Anna Margarethe
Marcus U.
von Klitzing
b and
aInstitute of Chemistry, TU Berlin, Strasse des 17. Juni 124, 10623 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: judith.witte@tu-berlin.de; Fax: +49 30 31426602; Tel: +49 30 31426774
bJülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Outstation at MLZ, Lichtenbergstrasse 1, 85747 Garching, Germany
cInstitute of Physics, TU Darmstadt, Alarich-Weiss-Strasse 10, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany
dNScD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
First published on 21st January 2019
Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel particles were prepared via a “classical” surfactant-free precipitation polymerization and a continuous monomer feeding approach. It is anticipated that this yields microgel particles with different internal structures, namely a dense core with a fluffy shell for the classical approach and a more even crosslink distribution in the case of the continuous monomer feeding approach. A thorough structural investigation of the resulting microgels with dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy and small angle neutron scattering was conducted and related to neutron spin echo spectroscopy data. In this way a link between structural and dynamic features of the internal polymer network was made.
N,N′-Methylenebisacrylamide (BIS) is commonly used as a crosslinker in PNIPAM microgels. It was found by Wu et al. that during emulsion polymerization BIS molecules are consumed faster than NIPAM molecules.13 This results in an uneven distribution of crosslinking and hence in a denser core and a fluffier shell.14
To tune the microgel structure towards a more even distribution of crosslinks and polymer, several procedures of introducing the crosslinker and monomers into the network have been tested. For example, semibatch reaction processes were found to lead to a homogeneous morphology.15,16
Beside this, it was demonstrated that droplet based microfluidic templating enables the formation of microgels with different inner homogeneity and sizes of several ten to hundreds of micrometers.17,18 By choosing a monomer feeding approach for the PNIPAM microgel particles it has been attempted to circumvent this problem and achieve an even distribution of crosslinks in sub micrometer sized microgels. Most publications take studies of optical properties such as transparency/turbidity and dynamic light scattering as an evidence for the homogeneous crosslinking of the PNIPAM microgel particles.19,20 Although supporting the conclusion of a homogeneous inner structure, these methods provide no direct access to the inner structural properties. Theoretical considerations and experiments using dielectric spectroscopy21,22 predict an influence of the microstructure of the microgels on their physico-chemical properties, e.g., swelling kinetics23 and desired functionality.24 Besides this, the interaction potential between them, their ability to interpenetrate and their behavior at very dense packing conditions are influenced, e.g., by the microgel softness and the internal crosslinker density distribution.25,26
Hence, a thorough and direct comparison of the internal structure and dynamics of both types of microgels in the often investigated sub micrometer size range is of importance but still missing. In case of inhomogeneity-free macroscopic gels, differences in the network dynamics compared to heterogeneous gels were found in a combined light and neutron scattering study.27
Very recently, it was shown that super-resolution microscopy methods can probe the inner network morphology by indirect or direct labeling. Here, the proportionality between the localization distribution of the probe and the network was used.28,29 Also, photoactivation localization microscopy (PALM) on microgel particles synthesized via precipitation polymerization with the addition of a photochromic diarylethene photoswitch as crosslinker allows a 3D reconstruction of the distribution of crosslinker positions in a microgel in its hydrated state.30 The analysis of the network structure using modern optical methods complements studies without any tracers e.g. scattering experiments.
Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) uses neutron scattering to probe samples on small length scales. Depending on the probed Q-range and the sample dimensions different structural features of an object can be studied. This is especially useful for the study of microgel particles. By choosing larger Q-values it becomes possible to probe properties of the internal polymer network such as correlation length which is related to the mesh size and static inhomogeneities. On the other hand, by choosing smaller Q-values it becomes possible to determine the radius of the microgel particle and by fitting of the scattering length density difference between solvent and sample to gain qualitative insights about the water uptake into the polymer network.14,31 A number of studies discuss the internal structure of heterogeneously crosslinked microgels.14,31–36
The colloidal size of the microgel particles enables the detection of the translational diffusion by dynamic light scattering, but prevents direct access to the inner dynamics. To this end, neutron scattering techniques are well-suited.
Internal dynamics in a microgel particle on a time scale between 1 ps and 1 μs can be studied with neutron spin echo spectroscopy (NSE). This quasielastic neutron scattering technique offers a high energy resolution in the neV range. In principle, internal dynamics from cooperative network diffusion and Zimm-type dynamics, which occur on length scales below the network's mesh size, can be probed with NSE37–40 and was also theoretically elucidated.41 Beside quasi-elastic neutron scattering utilized by NSE also inelastic neutron scattering in combination with PFG-NMR was already used to study the inner dynamics of microgels.42
This paper focusses on the inner dynamics of PNIPAM microgel particles prepared via surfactant-free precipitation polymerization and a monomer feeding approach. These different synthesis routes yield the classical heterogeneously crosslinked microgels and microgels with a more homogeneous inner structure.20,43Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of the anticipated internal structure of both kinds of microgels (Fig. 1–4). Neutron spin echo spectroscopy was used to reveal the local influence of the microgel network structure on its inner dynamics.
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Fig. 4 Comparison between the homogeneously (MG10F) (left) and heterogeneously (MG10P) (right) crosslinked microgel particles in suspensions with cMG = 0.5 wt%. The structural heterogeneity of MG10P is clearly visible as a difference between the turbidity of both samples due to stronger multiple light scattering in sample MG10P.20 |
For a more thorough investigation of their internal structure neutron scattering experiments were conducted. This results in a first direct comparison of structure and dynamics of both types of microgels. Additionally, a comparison of the dynamics in both types of microgel to the dynamics of a semidilute PNIPAM solution was made to determine the influence of the network structure on the segmental dynamics.
Homogeneously crosslinked microgels were prepared via a continuous monomer feeding approach.19,20,43 100 mL water was filled into a double walled glass reactor and treated as described above. In a separate vessel above mentioned amounts NIPAM and BIS were dissolved in 20 mL water and purged with nitrogen for 60 min. Monomer and crosslinker were filled into a syringe which was mounted onto a pump. Prior to starting the monomer feed, the initiator solution was added into the reactor and the stirrer was set to 1000 rpm. The monomer solution was fed into the reactor at a speed of 2 mL min−1. After 11 min 20 s the reaction was quenched.
To remove unreacted monomer and low molecular weight oligomers the microgel dispersion was dialyzed for 21 days with two solvent (MilliQ water) exchanges per day. The pore size of the dialysis membrane was 14 kDa. Afterwards, the microgel dispersion was freeze-dried at −85 °C and 1 × 10−3 bar.
For readability the microgel with 10 mol% BIS prepared by surfactant free precipitation polymerization is referred to as MG10P and the microgel with 10 mol% BIS prepared by a continuous monomer feeding approach as MG10F in this article.
For the determination of the elastic properties AFM nano-indentation measurements were performed on a MFP-3D AFM (Oxford Instruments, Abington-on-Thames, UK) situated in an acoustic enclosure. At least ten individual force curves of different microgel particles were recorded for every sample at 20 °C and 50 °C. Every force curve was recorded by indenting a CSC-38-A cantilever (Mikromasch) with a spring constant of k = 0.2 N m−1 and a tip radius of Rtip = 8 nm into the center of an individual microgel particle. It is important to probe in the middle of the particles, since they show a lateral stiffness gradient.45 The approach part of the force curves (as shown in Fig. S5, ESI†) was fitted with the Hertz model for spherical indenters.46
![]() | (1) |
This model links the elastic modulus E of a sample with a Poisson ratio ν with the indentation depth δ and force F exerted by a spherical indenter of radius R. Examples for these fits are shown in the insets in Fig. S5 (ESI†). 20% of the maximum indentation was chosen as the upper fit limit to avoid a contribution of the underlying hard substrate to the deformation of the cantilever.47–49
The setup is equipped with a He–Ne laser (λ = 632.8 nm) with a laser intensity of 35 mW. The acquired raw data was fitted with a second-order cumulant fit in a Python based program (Python Software Foundation, Version 2.7).
The data was fitted using SasView (Version 2.2.0) and Igor Pro (WaveMetrics, Version 6.37).
Linear PNIPAM chains were measured at 15 °C at a concentration of cPNIPAM = 0.05 g mL−1, which is in the semidilute concentration regime.
All microgel samples were measured at 20 °C to ensure the swollen state.
![]() | (2) |
The probed length scale d depends on the Q-range under investigation and is described by53
![]() | (3) |
The equation for the scattering intensity of spherically symmetric identical particles is given by
![]() | (4) |
Here the coherent scattering is the product of the scattering length density difference Δρ between the sample and the solvent, the number of scatterers N, the structure factor S(Q) and the form factor P(Q). As the value for S(Q) depends on interactions between particles, it can be neglected for highly dilute samples (S(Q) = 1). Iinc describes the incoherent scattering due to the background.
I(Q) = Ipart + Ifluct + IPorod + Iinc. | (5) |
For Ipart a fuzzy sphere model was used for fitting as described by Stieger et al. This model takes into consideration the above mentioned uneven distribution of crosslinks within the microgel particle as follows
![]() | (6) |
This model accounts for the particle surface's fuzziness by convoluting the radial box profile of the sphere model with a Gaussian. σs is the width of the smeared particle surface, often referred to as the fuzziness of the particle. The overall radius as determined by SANS is RSANS = R + 2σs. The radius of the core is described by the box profile Rbox = R − 2σs.14
At larger Q values the scattering curve can be described by a power law ∼Q−n. For collapsed microgel particles an exponent of n ≈ −4 is observed, which corresponds to a Porod profile. However, at lower temperatures the swollen gels can be fitted with a power law with an exponent n ≤ 4.
A characteristic length in microgel networks is the correlation length ξ, which describes the decay of liquid-like correlations in the polymer network. While ξ is smaller than the mean distance between the chemical crosslinks, it is proportional to it. It can be described by the Ornstein–Zernike equation
![]() | (7) |
![]() | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
This technique enables the measurement of cooperative density fluctuations of the polymer network at low Q-values and of local polymer segment dynamics for higher Q-values. In the case of semidilute polymer solutions it is expected to observe only the Q3-dependent Zimm dynamics, since there is no crosslinking resulting in cooperative motions of a polymer network. Long range concentration fluctuations and cooperative diffusion in the semidilute regime appear in a shorter Q-range and are rather accessible by DLS56 and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.57 For microgels on the other hand the observation of cooperative network dynamics of the network breathing, similar to hydrogels,58–60 is expected (Q2-dependent) on larger length scales with a crossover to local segment dynamics (Q3-dependent) on shorter length scales.
![]() | (10) |
![]() | (11) |
For purely cooperative network dynamics a display of Dcoop against Q should result in a constant value.
From the cooperative diffusion coefficient a dynamic correlation length ξcoop can be calculated from a Stokes–Einstein type relation61
![]() | (12) |
![]() | (13) |
![]() | (14) |
To obtain an apparent solvent viscosity eqn (15) can be used.
![]() | (15) |
For better comparability the apparent viscosity can be transformed into the specific viscosity. The specific viscosity is a dimensionless number that measures the contribution of a polymer to the solution viscosity and allows a direct comparison between different samples. It is defined as
![]() | (16) |
MG10P has a hydrodynamic radius of Rh,swollen = (310 ± 2) nm at 20 °C (PDI = 0.06) and Rh,collapsed = (186 ± 1) nm at 50 °C (PDI = 0.04) MG10F is in a similar size range with a hydrodynamic radius of Rh,swollen = (463 ± 7) nm (PDI = 0.26) and Rh,collapsed = (214 ± 2) nm (PDI = 0.23). This corresponds well to the common observation of low polydispersity in case of microgels synthesized via precipitation polymerization. In contrast to this, MG10F has a moderate size distribution in the swollen and collapsed state. The different sizes in the collapsed state might result from different amounts of incorporated crosslinker and monomer, which limits a quantitative comparison of the swelling ratios (αDLS = Rh,20°C/Rh,50°C, αDLS,MG10P = 1.67, αDLS,MG10F = 2.16). Hence, the difference in the swelling ratios cannot be exclusively attributed to the different inner structures of both microgels.
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Fig. 6 AFM height images of (a) a MG10P microgel particle and (b) a MG10F microgel particle in the dry state with corresponding cross section (height profile, red line). |
The lateral dimensions of the microgels in Fig. 6 are similar. Hence, the difference between the heights can most likely be attributed to the difference in the mechanical properties of the microgels and MG10P appears stiffer and more resistant against vertical deformation in the adsorbed state.
