An approach to utilize the artificial high power LED UV-A radiation in photoreactors for the degradation of methylene blue

L. A. Betancourt-Buitrago , C. Vásquez , L. Veitia , O. Ossa-Echeverry , J. Rodriguez-Vallejo , J. Barraza-Burgos , N. Marriaga-Cabrales and F. Machuca-Martínez *
Universidad del Valle. Chemical Engineer School, Cali, Colombia. E-mail:

Received 29th June 2016 , Accepted 4th December 2016

First published on 5th December 2016


Utilization of UV LED light is trending in the development of photoreactors for pollutant treatment. In this study, two different geometries were studied in the degradation of methylenebBlue (MB) using high power UVA LED as a source of light. The dosage, initial concentration, electric power, and H2O2 addition were evaluated in the two geometries: a mini CPC (Cilindrical Parabolic Collector) and a vertical cylindrical with external irradiation both coupled with LED UVA. Best degradation was obtained for 0.3 g L−1 TiO2, 40 min, and 15 ppm of MB of initial concentration in the standard batch reactor. It was found that the best system was a cpc geometry. Also, hydrogen peroxide was used as an electron acceptor and 97% degradation was obtained in 30 min with 10 mM H2O2 and 0.4 g TiO2/L. Power of the LEDs was also evaluated and it was found that 20 W m−2 is the best operational condition to achieve the best MB degradation avoiding the oxidant species recombination.


Methylene blue is an aromatic heterocyclic chemical used in the medicine as an antiseptic, skin healing, and fungicide in aquaculture. In addition, it can be used for the microscopic bacteria tanning, and dyeing cotton, silk, and wool (Fig. 1).
image file: c6pp00230g-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Structure of methylene blue.

Around 15% of the worldwide dyes used for textile processing are liberated in wastewaters, causing pollution in the aquatic ecosystems.1 This molecule is recalcitrant to solar photolysis, which makes it necessary to explore a new process to eliminate the dye content in the industrial wastewater. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) are an alternative for the degradation of high recalcitrant substances. Heterogeneous photocatalysis is a promising AOP for the recalcitrant wastewater treatment. This technique is based on the direct or indirect absorption of the visible or UV light by a semiconductor, in particular TiO2. On the surface of the semiconductor, the redox reactions by the photogenerated electron–hole pair occur.2

As an alternative to solar light, the photoreactors that use artificial light, such as LED (Light Emitting Diodes), are being developed.3 UV-LEDs are a safer alternative to halide and mercury lamps, and are more energy efficient as a source of photons (by only requiring between 6 and 28 watts of electricity depending on the amount of lumens), and have about 100 times long-lasting life.4–6 Fluorescent lights require electricity between 40 and 150 watts and they are far more fragile and less portable.

LED photoreactors are being used in the homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.7Table 1 summarizes some of the studies for the photodegradation of the dyes from the textile industry.

Table 1 Photoreactors LED used for the degradation of dye
Type of photoreactor LED power Dye Description
Batch cylindrical 8 mW cm−2 Methylene blue, malachite green, direct blue-15, amaranth 95% degradation/4 h
125 mL 30 LED TiO2 immobilized in mosquito netting
350 nm Evaluated number of LED and H2O2 addition8
Batch 39 mW cm−2 Methylene blue phenol red and methyl red 100% degradation/3 h
200 mL 405 nm and 73 mW cm−2 CdS microspheres
Year 450 nm Glucose addition to avoid the photocorrosion9
Continuous photoreactor with three impregnated pipes with TiO2 15 LED UV Methylene blue, Rhodamine B and malachite green 100% degradation/100 min
390–410 nm Alkaline condition benefits degradation10
CSTR system 40 W m−2 Reactive black 5 89% degradation/10 h
96 LED UV-A TiO2 Degussa P2511
375 nm
Batch 8 mW cm−2 Direct blue-15 90% degradation/3 h
125 mL 30 LED TiO2 nanoflowers are better than nanotubes and nanospheres12
350 nm
Batch 60 mW UVLED Rhodamine B 99% degradation/120 min
150 mL 390–410 nm Best photocatalyst BiOCl with UV LED13
50 mW
430–505 nm
50 mW
525–570 nm
50 mW
630–660 nm
Batch 23 W m−2 Reactive black 5 100% degradation/40 min
110 mL 96 LED UVA 85 W m−2 LED UVA are better than solar radiation14
375 nm
85 W m−2
12 LED
365 nm
Batch with immobilized catalyst on the walls 6 LED UV Direct red 23 97% degradation/30 min
385 nm Addition of S2O82− improves photoxidation15
Batch 5 LED UV Rhodamine B 100% degradation/180 min
125 mL 390–410 nm Addition of H2O2 enhances oxidation, but metal addition decrease the oxidative process16

Although there are studies with several cylindrical and parabolic geometries, it has not been compared with a small CPC to conclude the feasibility of using this UVLED with this geometry instead of solar light.

The particular case of study will be the degradation of methylene blue, as shown in Fig. 2. The route proceeds with the N-dealkylation of the auxochromic alkylamine groups. At the end, the MB is transformed into H2O, CO2, and other inorganic molecules.17,18

image file: c6pp00230g-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Pathway for the MB degradation.

In this study, the viability to use UV-LED as a source of light in the MB degradation using heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2 was evaluated. Two different geometries: a mini CPC (Compound Parabolic Collector) and a cylindrical batch UVLED illuminated reactor were compared.


Photocatalyst and chemicals

Methylene blue trihydrate (CAS 7220-79-3), Duksan pure chemicals Co., Ltd. As catalyst titanium dioxide (AEROXIDE TiO2 P25) and deionized water. Air from a compressor was used to supply enough dissolved oxygen in the photoreactor.


System A: The photoreactor comprises a 1 L pyrex vessel 10 cm diameter externally illuminated with an effective volume of 500 mL. 4 LED of 30 W TY-365 nm 30 W High Power Ultra Violet (395–495 nm) each were placed in opposite sides (30–36 V DC, 0.7–1.0 A for all 4 LEDs plugged in parallel) with a viewing angle 115–125 degrees and output optical radiation of 900–1200 mW per LED.

System B: The photoreactor comprises a mini CPC of 4 pyrex tubes, with 2 cm outer diameter, 11 cm length, connected to a 2 L vessel with an effective volume of 600 mL. The system used a centrifugal pump from a washing machine. An LED-UV light source was placed on the top of the pyrex tubes. For both systems, the LEDs-UV were adapted with small PC fan at 12 V to avoid overheating. The power supply was carried out using EXTECH instruments 382280 (Fig. 3) and the intensity of irradiation was varied with the amperes supplied to the LEDs at 30 V.

image file: c6pp00230g-f3.tif
Fig. 3 System A: Schematic for the batch photoreactor. System B: Schematic for the mini CPC photoreactor.

For both systems, each LED consumed no more than 0.2 A at 30 VDC to give an irradiation output of 30 W m−2. Irradiation was about 1.2 W per LED and electrical consumption was about 6 W, which led to an optical efficiency of ca. 20%.

The MB concentration was determined using Spectroquant Pharo 300 Merck spectrophotometer at 660 nm using 10 mL of sample. Dissolved oxygen and pH was monitored using a multiparameter Orion 4Star. UV-A irradiation was measured for each LED using a radiometer Delta OHM HD 2102.2 UV-A at a distance of 1 cm from the LEDs. Photocatalytic degradation was normalized using C/C0, where C0 and C are the initial and final concentration of the dye, respectively. Mineralization of MB was measured with Total Organic Carbon Shimadzu TOC-V-CPH.

Operational conditions

All solutions were prepared with deionized water under normal pressure and temperature conditions. Air flow rate was ca. 0.5 L min−1 to provide enough dissolved oxygen and promote the mixing in the vessel. The system A operated at 200 rpm (Re > 30[thin space (1/6-em)]000), and the system B at 8.6 L min−1 (Re > 15[thin space (1/6-em)]000). The reactive volume used was 0.6 L; 10 mL of the aliquots was taken to monitor the degradation.

Experimental procedure

First, the amount of catalyst that presented best degradation (catalyst load), keeping initial MB concentration constant was established. The amount of catalyst was varied from 0.2 to 1.6 g TiO2/L and from 5–20 ppm of MB. The best amount of catalyst load was selected for each system for the rest of the study.

After the catalyst amount was selected, initial MB concentration was changed after 4 h of reaction. Finally, the electrical power of the light system was evaluated using the best catalyst load and initial MB concentration. The pH was 7.1 to promote good adsorption on the catalyst (cationic dye). The reactor was closed and was maintained in a dark period to allow the adsorption to equilibrate.


Catalyst load effect

Fig. 4 shows the best results obtained in the MB degradation at 15 ppm of initial concentration for 2 h of reaction. Results shows that when over 0.4 g TiO2/L is used, there is a decrease in the MB degradation, which may be related to the screening effect of the solution for the system A. On the other hand, system B allowed a superior catalyst load showing a greater light penetration for the pyrex tubes.
image file: c6pp00230g-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Catalyst load vs. degradation percentage. 10 ppm MB, power 30 W m−2.

This suggests that system A is more efficient in light utilization than system B because it is able to reach the same photodegradation using a lower amount of catalyst.

It has been reported that even at dosages of about 1.0 g L−1 of TiO2, there is no screening effect in the photocatalytic effect.19 On the other hand, loads over 1.5 g TiO2/L, have been reported as inhibitory in the light utilisation due to the overshadow generated in the solution.7 This geometry was more effective with a lower catalyst dosage, which may be related to the geometry of the photoreactor, source of light, and the pyrex diameter. All the subsequent experimental data was done with the best catalyst load found for each geometry.

Methylene blue initial concentration effect

Initial MB concentration was evaluated between 5–20 ppm using the best TiO2 dosage in each system (Fig. 5 and 6). Results show that higher MB concentration decreases the degradation, reached at a similar reaction time. It may suggest the inhibition in the transfer of photons to the catalyst due to an increase in the absorbance of the substrate as it turns dark blue.
image file: c6pp00230g-f5.tif
Fig. 5 Degradation of MB for system A. Irradiation power = 4 LEDs at 30 W m−2.

image file: c6pp00230g-f6.tif
Fig. 6 Degradation of MB in system B. Power = 4 LEDs at 30 W m−2 power.

Assuming negligible volume in the connecting lines, a perfectly stirred tank and the reaction occurring only in the reactor volume, the mass balance of a batch-recycle reactor can be written as follows:

image file: c6pp00230g-t1.tif(1)
where VR is the illuminated reaction volume, VT is the liquid volume in the tank, and r is the reaction rate. Considering no spatial dependence of CR and small differences in the entrance inlet and outlet concentration CR = CT:
image file: c6pp00230g-t2.tif(2)
with θ being the dilution factor of the photoreactor (illuminated – total volume ratio). Photocatalytic degradation can be written by Langmuir–Hinshelwood rate equation, as shown in Fig. 3, as follows:
image file: c6pp00230g-t3.tif(3)
where C is the concentration of MB, k is the specific reaction velocity, and K is the equilibrium adsorption constant. Integrating eqn (1),
image file: c6pp00230g-t4.tif(4)
where k′ is the apparent pseudo-first-order rate constant and t is the reaction time.

Table 2 shows the apparent kinetic constant for different initial concentration at the best catalyst load for each system. It can be seen that the photocatalytic degradation is enhanced by the low MB concentration, with system B being 1.8 times faster than system A at an initial MB concentration of ca. 8 ppm. In spite of the higher specific velocity of reaction in the system B, the evolution of the MB degradation is faster for system A (Fig. 5 and 6) due to the lack of dilution of the reactive volume. However, the lower specific velocity of the reaction for system A may be related to a low light penetration of the vessel. This is enhanced in system B, where the light has an optical patch of less than 2 cm.

Table 2 Effect of the initial MB concentration in the oxidation
Initial MB concentration (ppm) k′ (10−2 min−1)
System A (θ = 1) System B (θ = 0.22)
5 6.51
9 1.82
8 3.41
11.1 1.13
10 2.26
13.2 0.67
15 0.84
20 1.75
18 0.53

Supplied power effect

Fig. 7 and 8 shows the effect of decreasing the exposed area to the irradiation turning off 2 of the 4 LEDs at the best initial concentration and catalyst dosage. No significant difference in the decrease of MB concentration was observed when area of illumination was decreased to half. It may be possible that 4 LEDs of 30 W m−2 may provide more light than the system could exploit from the configuration for both systems. This means that kinetics become independent of the irradiation field and a zero order in the irradiance field is observed along with unnecessary energy consumption.20
image file: c6pp00230g-f7.tif
Fig. 7 Comparison of the irradiation flux for system A.

image file: c6pp00230g-f8.tif
Fig. 8 Comparison of the irradiation field for system B.

It is well known that the concentration of light is an important factor in achieving better photodegradation of pollutants, however, in this case, both geometries are over irradiated, and the chemical reaction is likely rate limiting under these working conditions. In light of this, geometry was a determinant factor for an appropriated light harvesting, and the batch system A was the best one.

Effect of the peroxide addition and the power

Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known electron acceptor for redox reactions on the semiconductor surface creating more hydroxyl radicals which promote the degradation kinetics.21 However, an excess of illumination led to low MB degradation, suggesting a competitive reaction with the oxidant species. Fig. 9 shows that over 20 W m−2, the efficiency of the MB oxidation drops from 97% to 74%. It could be related to the recombination process of hydroxyl, perhydroxyl or electron–hole pairs on the semiconductor.18
image file: c6pp00230g-f9.tif
Fig. 9 Hydrogen peroxide addition with different power irradiation. 5 ppm MB, 0.3 g L−1 TiO2, 10 mM H2O2, system B.

Decolorization is the first step in the degradation of inks. According to the results in Fig. 10, although more than 80% of the MB degradation was achieved in 180 min (Fig. 6), not all the mineralization process was achieved during the photocatalytic oxidation. An optimization has to be done to achieve the lower energy consumption not only to the high UVLED power but also to the scavenger concentration. Despite the low amount of mineralization, system B resulted in a higher specific rate of reaction. This would be a better configuration to take an advantage of the artificial LED irradiation than system A. However, the dilution factor (θ) has to be increased closer to unit to warranty the total volume illuminated and to reduce the slow decrease of the MB concentration in the CPC system.

image file: c6pp00230g-f10.tif
Fig. 10 Mineralization of MB with hydrogen peroxide addition. 20 ppm MB, 10 mM H2O2, 20 W m−2 with 4 LEDs and best load for each system.

Compared to other lamps and solar systems, UVLED photoreactors may be a suitable option not only for MB degradation but also for other types of pollutants. Although CPC reactors have been the geometry most appropriated to harvest the solar photon flux, it may be possible to distribute the radiative field in different geometries for LED UV arranges. In that case, no need of concentration of light may be necessary with focused LED UV light. Then, simpler and homogeneous flat plate UV photoreactors may be an option that benefits the optical patch and maintenance of the reactive system. In contrast, other authors have been able to degrade this dye, but with higher times of operation. The comparison with other studies using MB and TiO2/UVLED is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Comparison of the several studies on MB degradation with LED UV-vis photoreactors
System Catalyst/light source Degradation/time MB degraded (g g−1 h−1)
Multipass quartz tube reactor TiO2 supported on quartz tubes/15 UV-A LED 12 mW 100%/300 min (ref. 22) 1.7
Submerged cylindrical LED UVA TiO2-immobilized/UVA 8 mW cm−2 95% degradation/4 h (ref. 8) 1.7
Cylindrical batch CdS/UVA LED 25 W 100% degradation/3 h (ref. 9) 18.5
Coupled UV lamp + visible LED array 0.5 mW/cm2 visible LED/Ni-TIO2 45%/180 min (ref. 23) 92.6
Cylindrical batch LED visible/20 W/Ag3PO4/ZnFe2O4 90%/60 min (ref. 24) 8.3
Petri dish Blue LED/3 W/PDMS-TiO2 73%/8 h (ref. 25) 20.8
Petri dish White LED/3 W/BaFe12O19 70%/360 min (ref. 26) 111.1
Cylindrical cell UV LED/3 W/m-TiO2 90%/120 min (ref. 27) 16.7
This study UV LED/TiO2/20 W m−2 99%/30 min 119.0


Two different geometries of the photoreactors were evaluated to enhance the degradation of MB using high power LED UV-A in a local fabricated photoreactor. Two geometries were evaluated: mini CPC (Cylindrical Parabolic Collector) and vertical cylindrical with external irradiation both coupled with LED UVA. Best configuration was the mini CPC because of its ability to concentrate the radiation and its low optical path although a lower dilution factor to avoid non-reactive dark volumes. Thus, it was evidenced that the LEDs are an effective source of light for the photocatalytic reactions. Hydrogen peroxide addition resulted in an increase in the photocatalytic treatment; however, excessive UV from the LEDs inhibited the MB degradation. Further examination is required to find the optimal operation conditions that could reach the high kinetic behavior at low energy consumption.


To the Project “Recuperación de oro y tratamiento de aguas residuales CI 2832” from Colciencias-Univalle-SGC, and to the Project “Síntesis de catalizadores para tratamiento de aguas residuales de minería” CI 2827.


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