Issue 38, 2018

Plasmon-engineered anti-replacement synthesis of naked Cu nanoclusters with ultrahigh electrocatalytic activity


Anti-replacement reaction between Au nanoparticles and Cu2+ ions is studied under the irradiation of nanosecond laser pulses at a wavelength of 532 nm. It is revealed that high-purity naked Cu nanoclusters, which have an average diameter of 2 nm, can be extracted from CuCl2 solution. The Au nanoparticles are also completely converted to Au3+ and Au+ ions by “hot holes”. This is because of the plasmon generated “hot electrons” which overcome the limitation of thermodynamic reaction between the Au nanoparticles and Cu2+ ions. Furthermore, we find that the naked Cu nanoclusters exhibit enhanced electrocatalytic performance 1500 times higher than that of the ligand-protected Cu nanoclusters with similar size to achieve the oxygen reduction reaction.

Graphical abstract: Plasmon-engineered anti-replacement synthesis of naked Cu nanoclusters with ultrahigh electrocatalytic activity

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Article information

Article type
14 Jul 2018
07 Sep 2018
First published
07 Sep 2018

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018,6, 18687-18693

Plasmon-engineered anti-replacement synthesis of naked Cu nanoclusters with ultrahigh electrocatalytic activity

S. Pan, X. Zhang, W. Lu and S. F. Yu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 18687 DOI: 10.1039/C8TA06789A

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