Ulrich S.
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aSupramolecular Chemistry Group, Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 S4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. E-mail: richard.hoogenboom@ugent.be
bState Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, Xi'an, P. R. China
cLaboratory of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Humboldtstr. 10, 07743 Jena, Germany
dJena Center for Soft Matter (JCSM), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Philosophenweg 7, 07743 Jena, Germany
First published on 20th January 2017
Thermoresponsive polymers that undergo reversible phase transition by responding to an environmental temperature change, in particular polymers showing lower critical solution temperature (LCST), are frequently used as smart materials that have found increasing applications. Recently, there has been a rapid growth in interest on LCST polymers and many new research groups are entering the field from a wide range of application areas. While it is great to see more researchers working on LCST polymers, the downside of this rapid growth is that the fundamentals of the LCST phase transition behavior are not always clearly known and respected. Hence, this focus article provides a systematic discussion of the key aspects of the LCST behavior of polymers starting from fundamentals of LCST behavior to practical determination of cloud point temperature (Tcp). Finally, we offer a basic set of recommended measuring conditions for determination of Tcp (10 mg mL−1; 0.5 °C min−1; 600 nm) to facilitate the comparison of the LCST behavior and Tcp values of polymers developed and studied in different laboratories around the globe, which is nowadays nearly impossible since various techniques and parameters are being utilized for the measurements. It should be noted that these recommended conditions serve as a robust tool for turbidimetry, which is one out of the many characterization techniques one should utilize to fully understand LCST behavior of polymers.
The reason why thermoresponsive polymers are appealing ‘smart materials’ is the fact that they apparently precipitate from a solution when the temperature is increased or decreased. This behavior is caused by a miscibility gap in the phase diagram in the binary polymer/solvent mixture, accompanied by phase separation. If elevation of temperature leads to the formation of two immiscible liquid phases with different polymer concentrations, the mixture exhibits lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior.16,19 The LCST is defined as the temperature of the minimum of the binodal (or the coexistence curve) of the phase diagram, as depicted in Fig. 1. The concentration at the minimum of the binodal is termed the lower critical solution concentration (LCSC). If the two liquid phases are formed upon decrease of temperature, the binary mixture exhibits upper critical solution temperature (UCST) behavior.15 Therefore, in order to determine the LCST of a polymer in water, the binodal of the phase diagram has to be constructed to identify the minimum phase separation temperature. This can be carried out by dissolving the polymer in water at a low temperature and annealing the mixture at a temperature above the phase separation temperature. The concentrations of both the formed phases at the given temperature represent points on the left and right side of the binodal and can be assessed experimentally, e.g., from the refractive index or UV absorption of the high and low polymer concentration phases using a calibration curve. This experiment has to be performed at a range of temperatures in order to obtain a number of points on the binodal to find its minimum temperature (LCST).
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Fig. 1 Phase diagram for a binary mixture exhibiting an LCST. Reprinted from ref. 12. |
In particular polymers that reveal LCST behavior in water are of tremendous interest for many applications due to the opportunity to profit from their altering hydrophilicity upon temperature variation.3,6 The sudden change from hydrophilic to hydrophobic behavior of the same polymer is based on hydrogen bonds that are present between the polymer and surrounding water molecules at low temperatures. Hence, the polymer chains are hydrated and solubilized resulting in a one-phase system. At increased temperature, the hydrogen bonds are weakened, and the polymer chains are partially dehydrated and cannot be solubilized anymore leading to polymer aggregation.
The “weaker” hydrogen bonding at high temperature can be explained when the varying contributions of entropy and enthalpy to the free energy of mixing are deduced: the binding of the water molecules to the polymer chain results in a favorable enthalpy of mixing (ΔHidmix = 0, ΔHexmix < 0) but also leads to an enhanced ordering, which contributes unfavorably to the entropy of mixing (ΔSidmix > 0, ΔSexmix < 0). At higher temperatures, the entropy term TΔS becomes predominant and the free energy of mixing turns positive, which is manifested in phase separation. As such, it is evident that the LCST phase transition is entropy-driven.
The hydrated polymer chains exhibit a hydrated coiled conformation at low temperature but minimize their contact with surrounding water by changing towards a globular conformation at high temperature, which is expressed in the common catchphrase “coil to globule transition” (Fig. 2). In short, it can be stated that the LCST phase transition is an entropy driven event governed by the water molecules that enhance the entropy of the system by dehydration of the polymer chains at a critical temperature. As such, the LCST transition represents a first order phase transition (see Section 3.1).
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Fig. 2 Coil to globule transition of a polymer in aqueous solution. Note that the remaining water molecules in the phase separated polymer phase and the remaining polymer chains in the water phase are not shown.12 |
The vast amount of water-soluble polymers exhibiting LCST behavior in water makes it relatively easy to develop smart materials based on LCST polymers, and also to design and develop new classes of polymers that reveal LCST behavior in water. In fact, every polymer with the appropriate hydrophilic–hydrophobic balance will show LCST behavior. However, this rather easy access to the area of thermoresponsive LCST polymers has led to rapid growth of this research area with many new research groups entering the field from a wide range of application areas. Of course, it is great to see the increasing research activities and development of exciting new applications, but the downside of this rapid growth is that the fundamentals of the LCST phase transition behavior are not always known and respected. The most common example and mistake in the area is that the term LCST is used interchangeably with cloud point temperature (Tcp), which is incorrect per definition as shown in Fig. 1. This will become even clearer in Section 2 of this manuscript that describes the use of Tcp as an important parameter for the phase transition temperature of a solution of an LCST polymer, which can experimentally be assessed in an easy manner. A similar observation was recently also discussed by Halperin et al.19 when reviewing the LCST behavior of PNIPAM, where the authors also mentioned that the wide variety of measurement conditions in combination with the characteristics of PNIPAM, leads to diversity in reported LCST and Tcp values of PNIPAM.
In this focus article, we will discuss the effect of the measurement technique on diversity in the determination of Tcp values of thermoresponsive polymers, both from a fundamental and practical aspect aiming to facilitate the comparison of Tcp values reported based on different techniques. With turbidimetry being the most common method for the determination of Tcp, we have experimentally evaluated and optimized the measurement conditions as will be discussed in Section 3, finally resulting in a set of recommended settings and conditions for the robust determination of Tcp by turbidimetry.
The overall aim of this focus article is to provide a fundamental basis for researchers interested in LCST polymers as well as to offer a basic set of measuring conditions for determination of Tcp, hopefully facilitating future comparison of the LCST behavior and Tcp values of polymers developed and studied in different laboratories around the globe, which is nearly impossible nowadays due to the fact that a wide variety of different measurement conditions are being used. Note that even though reliable turbidimetric data are important for comparison of the Tcp values, for a complete understanding of the LCST behavior of a polymer more in depth studies should also be performed with other characterization techniques, such as NMR spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and/or calorimetry.
The Tcp of a polymer in solution can easily be varied by chemical strategies such as copolymerization21–25 and end group modification26 to tune the hydrophilic–hydrophobic balance of the polymer chains, or physical strategies, like mixing different polymers,27 concentration28 and ionic strength29,30 to control the polymer–polymer, polymer–solvent and solvent–solvent interactions. On the one hand this tunability provides the possibility to accurately control the Tcp for specific applications while, on the other hand, it makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to compare the thermoresponsive behavior and Tcp values of polymers reported by different research groups. In addition, the determination of the Tcp values using different techniques, such as turbidimetry,241H NMR spectroscopy31 and dynamic light scattering (DLS)32–34 also results in deviations of Tcp depending on the method used. For instance, turbidimetry determines the Tcp as the transition from a homogeneous solution into a heterogeneous milky phase with a concentrated polymer phase dispersed in a diluted polymer solution phase. In contrast, DLS allows more sensitive determination of the onset of the phase transition by the appearance of aggregates even when they do not yet cause clouding of the solution.
d(H) = kT/(3πηD) |
DLS measurements of the polymer solutions can be performed at different temperatures to follow the LCST phase transition (Fig. 3).32,40,41 Below the Tcp the polymer chains exist as individually dissolved polymer chains (coils) with a small hydrodynamic radius, although often a minor fraction of large loose aggregates is also observed by DLS, in particular when examining the scattering intensity as a function of size, as a minor fraction of larger objects can significantly contribute to the scattering. Upon the coil to globule transition, the polymer chains are partially dehydrated leading to collapse and agglomeration to form particles of a larger size, also referred to as mesoglobules. Compared to other techniques, DLS provides direct information on the particle size of the polymers allowing accurate determination of the onset of the phase separation by the appearance of polymer agglomerates even when they do not yet cause clouding of the solution or give a significant change in NMR signals. Furthermore, the size determination by DLS provides direct information on the size of the formed mesoglobules, being the high concentration polymer phase dispersed in the low polymer concentration solution, which is strongly dependent on the polymer concentration as well as the heating rate.
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Fig. 3 Change in the hydrodynamic radius of a thermoresponsive LCST copolymer in aqueous solution upon coil to globule transition. Reprinted from ref. 40. |
The combination of DLS and turbidimetry has been widely used to characterize the thermoresponsive behavior of LCST polymers and usually provides similar Tcp results for LCST polymers when using conditions that lead to a sharp phase transition.32,33,37,41 Deviation between DLS and turbidimetry may be detected if, for instance, small particles are formed due to gradual dehydration during heating of LCST polymers, which allows the in depth analysis of the phase transition behavior of the polymers by DLS while such smaller objects may simply be overlooked by turbidimetry.33,37
The change of intensity in scattering light is another parameter that could be followed by DLS during heating or cooling of the polymer solution. A sharp increase in the intensity of scattered light can be detected during the coil to globule transition upon heating due to the fact that the intensity of the scattered light is proportional to d6, where d is the diameter of a particle, according to the Rayleigh approximation. The partial dehydration leads to an increase in differential refractive index between the two phases, i.e. the concentrated, mostly dispersed, phase and the dilute phase. In contrast, the minor difference in refractive index of the hydrated polymer chains and the bulk water causes significantly less light scattering below the Tcp. Typically, the intensity of the scattered light increases by several orders of magnitude during the coil to globule transition.41
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Fig. 4 Calorimetric investigation of aqueous solutions of poly(2-iso-propyl-2-oxazoline) illustrating the endotherms measured by high sensitivity DSC. Reprinted from ref. 43. |
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Fig. 5 1H NMR spectra of thermosensitive polymers in D2O below and above Tcp. Reprinted from ref. 50. |
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Fig. 6 (A and B) Turbidity curves obtained from an aqueous solution of a thermo- responsive polymer. (C) Dependence of Tcp on the polymer concentration. Data taken from ref. 28 and 51. |
As shown in the phase diagram in Fig. 1, the phase separation temperature of the solution depends on the polymer concentration. If the Tcp of a polymer in aqueous solution is determined for a range of concentrations, the cloud point curve can be constructed, where the observed Tcp is plotted against the concentration. It is important to note that this cloud point curve will deviate from the binodal of the phase diagram as mentioned earlier already, as has, e.g., been reported for poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)52 as well as for poly[2-(2-ethoxy)ethoxyethyl vinyl ether](PEtEO2V).53 In particular in the diluted concentration regime that is mostly studied during turbidimetry, the observed Tcp usually decreases by several degrees upon increase of polymer concentration (Fig. 6C). Although the authors of a single paper usually keep the concentration constant during their turbidimetry measurements, the used concentrations range from 0.1 to 10 wt% in the literature. In addition, some values are not reported in water, but in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), which is undoubtedly useful with respect to a biological application of the polymer, but leads to an additional salt effect on the Tcp.
Two rather different model polymers, namely a defined low molar mass PmDEGMA (Mn ∼ 5.0 kDa; Đ = 1.21) and a high molar mass poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) with broad molar mass distribution (PEtOx; Mw ∼ 50 kDa; Đ ≈ 3–4; Aquazol 50) were employed to analyze the influence of the various measurement parameters. The utilized PEtOx is an ill-defined thermoresponsive polymer, and the Tcp of its aqueous solution is very sensitive to variation of its molar mass.28 On the other hand, the Tcp of aqueous solutions of the defined PmDEGMA is barely influenced by its molar mass.54 Besides, the transition temperature of the two polymers is distinctly different, i.e. the Tcp of PmDEGMA solutions is close to room temperature, while the Tcp of a PEtOx solution is around 65 °C at 0.5 wt%. Several measurement parameters, including polymer concentration, temperature ramp, wavelength of incident light, stirring, cuvette type and method of temperature measurement, were systematically investigated to shed light on their influence on Tcp. With this comprehensive data in hand, we propose a recommended set of measuring conditions allowing robust and accurate determination of Tcp. The full details and discussion of the turbidimetry parameter screening are included in the ESI.† Here, only the main conclusions and recommendations will be discussed.
The raw data obtained by turbidimetry can be plotted as either the transmittance or the absorbance versus the temperature. However, serious deviations could be expected when plotting absorbance versus temperature because the results are strongly dependent on the sensitivity of the optical device used, especially when the absorbance exceeds 1.5. This drawback of plotting absorbance data versus temperature can be easily overcome by converting it to transmittance (1). The resulting value is then plotted as %T.
%T = 10−A | (1) |
As both the heating rate and the polymer concentration are crucial for determining the Tcp, these parameters were studied in various combinations leading to the conclusion that the most robust Tcp values were obtained for both model polymers with a medium heating rate of 0.5 °C min−1 in combination with a 10 mg mL−1 (1.0 wt%) polymer concentration. Under these conditions, it was found that the determined Tcp is not strongly influenced by variation of the cuvette type or the use (or absence) of stirring during the measurements. Furthermore, the determined Tcp values are close to those obtained with an internal temperature probe.
Regarding the scientific reporting of the Tcp value, it is indispensable to document not only the polymer concentration, but also the heating/cooling rate, the wavelength of incident light absence or presence of stirring, and the method of temperature monitoring as well as the utilized cuvette to allow accurate evaluation and comparison of the data with other reports.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7mh00016b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |