Alexei A.
Research Center for Functional Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Namiki 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan. E-mail:
First published on 15th January 2018
A-site-ordered AA′3B4O12 quadruple perovskites (with twelve-fold coordinated A and square-planar coordinated A′ sites) were discovered in 1967. Since then, there have been considerable research efforts to synthesize and characterize new members of such perovskites. These efforts have led to the discoveries of many interesting physical and chemical properties, such as inter-site charge transfer and disproportionation, giant dielectric constant, multiferroic properties, reentrant structural transitions and high catalytic activity. The first member of A-site columnar-ordered A2A′A′′B4O12 quadruple perovskites (with ten-fold coordinated A, square-planar coordinated A′ and tetrahedrally coordinated A′′ sites), CaFeTi2O6, was discovered in 1995, and for 19 years it was the only representative of this family. In the last few years, A2A′A′′B4O12 perovskites have experienced rapid growth. Herein, we present a brief overview of the recent developments in this field and highlight an under-investigated status and great potential of A2A′A′′B4O12, which can be prepared mainly at high pressure and high temperature. The presence of the A′′ site gives an additional degree of freedom in designing such perovskites. The A2A′A′′B4O12 perovskites are discussed in comparison with well-known AA′3B4O12 perovskites.
A special class of the perovskite family is formed for the a+a+a+ tilt system with very large B–O–B tilt angles of about 140–145° (space group of the parent structure is Im).7,8 It is the so-called A-site-ordered quadruple perovskites, AA′3B4O12, which have a twelve-fold coordinated A site and a square-planar coordinated A′ site. The A′ site is typically occupied by Jahn–Teller cations [such as, Cu2+ and Mn3+] or other cations which allow a square-planar coordination: Cu3+,8 Fe2+,9,10 Co2+,11 Pd2+,12 Pb4+ (ref. 13) and Mn2+ (ref. 14), and most of the AA′3B4O12 compounds need high pressure (HP) and high temperature (HT) for their preparation. The AA′3B4O12 quadruple perovskite subfamily of the perovskite family has also numerous representatives with A = Na+, Mn2+, Cd2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Pb2+, R3+ (R = rare earths), Ce4+, Bi3+ and Th4+, and B = Mn3+, Mn4+, Fe3+, Cr3+, Al3+, Ti4+, V4+, Ge4+, Sn4+, Ru4+, Ir4+, Ta5+, Nb5+, Sb5+ and others.7 This subfamily was discovered in 1967 in CaCu3Ti4O12 during Cu2+ doping of CaTiO3.15 Since then, there have been considerable research efforts to synthesize and characterize new members of such quadruple perovskites. These efforts have led to the discoveries of many interesting physical and chemical properties, for example, giant dielectric constant,7 inter-site charge transfer and disproportionation,8 multiferroic properties, reentrant structural transitions,16 and high catalytic activity.17
Another special class of the perovskite family can be formed with the a+a+c− tilt system and with very large B–O–B tilt angles of about 140–150° (space group of the parent structure is P42/nmc).3,4 In such a case, compounds with the A2A′A′′B4O12 stoichiometry are formed. Therefore, they can also be called A-site-ordered quadruple perovskites, where A′ is the site with a square-planar coordination and A′′ is the site with a tetrahedral coordination. To distinguish them from AA′3B4O12, we suggest calling them A-site columnar-ordered18 quadruple perovskites. The first representative of this subfamily, CaFeTi2O6, was discovered just in 1995.9,19,20 CaFeTi2O6 was the only representative of such quadruple perovskites for 19 years, and this distortion of perovskites was considered to be highly exotic and rare.3,4 Only in 2014 was another representative reported, CaMnTi2O6.21 In the last few years, A2A′A′′B4O12 quadruple perovskites have experienced rapid growth.18,22–24 The purpose of this frontier article is to highlight their under-investigated status and great potential and to attract attention of the perovskite and high-pressure communities. The A2A′A′′B4O12 quadruple perovskites are compared with the AA′3B4O12 ones.
The different numbers of the in-phase BO6 tilts (determined, of course, primarily by the stoichiometry) create different numbers and types of cavities for A cations (Fig. 2). There is one type of cavity in the case of ABO3, and the coordination number is reduced from twelve (in the ideal cubic ABO3) to eight. The AO8 polyhedra are connected by edges to form a three-dimensional (3D) network (Fig. 2a).
There are two types of cavities in the case of AA′3B4O12 with a ratio of 1:
3. The A site keeps a twelve-fold coordination as in the ideal cubic ABO3, and the A′ site has four very short A′–O bond lengths, four much longer A′–O bond lengths, and four very long A′–O bond lengths (in total, still twelve). The four very short A′–O bond lengths form a square-planar coordination. The AO12 polyhedra are isolated from each other. The A′O4 squares are also isolated from each other (Fig. 2b), and they are oriented in such a way that they are orthogonal to each other, but they are 3D-connected through the longer A′–O bond lengths. The AO12 and A′O4 polyhedra are 3D-connected through edges.
There are three types of cavities in the case of A2A′A′′B4O12 with a ratio of 2:
1. Therefore, such perovskites have intrinsic triple A-site ordering. The A site has a ten-fold coordination (plus two very long bond lengths), and both A′ and A′′ sites have four very short A′–O and A′′–O bond lengths with similar values of 1.9–2.1 Å, four much longer bond lengths, and four very long bond lengths (in total, still twelve). The four very short A′–O bond lengths form a square-planar coordination. However, the four very short A′′–O bond lengths form a tetrahedral coordination (Fig. 2c). Therefore, the A′ and A′′ sites have fundamentally different coordination environments, and they should be distinguished even though they have similar bond lengths. The AO10 polyhedra are connected through edges and form chains (columns) along the c axis. The A′O4 squares and A′′O4 tetrahedra are separated from each other, but they are connected through the longer A′–O bonds to form chains (columns) along the c axis. Because of the existence of the –AO10–AO10– columns and the –A′O4+4–A′′O4– columns (or columns consisting of isolated A′O4 and A′′O4 units), A2A′A′′B4O12 perovskites can be called A-site columnar-ordered perovskites. Connections of the AO10 and A′O4 polyhedra through edges, the AO10 and A′′O4 polyhedra through corners and the –AO10–AO10– columns through corners create a 3D network. Tetrahedral coordination is usually not realized in oxygen-stoichiometric ABO3 perovskites; only the removal of oxygen in ordered manners creates tetrahedral sites.4 The A2A′A′′B4O12 perovskites are oxygen-stoichiometric perovskites with tetrahedral sites.
Because of the similarities in the B sublattice (Fig. 1), it is expected that the B site of A2A′A′′B4O12 can be occupied by most of the B-type cations for perovskites and their different combinations (a list of examples is given in the second paragraph of Introduction).
The A sites in all three families retain large environments with some variations in the coordination numbers. Therefore, it is expected that the A site of A2A′A′′B4O12 can be occupied by many typical A cations for perovskites (a list of examples is given in the second paragraph of Introduction). Despite the twelve-fold coordination of the A site in AA′3B4O12, we are not aware of any such perovskites with A = Ba2+. This fact shows that strong and almost fixed tilts of the BO6 octahedra put limits on the possible A–O bond lengths. It is well illustrated by the crystal structures of AMn7O12 with A = Cd, Ca, Sr and Pb,31,32 where the A–O bond lengths are almost the same in all these compounds (l(A–O) ∼ 2.6–2.7 Å) independent of the size of A cations. With high enough pressure, small cations can be forced into the A site resulting in rattling (e.g., in CuCu3V4O12),33 while too large cations (e.g., A = Ba) cannot. In A2A′A′′B4O12, the A-site coordination number and A–O bond lengths (l(A–O) ∼ 2.3–2.5 Å (×6) and l(A–O) ∼ 2.7 Å (×4)) are further reduced in comparison with AA′3B4O12. This fact can put additional limits on the size of A-type cations that can be forced into the A site. All rare-earth elements (except Ce and Pm) and Ca2+ were found so far at the A site of A2A′A′′B4O12. The size of Na+ is close to those of Ca2+ and La3+;34 therefore, we can also expect such compounds with A = Na+. We also emphasize that depending on compositions at the A′, A′′ and B sites, ranges of stability of A2A′A′′B4O12 (A = R = rare-earths) vary from R = La–Sm22 for RMnMnSbO6 to R = Gd–Tm and Y23 for RMnMn2O6 (in all cases, we always mean the synthesis conditions used; stability ranges can change if the synthesis pressure is increased or other conditions are altered). It means that a number of different rare-earth elements should always be checked when preparing such compounds with different B-site contents. A similar tendency was also observed in AA′3B4O12: for example, RMn3(AlTi3)O12 is formed for R = La–Sm, but not for R = Gd–Lu;14 RMn7O12 is formed for R = La–Er and Y, but not for R = Tm–Lu.23 On the other hand, RCu3Mn4O12 can be prepared for all R at a relatively low pressure of 2 GPa.35
The A′O4 sites of AA′3B4O12 and A2A′A′′B4O12 are identical. Therefore, it is expected that they can be occupied by the same cations. They are listed and highlighted by bold letters in Table 1, which also gives some other cations with a possible square-planar coordination. We note that there are reports about the presence of Li+ (e.g., in (Li1.333Cu1.333)Ta4O12)36 and very small amounts of Fe3+ and Ti4+ at the A′ site of AA′3B4O12.37,38 Mn3+, Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ were found so far in the A′ site of A2A′A′′B4O12 quadruple perovskites.
Cation | Radius (Å) | Cation | Radius (Å) |
Radii are taken from ref. 34 (for the square-planar (SQ) coordination if available) except for Mn3+ and Cu3+ (rSQ(Mn3+/Cu3+) = l(Mn/Cu–O) − r(O2−), where l(Mn–O) = 1.91 Å and l(Cu–O) = 1.88 Å are the average Mn–O and Cu–O bond distances in AMn3+3B4O12 and ACu3+3B4O12 quadruple perovskites (taking the four shortest Mn/Cu–O bonds) and r(O2−) = 1.4 Å). Cations marked by bold letters (Cu3+, Mn3+, Cu2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Pd2+, Pb4+ and Mn2+) were found in the A′ site of AA′3B4O12 quadruple perovskites; note that Li+ (together with Cu2+)36 and very small amounts of Ti4+ and Fe3+ were also reported.37,38 Mn3+, Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ were found so far in the A′ site of A2A′A′′B4O12 quadruple perovskites. LS: low-spin. | |||
Cu 3+ | ≈0.48 | Fe 2+ | 0.64 |
Ni2+(LS) | 0.49 | Pd 2+ | 0.64 |
Mn 3+ | ≈0.51 | Pb 4+ | 0.65 |
Cu 2+ | 0.57 | Mn 2+ | 0.66 |
Co 2+ | 0.58 | Ag3+ | 0.67 |
Pt2+ | 0.60 | Au3+ | 0.68 |
Cr2+ | Not available |
The A′′O4 tetrahedral site is unique in A2A′A′′B4O12. Table 2 gives a list of some cations that can have a tetrahedral coordination environment and their ionic radii.34 Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ were found so far in the A′′ site of A2A′A′′B4O12 and they probably accidentally overlap with cations found at the A′ site (Fig. 3). The charge and size of Co2+, Mg2+ and Zn2+, for example, are close to those of Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+, but they should preferably occupy the tetrahedral A′′ site instead of the square-planar A′ site.39 On the other hand, however, all cations shown in Table 2 can have an octahedral coordination, and some of them (e.g., Ni2+, Sn4+ and Ti4+) show a very strong preference for such an environment.39 Therefore, strong competitions with the octahedral B sites or the formation of other phases where such cations have an octahedral coordination are possible. One strategy to force them into the A′′ site is to use cations at the B sites with an even stronger preference for octahedral environments (similar to NiCr2O4 and CuCr2O4 spinels). We can expect that with high enough pressure during the synthesis some elements from Table 2 (in addition to Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+) can be stabilized at the A′′ site. For example, 5 GPa was enough to stabilize Fe2+ in the square-planar A′ site of CaFe3Ti4O12, while more than 12 GPa was required to prepare CaFeTi2O6 with Fe2+ in both the square-planar A′ and tetrahedral A′′ sites.9
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Fig. 3 A schematic figure with some cations that can have a tetrahedral coordination and a square-planar coordination in oxides and their overlap.39 Bold letters show cations found at the A′ site of AA′3B4O12. Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ (underlined) were found so far in the A′′ site of A2A′A′′B4O12 quadruple perovskites. |
Cation | Radius (Å) | Cation | Radius (Å) |
Radii are taken from ref. 34. Cations marked by bold letters (Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+) were found so far in the A′′ site of A2A′A′′B4O12 quadruple perovskites. HS: high-spin. | |||
Ge4+ | 0.39 | Cu 2+ | 0.57 |
Al3+ | 0.39 | Co2+(HS) | 0.58 |
Ti4+ | 0.42 | Li+ | 0.59 |
Ga3+ | 0.47 | Zn2+ | 0.60 |
Fe3+ | 0.49 | Fe 2+ (HS) | 0.63 |
Ni2+ | 0.55 | Pb4+ | 0.65 |
Sn4+ | 0.55 | Mn 2+ (HS) | 0.66 |
Mg2+ | 0.57 | Cd2+ | 0.78 |
Co3+ | Not available |
An attempt to prove the above concept (about the location of different elements at the A′ and A′′ sites) was made as shown in ref. 24 by the synthesis of Ca2CuMnFe2Re2O12 aiming at Cu2+ at the A′ site and Mn2+ at the A′′ site. We synthesized R2CuMnMn4O12. We also tried to insert Ga3+ and prepared R2MnGaMn4O12 (space group P42/nmc).30 We emphasize that because Mn3+ can disproportionate during the synthesis as found in RMnMn2O6 = [R3+2]A[Mn3+]A′[Mn2+]A′′[Mn3+2]B1[Mn3+Mn4+]B2O12,23 any cation/charge distributions are possible between [R3+2]A[Mn3+]A′[Ga3+]A′′[Mn3+4]BO12 with Ga3+ at the A′′ site and [R3+2]A[Mn3+]A′[Mn2+]A′′[Mn3+2Mn4+Ga3+]BO12 with Ga3+ at the B site (assuming39 that the A′′ site cannot be occupied by Mn3+ and Mn4+). Our structural analysis with X-ray powder diffraction data gave evidence that the cation distribution is more close to the former case (A′′–O bond lengths of 1.89 Å were more consistent with Ga–O bond lengths). However, a precise model can only be determined with neutron diffraction, and this method is an essential tool to study cation distributions in A2A′A′′B4O12.
The presence of the A′′ site gives an additional degree of freedom in A2A′A′′B4O12, and the number of elements that can have a tetrahedral environment is larger than that with a square-planar environment (Fig. 3). Therefore, it is expected that A2A′A′′B4O12 perovskites should be numerous and versatile.
The parent structure of A2A′A′′B4O12 has the space group P42/nmc (no. 137). There are seven distortions from the direct group–subgroup relations (except for the same P42/nmc symmetry with 2ap × 2ap × 6ap and 6ap × 6ap × 2ap) (Fig. 5). Three of them have already been found experimentally. Surprisingly, a temperature-driven proper polar distortion takes place in CaMnTi2O6 without any effects of lone electron pairs.21 This is a quite promising fact in comparison with the AA′3B4O12 family. Rock-salt B-site (space group P42/n)22,24 and layered B-site (space group Pmmn)23 orders have already been realized in A2A′A′′B4O12. The reported P42/n distortion is composition-driven. The Pmmn distortion in RMnMn2O6 could be temperature-driven, but no evidence (no phase transitions to the parent structure) was found so far; this is why we call it composition-driven. It is interesting that the Pmmn model has potential for an additional 1:
1 rock-salt A-site order (that is, it has two independent A sites: A1 and A2), which might be realized, for example, in a hypothetical compound [Ca2+]A1[Dy3+]A2[Mn3+]A′[Mn2+]A′′[Mn3+2]B1[Mn4+2]B2O12 (it is just given to illustrate compositional design principles). The polar P42mc distortion has potential for an additional 1
1 columnar A-site order: [Na+]A1[Nd3+]A2[Mn2+]A′[Mn2+]A′′[Ti4+4]BO12 (a hypothetical compound to illustrate compositional design principles). A1–O and A2–O distances in the Pmmn (e.g., RMnMn2O6) and P42mc (e.g., CaMnTi2O6) models are different; therefore, there might be driving forces for the ordering of cations with different oxidation states and sizes. The rock-salt A-site ordering is rare in ABO3;3,4 however, the ordering would not be direct in the Pmmn model because the A sublattice is ‘diluted’ by A′ and A′′.
Without the assistance from the B sublattice, the interaction among magnetic cations at the A′ and A′′ sites is usually very weak (at least, among Mn2+): CaMnTi2O6 has the Néel temperature (TA,N) of about 10 K,21 while SmMnGaTiO6 was reported to order at TA,N = 3 K, and no ordering was found in GdMnGaTiO6.18 In the case of SmMnGaTiO6 and GdMnGaTiO6, even small disordering of Ga3+ and Mn2+ between the A′′ and B sites could suppress a long-range magnetic ordering. On the other hand, magnetic interactions through Ti4+ could be enhanced in CaMnTi2O6 resulting in higher TN similar to a higher magnetic transition temperature in CaCu3Ti4O12 in comparison with CaCu3Ge4O12 and CaCu3Sn4O12.3 No cooperative long-range magnetic order of the parent compound, CaFeTi2O6, was found down to 4.2 K.27
The presence of magnetic cations at the B sites significantly enriched magnetic behaviours. First, the ordering temperature of Mn2+ at the A′ and A′′ sites can reach TA,N = 70 K in CaMnFeReO624 and TA,C = 100 K in CaMnMnReO6.24 Second, the magnetic ordering of Mn2+ at the A′ and A′′ sites can be either antiferromagnetic (TA,N in CaMnFeReO6)24 or ferromagnetic (TA,C in CaMnMnReO6
24 and TC = 76 K in NdMnMnSbO6).22 Magnetic cations at the B sublattice can order first as in CaMnMnReO6 at TB,C = 120 K (a ferrimagnetic structure),24 can order first with much higher temperatures as in CaMnFeReO6 at TB,C = 500 K and in Ca2CuMnFe2Re2O12 at TB,C = 560 K (a ferrimagnetic structure of Fe3+ and Re5+)24 or can order at the same temperature with the A′ and A′′ sites as in NdMnMnSbO6.22 There is a spin reorientation transition in NdMnMnSbO6 at 42 K driven by order of the Nd moments.22 RMnMn2O6 compounds also show complex magnetic behaviours at several transition temperatures (two or three magnetic transitions depending of R and stoichiometry);23 but magnetic structures have not been investigated yet. The maximum magnetic transition temperature is about 80 K in RMnMn2O6,23 but it jumps to about 180 K in R2CuMnMn4O12 after Cu2+ doping.30 This jump could be caused by the increase of the Mn4+ concentration at one of the B sites from [Mn3+2]B1[Mn3+Mn4+]B2 to [Mn3+2]B1[Mn4+2]B2. Most of the R2CuMnMn4O12 compounds exhibit three magnetic transitions (e.g., at 15, 145 and 180 K for R = Tm).30 Significant magnetoresistance was found in CaMnFeReO6 and magnetoresistance switching was observed in Ca2CuMnFe2Re2O12.24 Therefore, A2A′A′′B4O12 perovskites show complex magnetic properties.
It was found that RMnMn2O6 (RMn3O6) compounds are prone to non-stoichiometry, R1−δMn3O6−1.5δ, with δ = −(0.059–0.071) for R = Gd, δ = 0 for R = Dy, δ = 0.05–0.1 for R = Ho and Y, and δ = 0.12 for R = Er and Tm, and their magnetic properties are highly sensitive to the δ values.23 The real rare-earth cation deficiency was formed in the case of Er0.88Mn3O5.82 and Tm0.88Mn3O5.82; and the cation distribution can be written as [Tm3+1.76]A[Mn3+]A′[Mn2+]A′′[Mn3+2]B1[Mn3+Mn4+]B2O12−δ.30 However, the manganese deficiency in GdMn3−yO6−1.5y is realized through the doping of a small amount of Gd into the tetrahedral A′′ site: [Gd3+2]A[Mn3+]A′[Mn2+0.86Gd3+0.14]A′′[Mn3+2]B1[Mn3.43+2]B2O12.30 The location of rare-earth elements at tetrahedral sites is very unusual.39 RMnMn2O6 compounds were prepared from R2O3 and Mn3+2O3.23 However, during the synthesis at HP and HT, charge disproportionation takes place because Mn can enter the A′′ site only in the oxidation state of +2.
Neutron diffraction showed that Fe3+ cations occupy the A′ site (8%) and the A′′ site (16%) in CaMnFeReO6.24 This fact shows that Fe3+ can in principle be at the tetrahedral A′′ site (Fig. 3). The location of a very small amount of Fe3+ cations at the square-planar A′ site was also observed in AA′3B4O12 by Mössbauer spectroscopy, but the concentration never reaches a few percent.38 A very small antisite disorder at the B sites was found in CaMnFeReO6 (3% Fe/Re) and CaMnMnReO6 (4% Mn/Re); CaMnMnReO6 also had about 5% of Mn at the Ca site,24 and small amounts of Mn were found at the Nd and Sb sites of NdMnMnSbO6.22
Different atoms (e.g., Cu2+ and Mn2+) that can occupy both tetrahedral and square-planar sites (Fig. 3) order poorly between the A′ and A′′ sites as found by neutron diffraction in the case of Ca2CuMnFe2Re2O12 (60% Cu and 40% Mn at A′ and 23–36% Cu and 64–77% Mn at A′′);24 and the degree of ordering can depend on synthesis conditions.24 On the other hand, different charge orderings take place (at the A′ and A′′ sites and/or at the B site) for the same atom; examples with Mn known so far are: RMnMn2O6, R2MnMn[Mn3Ti]BO12 and R2CuMnMn4O12. Mn2+ and Mn3+ at the A′ site can be distinguished by Mn–O bond lengths: l(Mn2+–O) ∼ 2.1 Å and l(Mn3+–O) ∼ 1.91 Å. Other good candidates for such same-atom charge-ordered scenarios are Cu, Co and Fe (Fig. 3). Another interesting observation is that when the B site is solely occupied by Mn with the average oxidation state higher than +3, there seems to be a tendency for a layered B-site ordering with the appearance of one layer consisting of highly distorted (by the Jahn–Teller effect) Mn3+O6 octahedra.
Very few compositions of AA′3B4O12 can be prepared at ambient pressure (for example, (Li1.333Cu1.333)Nb4O12,36 Cu2+xTa4O12,47 CaMn7O12 and CaCu3Ti4O12).3 The majority of AA′3B4O12 requires HP and HT synthesis conditions. All known A2A′A′′B4O12 require HP and HT conditions. They were prepared at 12 GPa–1670 K for CaFeTi2O6,20 7 GPa–1470 K for CaMnTi2O6,21 10 GPa–1470 K for RMnMnSbO6,22 6 GPa–1370 K for RMnGaTiO6,18 6 GPa–1670 K for RMnMn2O6,23 and 10 GPa–1670 K for CaMnFeReO6 (and others).24
The symmetry of A2A′A′′B4O12 under synthesis conditions is crucial for the realization of ordering of different cations between the A′ and A′′ sites. In general, three situations are possible for compounds with the A2A′A′′B4O12 stoichiometry. First, the structure can have one crystallographic A site (e.g., with the maximum symmetry of Pmm and ap × ap × ap). In this case, we will probably have GdFeO3-type structures (simple ABO3 perovskites) with random distribution of all A cations at one site after quenching and pressure release.22 Second, the structure can have two crystallographic A sites with the 1
1 ratio (e.g., with P4/mmm symmetry and √2ap × √2ap × ap considered in ref. 29). In this case, it is difficult to expect noticeable ordering of different cations between the A′ and A′′ sites. Third, the structure can have three A sites with the 2
1 ratio (e.g., with I4/mmm symmetry and 2ap × 2ap × 2ap). In this case, the ordering of different cations between the A′ and A′′ sites can be realized. If the second case takes place (for some compositions), a modification of synthesis conditions could help to increase the ordering. In most cases, samples are quenched after the synthesis, but slow cooling could drive (partial) ordering. We are not aware of any in situ HP and HT studies of either AA′3B4O12 or A2A′A′′B4O12.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |