Marc Benjamin
*b and
aFree University Berlin, Department of Physics, D-14195 Berlin, Germany. E-mail:; Tel: +49 30 81044546
bBundesanstalt für Materialforschung und Prüfung, D-12205 Berlin, Germany. E-mail:; Tel: +49 30 81043382
cUniversity of Potsdam, Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, D-14476 Potsdam, Germany
dTechnical University Berlin, D-10587 Berlin, Germany
First published on 31st August 2017
Ectoine, a compatible solute and osmolyte, is known to be an effective protectant of biomolecules and whole cells against heating, freezing and extreme salinity. Protection of cells (human keratinocytes) by ectoine against ultraviolet radiation has also been reported by various authors, although the underlying mechanism is not yet understood. We present the first electron irradiation of DNA in a fully aqueous environment in the presence of ectoine and at high salt concentrations. The results demonstrate effective protection of DNA by ectoine against the induction of single-strand breaks by ionizing radiation. The effect is explained by an increase in low-energy electron scattering at the enhanced free-vibrational density of states of water due to ectoine, as well as the use of ectoine as an ˙OH-radical scavenger. This was demonstrated by Raman spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR).
Moreover, various studies12–14 investigated the effects of ectoine on biological damage caused by ultraviolet radiation (UV) of various wavelengths. The study by Bünger et al.13 found that UV-A (340–400 nm) irradiated human keratinocytes show a decrease in mitochondrial DNA mutations for cells pretreated with ectoine. Additionally, suppression of radiation induced signaling mechanisms within the cells by ectoine was measured, but no explanations were given.13 Botta et al.14 irradiated human keratinocytes by UV/VIS photons (315–800 nm). Cells which were incubated with an ectoine solution prior to irradiation showed a decrease in DNA single strand breaks (SSB) compared to the untreated control samples. UV-A induced SSB in cellular DNA are generally attributed to UV-absorption by intracellular chromophores and subsequent production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).15–17 Botta et al.14 hypothesized that the protection was due to the ectoine induced expression of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70s) which protects cells against heat induced stress and toxic chemicals.14,18 Despite the fact that ectoine is used in various commercial products, such as sunscreens, its protective mechanisms at a molecular level remain far from understood.13,14 Furthermore, the work exploring the possible protective action against ionizing radiation, which produces, in contrast to UV light, huge amounts of damaging secondary electrons and OH-radicals,33 is nonexistent in the literature.
Here we present a study which aims at obtaining a better understanding of the interplay between DNA, ectoine, sodium chloride, water and ionizing radiation. We irradiated DNA with high energy electrons (30 keV) in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at various ectoine (0–1 M) and sodium chloride (0, 0.5 M) concentrations. The results show a significant protection of DNA against induction of SSB by ionizing radiation and a small protective enhancement upon the addition of NaCl. Further measurements were performed to investigate the underlying mechanisms. The increase of the free vibrational density of states of the water molecules due to the presence of ectoine was measured by Raman spectroscopy, and was related to an increase of the inelastic scattering cross section of the secondary radiation products. The application of ectoine as a radical scavenger was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The results are compared with the above mentioned previous studies and interpreted in terms of protective mechanisms.
The undamaged plasmid exists in a supercoiled form which is topologically constrained. When a single-strand-break (SSB) occurs, it relaxes to the open circular form. In the case of a double-strand-break (DSB) it changes from the open circular form to a linear conformation.22 These three types of damaging processes, undamaged, SSB and DSB, can be distinguished by their different electrophoretic mobilities within the gel. The bands were assigned by comparing untreated and linearized (EcoRI digest) lanes running on the same gel together with the irradiated samples. The difference in the attachment efficiency of ethidium bromide to the supercoiled plasmids in comparison to the linear and open circular plasmids was determined as (0.98 ± 0.07) using the method described in the literature.23 The results were normalized to the total intensity of the respective gel-lane.
In Fig. 2 we present the Raman spectra including the characteristic acoustic water modes27 below 300 and the influence of ectoine and sodium chloride on it. Here a large increase in the intensity of the acoustic modes upon addition of ectoine to the solution is particularly interesting. The intensity of these modes is linearly correlated with the ectoine concentration in the range of 0–1 M. Sodium chloride contributes little to this effect.
The EPR measurements of the ˙OH-radicals, produced by Fenton's reaction,24 showed four characteristic OH-DMPO26 peaks for pure water (Fig. 3). In the presence of the scavenger isopropanol, an additional six CH3-DMPO26 peaks were detected (Fig. 3). This is the result of the OH-scavenging of isopropanol by CH3 abstraction25 and the subsequent formation of the CH3-DMPO compound. The ratio of CH3 to OH signal was determined as 5.21. Glycine betaine is known not to be an effective protectant against OH-induced damage24 and was chosen as a negative control. Still some CH3-DMPO peaks were observed as a result of ˙OH-radical interaction with glycine betaine, as can be seen from the CH3 to OH signal ratio of 0.59. In the case of ectoine CH3 abstraction was significantly increased with the resulting signal ratio of 0.99 (Fig. 3). A similar ratio of 0.81 was obtained for ectoine and NaCl solution (data not shown) implying a negligible influence of NaCl on the scavenging capability of ectoine which is in agreement with our previous study on the combined influence of ectoine and salt on water.8
To understand the protective effects of ectoine against DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation, various types of damaging processes have to be distinguished.19,20 Briefly, DNA damage is predominantly by the actions of the secondary particles produced by the interaction of ionizing radiation with water.33 Thereby, ˙OH-radicals, secondary (kinetic) low energy electrons (LEE) and prehydrated electrons can be assumed to be the most lethal agents.16,22,33,34 When they are produced within nanometer distances to DNA, they can reach the sugar phosphate backbone and introduce strand breaks by various damaging channels.34,35 The amount of these radiation products depends directly on the amount of water in the region around the DNA accessible for inelastic scattering.20 It was shown for electron irradiation of DNA under vacuum that indirect damage strongly increases with the level of DNA hydration, even beyond the second hydration shell.36 Ectoine is known to be expelled from the first hydration shell of charged surfaces and biomolecules.6,7,11 However, its presence in solution will inevitably decrease the amount of water around DNA in the biologically relevant target volume of 10–15 nm diameter.20,37 Therefore, ectoine may act as a protective agent by passively displacing water from the surroundings of the DNA. Besides the simple displacement of water molecules and the resulting reduced production of secondary damaging agents ectoine may actively decrease their lifetime by increasing their scattering likelihood or by scavenging them. Within our experimental setup, over 85% of the electrons in solution have kinetic energies below 100 eV whereby over 50% have energies below 30 eV as determined by our electron scattering simulations (Fig. 4).19,20 They are deexcited by multiple inelastic scattering processes before they get fully hydrated.33 Here, the most common process is the ionization of water, whereby further damaging species such as ˙OH-radicals and secondary electrons are produced.19,38 Another important deexcitation process here is vibrational excitation of water molecules and its clusters.20 Hereby no additional damaging agent is produced and the deposited energy is quickly thermalized. Michaud et al.39 demonstrated in an electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) study of amorphous ice that these vibrational processes are efficiently excited by LEE in the energy range of 1–100 eV. These LEE are the most abundant species under our experimental conditions (Fig. 4).
Michaud et al.39 found that the energy loss is higher if the incident electron energy is lower. The published39 energy loss dependent scattering intensity resamples the shape of the free vibrational density of states of water as displayed in Fig. 2 and the OH-modes of water8,40 above 3050 cm−1. The electron scattering cross-sections found by EELS in the region below 0.1 eV correspond to the Raman measurements in the range below <800 cm−1 (Fig. 2). In particular, the low frequency modes (<300 cm−1), whose free-vibrational density of states increases with water intermolecular structure,40 increase with ectoine concentration (Fig. 2). The complex interplay between the different librational, longitudinal/transverse, optical/acoustical27 modes and the collision induced Raman scattering background41 complicate an exact assignment of the involved vibrational modes in this region. Nevertheless, an increase in the free-vibrational density of states directly leads to an increase of the inelastic scattering probabilities of secondary LEE via energy-losses by the excitation of phonons, thus decreasing the total energy deposit by ionization. Additionally, the ionization threshold, and therefore the rate of secondary electron production in ice varies between 6 and 10 eV is dependent on the local intermolecular environment.42 Ectoine, as a kosmotropic solute, influences strongly the water structure in its vicinity.5–8,11 At a physiological ectoine concentration of about 1.6 M, approximately 80% of all water molecules are located within the first and second hydration shells of ectoine.8 These water molecules are influenced in their interaction and vibrational behavior, which leads directly to a reduction of radiation damage as discussed above and agrees with the trend of the concentration dependent protection as displayed in Fig. 1B.
Beside electrons, ˙OH-radicals are efficient in causing SSB in DNA.25 They are produced by ionizing radiation via the net ionization reaction.33 Therefore, the above described increase in the vibrational scattering cross-sections for LEE leads not only to reduced damage by decreasing the amount of LEE available but also to a decrease in the ˙OH-radical yield. The ˙OH-radicals still produced can react with DNA or cosolutes. In the case of the ˙OH-radical scavenger isopropanol this leads to abstraction of CH3 groups,25 which can be detected by EPR measurements as described in the previous section. A similar process takes place in the case of ectoine as displayed in Fig. 3. The effective scavenger isopropanol25,34 resulted in a 5.21 times stronger microwave absorption by the CH3-DMPO compound compared to OH-DMPO (Fig. 3). In contrast to isopropanol, glycine betaine was found24 not to be as effective in the protection of biomolecules against ˙OH-radical induced damage.24 The measured signal ratio for glycine betaine was 0.59. For ectoine the CH3-DMPO to OH-DMPO absorption ratio was significantly increased with a value of 0.99. Thus it can be concluded that the OH-scavenging capability of ectoine is lower than that of isopropanol and is increased by 68% in comparison with glycine betaine. Due to the differences in the diffusional behavior of ˙OH and ˙CH3 radicals and lifetimes of the corresponding DMPO compounds, we cannot translate these values directly into absolute OH-scavenging capabilities per mole of the cosolute. Though due to the high ectoine concentrations of 1 M, the number of ˙OH-radical induced SSB can be assumed to be significantly reduced in the presence of ectoine.
But how do these results compare with the previous studies concerning the influence of ectoine on radiation induced damage? First of all, we emphasize again the general difference between non-ionizing UV-A (<4 eV) radiation and ionizing radiation (>10 eV).38 In the case of UV-A irradiation, SSB in DNA are solely produced by indirect action of UV-A with chromophores and the production of ROS.15,17,43 In contrast, ionizing radiation can cause SSB by direct and indirect interactions.19,33 The production of secondary damaging agents can occur directly via ionization of water without the need for having additional molecules present.33 The second distinction which has to be made lies in the experimental environment: to our knowledge, all previous studies12–14 were performed with cells in the presence of a multitude of cellular compounds. Within the cells the damage and stress response functions of the living organisms play an important role as already assumed by the respective authors.12–14 Additionally to the “biological response”, as discussed above, a part of the ROS formed by UV-chromophore43 interaction can be scavenged by CH3 abstraction from ectoine. Kinetic LEE are not present under these conditions due to the low energy of the primary UV-radiation. For the irradiation of cells with ionizing radiation, the increase in the deexcitation of LEE, water displacement, OH-scavenging and “biological response” can be assumed to contribute simultaneously to the protection.
A quantitative analysis of these contributions is not possible without the disentanglement of the respective damage contributions of the secondary radiation products.33,34 This is a generally open question in radiation biophysics and beyond the scope of this study.33,34
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