Jeremy K.
Andrew N.
b and
Jeffrey H.
aDepartment of Chemistry, Christopher Ingold Laboratories, UCL, 20 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJ, UK. E-mail:
bEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility - 71, avenue des Martyrs, CS 40220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
cMontpellier, France. E-mail:
First published on 19th September 2018
The evolution of the structure of the four solid phases of the prototype binary-adduct C6H6:
C6F6 as a function of temperature has been investigated using X-ray and neutron diffraction. An explanation is proposed concerning changes in the arrangements of the molecules at each of the three phase transitions and the dynamics in C6H6
C6F6 are briefly compared with those of the adduct formed between mesitylene and C6F6. The observations are rationalised using simple models of intermolecular electrostatics.
One of the simplest organic co-crystals containing a molecule with many C–F bonds and without ‘classical’ hydrogen bonding is the 1:
1 adduct of benzene (C6H6) and hexafluorobenzene (C6F6), first reported over 50 years ago.8 Both C6H6 and C6F6 are liquids at room temperature, but the binary adduct is a solid under ambient conditions. The structure of the lowest temperature phase (IV) of this adduct was solved in 1991.9 In addition to the complex with C6H6, C6F6 is known to form a series of 1
1 co-crystals with various methyl substituted benzenes including mesitylene (1,3,5-C6H3Me3),10,11 mellitene (C6Me6),12,13p-xylene (1,4-C6H4Me2),14 and durene (1,2,4,5-C6H2Me4).15 All these, and related co-crystals possess structural instabilities and contain (at least one) phase transition below their melting point.
One of the objectives of investigating such materials is to evaluate the role of C–H⋯F–C interactions in the crystal structures of solids formed from closely-packed columns, where each column is made of two alternating molecules. In particular, where the two alternating molecules are small aromatic molecules, but with different electron distributions, electron distributions cause the two species to ‘bond’ face-to-face through a weak electrostatic (electric quadrupole) interaction. The stacking interactions formed by C6F6 are of particular interest in this regard. Despite the earlier investigations by Dahl, and more recent studies (e.g. on substituted benzamides16), an understanding of the prototypical adduct material C6H6:
C6F6 has proved intractable until now.
The type of weak, van der Waals intermolecular interactions seen in such solids are best described as: bond dipole–bond dipole interactions between the close-packed columns and quadrupole moment–quadrupole moment interactions within the columns. These are weak electrostatic interactions, which in crystals of organic molecules play a significant part in determining the structure of the solid when hydrogen bonding is absent. In addition, these interactions also determine the dynamics of the crystal architecture, e.g., in initiating the various solid-state phase transitions seen in binary-adducts such as C6H6:
C6F6 and 1,3,5-C6H3Me3
C6F6,11 which involve interactions between C–F bonds on one molecule in one of the columns and C–H bonds on molecules in an adjacent column. Consequently, these interactions give further stability, lateral or perpendicular to the axis of the closely packed columns. The lateral interactions are sometimes termed hydrogen bonds, but in fact, they are simple dipole–dipole interactions. However, as the molecules have no permanent electric-dipole moment, one must consider the asymmetry of the charge in the bonds of the molecules, i.e. one is considering a distributed multipole model of the attractive inter-column interactions. Whereas the attractive intra-column interactions can be considered as single-site multipole (quadrupole) interactions (referred to the centres-of-mass of the molecules). In benzene and hexafluorobenzene, the individual C–H and C–F bonds are polarized (the electronegativities of the atoms are very different) and the vector sum of the six bond dipoles is zero in both molecules. So therefore in C6F6, there are six δ+C–Fδ− bond dipoles disposed towards nearby δ−C–Hδ+ bond dipoles in C6H6 molecules in adjacent columns.
The understanding of intermolecular interactions and cohesion in these binary adducts has changed over time. Originally, they were called ‘charge-transfer solids’. It was thought that there was a donor–acceptor or π–π* bond between C6H6 and C6F6.17–19 However, transfer of charge and the consequent molecular orbital changes are not supported by spectroscopy as the internal vibrations of the molecules in the adduct show only a small frequency shift when compared to those of the pure solids.20,21
An alternative model explaining structural cohesion in these adducts is provided by studies of their charge distribution.22,23 Given the lack of an overall dipole moment in C6H6 and C6F6, the first non-vanishing electrical moment, which will dominate intermolecular interactions is the quadrupole moment. Experimental values of the quadrupole moment are available via the Buckingham technique of electric field-gradient induced birefringence.24,25 For C6H6, the value of the quadrupole is large and negative: −29.0 ± 1.7 × 10−40 C m2, and for C6F6 the quadrupole moment is large and positive: +31.7 ± 1.7 × 10−40 C m2. The large negative value for C6H6, can be interpreted with the familiar picture of delocalized charge (π-cloud) above and below the plane of the C6-ring. In contrast, due to the strong electronegativity of the fluorine atoms in C6F6, the electron charge density of the π-cloud is distorted towards the F atoms resulting in a larger component of electron density in the plane of the C6-ring and, consequently, the sign of the quadrupole moment changes and is now large and positive. This makes C6F6 less susceptible to electrophilic attack than C6H6.
The ability to predict the solid-state packing of molecules, and to comprehend the observed molecular dynamics from knowledge of the electrical properties of the isolated molecules, is a goal that is much sought after. Although the strength of the various intermolecular interactions may be approximated, the problem is not straightforward. The utility of such modelling is the argument of this work.
Powder neutron diffraction data were collected on a sample of C6D6:
C6F6 on the high-resolution diffractometer D1A at the ILL and complementary synchrotron X-ray measurements on C6H6
C6F6 were made at the SRS, Daresbury, using beamline 2.3. Details of the experiments are to be found in the ESI‡ Sect. 2. At that time, the structure of phase IV was solved and possible unit cells were identified for the other three phases.9 The comparative cell parameters given in Table 1 are based on recent Rietveld refinement to the original neutron data using structures determined recently (see ESI‡).
C6H6![]() ![]() |
Phase I | Phase II | Phase III | Phase IV |
T/K | 285 | 260 | 225 | 1.5 |
Space group |
R![]() |
I2/m |
P![]() |
P21/a |
a/Å | 12.0088(5) | 6.6044(6) | 6.4012(3) | 9.5163(3) |
b/Å | 12.0088(5) | 12.3527(14) | 12.3611(8) | 7.4400(2) |
c/Å | 7.2521(5) | 7.3190(4) | 7.3137(2) | 7.54278(17) |
α/° | 90 | 90 | 93.970(4) | 90 |
β/° | 90 | 99.257(6) | 96.899(3) | 95.6320(18) |
γ/° | 120 | 90 | 91.742(5) | 90 |
V/Z/Å3 | 301.91(6) | 294.66(5) | 286.35(3) | 265.731(14) |
To take advantage of modern developments in hardware and software, a reinvestigation of C6H6:
C6F6 was begun. Initially, the system was studied by variable temperature laboratory PXRD, but the combination of small capillary samples and hysteresis failed to provide sufficient insight to permit a determination of the structure of the unknown phases. Consequently, DSC measurements (ESI‡ Sect. 3) were made to better understand the nature of the phase transitions. Typical DSC data from a sample of C6H6
C6F6 is shown in Fig. 2, with further data on the components shown in Fig. S5.‡
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Fig. 2 DSC data obtained on cooling (blue curve) and heating (red curve) for C6H6![]() ![]() |
The structures of the four phases solved from a mixture of powder and single-crystal diffraction methods are shown in Fig. 3. Of these phases, phase IV was published previously,9 and the structures of the other three phases are reported here having been solved from a mixture of powder and single-crystal diffraction studies (see ESI‡ Sect. 2 and 4). What is readily observed in Fig. 3 (and in detail in Fig. S9 and S10‡), is the interpenetration of the C–H and C–F bonds of molecules in neighbouring columns of the lowest temperature phase (IV). In this phase, the bonds on one type of molecule closely approach neighbouring molecules of the other type. Thus, C–H bonds in a C6H6 molecule are directed towards, and come very close to, F atoms of the C–F bonds of a C6F6 molecule in the layers above and below in adjacent columns (Fig. S10‡). Within a column, the C–H bonds on a C6H6 molecule are seen partially staggered with respect to the C–F bonds on the C6F6 molecules on either side of the C6H6 molecule by about 18° (Fig. 3). It is possible, therefore, to envisage a network of weakly-polarized hydrogen bond-like links between the closely packed columns as the means of stabilizing the solid lattice.
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Fig. 3 Views of the crystal structures of phases IV to I of C6H6![]() ![]() |
It is through the intermeshing network of C–H and C–F bonds (i.e. through a network of C–H⋯F–C interactions) originating in the different columns that the crystal architecture is stabilized. This lowest temperature phase of the solid adduct is like a molecular ‘gear-box’ with interlocking cogs (the interpenetrating C–H and C–F bonds) on closely-packed parallel shafts (or columns of molecules). The phase transition at 218 K is like a molecular clutch being engaged in a transmission system to change gear; in the solid, the molecular clutch leads to an increase in the inter-column spacing. The columns have separated, thus facilitating molecular motion of increasing amplitude, e.g. jump rotations of the C6H6 molecules around the six-fold axis of the molecule. This thermally driven motion continues for both C6H6 and C6F6 molecules right up to the melting point of the binary-adduct at 25 °C as shown by a study of the temperature dependence of the high-resolution laser Raman spectrum of this adduct.27
The change of geometry from staggered to eclipsed observed at the IV to III phase transition will modify the magnitude of the bond dipole–bond dipole interaction between the C–H and C–F bonds between columns. The separation of the parallel columns in the binary-adduct upon going from phase IV to phase III may be seen by examining the average separation of the bond dipoles of 2.61(7) Å in phase IV (from the 10 H⋯F distances seen in Fig. S9‡), and this same average (but over only 7 H⋯F distances seen in Fig. S15‡) which has become 2.71(8) Å in phase III. The columns have separated, and the attractive electrostatic potential between them has fallen.
In Fig. 4, the temperature dependence of the volume of the unit cell of the binary adduct derived from the original powder neutron diffraction data is presented. The largest percentage changes over this temperature range for the unit cell parameters are with respect to the a-axis (see ESI‡ Table S4 and Fig. S2). As the sample transforms from phase IV to phase I, the angle between the plane of the C6F6 molecule and the column axis changes dramatically as the molecules pivot about their centre-of-mass: 62.4° (IV), 71.5° (III), 75.8° (II), and 90° (I), as seen in Fig. 3, thus necessitating an increase in the lattice parameter a. Similar tilting behaviour is seen in the phases transitions of s-triazine,28 which exhibits an analogous structural behaviour to C6H6:
C6F6. Another consequence of the pivoting of the molecules is that the cell angle β increases with increasing temperature: 95.6° (IV), 96.7° (III), 100.1° (II), and 109.2° (I, for the monoclinic equivalent cell shown in red in Fig. 3). The b- and c-axes are found to not increase greatly, but just to a level as seen in molecular crystals.
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Fig. 4 Volume of the adduct pair C6D6![]() ![]() |
The sequence of transitions on cooling involves the symmetry of the crystals changing from Rm to I2/m to P
and finally to P21/a. The transitions from I to II and II to III involve displacive transitions with a simple super/sub-group symmetry relationship, in contrast to the transition III to IV which is unusual in that the lower temperature phase IV exhibits a higher symmetry than phase III. Despite the displacive transition, crystals do not form merohedral twins on cooling but shatter. This can be attributed to the large volume change at the transitions seen in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 clearly demonstrates the hysteresis to be seen in the material. The hysteresis shows how phases III and IV can co-exist over an extended range of temperature, and that the phase transition between phases III and IV is driven by the volume change, i.e. by the change of the C–H⋯F–C interactions between the columns. The volume change displayed in Fig. 4 is 14.2%, with the biggest increase at the highest temperatures, and at the phase transitions (indicated in the figure), consistent with the formation of a plastic phase (phase I) as also seen in the powder diffraction data (ESI‡ Fig. S4). For comparison, the volume of the unit cell of 1,3,5-C6H3Me3:
C6F6 increases by 8.7% over the range 90 to 300 K but there is no evidence for the formation of a plastic phase despite disorder of the methyl groups at elevated temperatures.11 The plastic phase in C6H6
C6F6 with extensive disorder permits recrystallization of a powdered sample. Consequently, measurements on powdered samples will be dependent on the thermal history of the sample and the macroscopic structure of the material can be engineered by cycling the temperature. Phase II shows strong anisotropic behaviour. As the crystal structure evolves on heating towards the close packed columns that characterise phase I, in phase II the a axis expands rapidly to allow the plane of the rings to tilt (with the normal to the rings becoming more aligned along c) and the b axis contracts slightly (ESI‡ Fig. S2). By contrast, expansion is isotropic in the plastic phase I.
One of the many intriguing properties of this prototype, binary-adduct, C6H6:
C6F6 is the increasingly-narrow temperature ranges of the four solid phases, which is clearly seen in Fig. 1 and 4. This behaviour may be explained by considering the close-packed columns of parallel, alternating benzene and hexafluorobenzene molecules as being held together by intermolecular electrostatic forces varying as r−3 (bond dipole moment–bond dipole moment interactions) and r−4 (molecular quadrupole moment–bond dipole moment interactions), where r is the spacing between the polar moieties in neighbouring columns. Fig. 4 and ESI‡ Fig. S2 show how rapidly the close-packed columns separate as the sample temperature increases, and as the attractive forces holding the columns together are falling as r−3 and r−4, the higher temperature phases of this material are increasingly short-lived for a constant rate of increase in temperature. There is an accelerated loss of cohesion between the columns. This explanation adds weight to the conjecture that it is possible to interpret the temperature-dependent dynamics and attractive intermolecular forces between the molecules in these binary-adducts in terms of simple models of intermolecular electrostatics involving localized and distributed interacting multipole moments.
Modern calculations on crystal structure predictions of the organic solid state are, as yet, unable to predict thermal motion with confidence, and so it is not possible to identify subtle phase transitions.29 There is a delicate balance between intermolecular forces and thermal motion which determines the presence of any phase transition.
Footnotes |
† This paper is dedicated to Prof. Tor Dahl who pioneered the early structural studies on this class of adduct with some very elegant experiments. |
‡ Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Additional experimental detail, crystallographic tables, and additional supporting figures are supplied. CIF files have been deposited at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre with deposition numbers 1851535 (phase I), 1851536 (phase II), 1851537 (phase III), and 1851538 (phase IV). For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c8ce01187g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |