Anu M.
a and
aNMR Research Unit, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 3000, FI-90014, Finland. E-mail:
bNational Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Akadeemia tee 23, EE-12618 Tallinn, Estonia
First published on 6th April 2020
Nuclear shielding and chemical shift are considered independent of the magnetic-field strength. Ramsey proposed on theoretical grounds in 1970 that this may not be valid for heavy nuclei. Here we present experimental evidence for the direct field dependence of shielding, using 59Co shielding in Co(acac)3 [tris(acetylacetonate)cobalt(III)] as an example. We carry out NMR experiments in four field strengths for this low-spin diamagnetic Co(III) complex, which features a very large and negative nuclear shielding constant of the central Co nucleus. This is due to a magnetically accessible, low-energy eg ← t2g orbital excitation of the d6 system. The experiments result in temperature-dependent magnetic-field dependence of −5.7 to −5.2 ppb T−2 of the 59Co shielding constant, arising from the direct modification of the electron cloud of the complex by the field. First-principles multiconfigurational non-linear response theory calculations verify the sign and order of magnitude of the experimental results.
About 25 years later, Manninen and Vaara6 presented a theory and computed from first principles the field-dependence of 59Co shielding in the same compounds, with results that are by an order of magnitude smaller than the experimentally derived values in ref. 3. This effect can be termed direct field dependence, arising from the modification of the molecular electron cloud by the magnetic field. In contrast, the indirect effect results from a slight influence on the orientational distribution of molecules in liquid samples due to the interaction of magnetic field with the anisotropy of the molecular susceptibility, causing incomplete rotational averaging of NMR parameters.7
Further computational work on the direct field dependence of nuclear shielding has been reported at both semi-empirical8,9 and first-principles10–12 levels. The field dependence of spin–spin coupling has been elaborated in ref. 13 and 14. So far, the only both experimentally observed and theoretically confirmed case of direct field dependence of an NMR parameter is that of 131Xe quadrupole coupling in atomic xenon.15–18 The 131Xe NMR spectrum consists of a 3:
3 triplet when the nuclear electric quadrupole moment interacts with a non-vanishing electric field gradient (EFG) at the nuclear site. In this case, the non-zero EFG stems from the slight deformation of the atomic electron cloud induced by the magnetic field.16
In the present work, we report experiments carried out at four magnetic fields, as well as improved first-principles nonlinear response theory computations on the direct field effect on the 59Co shielding in Co(acac)3. We eliminate the difficulty of precise temperature control of the experiments in different NMR instruments by using the gaseous and solution-state 129Xe NMR signal as a chemical shift and temperature reference, respectively.19 Our experiments demonstrate the existence of the direct field dependence of shielding and, hence, verify the prediction by Ramsey.
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A sample consisting of saturated solution of tris(acetylacetonate)cobalt(III) [Co(acac)3] in CDCl3 and natural xenon gas of about 2 atm was prepared into a 5 mm (o.d.) NMR tube. Resonance frequency of natural abundance gaseous 129Xe (2 atm in a 5 mm tube) was used as an external chemical shift reference for both 59Co and 129Xe resonance frequencies in the solution. Experiments were carried out at four magnetic fields, 18.8, 14.1, 9.4 and 7.0 T, and five temperatures at each field strength, on Bruker Avance III instruments. Following Ramsey, 59Co resonance frequency can be presented in the form
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There is a strong temperature dependence of 59Co chemical shift in Co(acac)3, e.g., reported in ref. 20 at +2.79 ppm K−1 in CHCl3 solution. Therefore, one must guarantee that the 59Co frequencies in different magnetic-field instruments are obtained at the same temperature. To this end, we used the 129Xe chemical shift in solution, δsXe, as an internal temperature reference (see ESI†), and ensured that δsCo at each magnetic field corresponds to the same δsXe value. This procedure is based on the extreme sensitivity of δsXe upon temperature19 and is done to gain a precise value for τCo. The resonance frequencies of xenon in gas (g) and in solution (s) can be approximately written as
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The 59Co resonance frequency relative to the chosen shift reference, xenon gas, is
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T (K) | c (ppm) | τ Co (ppb T−2) |
a 129Xe chemical shift of xenon in the solution, δsXe, is used to approximately detect the temperature T. The given temperatures were determined from the equation given in ref. 19. In this case, the sample contained only D-chloroform and xenon gas. Therefore, the tabulated temperatures may not be correct. One should note that the knowledge of exact temperatures is not essential in this case, but that of the 129Xe chemical shift is. b Parameters c and τCo appearing in eqn (7) are listed for a fit of a series of measurements at different magnetic fields. Each series is performed at a constant value of δsXe. | |||
200 | 319.9 | −153932.2 ± 0.2 | −5.2 ± 1.0 |
202 | 314.7 | −153946.7 ± 0.2 | −5.4 ± 0.9 |
205 | 307.0 | −153968.4 ± 0.2 | −5.5 ± 1.1 |
206 | 304.4 | −153979.7 ± 0.2 | −5.6 ± 0.8 |
208 | 299.2 | −153990.1 ± 0.2 | −5.7 ± 0.8 |
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Fig. 1 (a) 59Co chemical shift relative to 129Xe gas, δsCo, when δsXe is (from top to bottom) 200, 202, 205, 206 and 208 ppm, corresponding to approximate temperatures 319.9, 314.7, 307.0, 304.4 and 299.2 K as given in Table 1. Fit parameters for (b) the field-independent part of the shift, ![]() |
At this point we may assess the significance of the temperature dependence of σsXe, which we neglected in the above analysis. As this effect does not depend on the external magnetic field, it could be absorbed in the field-independent fitting parameter c in eqn (7). Using the ideal gas law to approximate the number density of a 2 atm Xe gas at room temperature and the temperature-dependent second virial coefficient, σXe,1, of 129Xe shielding constant reported in ref. 22, one can arrive at a (linearized) contribution to the temperature dependence of c amounting to just −0.0019 ppm K−1. This change would be inside the error margins of the present fit results for c and those of the previous experiment of ref. 20.
Another physical influence that should be considered is the correction due to the difference of the bulk magnetic susceptibilities of the chloroform solution, χs, and that of the external xenon gas reference, χr. At the limit of an infinitely long cylindrical sample oriented along B0, the associated chemical shift contribution (in SI units) to eqn (7) equals approximately
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Using the molar susceptibilities χm listed in ref. 24, −58.9 × 10−6 × 4π and −45.5 × 10−6 × 4π cm3 mol−1 for chloroform and xenon, respectively, we obtain χs = −9.19 and χr = −0.02509 ppm, corresponding to δb = −3.07 ppm from eqn (8). This is an additional, magnetic field-independent contribution to the parameter c. We are not aware of data on the temperature dependence of the susceptibility of either chloroform or xenon, which hinders us from accurately evaluating the contribution of the δb term to the temperature dependence of c. Presumably the susceptibility of liquid CHCl3, which is bigger than that of gaseous Xe by three orders of magnitude, dominates also the temperature dependence of δb. Ref. 25 reported a close-to-linear temperature dependence of the relative mass susceptibility of water at temperatures in the liquid range as χ(T)/χ(20C) ≈ 1 + 1.39 × 10−4 (T – 20C). Using χm(H2O) = −12.96 × 10−6 × 4π cm3 mol−1,24 hence χ(H2O) = −9.01 ppm, corresponds to . Presumably the same property for chloroform does not deviate very much from this result for liquid water. Therefore, also the bulk susceptibility effect falls well within the error margins obtained in the present fit of the c parameter.
Fig. 1 shows the principal result of the paper: the field-dependence coefficient τ resulting from the slope of 59Co shift with respect to B02 [Fig. 1(a)]. The magnitude of the field dependence is around −5.5 ± 0. 9 ppb T−2, which is significant in view of the NMR instruments with 1.2 GHz proton frequency (28.2 T field strength) in production use soon. This result deviates clearly from the experimental data reported by Bendall and Doddrell,3 where a distinctly larger magnitude of the field dependence, at τ = −80 ± 50 ppb T−2, was found. The underlying reasons of the difference include the limitation of the 40-year-old experiment to the modest maximum field of 2.1 T in contrast to the 18.8 T field strength used in the present work. In a similar vein, the precise temperature control enabled by using 129Xe signal in solution is instrumental to the present success. Despite the sizable statistical error margins, τ from the present measurements shows evidence of temperature dependence: its magnitude decreases with temperature with a least-squares fitted slope of 2.29 × 10−2 ppb T−2 K−1.
Theoretical electronic-structure formulation of the field-dependence tensor τK was presented in the form of four distinct linear and nonlinear response functions26 in ref. 6:
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Computations of eqn (9) were carried out for Co(acac)3 in 2004 using Hartree–Fock (HF) and density-functional theory (DFT) levels.6 The result of HF calculation, τparaCo ∼ O(1) ppb T−2 agrees with the experiment carried out presently. In view of the importance of electron correlation effects on high-order valence-like response properties such as τ a question remains whether this agreement is coincidental. Since then, cubic response functions at electron-correlated ab initio levels have become feasible for systems of the present size in the DALTON software.28 We employ the multiconfigurational self-consistent field (MCSCF) level of theory29 to address this question here, on models of Co(acac)3 described in the ESI.†
All the tensorial components of the four terms in eqn (9) were computed using HF and MCSCF response theory. In the latter, restricted active-space (RASSCF)-type wave functions30 correlating 18, 32 or 38 electrons [denoted RASSCF (18/32/38 el.)] were used for a truncated molecular model. The ESI† is referred to for details of the used MCSCF wave functions (Table S7, ESI†) and basis sets. For calculating the magnetic properties of a low-gap Co(acac)3 complex, multireference-type wave functions are preferred over single configuration-based methods such as DFT, second-order many-body perturbation theory, or coupled-cluster theory at low excitation level.31 Even the present truncated model of Co(acac)3 is currently prohibitively large for beyond-singles and doubles (CCSD) coupled-cluster theory-based nonlinear response theory calculations.32
Table 2 lists the computational results for the dominating τpara contribution to the field-dependence coefficient, as well as the total τ (the latter using three of the methods: HF, RASSCF (32 el.) and DFT/BHandHLYP33,34). While the results depend on the method used, both HF and the different RASSCF wave functions lead to τ in an order-of-magnitude agreement with the experimental datum, with the largest result, −1.4 ppb T−2 obtained at the HF level. Increasing the number of correlated electrons tends to lower the final result as evidenced by the 10% decrease between RASSCF (18 el.) and RASSCF (32 el.), and further to RASSCF (38 el.), whereas increasing the virtual orbital space, e.g., from the RASSCF (32 el.) to the RASSCF’ (32 el.) wave function has the opposite effect. In contrast, the DFT result is at a much smaller value. The small difference between the τpara and τtotal results reassures us of the earlier finding that the 4th-order term dominates in the field dependence in Co(acac)3. The small contributions of the other terms are listed in Table S9 of the ESI.†
The present calculations of τ at optimised, static molecular geometries lead to negative field-dependence coefficient of 59Co nuclear shielding constant in agreement with the experimental findings, and at the ab initio level similar order of magnitude of the coefficient as in the experimental data. At the same time, the new calculations result also in smaller τpara than what was found earlier6 at the HF level. The well-known sensitivity of 59Co chemical shift on temperature in this complex suggests that both thermal rovibrational and solvation effects, which are neglected in the present computations, may significantly influence τ. To investigate this possibility, we repeated the HF calculations of τpara in modified models obtained by varying the Co–O bond distance from the value 1.885 Å of the optimised truncated model (for reference, 1.880 Å was obtained for the optimised full model). The results (Fig. 2 and Table S10 in the ESI†) indicate, expectedly, a strong dependence of τ on the Co–O bond lengths of the coordination shell of the Co ion. Indeed, coincidence with the range of present experimental data for τ is reached at the HF level by relatively modest modification of r(Co–O).
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Fig. 2 Calculated field-dependence coefficient τ as a function of the Co–O bond length in Co(acac)3. The bonds are symmetrically extended, maintaining the D3 point-group symmetry. The range of present experimental data is indicated by horizontal lines (error margins as dotted lines). The bond length in the results of Table 2 is 1.885 Å. |
In addition to the direct magnetic field effect, molecular properties may also depend upon the indirect magnetic-field effect.7 It arises from partial alignment of molecules because of the interaction of the anisotropy of the molecular susceptibility with the magnetic field. In partially aligned molecules, the NMR properties become dependent on the orientational order parameter.35 In the case of Co(acac)3, the 59Co chemical shift, when excluding the direct field effect, can be presented in the form36,37
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Ab initio nonlinear response theory computations confirmed the order of magnitude of the field dependence and indicated its strong dependence on the coordination distance of the Co(III) ion, as expected based on the well-known temperature dependence of the 59Co chemical shift. The magnitude of the observed field dependence in Co(acac)3, circa −5.5 ppb T−2, corresponds to an experimentally significant frequency shift in, e.g., the 28.2 T field of a 1.2 GHz 1H frequency instrument, and the phenomenon is expected to gain importance in pursuit of even higher fields and resolution in contemporary NMR. The verification of the fundamental field dependence of shielding and chemical shift adds a new parameter to the panoply of NMR observables, for which one can envision applicability in future high-field experiments designed to specifically make use of the explicit field dependence. Questions for future work remain also in finding the specific molecular characteristics that predict a significant field dependence.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details of experiments and computations. See DOI: 10.1039/d0cp01372b |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2020 |