In Fig. S5 in the ESI† for both types of microgels a set of force–distance curves is shown for the swollen and the collapsed state. When the tip is in contact with the adsorbed microgel, the force rises at increasing indentation. When indenting into the MG10P and the MG10F sample to the same depth the required force is larger for MG10P than for MG10F. This indicates a softer material of MG10F which agrees to the smaller measured height of MG10F in the dry adsorbed state. In the collapsed state at 50 °C the difference between the force curves reduces and the indentation at a given force reduces compared to the swollen state. All force–distance curves show a steady progression which indicates the absence of discontinuities of the mechanical properties as recently reported for a comparison of the mechanics of adsorbed core–shell and hollow microgels.64 The averaged data was fitted with the Hertz model for spherical indenters as described in Section 2.4. Table 1 summarizes the resulting Young's moduli of both microgel systems in the swollen and collapsed state. The results show that the Young's modulus of MG10P is almost twice the Young's modulus of MG10F in the swollen state. Therefore, the network appears stiffer, which can be explained by the formation of a denser core during classical precipitation polymerization. In the collapsed state the Young's modulus for both microgel systems is the same within the error range. This can be explained with the repulsion of water molecules from the polymer network, which changes the internal structure of the microgel particles. The Young's moduli have the same order of magnitude as previously reported data from neutral PNIPAM microgels of somewhat lower crosslinker content45 and copolymerized ionic PNIPAM microgels.65 They also agree well to the observation of rather small Young's moduli previously reported for much softer PNIPAM microgels with 0.25% BIS corresponding the predictions from scaling theory of polymer gels in good solvents.66
Microgel | E 20°C [kPa] | E 50°C [kPa] |
MG10P | 312 ± 38 | 1004 ± 67 |
MG10F | 166 ± 24 | 1070 ± 106 |
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Fig. 7 SANS measurements of a semidilute solution of linear PNIPAM chains for higher Q-values. Comparison between a simple Lorentzian (dashed) and a correlation length fit model (solid). |
A fit according to eqn (8) yields a correlation length of ξ = (2.40 ± 0.02) nm with the power law exponent n = 1.2 ± 0.01. Meier-Koll et al. investigated PNIPAM chains with a molecular weight of 25000 g mol−1 and a concentration of 13 wt% and found values for the correlation length below 2 nm at 15 °C. Therefore our value of 2.4 nm at a lower polymer concentration of 4.5 wt% (corresponding to 0.05 g mL−1) and a slightly higher molecular number of 30
000 g mol−1 appears reasonable.67
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Fig. 8 SANS curves for MG10P and MG10F at higher Q-values measured on KWS-2. (I) Fuzzy sphere model,14 (II) Ornstein–Zernike fit. In the intermediate range between (I) and (II) the scattered intensity changes according to a power law. The inset shows the scattering curves at lower Q-values as measured on KWS-3 and fitted with a Fuzzy sphere model. |
Microgel | R h,DLS [nm] | R g [nm] | R SANS [nm] | R box [nm] | σ s [nm] |
20 °C | |||||
MG10P | 310 ± 2 | 176 ± 1 | 235 | 200 ± 1 | 17.4 ± 0.3 |
MG10F | 463 ± 7 | 307 ± 2 | 298 | 289 ± 2 | 4.2 ± 0.5 |
50 °C | |||||
MG10P | 186 ± 1 | 120 ± 1 | 138 | 124 ± 2 | 6.0 ± 0.1 |
MG10F | 214 ± 2 | 150 ± 1 | 155 | 135 ± 2 | 0.1 ± 1 |
In Fig. 8 the scattering curve is subdivided into two distinct fitting areas denoted (I) and (II). In (I) a fit according to the fuzzy sphere model (eqn (6)) was carried out to determine the fuzziness σs of the spheres. The resulting fuzziness is higher for MG10P (σs,MG10P = 17.4 ± 0.3 nm) compared to MG10F (σs,MG10F = 4.2 ± 0.5 nm). Taking into consideration the overall radii as determined on KWS-3 this accounts for 8.7% for Het10MG and only 1.5% for MG10F. In fit range (II) the scattering curve was fitted with an Ornstein–Zernike equation. The range in between was not perfectly fitted by the superposition of the fuzzy sphere model and the Ornstein–Zernike equation and was therefore omitted. The scattered intensity in this region varies according to a power law I ∝ Q−m. Exponents of −2.5 and −2 for MG10P and MG10F are found respectively. The Ornstein-Zernike fit yields the average correlation length ξOZ-fit. For MG10P we find ξOZ-fit = (2.00 ± 0.04) nm and ξOZ-fit = (3.21 ± 0.05) nm for MG10F. The two fits show major differences in the value for IL(0). While MG10P has a value of IL(0) = (0.090 ± 0.002) cm−1, the value for MG10F is much higher with IL(0) = (0.33 ± 0.01) cm−1. Karg et al. found when analyzing the internal particle morphology of heterogeneously crosslinked microgel particles with different amounts of crosslinker (2, 5 and 10% BIS) that IL(0) decreases with increasing connectivity of the network.32 Therefore the findings show a higher contribution of the fluid like thermal fluctuations to the scattering signal of MG10F. An overview of the resulting fit parameters can be found in Table 3.
Microgel | I L(0) [cm−1] | ξ OZ-fit [nm] |
MG10P | 0.090 ± 0.002 | 2.00 ± 0.04 |
MG10F | 0.33 ± 0.01 | 3.21 ± 0.05 |
The SANS data of the collapsed state at 50 °C are shown in the ESI† in Fig. S6. In the medium- and high-Q range the data can be fitted with a Porod decay I(Q) ∝ Q−4. Fits with the fuzzy sphere model in the low-Q range result in RSANS = (138 ± 4) nm for MG10P and RSANS = (155 ± 1) nm for MG10F. The corresponding values of Rg are Rg = (120 ± 2) nm and Rg = (150 ± 5) nm for MG10P and MG10F. For the collapsed state Rg/Rh = 0.65 for MG10P and Rg/Rh = 0.70 for MG10F were obtained. This suggests a decreasing polymer density towards the exterior. So far, the conclusion can be drawn, that in the feeding approach the structural heterogeneity is strongly reduced but remains most probably in the periphery of the particles.
Fig. 9 clearly shows differences among the three investigated samples. For MG10P Dcoop display a constant value over the entire Q-range. However, for MG10F there is a transition from a constant value to an increase at around 0.11 Å−1. Therefore, it appears that the cooperative network dynamics dominate at lower Q-values, but that Zimm dynamics become observable at higher Q-values. We assume a superposition of both types of dynamics with a gradual change of their amplitudes at increasing Q-values. Dcoop of MG10F was therefore calculated from a linear fit with a slope of zero of the three lowest Q-values in Fig. 9. As might be expected the semidilute linear PNIPAM solution displays a deviation from a constant value over the entire Q-range, since single chain dynamics are observed due to a lack of a crosslinked polymer network. Therefore, NSE data of the semidilute PNIPAM solution was fitted according to eqn (13) with β = 0.85.
We observe that many of the normalized ISFs don't decay to zero. This means that there are elastic contributions to the scattering signal which e.g. hints at the existence of inhomogeneities within the polymer network with very slow to no dynamics. Therefore, the fitting eqn (10) and (13) were extended by an additional term (1 − A) accounting for the elastic contribution (eqn (17)). The values for (1 − A) for both microgels are shown in Tables 5 and 6. As Q increases and hence the observed length scale decreases, the elastic contribution decreases. For the sample MG10F, the elastic contribution vanishes completely at those Q-values corresponding to the Zimm regime. Scherzinger et al. found similar values for the elastic contribution in PDEAAM-core–PNIPAM-shell particles.38
![]() | (17) |
Table 4 lists the cooperative diffusion coefficients for the investigated samples. For the sample prepared by precipitation polymerization the value of Dcoop = (2.69 ± 0.02) × 10−11 m2 s−1 is in agreement with data published by Hellweg et al.,68 who also investigated dynamics of PNIPAM microgel particles with different amounts of crosslinker. For the microgel prepared by a continuous monomer feeding approach the cooperative diffusion coefficient is approximately twice the value of MG10P. This indicates a faster decay of the network fluctuations and thus a less stiff network. This is in agreement with the AFM measurements of Young's moduli on adsorbed microgel particles presented in Section 4.2.
Sample | T [°C] | D coop [10−11 m2 s−1] | ξ coop [nm] |
MG10P | 20 | 2.69 ± 0.02 | 6.4 |
MG10F | 20 | 4.98 ± 0.04 | 3.4 |
Q (Å−1) | (1 − A) | Δ(1 − A) |
0.05 | 0.45907 | 0.0519 |
0.08 | 0.37785 | 0.0301 |
0.11 | 0.32318 | 0.0169 |
0.15 | 0.27728 | 0.0187 |
0.20 | 0.20948 | 0.0439 |
Q (Å−1) | (1 − A) | Δ(1 − A) |
0.05 | 0.410963 | 0.0212 |
0.08 | 0.253 | 0.0146 |
0.11 | 0.10076 | 0.0111 |
0.15 | −0.035338 | 0.0225 |
0.20 | −0.026817 | 0.0266 |
Using ηD2O = 1.251 cP at T = 20 °C eqn (12) yields values of ξcoop = 6.4 nm for MG10P and ξcoop = 3.4 nm for MG10F. This indicates that cooperative network fluctuations in sample MG10P have larger decay lengths. This suggests, that the polymer network of sample MG10F is softer in the size range explored by NSE due to the absence of a dense inner core region. A comparison with data published by Hellweg et al. shows that the dynamics of MG10F behave similar to a microgel prepared via precipitation polymerization with a low crosslinker content.68
Generally, the collective diffusion coefficient Dcoop = E/f relates an elastic modulus to the friction coefficient f which considers the resistance against the relative motion of polymer network and solvent. It measures the relaxation of concentration fluctuations in the network. The elastic modulus of a gel E = K + 4/3G is determined by the osmotic bulk modulus K describing network deformations including volume changes and the shear modulus G accounting for deformations without a volume change.
In previous mechanical measurements of the friction coefficient in macroscopic poly(acrylamide) hydrogels using confocal laser scanning microscopy a decrease of f with increasing crosslinker content and the accompanying increase of structural heterogeneities was observed.69–71 It was argued that the motion in regions of low crosslinker density contributes more to the friction coefficient than the motion in the region of higher polymer and crosslinking density.
In heterogeneously crosslinked microgel particles the size of the dense core region with its higher polymer and crosslinker density increases with increasing crosslinker content and hence, its contribution to the net friction coefficient of the particle increases.
Sample | T [°C] | D Zimm [Å3 ns−1] | η app [cP] | η sp [cP] |
MG10P | 20 | — | — | — |
MG10F | 20 | 42.5 ± 1.5 | 3.7 | 1.96 |
PNIPAM solution | 15 | 49.2 ± 1.8 | 3.2 | 1.22 |
In Table 7 the apparent and specific viscosities are listed as well. As mentioned above the specific viscosity allows a statement about the contribution of a polymer to the solution viscosity and a comparison between the different samples. We find values of ηsp = 1.96 and 1.22 for MG10F and the semidilute PNIPAM solution respectively. These values show that the polymer has a non-negligible contribution to the viscosity in both samples (Fig. 10).
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Fig. 10 Normalized ISFs of MG10P (green symbols) and MG10F (blue symbols) at 20 °C and a semidilute PNIPAM solution at 15 °C (red symbols). MG10P was fitted with eqn (17) over the entire Q-range, MG10F was fitted with eqn (17) for Q = 0.05, 0.08 and 0.11 Å−1 and with eqn (13) for Q = 0.13, 0.15 and 0.20 Å−1. The semidilute PNIPAM solution was fitted with eqn (13). |
The increased apparent viscosity may be attributed to cooperative hydration, which has been described in the literature for PNIPAM chains and microgels based on PNIPAM.72–75 Due to the formation of hydrophobic isopropyl side groups, there is a positive correlation between neighboring bound water molecules, favoring the formation of further hydrogen bonds. It is assumed that the formation of these hydrogen bonds increases the local viscosity in such polymer systems.76 Concentration dependent viscosity measurements of linear PNIPAM in D2O (Fig. 11) show that the specific viscosity of 1.22 corresponds to a PNIPAM concentration of 35 mg mL−1, which is slightly below the actual concentration of 50 mg mL−1 chosen for the experiment.
Moreover, the analysis of the SANS data presented in Section 4.4 revealed a stronger contribution of fluid like fluctuations in case of MG10F. Possibly larger fluctuation amplitudes of the polymer segments also contribute to the increase of ηapp. A similar behavior was found for microgels during NSE studies of cononsolvency effects on the dynamics of microgels.38–40
Microgels are often discussed as potential carrier medium for nanoparticles, proteins or therapeutic drugs and diagnostic agents. Microgel size, cross-linking density, and network homogeneity are discussed as important influences on the loading capacity and release/uptake kinetics.77 The inner dynamics of the microgel network may also influence the diffusion of probes inside the gel due to hydrodynamic friction between the polymer chains, the solvent and the probes. Therefore, it should also be considered in uptake and release scenarios.
In summary, MG10F synthesized via a monomer feeding method has a more homogeneous inner network structure than MG10P prepared via the classical precipitation polymerization but heterogeneity is still present in the periphery of the particles. The structural differences also clearly affect the dynamic properties. The denser network of MG10P leads to a dominant cooperative dynamics while in case of MG10F also segmental dynamics contributes.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8sm02141d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |