Key Laboratory of Environmentally Friendly Chemistry and Applications of Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan 411105, P. R. China. E-mail: drm8122@163.com; drm8122@xtu.edu.cn
First published on 14th October 2019
The behavior of Li/Na-ion capacitors (LICs/NICs) is largely limited by the low number of electroactive sites in conventional insertion-type anodes. In this work, we demonstrated a novel doping-vacancy double-defective and conversion-type Mn–O–F ultrafine nanowire (denoted as MnF2-E) anode to boost the number of electroactive sites for enhanced LICs/NICs. Owing to the unique hetero oxygen-doping and intrinsic fluorine-vacancy double defects, the Mn–O–F nanowires exhibited superior electroactive sites and thus dramatically enhanced Li/Na-ion storage capability than pristine MnF2 micro/nano-crystals. Both the optimal MnF2 screened by orthogonal experiments and derived Mn–O–F anodes and commercial activated carbon (AC) cathode were used to construct MnF2//AC and MnF2-E//AC LICs/NICs, which were optimized by tuning the active mass ratios of the cathode/anode and the working voltage windows of the hybrid capacitors. The LICs/NICs based on the Mn–O–F anode demonstrated a considerably superior performance than the devices based on the MnF2 anode under the optimal voltages of 0–4 V and 0–4.3 V. The Mn–O–F anode exhibited dominant diffusion/surface-controlled kinetics for Li/Na-ion storage, respectively, showing a major conversion mechanism for the charge storage processes. This work provides a new concept of double-defective and conversion-type electrode materials to improve the Li/Na-ion storage capability and will have a significant impact on the relevant fields.
LIC was proposed by Amatucci's team in 2001.11,12 It uses a battery-type material as the negative electrode with high energy density and an electric double layer (EDL) carbon material as the positive electrode with high power density; thus, LICs can export high energy and power density simultaneously. However, the performance of LICs is largely limited by anode materials, which have low electrochemical activity. Thus, finding new anodes with high electroactive sites has become an important research direction. Various advanced materials such as Nb2O5,13 MnO,14 and BiVO415 have been reported as intriguing anodes for LICs.
Nowadays, the depletion of lithium resources has caused widespread concern and more seriously, the development of lithium resources cannot keep up with the development of lithium-ion energy storage devices.16 Therefore, it is very important to find electrochemical energy storage devices with low cost, high safety, high energy/power densities and long cycle stability. It is particularly attractive to develop other ion energy storage devices for this purpose. Sodium (Na) ions are highly abundant and low cost in nature and have received great attention from researchers as alternatives to lithium ions.17 Sodium ion capacitors (NICs) also have the advantages of sodium ion batteries of high energy density and EDL capacitors of high power density. Some NICs even exhibit the same performance as LICs, such as Nb2O5@C/reduced graphene oxide (rGO),18 TiO2/C,19 N–TiO2,20 3D framework carbon (3DFC),21 peanut skin-derived carbon nanosheets-A (SCN-A).22
Electrode materials play a key role in electrochemical energy storage. The choice of materials should be based specifically on the following reasons: firstly, high specific surface area can afford rich electroactive sites, which can ensure high specific capacity. Secondly, high porosity can provide facile pathways for ion transportation and superior endurance for volume change, which can ensure high rate capability and stability. Thirdly, special morphologies such as nanowires and nanotubes, can facilitate the electron/ion transfer rates, which can further enhance the electrochemical performance.
In recent years, heteroatom doping has been widely used in electrochemical energy storage devices, which can greatly improve the surface properties of electrode materials, shorten the ion transport channels, and thus significantly improve the charge storage capability,23,24 which include (N or S)-doped graphene,25 (B, N or S)-doped hard carbon,26 and S-doped V6O13-x (VOS).27 Furthermore, vacancy defects can increase the number of electroactive sites and enhance the electron/ion transfer kinetics of electrode materials,23,24 such as O-vacancy-Co3O4,28 and Co-vacancy-CoSe2.29 Considering the above advantages, the Li/Na-ion storage capability of the pristine MnF2 anode can be significantly increased by simultaneously introducing hetero oxygen-doping and intrinsic fluorine anion-vacancies.
