Joseph Mary
*a and
Arul Manuel
aDepartment of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram-695547, India. E-mail:; Tel: +91 4712568533
bElectrochemical Power Systems Division, CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi 630006, India
First published on 7th August 2017
Here we report a novel multiwall carbon nanotube/sulphur/polyindole (MWCNT/S/PIN) nanocomposite as a cathode material for lithium–sulphur (Li–S) batteries to alleviate capacity decay. The nanocomposite cathode material is synthesized by chemical precipitation of sulphur onto functionalized MWCNTs followed by in situ polymerization of indole. The MWCNT/S/PIN nanocomposite exhibits an initial specific capacity of 1490 mA h g−1 and enhanced cycling stability compared to the binary nanocomposite (MWCNT/S). The MWCNT/S/PIN composite cathode displays a specific capacity of 1043 mA h g−1 after 100 cycles at 0.1C rate with 70% capacity retention. The better electrochemical performance of the ternary nanocomposite cathode material is attributed to the synergistic effect of the functionalized MWCNTs and polyindole which provides an improved conductivity and effective fencing of intermediate polysulphides.
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Fig. 2 (a) FTIR spectrum of the PIN and MWCNT/S/PIN, (b) TGA of PIN, MWCNT-COOH, MWCNT/S/PIN, MWCNT/S and sulphur and (c) XRD of sulphur, MWCNT/S/PIN and PIN. |
Carboxyl functionalized MWCNTs are characterized using Raman spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy and TGA, to confirm the functionalization of the MWCNTs (Fig. S1–S3†). Fig. 2b shows the TGA of polyindole, functionalized MWCNTs, sulphur, MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN under a nitrogen atmosphere. The composites display a weight loss from 118 °C to 240 °C due to the evaporation of sulphur from the composites. Polyindole undergoes a continuous weight loss up to 400 °C due to its gradual decomposition. The sulphur content is calculated after eliminating the weight loss due to polyindole and functionalized MWCNTs. The sulphur content of MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN is about 83.4 wt% and 79.06 wt%, respectively. Fig. 2c shows the XRD patterns of sulphur, and the as-prepared polyindole and MWCNT/S/PIN. The broad peak at 2θ = 20° exhibits the amorphous nature of the polymer. The peaks at 2θ values of 23.08°, 25.73°, 27.66°, 28.75°, 31.36°, 34.10° and 36.98° are in good agreement with the (222), (026), (117), (135), (044), (137) and (317) reflections of the Fddd orthorhombic phase (JCPSD no.: 00-001-0478) of sulphur. The sharp and intense diffraction signals indicate the crystal lines of sulphur. MWCNT/S/PIN exhibits an XRD pattern similar to those of sulphur and MWCNT/S (Fig. S4†), but with low intensity, evidencing that sulphur is coated with PIN. Fig. 3 and S5† depict the surface morphology of the MWCNT/S/PIN and MWCNT/S composites and their corresponding elemental mapping (c–f for MWCNT/S/PIN and S5(b–d)† for MWCNT/S). It is observed that the MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN composites have a tubular structure with no agglomerated sulphur particles. It is difficult to differentiate between sulphur and polymer coatings from the micrograph. The elemental distribution maps assert that polyindole is coated onto the MWCNT/S composite. It is further confirmed by the TEM images of the MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN composites as shown in Fig. 4. It is observed that the sulphur is coated over the surface of the MWCNTs and an increase in the tube diameter affirms the information obtained from SEM. A thin layer of polyindole is wrapped over the surface of MWCNT/S attributed to the coating of polyindole onto MWCNT/S, which further confirms the dual core shell structure. The thickness of the ternary composite is increased after polymerization. Moreover, the TEM image displays (Fig. 4d) a thickness increase of ∼2 nm in the ternary composite after the polyindole coating is observed. The EDS analysis shows the presence of sulphur and nitrogen in the composite (Fig. 4f).
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Fig. 4 TEM images of (a, b) MWCNT/S and (c, d) MWCNT/S/PIN, and EDS analysis of (e) MWCNT/S and (f) MWCNT/S/PIN. |
A wide scan energy spectrum of the MWCNT/S/PIN indicates the presence of C, O, N and S which agrees well with the elemental mapping. The survey scan (Fig. S6†) reveals the presence of C 1s, O 1s, N 1s, S 2s and S 2p in the composite. The peaks at 164 eV, 240 eV, 285.1 eV, 400 eV and 533.1 eV correspond to the S 2p, S 2s, C 1s, N 1s and O 1s, respectively. The high resolution C 1s (Fig. 5a) peak is divided into 5 components: C–C bond (284.6 eV) of sp2, C–N, C–S bond (285.8 eV), C–O bond (286.7 eV) and O–CO (289.1 eV).38,39 The high resolution O 1s spectrum (Fig. 5b) is subdivided into three components: C–O bond (531.43 eV), C
O bond (532.55 eV) and carboxyl group (533.6 eV).39,40 The N 1s spectrum (Fig. 5c) contains two contributions at 399.6 eV and 401.68 eV (ref. 41) which are assigned to the N–C and N–H bonds. These results are in good agreement with the FTIR spectra. The presence of pyrrolic nitrogen may influence the electrochemical properties. The basic pyrrolic nitrogen (N–H) in the composite enhances the adsorption of polysulphides through its interaction with nitrogen atoms. Moreover, these five membered pi systems with lone pairs enhance the surface adsorption sites for polysulphides.42,43,47 The high resolution spectra of S 2p (Fig. 5b) are subdivided into four peaks. S 2p3/2 (163.7 and 164.9 eV) and S 2p1/2 (164.2 and 165.4 eV) with an energy separation of 1.2 eV correspond to the S–S and S–O bonds in the composite.43,44
This binding energy shift ascribed to the changes in the electronic distribution on the sulphur atom evidenced the binding between the sulphur and functionalized MWCNTs via S–O bonds, which helps to prevent active material loss by trapping the polysulphides during the charge–discharge process.45,46
The cyclic voltammetry studies of the MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN composite electrodes were carried out at a scan rate of 0.1 mV s−1 to understand the electrochemical reaction of the nanocomposite cathode. Two reduction and one oxidation peaks are observed (Fig. 6a and b) in both the composites due to multiple reactions between sulphur and lithium, as reported previously.6 The cathodic peak at 2.37 V is due to the conversion of octaatomic sulphur to higher order lithium polysulphides (Li2Sn, 4 ≤ n ≤ 8); further reduction at 2.0 V is due to the conversion of these higher order polysulphides to lower order polysulphides (Li2Sn, 3 ≤ n ≤ 4) and finally to insoluble Li2S2 and Li2S.6–11
The subsequent oxidation process provides a broad oxidation peak at 2.42 V mainly due to the conversion of Li2S2 and Li2S to higher order polysulphides and finally to sulphur.15–17 The increase in the peak intensity of the MWCNT/S/PIN composite is attributed to good electrochemical contact which in turn boosts the utilisation of active material.6–11 The increment in the peak area compared to the binary composite proves the increase in active material utilisation.5,25,47 Also, the CV curves are more stable in the subsequent cycles indicating better cyclability.
The result obtained from the CV is in good agreement with the galvanostatic charge–discharge curves. Fig. 7a and b represent the typical charge–discharge behaviour of the MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN composite electrodes in rechargeable Li–S batteries at room temperature. The figures show the charge–discharge capacities of the 1, 2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100th cycles of ternary and binary composites. The performance of the MWCNT/S/PIN composite is enhanced due to the polyindole coating compared to that of MWCNT/S. The ternary composite delivered an initial capacity of 1490 mA h g−1 with an average capacity degradation of 0.08% per cycle and 70% capacity retention with respect to the initial discharge capacity, and 97% with respect to the 50th discharge capacity up to 100 cycles. But in the case of the binary composite, an initial discharge capacity of 1267 mA h g−1 with 61% capacity retention with respect to the initial discharge capacity is observed. The polyindole coating onto the composite prevents the loss of active material by blocking the polysulphides. The oxygen atoms in the functionalised MWCNTs and the nitrogen atoms in the polyindole are helpful to prevent the loss of sulphur as polysulphides during the cycling and continuous utilization of sulphur in the composite.45,47
The coulombic efficiency of the MWCNT/S/PIN cathode (∼100%) is higher than that of MWCNT/S (∼97%), due to the reduction in the shuttling behaviour of polysulphides (Fig. 8a).
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Fig. 8 (a) Cycle performance and coulombic efficiency of MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN at 0.1C rate and (b) rate capability studies of MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN. |
The electrochemical performances of the binary and ternary composites at different current densities were investigated in detail, which are shown in Fig. 8b. The ternary composite exhibits excellent performance at different C rates when compared with the binary composite. The initial discharge capacity is 1490 mA h g−1 at 0.1C rate. It exhibits 1236, 1124, 878 and 730 mA h g−1 discharge capacities at the current densities of 0.2C, 0.5C, 1C and 2C respectively. When returned to 0.2C rate its discharge capacity was retained at 1218 mA h g−1 with 98.5% capacity retention which indicates robustness and stability of the ternary composite.
