Issue 4, 2022

Single-conformation spectroscopy of cold, protonated DPG-containing peptides: switching β-turn types and formation of a sequential type II/II′ double β-turn


D-Proline (DPro, DP) is widely utilized to form β-hairpin loops in engineered peptides that would otherwise be unstructured, most often as part of a DPG sub-unit that forms a β-turn. To observe whether DPG facilitated this effect in short protonated peptides, conformation specific IR–UV double resonance photofragment spectra of the cold (∼10 K) protonated DP and LP diastereomers of the pentapeptide YAPGA was carried out in the hydride stretch (2800–3700 cm−1) and amide I/II (1400–1800 cm−1) regions. A model localized Hamiltonian was developed to better describe the 1600–1800 cm−1 region commonly associated with the amide I vibrations. The C[double bond, length as m-dash]O stretch fundamentals experience extensive mixing with the N–H bending fundamentals of the NH3+ group in these protonated peptides. The model Hamiltonian accounts for experiment in quantitative detail. In the DP diastereomer, all the population is funneled into a single conformer which presented as a type II β-turn with A and DP in the i + 1 and i + 2 positions, respectively. This structure was not the anticipated type II′ β-turn across DPG that we had hypothesized based on solution-phase propensities. Analysis of the conformational energy landscape shows that both steric and charge-induced effects play a role in the preferred formation of the type II β-turn. In contrast, the LP isomer forms three conformations with very different structures, none of which were type II/II′ β-turns, confirming that LPG is not a β-turn former. Finally, single-conformation spectroscopy was also carried out on the extended peptide [YAADPGAAA + H]+ to determine whether moving the protonated N-terminus further from DPG would lead to β-hairpin formation. Despite funneling its entire population into a single peptide backbone structure, the assigned structure is not a β-hairpin, but a concatenated type II/type II′ double β-turn that displaces the peptide backbone laterally by about 7.5 Å, but leaves the backbone oriented in its original direction.

Graphical abstract: Single-conformation spectroscopy of cold, protonated DPG-containing peptides: switching β-turn types and formation of a sequential type II/II′ double β-turn

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Article type
23 Oct 2021
17 Dec 2021
First published
06 Jan 2022

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 2095-2109

Author version available

Single-conformation spectroscopy of cold, protonated DPG-containing peptides: switching β-turn types and formation of a sequential type II/II′ double β-turn

J. T. Lawler, C. P. Harrilal, A. F. DeBlase, E. L. Sibert, S. A. McLuckey and T. S. Zwier, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 2095 DOI: 10.1039/D1CP04852J

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