In this work, we report hetero oxygen-doping and fluorine anion-vacancy double-defective Mn–O–F ultrafine nanowires as novel promising anodes for LICs and NICs. Due to the disadvantages of large particle size and low specific surface area of pristine MnF2, we propose a simple method to solve these problems via the etching treatment of pristine MnF2 micro/nanocrystals with NaBH4 agents, which generates double-defective Mn–O–F ultrafine nanowires with high porosity and large specific surface area (the materials are denoted as MnF2-E). The performance of MnF2 candidates was firstly optimized via an orthogonal experiment (L934). The optimal MnF2 (8#) and etched MnF2 (8#)-E (Mn–O–F) anodes and commercial activated carbon (AC) cathode were used to construct the MnF2//AC and MnF2-E//AC LICs/NICs, which were optimized by tuning the active mass ratios of positive and negative electrodes and working voltage windows of the capacitors. Both the LICs and NICs based on the double-defective Mn–O–F anode showed much better electrochemical performance than the devices based on the MnF2 anode. The kinetics and mechanisms of the MnF2 and Mn–O–F anodes for both Li-ion and Na-ion storage were also investigated. Overall, this work addresses new insight into heteroatom doping and anion vacancy double-defective Mn–O–F anodes for advanced LICs and NICs and will have a significant impact on the development of advanced electrode materials for high-performance electrochemical energy storage devices.
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Fig. 1 XRD patterns(A), FTIR spectra (B), XPS survey scan (C), and XPS Mn 2p (D), F 1s (E) and O 1s (F) spectra of the MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E samples. |
The SEM and TEM images of MnF2 8# are shown in Fig. 2A and B, respectively, showing a size range of around 0.5–2 μm. The HRTEM image of MnF2 8# in Fig. 2C shows the lattice fringes of 0.345 nm, which is matched with the (110) crystal plane of tetragonal MnF2. The SAED patterns in Fig. 2D exhibit the single-crystalline diffraction characteristics of MnF2 8# with the marked standard crystalline planes of (110), which are in good agreement with the HRTEM and XRD results. Furthermore, the mapping images of MnF2 8# in Fig. 2E–G demonstrate the uniform distributions of F/Mn species. Fig. 2H, I and S3† show the SEM/TEM images of MnF2 8#-E, which exhibit an ultrafine nanowire morphology with a diameter of about 10 nm, and a much more porous structure can be clearly seen for MnF2 8#-E (the possible formation process can be seen in Scheme 1, ESI†), which endows the MnF2 8#-E sample with more electroactive sites than the pristine MnF2 8# sample. The ultrafine nanowire morphology and porous structure also ensure a shorter ion transport length and provide a larger electrode/electrolyte interface for charge transport reactions, which is also reflected in its superior electrochemical performance.30 The HRTEM image and SAED pattern of MnF 8#-E are shown in Fig. 2J and K, respectively, in which a typical amorphous structure with a lightly larger lattice fringe of 0.35 nm corresponding to the (110) crystal plane can be detected. The mapping diagrams of MnF2 8#-E in Fig. 2L–O demonstrate the even distribution of Mn, O, and F elements in the MnF2 8#-E sample, which again prove hetero oxygen doping in the MnF2 structure. The different colors of MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E in Fig. S4† and the element results from the EDS data in Fig. S5† also reflect the doping of oxygen heteroatoms and the change in the intrinsic structure of the materials. Further changes can be also seen from the nitrogen isothermal sorption data, pore volume and pore size distribution of MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E (Fig. 3A–F). Specifically, MnF2 8# has a very small specific surface area of only 2.75 m2 g−1, while MnF2 8#-E exhibits a staggering value of 198.96 m2 g−1, and the pore volume of MnF2 8# is also very small (0.008 cm3 g−1) in comparison with the very large pore volume of MnF2 8#-E (0.95 cm3 g−1), and the pore size of MnF2 8# is mainly distributed at 2.23 nm in comparison with the bigger pore size distribution of MnF2 8#-E (11.26 nm), which indicate an enormous increase in specific surface area, pore volume and pore size by the introduction of hetero oxygen doping and fluorine vacancy double defects, ensuring the exceptionally superior electrochemical performance of the double-defective Mn–O–F ultrafine nanowires for Li/Na-ion storage.
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Fig. 2 SEM (A), TEM (B), HRTEM (C), SAED (D) and mapping (E–G) images of MnF2 8# sample. SEM (H), TEM (I), HRTEM (J), SAED (K) and mapping (L–O) images of MnF2 8#-E sample. |
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Scheme 1 Schematics of the possible reaction mechanisms for the MnF2 (A) and MnF2-E (B) electrodes during the first two cycles of discharging/charging processes. |
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Fig. 3 N2 isothermal sorption (A and B), pore volume (C and D) and pore size distribution (E and F) of the MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E samples, respectively. |
Fig. 4C shows the CV plots of MnF2 8#-E at a sweep speed of 0.1 mV s−1, with two weak cathode peaks at 1.64 V and 1.07 V and a sharp cathode peak at 0.52 V in the first cathode sweep, which may be due to the conversion of Mn–O–F into Mn/LiF/Li2O and the formation of the SEI films, and the minor anodic peak at 1.17 V can be ascribed to the partial conversion of Mn/LiF/Li2O into MnF2/MnO.14,31,32 In the next two cycles, the cathode peaks shifted slightly from 0.56 V to 0.46 V, and the anode peaks shifted slightly from 1.18 V to 1.19 V, indicating good reversibility. Fig. 4E and F show the specific capacity and cycle performance of the MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E electrodes, respectively, where MnF2 8#-E provided the much bigger specific capacity of 411–120 mA h g−1 at 0.1–3.2 A g−1 in comparison with that of 153–89 mA h g−1 at 0.1–3.2 A g−1 for the MnF2 8# electrode. The more obvious gap is also reflected in the cycle performance after 500 cycles at 2 A g−1, where MnF2 8#-E exhibited 271 mA h g−1 (207% retention), whereas MnF2 8# exhibited only 138 mA h g−1 (152% retention). Moreover, the performance of the Mn–O–F anode is comparable or even superior to that of many state-of-the-art anode materials for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) (Table S5, ESI†) (the more detailed performance from the CV curves, GCD curves, rate capability and coulombic efficiency, cycling stability and coulombic efficiency of the MnF2 (1#–9#) and MnF2 8#-E electrodes can be seen in Fig. S7–S14†). The enhanced performance of the Mn–O–F ultrafine nanowires with the hetero oxygen doping and fluorine vacancies provides an important strategy for the promotion of charge storage capability of Li-ion anode materials. Herein, the initial increase in capacity for the MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E electrodes may be owing to the formation of continuous conductivity networks via the conversion, reversible reactions of SEI films and enhanced electroactive sites by the activation of the electrode,32 while the subsequent decrease in capacity for the MnF2 8#-E electrode may be owing to the decrease in the electroactive sites by the agglomeration of the amorphous ultrafine nanoparticles. The XRD patterns of the electrodes after cycling (Fig. S15A and B, ESI†) demonstrate the very faint diffraction peaks of MnF2 phase compared with the pristine states, and the TEM images of the electrodes after cycling (Fig. S15C–F, ESI†) show the presence of numerous ultrafine nanoparticles in the pristine nanocrystals or nanowires, suggesting the formation of a largely amorphous nanostructure for Li-ion storage after the long-term conversions. The CV plots at different sweep rates (0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mV s−1) of the MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E electrodes are shown in Fig. 4G and H, and the relationship of lgi–lg
v (i = avb)36 for MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E electrodes derived from the CV plots are shown in the insets of Fig. 4G and H. Note that the slopes of ba and bc are 0.88 and −1.32 for MnF2 8#, in comparison with that of 0.31 and −0.44 for MnF2 8#-E, respectively. These results indicate that the kinetics of the MnF2 8# electrode is dominated by surface-controlled kinetics (i.e. pseudocapacitive behavior),37 whereas the MnF2 8#-E electrode has the typical diffusion-controlled property. Herein, the absolute b values (0.31/0.44) of the MnF2 8#-E electrode are lower than 0.5, indicating the deviation from the typical planar diffusion characteristics, which may be owing to the highly porous and rough structure of the electrode, leading to the partial spherical diffusion. Moreover, the pseudocapacitive contribution (k1v)36,37 at 0.1–0.3 mV s−1 was estimated to be 73–82% and 31–44% for the MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E electrodes, respectively (Fig. S16 and S17, ESI†).
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to investigate the electrochemical kinetics of the MnF2 and MnF2 8#-E electrodes for Li-ion storage. As shown in Fig. S19,† the Nyquist plots include a Z′-axis intercept at the superhigh frequency, one semicircle in the high frequency region, a short sloping line in the intermediate frequency region and an oversized curved arc in the low frequency region, which are considered as the internal ohmic resistance (Rs) (including resistances of electrode and electrolyte, and contact resistances between particles and/or between electrode and current collector), charge transfer resistance (Rct) related to the electrochemical kinetics process, Warburg impedance (W) related to the ion diffusion process and the electronic resistance related to the bulk materials, respectively.32 The equivalent circuit model is shown in Fig. S18 (ESI†), and the fitting results are listed in Table S6 (ESI†), in which the Mn–O–F electrode shows a smaller Rct (37.33 Ω) than the MnF2 electrodes (43.09–68.34 Ω), implying the faster electrochemical kinetics in the Mn–O–F electrode because of its superior morphology and porosity.
The MnF2//AC and MnF2-E//AC LICs were further assembled with MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E as the anodes and commercial AC as the cathode together with the anodes pre-charged (pre-lithiation) mode at 0.1 A g−1 for 3.5 turns (Fig. S20†). Different active mass ratios of the cathode/anode were examined firstly. For the MnF2//AC LICs, the performance comparison for different mass ratios in Fig. S22† makes it clear that MnF2//AC (1:
1) is the optimal LIC (the performance of the AC cathode is shown in Fig. S21,† and the voltage windows, GCD curves and CV plots of the MnF2//AC LICs with different mass ratios are shown in Fig. S23 and S24†). For the MnF2-E//AC LICs, the best mass ratio was determined to be 1
2 based on the results shown in Fig. S25 and S26.† After selecting the optimal mass ratios of the LICs, different voltage windows (0–4 V and 0–4.3 V) were further examined. Fig. 5A–H show the CV plots at 40 mV s−1, GCD curves at 1 A g−1, Ragone behavior and cycling performance at 5 A g−1 of the MnF2//AC (1
1) and MnF2-E//AC (1
2) LICs under the voltages of 0–4 V and 0–4.3 V. The MnF2-8#-E//AC capacitor exhibited a larger CV area and longer charge and discharge times, indicating its better performance (the CV plots at different sweep speeds and GCD curves under different current densities are shown in Fig. S26–S28†). Furthermore, the MnF2-E//AC LICs exhibited remarkable performances under both 0–4 V (106.8–41.4 W h kg−1/0.33–10.7 kW kg−1, 63.4% retention/3000 cycles/5 A g−1) and 0–4.3 V (132.2–44.6 W h kg−1/0.36–11.5 kW kg−1, 63.5% retention/1000 cycles/5 A g−1) in comparison with the MnF2//AC LICs at 0–4 V (69.2–31.1 W h kg−1/0.5–16.0 kW kg−1, 72.5% retention/3000 cycles/5 A g−1) and 0–4.3 V (82.9–38.2 W h kg−1/0.54–17.2 kW kg−1, 63.5% retention/1000 cycles/5 A g−1) (more details are shown in Table S7†). The remarkable performance of the MnF2-E//AC LICs further proves that the double-defective Mn–O–F ultrafine nanowire anode with hetero oxygen doping and intrinsic fluorine vacancy greatly enhances the energy storage performance. Moreover, the MnF2-E//AC and MnF2//AC LICs exhibited comparable or even better performance than many state-of-the-art LICs systems reported in the literature (Table S8†), demonstrating their promising application in Li-ion storage.
The MnF2//AC and MnF2-E//AC NICs were also assembled with MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E as anodes and commercial AC as the cathode along with the anodes pre-charged (pre-sodiation) at 0.1 A g−1 for 3.5 turns (Fig. S35†). Initially, different active mass ratios of the cathode/anode were examined. The performance comparison for the different mass ratios in Fig. S37† indicate that the MnF2//AC (1:
1) NICs exhibited overall superior behavior (the performance of the AC cathode is shown in Fig. S36,† and the voltage windows, GCD curves and CV plots of the MnF2//AC NICs with different mass ratios are shown in Fig. S38 and S39†). The different potential windows were further examined under the optimal mass ratios of the NICs. Fig. 7A–H show the CV plots at 40 mV s−1, GCD curves at 1 A g−1, Ragone plots, and cycling behavior at 3 A g−1 for 800 cycles of the NICs under the voltages of 0–4 V and 0–4.3 V. The MnF2 8#-E//AC capacitor exhibited a larger CV area and longer charge and discharge times, indicating its better performance (the CV plots at different sweep speeds and GCD curves under different current densities are shown in Fig. S40 and S41,† respectively). The MnF2 8#-E//AC NICs exhibited a remarkable performance of 42.1–8.9 W h kg−1/0.5–8.0 kW kg−1, and 63.1% retention/200 cycles/3 A g−1 under 0–4 V and 55.9–19.2 W h kg−1/0.48–7.7 kW kg−1, and 45.3% retention/200 cycles/3 A g−1 under 0–4.3 V in comparison with that of the MnF 8#//AC NICs (16.4–4.4 W h kg−1/0.5–8.0 kW kg−1, 50.2% retention/200 cycles/3 A g−1/0–4 V and 37–7.2 W h kg−1/0.54–8.6 kW kg−1, 66.7% retention/200 cycles/3 A g−1/0–4.3 V, respectively). Furthermore, the MnF2-E//AC NICs and MnF2//AC NICs exhibited comparable or even better overall performances than that of many state-of-the-art NICs systems reported in the literature (Table S10†), showing their promising application in Na-ion storage.
The Na-ion storage mechanisms of MnF2 and MnF2-E were further investigated by ex situ XPS measurements of the pristine, fully discharged/charged states in the first cycle. As shown in Fig. 9A and B, the survey scans display the presence of Mn, F, O, Na, C and O species, indicating the reactions between MnF2 or Mn–O–F electrodes and Na-ion and the formation of SEI films. The Mn 2p spectra of MnF2 8# in Fig. 9C show the negative shift in the fully charged/discharged states and the presence of Mn, indicating a typical conversion reaction between the MnF2 and Na-ion. The Mn 2p spectra of MnF2 8#-E in Fig. 9D demonstrate the presence of Mn, Mn–F and Mn–O bonds, revealing the typical characteristics of the conversion reaction between the Mn–O–F and Na-ion. Fig. 9E and F show the F 1s spectra of MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E, respectively, where the typical Na–F, Mn–F and C–F (from PVDF) can be resolved, which again prove that MnF2 8# and MnF2 8#-E exhibit typical conversion reactions. The Na 1s spectra of MnF2 8# in Fig. 9G indicate the presence of NaF (mainly produced by the conversion reaction) and Na2CO3 (from the SEI films). Fig. 9H shows the Na 1s spectra of MnF2 8#-E, where the Na2CO3 bonds indicate the formation of SEI films, and NaF and Na2O were formed by the feature reactions of Mn–O–F with Na-ion. Fig. 9I shows the O 1s spectra of MnF2, where the Na2CO3, CO, C–OH, C–O and ROCO2Na bonds in both the fully discharged/charged states are due to the formation of SEI films.32,39 Na2O is also detected in the O 1s spectra of fully discharged/charged MnF2 8#-E (Fig. 9J), which is derived from the feature reaction of Mn–O–F with Na-ion.
Based on the above considerations, the possible reaction mechanisms of the MnF2 and Mn–O–F anodes for both Li-ion and Na-ion storage can be expressed as eqn (1)–(6). For MnF2, the mechanisms refer to eqn (1), (4) and (5) and for Mn–O–F, the mechanisms refer to eqn (2)–(6). A schematic of the possible processes for the first two discharging/charging cycles is illustrated in Scheme 1.
xMnF2 + 2xN+ + 2xe− ↔ xMn + 2xNF | (1) |
xMnO0.934F0.132 + 2xN+ + 2xe− → xMn + 0.934·xN2O + 0.132·xNF | (2) |
2xMn + xN2O + 2xNF ↔ xMnF2 + xMnO + 4xN+ + 4xe− | (3) |
N+ +e− + electrolytes ↔ SEI films | (4) |
yN+ + ye− + xMn/2xNF ↔ xMn/yN/2xNF | (5) |
yN+ + ye− + xMn/xN2O ↔ xMn/yN/xN2O | (6) |
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9na00521h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |