl6]2[SbCl5] (1, Emim = 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium), which is the first crystal containing two distinct mononuclear [SbXn]3−n units in one single structure. The optical absorption, temperature/excitation-variable photoluminescence (PL) and PL decay were studied. 1 exhibits a broad emission centered at 577 nm, which is analyzed to be a combination of the emissions from [SbCl6]3− and [SbCl5]2−. The structural effects including Sb⋯Sb distances and polyhedral distortion of [SbXn]3−n on the PL of antimony-based 0D-OIMHs are discussed in detail. This work would provide guidance for constructing Sb-based 0D OIMHs composed of multiple halometallate species.

Graphical abstract: Co-luminescence in a zero-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid antimony halide with multiple coordination units

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Article information

Article type
26 Dec 2020
03 Feb 2021
First published
03 Feb 2021

Dalton Trans., 2021,50, 3586-3592

Co-luminescence in a zero-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid antimony halide with multiple coordination units

Z. Zhang, J. Jin, L. Gong, Y. Lin, K. Du and X. Huang, Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 3586 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT04388E

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