Outstanding Reviewers for Reaction Chemistry & Engineering in 2016

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of Reaction Chemistry & Engineering's reviewers, and in particular highlight the Outstanding Reviewers for the journal in 2016, as selected by the editorial team for their significant contribution to Reaction Chemistry & Engineering. Starting this year, we will be announcing our Outstanding Reviewers annually and each will receive a certificate to give recognition for their contribution. This new initiative will be featured across many of the journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The reviewers have been chosen based on the number, timeliness and quality of the reports completed over the last 12 months.

Dr Duncan Browne

Cardiff University

Dr Antimo Gioiello

Universita degli Studi di Perugia

Professor Christian Goldsmith

Auburn University

Dr Ryan Hartman

New York University

Professor Christian Oliver Kappe

Universitat Graz

Dr Amy Mueller


Dr Antonio Perazzo

Università di Napoli Federico II

Professor Bert Weckhuysen

Universiteit Utrecht

Dr Charlotte Wiles


Dr Jun Yue

University of Groningen

We would also like to thank the Reaction Chemistry & Engineering Editorial Board and Advisory Board and the reaction engineering community for their continued support of the journal, as authors, reviewers and readers.

Dr Neil Hammond, Executive Editor

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017