Current–voltage characteristics and electroresistance in LaMnO3−δ/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/LaAlO3 thin film composites
In this communication, we report results of the electrical transport properties across the interface of composites consisting of n-type LaMnO3−δ (LMO) and p-type La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (LCMO) manganites grown on LaAlO3 (LAO) single crystalline substrates using low cost wet chemical solution deposition (CSD) and sophisticated, well-controlled dry chemical vapor deposition (CVD) chemical techniques. The XRD ϕ-scan studies reveal the single crystalline nature of both bilayered composites, with parallel epitaxial growth of LMO and LCMO layers onto the LAO substrate. The valence states of Mn ions in both layers of both composites were identified by performing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The I–V characteristics of the LMO/LCMO interfaces show strong backward diode-like behavior at higher applied voltages well above the crossover voltage (VNB). Below VNB, the interfaces demonstrate normal diode-like characteristics throughout the studied temperature range. The electric field-induced modulation of the LMO/LCMO junction resistance of the interfaces has been observed. Electric field-dependent electroresistance (ER) modifications at different temperatures have also been studied. The electrical transport properties have been discussed in the context of various mechanisms, such as charge injection, tunneling, depletion region modification and thermal processes across the interface. The effects of structurally and chemically developed sharp interfaces between the LMO and LCMO layers on the transport properties of the presently studied bilayered thin film composites have been discussed on the basis of correlation between the physicochemical characterization and charge transport behavior. A comparison of different aspects of the transport properties has been presented in the context of the structural strain and crystallinity of the composites grown using both wet and dry chemical techniques.