The binary composite shows the discharge capacities of 1232, 1024, 840, 590 and 430 mA h g−1 at 0.1C, 0.2C, 0.5C, 1C and 2C, respectively, and when switched back to 0.2C rate the discharge capacity becomes 996 mA h g−1. The high solubility of lithium polysulphides in the electrolytes, insulating nature of sulphur and lowest end discharge products are negatively affecting the performance of the composites when we switch to higher current rates. Here in the case of the ternary composite both MWCNTs and polyindole provide an effective conductive network to move electrons, thereby enhancing the rate performance. The superior performances of the ternary composite are due to the polyindole coating and MWCNTs that confine the polysulphides from dissolving in the electrolyte. Here, sulphur is sandwiched between polyindole and MWCNTs. Such a protective thin layer coating is absent in the case of the binary composite, and sulphur is deposited over the surface of MWCNTs. Consequently, there exist more chances to lose sulphur as polysulphides due to dissolution in the electrolyte, thereby reducing its performance. The XPS spectra of the MWCNT/S/PIN cathode before and after 100 cycles were recorded to support this rationalization as shown in Fig. 9. The presence of aluminium and fluorine in the survey scan spectrum (Fig. 9a) is due to the Al collector and PVDF binder in the cathode. The high resolution spectra of Li 1s are subdivided into two components (Fig. 9b). The peak at 54.9 eV is ascribed to the electrons in the lithium sulphide. The interaction between lithium and nitrogen in the polyindole is proved by the peak at 56.1 eV which corresponds to the Li–N bond.47,48 These interactions favour polyindole to restrain the discharge products. Furthermore, the conductive nature of polyindole helps to enhance the utilization of active material.50,51
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Fig. 9 (a) Survey scan of the cathode before and after cycling and (b) high resolution Li 1s spectra of the cathode after 100 cycles. |
The electrochemical performance of the ternary composite is significantly greater than those of the control material – MWCNT/S, and other ternary composites reported elsewhere.25–31 Wu et al. reported a coating of polyaniline over the binary composite MWCNT/S (932.4 mA h g−1 after 80 cycles, exhibiting 56.3% capacity retention w.r.t the initial discharge capacity at 0.1C rate).25 Similarly, Li et al. studied sulphur supported with MWCNTs and coated with polyaniline (∼600 mA h g−1 after 100 cycles with 61.8% capacity retention at 0.2C rate).30 A dual core shell structured cathode material using MWCNTs and polypyrrole exhibited a capacity of 917 mA h g−1 after 60 cycles and 60% capacity retention at a current density of 200 mA g−1 was described by Wang et al.5 Another type of material based on MWCNTs and polypyrrole reported by Zhang et al. displayed a reversible capacity of 751 mA h g−1 after 100 cycles, with 60% capacity retention at 0.2C rate.31
To investigate the superior performance of MWCNT/S/PIN over MWCNT/S, EIS measurements were carried out at OCV. Fig. 10 shows the Nyquist plots of the ternary composite (inset) and binary composite before and after 100 cycles, which consist of a depressed semicircle in the high frequency region and a straight line in the low frequency region. The largest diameter of an impedance semicircle in the high frequency region is associated with higher charge transfer resistance and the straight line in the low frequency region corresponds to ion diffusion resistance within the cathode.16–23 The resistance of the electrolyte (Re) determined from the intersection of the front end of the semicircle on the Z′ axis is zero in both the cases. The diameter of the impedance semicircle is related to the charge transfer resistance which is the measure of the difficulty in the transfer of electrons/charge at the electrode and electrolyte interface. The ternary composite has a much lower charge transfer resistance than the binary composite, which is expected due to its higher initial discharge capacity than the binary composite before and after cycling. In the case of the ternary composite, sulphur is sandwiched in between conductive MWCNTs and polyindole, facilitating an easy pathway to electron transfer. After 100 cycles the charge transfer resistance of the binary composite is increased due to the dissolution of polysulphides in the electrolyte and the irreversible deposition of discharge products (Li2S/Li2S2) leading to the loss of active materials.13,49 But the charge transfer resistance of the ternary composite cathode is almost the same after 100 cycles, indicating that the conductive architecture surrounded by sulphur maintains its integrity during the charge–discharge process.50,51 Moreover, the porous structure of conductive polyindole helps easy transport of Li+ ions. Hence, the ion diffusion resistance is reduced for MWCNT/S/PIN compared to MWCNT/S. It is further supported by the identical morphology of the ternary composite cathode even after 100 cycles (Fig. S7†). The changes on the surface of the binary composite cathode are attributed to the impact of electrochemical reactions resulting in the increased charge transfer resistance.5,49 The reason for the better rate capability and cyclability of the ternary composite is attributed to the low charge transfer and diffusion resistances. Also, there is sufficient interaction among MWCNTs and polyindole with sulphur which enhances the electronic conduction.
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Fig. 10 Electrochemical impedance spectra of MWCNT/S and MWCNT/S/PIN before and after 100 cycles at 0.1C rate. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7se00210f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |