Mingling Lia,
Yiming Wua,
Taishen Lia,
Yulin Chen
Huaiyi Dinga,
Yue Lina,
Nan Panabc and
Xiaoping Wang*abc
aHefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, P. R. China. E-mail: xpwang@ustc.edu.cn
bSynergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information & Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, P. R. China
cKey Laboratory of Strongly-Coupled Quantum Matter Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, P. R. China
First published on 17th October 2017
In this work, we have successfully synthesized SnS flakes with different thicknesses and systematically investigated their polarization-dependent Raman properties. It is found that the different Raman mode of SnS shows distinctly anisotropic thickness dependence. For B3g mode, the polar plot of Raman intensities is insensitive to the flake thickness. However, the behavior of Ag mode is entirely different. Under parallel polarization configuration, with decreasing the flake thickness, the maximum Raman intensity of Ag mode changes from the armchair direction to the zigzag direction with 514.5 nm excitation. The results can be understood by the complex Raman tensor owing to the large absorption of SnS. Moreover, under the perpendicular polarization configuration, the Raman intensity of Ag mode along 45° direction becomes apparently different from that along 135° direction. Our finding not only deepens the understanding of anisotropic Raman properties of SnS but also provides inspiration for further studies on the other 2D IV–VI materials.
In this work, we have successfully synthesized SnS flakes with different thicknesses by physical vapor deposition (PVD) method. We then systematically investigated the polarization-dependent Raman properties of SnS flakes through angle-resolved polarized Raman spectroscopy (ARPRS). It is found that the different Raman modes of SnS show distinctly anisotropic dependence on the thickness of flake. Specially, for B3g mode, the polar plots of Raman intensities for both parallel and perpendicular polarization configurations are insensitive to the flake thickness. On the contrary, the behavior of Ag mode is entirely different. For the parallel polarization configuration, with decreasing the flake thickness, the maximum of Raman intensity changes from the armchair direction to the zigzag direction under 514.5 nm excitation. The result can be interpreted by introducing complex Raman tensor caused by the large absorption.33–36,38 Furthermore, the Raman intensity along 45° direction becomes different from that along 135° direction under the perpendicular polarization configuration. Our finding enriches the understanding of fundamental anisotropic Raman properties of SnS and implies the necessity to consider the thickness of SnS flake to identify its crystalline orientation through Raman characterization.
We carried out transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as well as the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) characterizations to investigate the structure of the SnS flake and evaluate its crystal quality. Fig. 1d depicts the schematic of crystal structure of SnS. Similar to BP, SnS has also a puckered honeycomb structure, and the two in-plane principle axes are corresponding to armchair direction (y axis) and zigzag direction (z axis), respectively. As seen in Fig. 1e, the SnS flake transferred onto the TEM grids shows a rhombus shape, and the corner angle is estimated to ∼85°, which is in good agreement with previous reports.20,25 Additionally, the perfect 2D rhombus lattice can be found in the high resolution TEM image taken from the flake (Fig. 1f). Two lattice spacings corresponding to the (010) and (001) planes are obtained to be about 4.35 Å and 3.99 Å, respectively. The values are well consistent with the previous results.20,25,41 Fig. 1g demonstrates the corresponding SAED pattern along [100] zone axis of the flake, and the well-defined diffraction spots reveal the good crystalline of as-grown SnS flake. It has been pointed out that the crystalline direction of the SnS can be readily identified from the rhombus shape, i.e., the longer (shorter) diagonal direction is corresponding to the armchair (zigzag) direction.20,25 Therefore, the method is used to ascertain the armchair (or zigzag) direction of the flake for the anisotropic characterization of Raman spectroscopy in the following paragraphs.
The flakes were characterized by the Raman spectroscopy with 514.5 nm laser and the spectra of flakes with different thicknesses are shown in Fig. 2a. As seen, for the thick flakes (169.0 nm and 229 nm), six peaks located at 40.2 cm−1, 49.1 cm−1, 95.9 cm−1, 164.0 cm−1, 192.0 cm−1 and 219.5 cm−1 can be observed clearly. (The Raman peak positions are obtained from fitting the spectrum and its uncertainty is about 0.3 cm−1). These peaks can be attributed to the different Raman modes of Ag and B3g of SnS, respectively,41 as shown in the schematic of Fig. 2b. Specifically, the low frequency Ag (40.2 cm−1) and high frequency Ag (219.5 cm−1) are corresponding to the layer shear mode and the “NaCl” type vibration, respectively. Two other Ag peaks (95.9 cm−1, 192.0 cm−1) are originated from the “waving” and the “breathing” modes, while B3g (49.1 cm−1) and B3g (164.0 cm−1) can be attributed to the shear vibration and the “NaCl” type vibration along zigzag direction, respectively.41 From Fig. 2a, a little red shift of Raman peaks can be observed with decreasing the flake thickness. Taking 7.6 nm thick SnS as an example, the positions of three strong peaks are located at about 93.9 cm−1 (A1g), 151.7 cm−1 (B3g) and 183.2 cm−1 (A2g), respectively. Compared to the results of 229 nm flake, the red shifts can be estimated about 2.0 cm−1 (A1g mode), 12.3 cm−1 (B3g mode) and 8.8 cm−1 (A2g mode), respectively. The phenomenon might be ascribed to the change of bond angle in the thin flake, leading to the smaller of the restoring force for the vibration and the red shift of the corresponding Raman peak.7
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Fig. 2 (a) Raman spectra of SnS flakes with different thicknesses under 514.5 nm laser excitation. (b) Vibration diagrams for Ag modes and B3g modes. |
To further investigate the anisotropic Raman response of SnS, the polarization-dependent Raman spectroscopy was performed on the SnS flake. As seen in Fig. 3a, the Raman spectrum was collected through the back-scattering configuration with a polarizer and an analyzer placed in the incident and the scattering light paths, respectively. Two configurations of parallel (∥) and perpendicular (⊥) polarization were adopted in the measurement, in which the polarization direction of the polarizer and the analyzer were kept parallel or perpendicular to each other, respectively (Fig. 3a). The polarization angle, defined as the angle between the polarization direction of incident light and the armchair direction of SnS flake, can be tuned from 0° to 360° through rotating a custom sample stage.
Fig. 3b and c demonstrate the anisotropic Raman response of 229 nm SnS flake to the different polarization angles with 514.5 nm excitation under parallel and perpendicular polarization configurations, respectively. As shown in Fig. 3b, Ag (95.9 cm−1), B3g (164.0 cm−1) and Ag (192.0 cm−1) are three strong peaks among the Raman spectra, we therefore concentrate on these three peaks in the following investigation. It can be seen from Fig. 3b and c that the peak intensities of Ag and B3g change periodically with the polarization angle, indicating the anisotropic Raman signals of the SnS flake. The behavior can be observed more clearly with the polar plots for the modes of Ag (192.0 cm−1) and B3g (164.0 cm−1), as shown in Fig. 3d–g. As seen in Fig. 3d, the Raman intensity of Ag (192.0 cm−1, ∥) along armchair is larger than that along zigzag direction. However, it is worth noting that the intensity of zigzag direction is the secondary maximum here, rather than the minimum as the previous works reported.20,25 This implies that the complex Raman tensor should be considered to interpret the result as that treated for BP.33–36,38 On the other hand, as for the modes of B3g (164.0 cm−1, ∥), the intensities along armchair direction and zigzag direction are smallest while the intensities along 45° (225°) and 135° (315°) are the largest (Fig. 3f).
Theoretically, the Raman intensity can be calculated by I ∝ |ei·R·es|2 and the anisotropic behavior is ascribed to the Raman tensor R, which is determined by the detailed crystal structure of material. Owing to its large absorption coefficient,9,10 the Raman tensor elements of the SnS should be complex. Consequently, similar to the treatment for BP,33–36,38 the Raman tensors for Ag and B3g of SnS can be described by
For the polarization angle of θ, the incident light vector is ei = (0, cosθ, sin
θ), while the scattering light vector is es = (0, cos
θ, sin
θ) for parallel polarization but es = (0, −sin
θ, cos
θ) for the perpendicular case. Hence, the anisotropic Raman intensities for different modes can be expressed as:
I(Ag,∥) ∝ |B|2![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | (1) |
I(B3g,∥) ∝ |F|2![]() ![]() | (2) |
![]() | (3) |
I(B3g,⊥) ∝ |F|2![]() ![]() | (4) |
We fitted the experiment data with above equations, and the results are plotted in Fig. 3d–g with red solid lines. As seen, the fitting is well consistent with the experiment results. Moreover, combined with the theory and experiment setup, the anisotropic behavior of Ag (192.0 cm−1) mode can be understood from the fact that its vibration motion has more component in armchair direction than that in zigzag direction.33–36,38 As for the mode of B3g (164.0 cm−1), there only exist off-diagonally non-zero elements in the Raman tensor. Therefore, when the polarization of incident light is along armchair (zigzag) direction, the polarization of Raman scattering light will switch to zigzag (armchair) direction. This leads to the intensities of B3g (164.0 cm−1) along armchair and zigzag directions become zero under the parallel polarization configuration (Fig. 3f) but achieve the maximum under the perpendicular polarization configuration, as shown in Fig. 3g.
In order to know whether the anisotropic Raman properties are dependent on the flake thickness, we carried out polarization-dependent Raman measurements on the SnS flakes with different thicknesses. Fig. 4a and b show the results for B3g (164.0 cm−1) under parallel and perpendicular polarization configurations, respectively. As seen, for both configurations, the polar plots of Raman intensity for different thick SnS flakes are similar to those shown in Fig. 3f and g, indicating that the B3g mode is insensitive to the flake thickness. Similar results with 632.8 nm excitation are presented in Fig. S2.† The behavior can be easily understood by the description of eqn (2) and (4). However, as compared to B3g mode, the situation of Ag mode is distinctly different. As seen in the Fig. 4c for the mode of Ag (192.0 cm−1, ∥), the Raman intensity along the armchair direction is larger than that along the zigzag direction for the thick flakes, but the behavior reverses for the thin flake, i.e., the Raman intensity along the zigzag direction becomes larger. This unusual result indicates that the anisotropic Raman response of SnS is strongly dependent on the flake thickness.
As indicated in the aforementioned paragraph, the intensity of Ag mode under parallel polarization configuration can be described by eqn (1), from which we can find that the polar plot of Raman intensity is determined by three parameters, |C|, |B| and φCB. Several calculated results based on eqn (1) are shown in Fig. S3.† Obviously, |C|2/|B|2 is equal to the intensity ratio of the zigzag direction to the armchair direction, reflecting the Raman anisotropy in the y–z plane, while φCB determines the concave degree of the intensity pattern along nearby 45° (or 225°) and 135° (or 315°). Compared to the calculated pattern shown in Fig. S3,† the result in Fig. 4c therefore demonstrates that the ratio of |C|2/|B|2 varies with the thickness of SnS flake. The finding is important because it suggests that it is impossible to identify the armchair direction of SnS flake only through the maximum of Raman intensity, as that used previously.20,25 Moreover, this variation tendency that the Raman intensity along zigzag direction increases with decreasing the flake thickness can also be observed with 632.8 nm excitation (Fig. S4d†).
We used eqn (1) to fit the results of Fig. 4c and S4d,† and the fitting parameters |C|/|B| and φCB are summarized in Fig. 5 and S5,† respectively. As seen in Fig. 5, two features can be found clearly. Firstly, for both 514.5 nm and 632.8 nm excitations, the value of |C|/|B| decreases quickly with increasing the flake thickness and then reaches steady value for fairly thick flakes. The variation of φCB on the flake thickness has similar tendency (Fig. S5†). According to the semi-classical Raman theory, Raman tensor elements |B|eiφB and |C|eiφC are the partial derivatives of the dielectric constant of SnS with respect to the normal coordinates of the corresponding phonon modes along yy and zz directions, respectively.33,38,42 In this context, we consider that the variation of |C|/|B| with the flake thickness is probably attributed to the change of dielectric property for thin SnS flake as compared to that of the bulk. More importantly, Fig. 5 demonstrates |C| > |B| for thin SnS flakes under 514.5 nm excitation, which is distinctly unusual as compared to the previous reports.20,25 We ascribe the underlying reason to the strongly resonant absorption in zigzag direction for thin flake,43 leading to the change of the dielectric dispersion relationship and hence the Raman tensor. More investigation is surely needed to elucidate this conjecture in the future work. Secondly, the values of |C|/|B| with 514.5 nm excitation are larger than those with 632.8 nm excitation for all different thick flakes. The behavior can be further observed clearly by comparing Fig. 4c and S4d.† Because |C|/|B| = 1 is the indicative of Raman isotropy along armchair and zigzag directions, the result in Fig. 5 suggests that the anisotropic Raman spectrum can be observed more readily with 632.8 nm excitation.
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Fig. 5 Variation of |C|/|B| with the thickness of SnS flake for Ag mode (192.0 cm−1) with 514.5 nm and 632.8 nm laser excitation, respectively. The lines are guides for eye. |
Finally, we return to the anisotropic properties of Ag (192.0 cm−1, ⊥) of SnS flakes with different thicknesses. As seen in Fig. 4d, all polar plots show the maximum values of Raman intensities along 45° (or 225°) and 135° (or 315°), while the minimum intensities are along armchair and zigzag directions. This is ascribed to that all non-diagonal elements in the Raman tensor of Ag modes are zero. As a consequence, when the polarization of excitation light is along armchair or zigzag direction, the final intensity of Raman scattering will become zero under perpendicular polarization configuration. Also from the prediction of eqn (2), the Raman intensity along 45° (or 225°) direction must be equal to that along 135° (or 315°) for Ag (⊥) mode. However, this contrasts obviously to the experimental observation for Ag mode (192.0 cm−1, ⊥) shown in Fig. 4d, in which the intensity difference between 45° (225°) and 135° (315°) is apparent for the SnS flakes, especially for 29.0 nm and 229 nm flakes. The behavior has also been reported in SnS.25 It is difficult to understand this phenomenon at present due to the fact that the 45° (or 225°) and 135° (or 315°) directions are equal from the viewpoint of crystal structure. One possible reason is attributed to the circular dichroism originated from the uniquely puckered anisotropic structure of SnS, leading to the different absorption along 45° and 135° directions.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: AFM image of 13.2 nm SnS flake, polar plots of B3g (164.0 cm−1) and Ag (95.9 cm−1 and 192.0 cm−1) with different thickness, the calculated polar plots of Ag (∥) mode with different |C|/|B| and φCB, and variation of φCB with the thickness of SnS flake for Ag mode (192.0 cm−1). See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra09430b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |